Chapter Nine

My Brother was my Boyfriend [Sequel]

Chapter Nine : The second strike - Zelo to the rescue



You and Zelo were at a corner of the dance studio discussing about the dance solo the two of you were going to put up for the school's 50th anniversary. The dance studio was filled with soft chattering since it was almost time for dance practice. The members were doing their own stretching, including the two of you. Zelo was talking about doing a simple break dance routine for the performance when someone interrupted the two of you.

"Ehem." You and Zelo turned around to see SuLeun and HyeJun standing there rolling their eyes. You and Zelo looked at each other before you asked, "Yes? What's wrong?"


"That part of the floor is wet and we need the floor to be dry in order to dance. So go do something about it." SuLeun gave an attitude towards you.

You calmed yourself down before replying, "Then you can go get a mop from the janitor's room."

Then HyeJun scoffed, "Like we're going to go into that filthy place. You go get it since you're disgusting one anyways. It wouldn't be a problem right?"

You clenched your fist tight as the two of them swing their long flowing hair and walked off.

You've always hated the two of them. They have never really put in effort in the dance since their main reason for join was Beast. It ticks you off whenever they whine but they only whine when JiHyun wasn't around. When Jihyun is around they act like little angels in disguise. They wanted to kick you out since they wanted to get your position when Kikwang and Dongwoon were still in the school. The good thing was that you were better.


Zelo wanted to talk back to them but then you held him back.

"I'll get the mop as fast as i can. JiHyun Unnie should be here soon. I don't want you to get into trouble." You told Zelo and went out of the dance studio towards the Janitor's room; which was located at the back of the whole school building. You brisk walked to the designated area; Hoping not to be late for dance practice. Who knows what JiHyun would do to you if you are late, you ARE the president. Upon reaching, you slowly twisted the door knob and pushed the door slightly. You took a peek into the room then looked around the place. It was no wonder no one would come here. It was as scary as a haunted house. Maybe scarier. The surroundings of the room was very quiet and some old and unused furniture lying around. The atmosphere was very eerie. Some students said that someone once died in the room and the room was never to be light up really brightly or the ghost will show up in front of you. Those were rumors to you anyway. You took a deep breath before proceeding to open the door wider.


*Let's get this over and done with* You stepped into the dim lit room trying to find the mop. The only light source was the small rectangular windows at the top of the walls of the room. You could heard your heart beat right next to your ears. Your hands were slightly shivering but you quickly tried to find the mop.

"Aish. Seriously where is it?!" You quietly cussed.

Then, in a split second, the door slammed shut. You swirled around and started to panic. The darkness was blinding you and you stumbled your way to the door. You started banging on the door. The rays of light coming from the windows were not enough to keep you calm. You aren't afraid of the darkness but being in a pitch black and unfamiliar room would make you panic and thus you would start to break down.

You tried to twist the door knob but it wouldn't make its full turn. It was stuck. Your eyes widened.

"HELP!! Anyone there?!" You cried out while continuously banging onto the door.

*this can't be happening!*

You continued to twist the door knob.


The door knob twisted and everyone scrambled to their positions. Zelo was glancing at the clock. Jihyun walked into the room.

*Where is she?! Did something happened?* Zelo began to panic as you were no where to be found. Jihyun placed her things down on the table and went to the front. Everyone's eyes were on her and she was observing everyone. Zelo was looking at her but then his mind was certainly not there.

"Junhong. Where is ~~~~~?" JiHyun gave him a firm look. Zelo snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Jihyun with a blur expression.

"I asked you a question and when i do, you answer it. Where is she?" Jihyun kept her poker face on but her voice was slowly rising.

"I don't know." Zelo squeaked.

Jihyun turned her attention to everyone else.

"Everyone knows what will happen if you absent yourself from dance practice right? We'll move on without her." JiHyun spoke, "And you JunHong i expect you to show your dance later. With or without her. No exception."

Zelo gritted his teeth and stood there. He could not help but think about you.

JiHyun went on about the dance practice. Everyone did their dance routine for the school's 50th anniversary. Some were given praises, some were pointed out their mistakes. Then it was time for Zelo to do the dance that he was supposed to do with you. Everyone else was supposed to be backstage and everyone except Zelo went to the sides of the dance studio. Zelo gulped but he did the dance but not with his 100% effort. After all that, JiHyun gave everyone a 1 minute water break. Zelo glanced at the clock. An hour had already passed since you had gone.

He drank a gulp of his water when he over heard HyeJun saying, "I think she's locked in the filthy room by now. EunYoung must be sure that we'll get her kicked out or else I’m going after her instead."

Zelo almost spit out his water but managed to swallow it. He turned to them he felt his blood rush in his veins and his eyes were piercing.

"What did you say?" Zelo asked.

HyeJun stiffened and exchanged glances with SuLeun.

"Hey... i said drink not talk." JiHyun said.

Zelo didn't care as he was still glaring at the two.

"Alright. Positions in 3 seconds! 1, 2-! JunHong where are you going?!"






Zelo ran down the hallway towards the janitor's closet. All that time you were stuck in a janitor's closet. Zelo panted hard and sprinted down the stairs and down the last hallway to the back of the school. By the time he reached, he was panting hard trying hard to regain his breath. Zelo saw the door to the room and there a chair was tilted slightly under the door knob, against the door causing it not to open. To add to that, some furniture were blocking the doorway.

"~~~~-ah!" Zelo cried out.

You were inside, leaning against the door. You had your knees to your chest, your arms hugging them tight as you were trembling. Your tears were already dried up. You were exhausted after all those shouting and banging on the door. No one was there to save you, you thought. You lost hope and stopped trying. Your stomach was grumbling continuously and your legs were weak. The room was still as dark as ever.  Then you heard someone calling for you. 

"~~~~~-ah! Are you in there?!" Zelo cried one more time. 

"Zelo?" You mumbled as you sat up right. You heard crashing and banging outside as Zelo was frantically throwing and moving the furniture out of the way. He finally removed the chair and he immediately swung open the door. The sudden brightness made you shut your eyes tight and there Zelo saw you. 

"~~~-ah! Are you alright?! I'm sorry" Zelo knelt down beside you and hugged you. You had no energy and so you just allowed your body to lean on him.

"I'm Sorry for not coming earlier."  Zelo whispered as he held you tight; not wanting to let you go anytime soon. 

After a while, Zelo pulled back. "Zelo...." You managed to say. 

"I'll report this to the principal. Don't worry. I'm going to do something about this." Zelo looked straight into your eyes with determination. You shook your head but Zelo placed both his palms on your cheeks. 

"I can't stand to see you being treated this way anymore. They've crossed the line." 




The two of you made your way back to the dance studio. Zelo was trying his best to support you with his body. Slowly, step by step the two of you walked into the dance studio only to see JiHyun and Ms Chua standing there with unpleasant look. The others had returned home, dance practice was over. 

"Where were you?" JiHyun asked. 

You kept quiet and bit your lower lip. 

"She was locked up in the janitor's room." Zelo firmly said. 

JiHyun was not amused, "So what? That's your excuse?" 

"Why were you there in the first place?" Ms Chua came into the conversation.

You still kept quiet. "She was set up by SuLeun and HyeJun! They planned this and locked her up in that room!" Zelo argued.

"But SuLeun and HyeJun were here through out the whole practice. What's your explanation for that JunHong?" JiHyun gave a grim expression. 

"Our classmate, EunYoung locked it."


The room went silent after that. JiHyun observed you while you just looked down on the wooden flooring. Ms Chua was debating with herself on whether or not she should believe whatever Zelo had just said.

"Follow me the two of you." Ms Chua simply said.  

You and Zelo exchanged glances and the two of you slowly strode behind Ms Chua. You felt trouble coming but it was already said. 


Ms Chua brought the two of you to the principal's office and there you were just keeping quiet. As a student, it is a serious offence when you skip co-curriculum activities. The principal was listening well as Zelo was trying to convince that EunYoung was the one behind everything. You didn't say anything. Zelo was the one fighting for you. Zelo told EVERYTHING. From the day you were being abused, the hurtful comments you were given and of course about EunYoung locking you up in the Janitor's room. 

After a long argument, the principle laced his fingers and looked at the two of you. 

"So, Mr Choi. Do you have any evidence to support your statement?" 

Zelo was stunned. He didn't of course, the only evidence he had was words. He guess it was not enough to convince them. Seeing that Zelo was not responding the principal leaned back into his chair. 

"Please! You have to believe me! She's been through all of that!" Zelo yelled. 

"Sit down JunHong!" Ms Chua hissed. 

He grumbled and sat down. The principal stayed silent for a while then responded. 

"I can't totally believe you JunHong but i will investigate about it. For now, i will put ~~~~'s punishment aside but you will have to do YOUR punishment for skipping co-curriculum activity." 

Zelo dogged, " I'll do it." You stared at him in disbelief. 

"Ms Chua you will handle the punishment, I have a meeting to attend to right now." 


Ms Chua was kind enough and so she only gave Zelo a light punishment and that was to clean the dance studio for the evening. After that the two of you slowly walked back to the dance studio. You walked in and looked at the room. It was slightly messy at the sides since the centre of the room was kept clear for the dance practice of course. Bits of litter were found on the tables and the wires for the audio equipment were a mess. Zelo sighed and went over to take your bags. He took your bag and walked back to you. 

"Go home." He shoved the bag to you. 

You blinked. 

"Stop blinking and take it already~ GO HOME. " Zelo whined. 

You took the bag and watched as Zelo went to pick the litter. You shook your head and a smile crept on your lips. You placed your bag by the door and went to grab a small piece of cloth that was placed at the corner of the studio. You began to wipe the floor. Zelo turned around with a handful of litter in his hands. 

"Yah! Yah! Yah! I told you to go home! This is my punishment!" He wailed and ran over to you. 

Zelo tried to grab the cloth from you but you kept running away from him. The two of you ended up running around in circles. You were laughing madly as Zelo was chasing after you.

"You're dead meat when i get you!" Zelo threatened. 

"Not gonna happen!" You squealed in glee. Just then Zelo grabbed your waist and yanked you back against his chest.

"Gotcha." He smirked and snatched the cloth away from you.

You pouted, "At least let me help you. I caused you to skip dance practice." 

"And it was because of THEM you got locked in the janitor's room." Zelo simply replied with his hands on his hips, "Now go home and rest. I'll do this myself." 

"Please. I want to stay with you." You pled. 

Zelo felt his heart raced as you said that. Your big innocent eyes made Zelo gave in. 

"Alright but if you faint here i won't catch you, you hear me?" 

"Yes Sir!" You playfully saluted. 


The two of you began playing and working at the same time. Zelo wiped the floor while you rearranged the tables and equipments. You played a fool while Zelo was dancing around. Soon, everything was done. The two of you lay at the centre of the dance studio; exhausted from all those activities. You took deep breaths trying to calm yourself down as you stared at the ceiling. 

"You know Zelo, the last time i had fun like this way when Beast was still here." You smiled at the thought. 

"Beast?" Zelo had an imaginary question mark on top of his head. 

You nodded. "They were the best bunch of monkeys I've ever met. They're our seniors." 

"Oh. They've graduated?"

"Yeap. Now they're working at a Dance Academy not too far from here.." You sighed, "I miss them. We were a team. We would hang out at this very dance studio. Sometimes we just sit here and talk. Sometimes we have out dance practice for competitions. We won once or twice. We weren't the best but it was our friendship that kept us going..."

As your voice trailed off, Zelo observed your facial features.

"Why don't you visit them?" Zelo gave an idea.

You paused then shook your head, "I'm not going to let them see me in this state."

Zelo lay on his tummy and smiled to you, "Tell me more..." 


You rested your upped body on your elbow and turned to Zelo. Soon, you were telling him about your memories with Beast. How you met and became a part of them. Those times when you spent most of your time in school with them. How playful yet caring they were. Their different personalities. Time passed as you were so very engrossed in telling Zelo more about your wonderful Oppa(s). Also you told the part where you had a crush on JunHyung and you were his girlfriend.  


"Well, now. He has a girlfriend. A very pretty one too. She's nice." You drew circles on the floor. 

Zelo nodded in understanding, "They really are special to you huh?" 

"You bet." 


The door creaked open and the security guard came in. You and Zelo jumped up to a sitting position and stared at the guard. He told the two of you that he had been given orders to allow the two of you to return home since it was almost seven-thirty in the evening. The two of you did the final check-ups and left the school. As usual, the two of you walked back home together until the two of you had to part ways.

"Well, Thanks Zelo, for everything." You beamed.

"Anything to keep that smile on your face." He smiled back.

You put your palm out and move it slightly left and right, "Bye-Bye." 

Zelo took a step forward and had one of his hands on your cheek as he had to slightly bent down and kiss your forehead. Your eyes widened and your body heated up. Zelo gazed down at you and gave a tender smile. 

"Goodbye. Walk home safely okay? Remember, I'm always here for you." Zelo turned you around and gave you a small push. 

He himself turned around and went his way back home. You turned around to take a peek at Zelo's back and turned back to the pathway that lead you home. 

*What was that?*



I'm sorry for not updating. Something came up. 

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Chapter 20: Hahaha zero is still tall lol
Chapter 20: Omg i loved the ending!! Haha u write very well!! I love u fanfics!! Please more teen top and bap!! :) keep up the good work!!
Chapter 20: You don't have anyidea hoe many times I've read this. Great story author nim.
Chapter 20: Re-reading this fic again ^^
Love thiiis ♥
Ending's so cute~!!!
DanceHolic_Kpop #6
sad how this fanfic is finish
Hello new subbie here ^^
awww, nice ending :)))I LOVE IT :)))
Keep writing L.Joe fics, lol >.<
NAWW WHAT A CUTE ENDING!!! I'm gonna miss this fic sooo much =(