Chapter 3

X.O.X.O {ChanBaek/BaekYeol}

~*~Baekhyun's POV~*~

My reflection stared back at me with the same unsatisfied look. No matter how hard I tried, my outfit still didn't look right. 

I've tried a plain black jacket, an oversized jumper and no jacket at all but it all looked wrong. I need something else to go with my ripped skinnies and white shirt! 

"What about this?" I spun around to face Kai, my next door neighbour, with a frown. Why did I agree to go out tonight?!

Kai threw a black and red flannel shirt at me with a nod. "I think that will look good." He said as I started to put it on. 

I fixed up the collar before looking back in the mirror. It was perfect! The splash of colour finished the outfit off brilliantly. 

"Thanks Kai." I gave him a smile while I fished a choker out of my accessory box. "Are you sure you can't come?" I questioned.

The brunette nodded sadly and sat down on my bed. "I have to work till late at the studio." 

I hummed in understanding as I carefully began applying eyeliner. Kai works at the local dance studio, giving lessons to kids, and every now and then Kai has to attend the late night rehearsals. 

"Is this too much eyeliner?" I turned to Kai and pointed to my black rimmed eyes. I don't want to look trashy. 

"There's no such thing as too much. You look fine." Kai reassured with a smile. "Now, you better get going otherwise you're going to be late." 

I scoffed at his words. "At least I will be fashionably late!" I remarked with a smile. Kai shook his head at me and made his way out my bedroom door.

I grabbed my phone and wallet before following after him. My house isn't huge as only me and my parents live here but it's not small either. 

"Bye Mum! I'll be back later!" I called out from the front entrance before closing the door behind me. My dad won't be home until tomorrow because he is on a business trip with Kai's dad.  

"Have a good time, Baek. I'll talk to you later." Kai called over his shoulder with a wave as he walked to his house. I yelled a reply before climbing into my car and driving off towards The Garden Café. 


"Which one is he?" Chen eagerly asked Sehun with a mischievous smile. I scanned over the various waiters in the busy café, looking for someone who fit Se's description. We had been lucky to get a table as the café was packed. 

I spotted a short, deer looking boy serving a couple and a smile stretched across my face. That has to be him!

"I think I found him!" I whispered to Chen, who was sitting beside me sipping on a coke. Chen's eyes widened and he leaned in close to me as I pointed out the dirty blonde waiter. 

We both looked at a blushing Sehun with approving looks. "You've got good taste my friend." Chen said with a nod. 

Sehun slumped in his seat with a frown. "Whatever." He grumbled before taking a sip of his tea. 

I glanced at Sehun with a small smile before setting my eyes on the deer boy who has him all flustered. If I don't do something then he's just gonna sit here like a big baby. 

"Excuse me!" I yelled while waving my arm at him. With a surprised look, the waiter turned around and began looking around the café. "Over here!" I called out again. 

Sehun suddenly sat up and stared at me with wide eyes. "What the hell are you doing?!" He harshly whispered at me. 

I shrugged my shoulders at him and smiled when I saw the waiter approaching us. He had his blonde hair pushed up out of his face and a big smile on his thin lips. I will admit, he was pretty cute. 

"Hi, I'm Luhan. Are you guys ready to order?" The boy, Luhan, glanced around the table at us with a pen and notebook. 

Chen beamed at Luhan and nodded his head. "Yes, we are. I would like the steak sandwich with a side of chips, please." 

Luhan wrote down his order before turning to me. "And you?" 

"Can I please have the chicken salad wrap." I ordered while eyeing the menu. 

Luhan nodded, "Of course," and then he turned to Sehun, "Would you like your usual order?" He gave Sehun a big smile causing the already flustered boy to blush. 

"Yes thanks, Luhan." The two blondes smiled at each other before Luhan confirmed our order and headed off to give our order to the kitchen.

Chen and I stared with wide eyes and open mouths at Sehun. "What was that?" I demanded, still in shock. 

Sehun scrunched up his eyebrows and frowned. "What was what?" He asked innocently. 

Oh my gosh! Is he for real?

Chen scoffed at the blonde before mimicking Luhan, "Would you like your usual?" He said with a bat of his eyelashes. "Don't tell me that was nothing. There's obviously something going on here." Chen pointed a Sehun and then at Luhan who just emerged from the kitchen. 

"So what if he knows my order! I eat here often." Sehun defended while looking between Chen and I. 

He is hiding something. I can feel it in my gut but because I am a good friend I'll leave it alone.

Chen was about to fire another round of questions but stopped when I threw him a glare. "I think you've interrogated him enough." I said while giving Sehun a smile. 

"Thankyou Baekhyun." He sighed in relief. "Anyways, the music will be starting soon. There's meant to be some really good musicians playing."

I nodded and glanced over at the stage to get a look at who was playing first. On the stage was a single chair, microphone and a guitar but no person. 

"Looks like a soloist is up first." I mumbled to Chen as Luhan brought us our food, a smile still dominating his lips. "Thank you." I said as he placed my wrap down in front of me. 

"You're welcome! Enjoy your meals boys." With that, the waiter turned to leave but I called him back. 

I gave him an apologetic smile before asking, "Do you know who's playing first tonight?" I gestured to the stage set up with a nod. 

Luhan briefly glanced over his shoulder, a thoughtful look on his face, before he turned back to me.

"I think his name's Park Chanyeol? I could be wrong." He said unsurely before heading over to wait another table. 

P-Park Chanyeol? 

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and I'm sure my eyes were as wide as a black hole. 

"Someone shoot me now." I whispered causing both Sehun and Chen to crack up. 

Is the world seriously out to get me?!

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