Finding the bride

your wife? uuuh....okay?

He was walking calmly down the street, two men in black following him. With his black suit and black sunglasses, he was the perfect image of a powerful business man, which he was. Everything was fine until someone bumped into him, spilling all the coffee on his expensive suit. It was like time stopped. the people around disappeared leaving him and the clumsy guy alone. The man in the suit seamed to give a dark aura that sent shiver down the other guy’s spine.

“I’m…I’m sorry…” whispered the clumsy guy, earning a sigh from the business man.

“take him.” He said with a unnatural cold voice.

Without a word, the two men took each arm of the clumsy guy and pushed him in the limo that apparently was there all along. The clumsy guy tried to resist but the two men shoved him in the car followed by the business man who calmly went in. the clumsy guy was sitting between the two men and the business man was facing them.

“your name.” he said in his –again- cold voice.

“why should I tell you? Let me out! This is violation of my rights! I’ll call the police!” the other one screamed.

“first, you just got yourself indebted to me when you spilled coffee on me and I took you in this car to give you a chance to clear your debt, which is completely legal (is it? if not let’s say it is ;)) and secondly, I control the police do I could easily throw you in jail without a soul knowing. I suggest you start by telling me your name or a sad accident could happen to you. You know how often those are right?” the business man said crossing his leg.

While he was talking, the other man started sweating cold sweat. The guy in front of him was very scary…

“I…I’m sure we can arrange something…right? Uum…I can pay you back right now…just tell me how much your umm…suit costs…”

The business man slowly took off his glasses. He looked at the guy straight in the eye before saying the price. The other’s jaw hung open and his eyes grew bigger. He perfectly knew that he couldn’t afford such money in his entire life.  

“now, I have a preposition for you. But first, you have to tell me your name.” the business man said, putting his glasses on.

“Sung…Sungmin…” the clumsy guy whispered, earning a smirk from the business man.

“So…Sungmin… would you like to be my wife?”



how was it? i hope i didn't disappoint anybody :S is it short? i'll try to make a longer one next chapter >< oh does anybody know sorry sorry dance? i'm trying to learn it O_O it's haaards ><


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ps: thx for your comments & thx for subscribing :3 it made my heart flutter ^_^ hehe :)

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hope i cleared some things up =3 if you guys have any questions feel free to ask ^.^


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u never will with this awesome story......i see some Hansichul action ? and kyumin? *eyebrow wiggles*
Cant wait.
lol now cuzza u i listened to the motto 20 TIMES in an hour =-=
Hey new reader here! I really like the story, though I got confused at some parts, but I'm sure everything will be come at it's place later. ^^
Update soon~ <3
Update soon !
Love-rocks #6
New reader asked about sorry sorry dance right..I know how to dance to's not that hard when you get used to it..I actually did a dance cover for..sorry sorry..super girl..shake it up...and mr simple last year at our school...(not trying to show off but I feel so excited when it comes to dancing..<--- big fan of dancing to random songs) at first yeah its hard..but after some's really HWAITING with the dance..
rizzorin #7
hahahhaha!~ the house seems like a maze~ hahahaaa!~ can't wait for more chapters~ hehheheh~ gogogoggo fighting!~ hehhheeh!~
LMFAO "YOLO!" damn everyones been saying that and now it's in a fic xDD
Anyways, I got a bit confused several times this chapter but hopefully it'll make more sense if I read it again xD
i'm confused.. i just can understand until chapter 4 and little bit in the and of chapter 5.. fortunately i still can understand that Kyuhyun missed his minnie so bad..
sorry, could you give explanation about characters more in this story.

Awwwwww kyuuuu~