The Angel & The Nanny

your wife? uuuh....okay?


Sungmin woke up alone, again. He looked around and realized he was in his room. “How did I get here?” he thought. He clearly remembered waiting for Kyuhyun on the couch but the rest was blurry. He looked at the clock and sighed. It was noon. Again. He slowly got up and went to the kitchen to grab breakfast. Once he was down, he told the cook what he wanted to eat and sat at the table. He waited for minutes before realising something important. Heechul was missing.

“Uh…Excuse me, do you know where Heechul is?” Sungmin asked one of the maids.

She just shook her head and ran away blushing and giggling. Sungmin just sighed and rested his head on the table.

“Excuse me? Your Breakfast is ready “ said the cook who just entered with a tray of delicious looking pancakes.

“oh thanks…hey you wouldn’t know where Heechul is would you?”

“Heechul? He is sleeping of course! It’s Sunday today. He usually sleeps until 3 p.m. on Sundays. And Monday he usually sleeps until 9 or 8 a.m. because he has his hair dresser appointment at 10. He likes having his hair done in the morning and then walking around the town to show off his beautiful and soft hair. On Tuesday, Chullie has work but he likes going to the spa early in the morning to relax. In case you didn’t know, Chullie is a stylist. A very good one if you want my opinion. Companies fight with themselves to get him. Chullie really is the best. On Wednesday, Chullie usually goes for shopping since he gets his money on the spot. And he gains quite a lot. He usually comes back with thousands of clothes. I saw him trying clothes on and ask around witch one is better but I personally think everything looks good on Chullie. On Thursday, Chullie also has work but instead of going to the spa like he does on Tuesday, he likes to go out for a walk in the park. Chullie loves flowers so much. Lilies are his favorite by the way. On Fridays, he likes to spend his days criticizing how everybody looks. He calls his best friend and they usually talk about how celebrities are ugly for hours. His best friend’s name is Kim Jaejoong if you’re wondering. On Saturday, like Yesterday, he has work again. My poor baby works so much… after work he usually goes to sleep right away cause he works so hard *dreamy look* but since you arrived his schedule was a little bit deranged.” The cook said.

While he was talking, he took a seat in front of Sungmin and now had a huge smile plastered on his face.

“Uh…Okay?” said Sungmin. Then he remembered what Heechul said the first time they met the cook together.   

(A/N remember last chapter when Heechul talked about something for 2 hours? Well that’s what I’m talking about xD)


“It all started 2 years ago…when I got my job here. So it was a normal first day of work when I suddenly fall down the stairs! I was lying there in pain when somebody took my hand and helped me to get up! Then, I hear a sweet voice saying: ~are you okay? ~ then I look up and see the most handsome face anyone would see~  .  In case you haven’t realised, I’m speaking about the cook…and so then, our eyes met and I swear I saw sparks fly! It was like we connected with each other. Then, he smiled, the sweetest smile ever, and took me to the Kitchen. Then he gave me a plate of a meal he just cooked and said: ~Enjoy princess~ and then, I ate it and I swear to god it was the best thing I ever tasted! Then I said, ~this is amazing!~ and then! Oh my god do you know what he said next? That must be the most y thing I ever heard in my life! he was like ~Choi Siwon à vos services~! I have no idea what that meant but it was so damn y!!! Then he laughed –most y laugh ever- and said ~I’m Choi Siwon~ and I was like oh my god he’s a real god” *and so on for 2 hours*

Flashback ends.

So wait…the feelings were the same? “I’ll have to tell Heechul later” chuckled mentally Sungmin. Then, he suddenly remembered something.


Apparently, Heechul’s plan didn’t work. He had to talk about it with him when he wakes up.

Sungmin spent the next hours reading. Lots of books. Since Sungmin was a fast reader, he had already finished the entire collection of Harry Potter before Heechul woke up. Since there was nothing else to do, Sungmin decided to explore the mansion he was living in. Heechul did give him a mini tour of the house but he didn’t have time to look carefully.

He started by the first floor. Nothing interesting. Only guests rooms and bathrooms. Thing were the same until he reached the last floor which was the 7th floor. He walked up to a huge golden door. He gave it a little push and the door opened, showing a room. In the middle of the room stood a king sized bed, the right wall was a humongous mirror and the entire floor was covered in a red carpet.

Sungmin looked around and noticed tons of pictures that were hanging on the walls. They all represented a young girl  with blond hair (imagine tiffany with blonde hair lol xD I at descriptions). In one of the pictures, there was that same girl sitting on a chair with a baby on her lap. The baby’s features really reminded him of someone…but who?

“who are you?”

An old and raspy voice echoed through the spacious room. Sungmin froze. Whoever that was, it was not happy.

“you have no rights to be here! you are trespassing! A trespasser! Somebody help!”  The voice kept screaming.

Sungmin, who was scared to death, didn’t even turn around.

“nanny? Nanny what are you saying. Please calm down. Nanny. He is not a trespasser. He is Kyunnie’s new wife. He will not harm you” a soft voice suddenly appeared.

Since the voice sounded so soft, Sungmin got the courage to finally turn around.

There stood an old woman, like really old. She could barely hold herself up and was leaning against a young man. He, on the other side, was very young. His features reminded Sungmin of an angel. He was holding on the old lady like she was a precious treasure. Sungmin swore that for a second, he saw white wings sticking out of the man’s back.

The man suddenly looked up and smiled.

“I’m sorry about that. My grandmother right here sometimes imagines things. But, can I ask you what are you doing here?” he said.

“oh…I’m sorry I was bored so I wanted to explore…I’m sorry if I caused any inconveniences.” Whispered Sungmin.

“oh of course no! you are my guest dear. Come to Nanny. I’ll make you delicious pie!” a sudden happy voice said.

Sungmin’s eyes almost popped out of his head. The same old lady who was barely standing was now on both of her feet smiling like there’s no tomorrow.

“Nanny, you know you’re not allowed to use the stove. Please sit down Nanny, You’ll hurt yourself.” The young boy kept saying, but the nanny kept pushing him back saying stuff like “I want to cook”.

Finally, the man just sighed and let her do what she wanted. The lady went to the kitchen (A/N let’s say there was a kitchen in the room) and started to cook. At the same time, the man approached Sungmin.

“I deeply apologize, but Nanny decided to cook. You know, she cooks really good when she thinks straight. You can stay for dinner if you like.” Said the man smiling.

“Dinner? Isn’t it like 5h?” Sungmin said surprisingly.

“5? Of course no. it’s 8 p.m. right now.”

“8?? Oh my god. I have to go. Heechul hyung will be worried about me and I have to think of a plan to get Kyuhyun close so i…”

“don’t worry, I’ll tell master Kyuhyun you’re here so you can eat peace.” The angel like guy said smiling.”

“uh…okay then.”


“WHERE THE HELL IS HE!” yelled a voice.

It was currently 3 a.m. and there was no sign of Sungmin.

“I swear Heechul, if something happens to him, I’ll kill you with my own hands. It took me 14 years to find him and I am not going to lose him. GO AND SEARCH FOR HIM RIGHT NOW!”

“Yes sir…” Heechul whispered, visibly upset. He knows he shouldn’t have slept so late and look after Sungmin but it was Sunday for god’s sake.

In the dark of the room, a young man took his head into his hands.

“where are you Minnie…” he whispered helplessly.

Kyuhyun sighed…what the hell could have happened.

In the dark, you could hear a voice whispering in the dark:

Never forgive…never forgive…


okay i am sooo mad!!!!!! okay. my chapter got erased. no biggy. i'll just copy and paste...but my computer just had to be a and when i was about to press on add chapter, it s up! ugh so annoying -.- i won't write comment replies again :/ i just did and my computer ereased it all -.- grrrr


but anyway, I LOVE ALL YOUR COMMENTS <3 it really made my day =3 


<3 again...thanks so much for the comment >_<

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hope i cleared some things up =3 if you guys have any questions feel free to ask ^.^


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u never will with this awesome story......i see some Hansichul action ? and kyumin? *eyebrow wiggles*
Cant wait.
lol now cuzza u i listened to the motto 20 TIMES in an hour =-=
Hey new reader here! I really like the story, though I got confused at some parts, but I'm sure everything will be come at it's place later. ^^
Update soon~ <3
Update soon !
Love-rocks #6
New reader asked about sorry sorry dance right..I know how to dance to's not that hard when you get used to it..I actually did a dance cover for..sorry sorry..super girl..shake it up...and mr simple last year at our school...(not trying to show off but I feel so excited when it comes to dancing..<--- big fan of dancing to random songs) at first yeah its hard..but after some's really HWAITING with the dance..
rizzorin #7
hahahhaha!~ the house seems like a maze~ hahahaaa!~ can't wait for more chapters~ hehheheh~ gogogoggo fighting!~ hehhheeh!~
LMFAO "YOLO!" damn everyones been saying that and now it's in a fic xDD
Anyways, I got a bit confused several times this chapter but hopefully it'll make more sense if I read it again xD
i'm confused.. i just can understand until chapter 4 and little bit in the and of chapter 5.. fortunately i still can understand that Kyuhyun missed his minnie so bad..
sorry, could you give explanation about characters more in this story.

Awwwwww kyuuuu~