
your wife? uuuh....okay?


This morning was incredibly pleasant for Sungmin who, for once, woke up in someone’s arms. The warmth of the body embracing him was like a lullaby, putting Sungmin back to sleep quickly. The little bunt closed his eyes, letting his dreams come back to him.

At the same time, on the other side of the mansion (A/N they’re still in Kyuhyun’s house hehe xD) a young man was worrying like there was no tomorrow. His little bunny hasn’t come  back since last night and it was frankly scaring him. where could the bunny be?

In the middle of the mansion (A/N which is where the kitchen is ;) ) a rather feminine looking man was also in a worry state. The bunny hasn’t even been here for a week that he’s already lost. Just then, an angel like guy entered the kitchen.

“huh? Where’s Siwon?” he asked in a worried voice.

“don’t know. Why’re you here? you’re supposed to look after her remember?” The feminine guy said rudely.

“Well I beg your pardon Heechul but I’ve never heard of a rule saying I should be with her 24/7” the other guy replied.

“No, but when you took responsibility of her the 24/7 kind of came with it”

“tch, whatever, I’m hungry. Make me something to eat since Siwon’s not here”

“Do I look like a maid to you… Jungsoo? Heechul replied offended.

“I never said you were a maid . . . but since I’m letting you stay here for free I expect you repaying me.”

Heechul just scoffed and went to prepare something.

“Cooking is not my speciality so don’t expect one of the gourmets Siwon does.” Heechul casually said.

“Heechul…don’t you even think of putting anything suspicious in my meal” Jungsoo frowned.

Heechul mumbled a “whatever” and proceeded to his cooking skills.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the huge mansion, a little bunny woke up…alone. “again” he sighed. But this time something was quite different…he wasn’t in his room…it was a room painted in white. If Sungmin didn’t know better, he could have sworn he was in a hospital. But the memories of last night replaying in his head showed him wrong. There is no way in hell that this room that belonged to his beloved angel was a hospital…it was more like heaven…


“don’t worry, I’ll tell master Kyuhyun you’re here so you can eat peace.” The angel like guy said smiling.”

“uh…okay then.”

“so, my name is Leeteuk” the angel looking guy said in a cheerful voice.

“My name is Sungmin” Sungmin said smiling.

“haha of course. I already knew that” Leeteuk said still smiling.

“let’s go sit” He said taking hold of Sungmin’s hand.

Why is he being so nice? This is…new…I…I like it

They sat at the table while the nanny, who already finished the food. They ate, talking about nothing and everything. Sungmin learned that Leeteuk was 22 years old (let’s say he is xD) and that the nanny he was looking after was his granny. After her husband’s death, she kinda went nuts. There are those rare times when Nanny comes back to normal and she starts being her funny and cheerful old self. It was those times when Leeteuk felt the more pain. When Sungmin heard the story he could just smile softly at Leeteuk, who returned the smile…and then Sungmin’s heart went badoom (A/N LOOOL is that a heart sound? Cause um the idea is that is heard beats faster haha xD)

They then went to bed. The granny left them, wiggling her eyebrows while Leeteuk just smiled and opened his arms for Sungmin, who gladly jumped in.


That was pretty much all Sungmin could remember. He sighed. He missed Leeteuk…but then…he remembered…Kyuhyun.


It was dark in the Master’s chamber. You could barely see the silhouette sitting on the bed, head in both of his hands. A small knock was heard.

“H…Hey …you alive?” a soft voice could be heard on the other side of the door.

“Go away!” Kyuhyun’s muffled voice said.

“hey Kyu, don’t worry we’ll find your wife”

Silence followed the words of the person.

“Come in…” Kyuhyun suddenly said.

The door opened and an angel looking guy came into the room.

“Jungsoo…I miss him”

Jungsoo just smiled.
“don’t worry kyu, he’s probably just lost in the house, I mean did you see the size of this place?” said Jungsoo smiling.

“But…he’s probably dying of starvation!!! Maybe he’s all scared and…and –“

“calm down a little Kyu. Here, I’ll go look for him. No need to thank me” Jungsoo said with a wink.

Kyuhyun shook his head.

“I’ve already searched the entire house. Where do you think he can be?”

“maybe he’s on…that floor?” Jungsoo suggested.

“…..” was Kyuhyun answer.

“oh well…I’ll be back soon”

And the room became darker.


Siwon sighed for the millionth time today.

“So hyung, did you ask?” a rather muscular man asked his rather good looking friend.

“Not yet…master is having a hard time right now, not really the time to ask something like that.” Siwon said sighting again.

“but hyuuuung!!! It’s important!!!” the other whined.

“No, what you want is not important at all. All you want is money, which is selfish and very demoniac like. You know how Satan-”

“oh please hyung, spare me your bible lecture. We both know that that crush of yours is far from being holy huh.”

“Heechul is…different” Siwon mumbled blushing.

“suuuuure, of course he is…anyway, when are you gonna ask? I’m getting impatient here!”

“later I told you! For god’s sake can’t you be a little patient here?”

“fine hyung…”


Then they were silent until…

“hey hyung, hook me up with someone.”

Siwon’s expression : -____-

“if you want a girlfriend, act like a man and talk to a girl.” Siwon replied, annoyed.

“hmmm a girlfriend…I was thinking maybe…a guy…you know, for a change” the muscular like man replied with a wink.

Siwon almost choked on his spit.
“A guy??? Oh dear lord what has gotten into you??? Goodness please save his soul while there’s still time…”

“hyunnng calm your balls will ya? Yolo hyung Yolo (A/N yolo= you only live once…in case someone didn’t know :P) life is short so why not make the best of it?”

“whatever, please leave me alone I need to be in peace for a second.” Siwon pleaded.

“well maybe that’s what I’ll do” replied the muscular man.

Minutes passed and both were still in the same place.

“you’re not leaving?” Siwon asked annoyed.


“fine” Siwon scoffed and marched to the church.

He sat on one if the benches almost teary.

For lord’s sake, please help me.


yaay~ i updated haha xD hope you liked it =3 of there's any confusion you are all welcomed to ask me ^,^ 

comment replies~ 

@kittyxchipz: hehe ;) but Hankhyung will definetly be in this story *.* i sweaaar xD hmm we'll see ;) i'll try to clear some things up in the next chapter =3 ^.^ updated :3 hope you liked it ^.^ thanks for commenting <3 hehe 

@rizzorin: you mean it? i'm soo happy =3 hope you liked this chapter too ^.^ 

@superjunior665: O__O seriously? wait here for a sec~ *spazz like crazy & dance around the house screaming of joy :')* I'MM SOOO HAPPY :') you so niiice =3 hope i won't disappoint you >_<

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hope i cleared some things up =3 if you guys have any questions feel free to ask ^.^


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u never will with this awesome story......i see some Hansichul action ? and kyumin? *eyebrow wiggles*
Cant wait.
lol now cuzza u i listened to the motto 20 TIMES in an hour =-=
Hey new reader here! I really like the story, though I got confused at some parts, but I'm sure everything will be come at it's place later. ^^
Update soon~ <3
Update soon !
Love-rocks #6
New reader asked about sorry sorry dance right..I know how to dance to's not that hard when you get used to it..I actually did a dance cover for..sorry sorry..super girl..shake it up...and mr simple last year at our school...(not trying to show off but I feel so excited when it comes to dancing..<--- big fan of dancing to random songs) at first yeah its hard..but after some's really HWAITING with the dance..
rizzorin #7
hahahhaha!~ the house seems like a maze~ hahahaaa!~ can't wait for more chapters~ hehheheh~ gogogoggo fighting!~ hehhheeh!~
LMFAO "YOLO!" damn everyones been saying that and now it's in a fic xDD
Anyways, I got a bit confused several times this chapter but hopefully it'll make more sense if I read it again xD
i'm confused.. i just can understand until chapter 4 and little bit in the and of chapter 5.. fortunately i still can understand that Kyuhyun missed his minnie so bad..
sorry, could you give explanation about characters more in this story.

Awwwwww kyuuuu~