My little cottage

You should have left me for dead

Author's POV

________sat down on her bed, locking herself in her room not allowing anyone in the room, not even the drunk Dujun. She just left him sleep on the couch that night.

She sat on her bed thinking about the old moments.

The tv flickered on by the command of the remote. A black and white movie was playing. She felt something warm around her waist.

She turned around and saw Min Ho look at her. She cried not believing that he was here. He wiped away her tears and smiled.

She tried to hug him but she fell to the ground, realising it was just imagination.

Memories played back and forth in her mind, making her seem like an insane woman just hugging the air.


The funeral day came.

______ dressed in a simple black dress and bblack high heels. She headed out the door before Dujun woke up.

She arrived at the funeral before 10 and fell to her knees when she saw the coffin..she didn't want to believe that he died..he left her for a was fate she supposed.

She picked herself up from the floor and made her way to the front to see Min ho's face.

She saw him lay peacefully with a smile on his face.

He seemed so cute, like always. He really is thin, no one has been looking after him.

She turned her gaze to his hands where she saw a letter with her name on it.

She sat on a seat and read

Hey beautiful

You're reading this letter means I'm not here with you anymore. I'm sorry.

I didn't want to leave just like this without seeing you for the last time but I had too.

Your love for me may have ended but mine for you didn't. Even if you don't love me anymore, I just want you to do me one last favor please?

Look into my left inner blazer pocket. There, you will find a key with an address. That's the key to the house I bought in the countryside.

When we were young, you told me you always wanted a little cottage in the countryside. So here it is.

I'm glad you're here at the funeral early. Just look at the house please. Even if you don't want it, please just visit it, so I may rest my awaiting heart..

Goodbye my love.

Tears rushing down her face, she took the keys and drove to the house.

She opened the door of the little cottage that had lettuce and cherry tomatoes grown around the house as a fence, with a small rose garden.

She saw little sticky notes with Min ho's hand writing on it.

The first read: You might not remember, but I'm Lee Min ho, your childhood friend remember? You were about to get married to me, but your parents died..

___________ then remembered that special friend of hers. The friend she never thought would be able to have. She always had a crush on him but never knew that she was going to marry was too late wasn't it?

She followed the sticky notes, each writing about a special memory of the both of them as kids.

She couldn't but help the tears rushing down her face realising that she let the love of her life go like that.

She finally reached a room with a pink door.

She twisted the knob and went inside. She found a large box on the floor.

She opened it to find small things from the birthday present she gave Min ho on his sixth birthday and when her first tooth was knocked out when she face planted on  the floor while chasing him. So many memories, yet the person that made them with her wasn't even here anymore.

She then found a CD. She played it in the CD player. The start was him talking to her.

Hey beautiful. You found the CD huh? aha. Well I made a song for you. But I wanted to say a few things first.

First of all. I never really ran away from you. I lived a few houses away from you, I didn't show myself because I wanted you to be happy with Dujun.

The rose sent to you everyday was from me. And the other treats.


We were supposed to get married, but I told our parents not to tell you since we were both young. I hope it was ok with you. I always have loved you, but I don't think you felt the same way..I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

There's just one thing I want to say,

Maybe we didn't end up together in this lifetime, but we might in heaven. I'll be watching over you darling. Saranghae.

His voice stopped playing and a song started. It was a sad and slow song. He sang with his soft, sweet calming voice that she dreaded to hear these past 20 years.

The song ended with him promising that his love for her will never end.

She snapped back into reality and ran back to the funeral, being an hour late.

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:( it's so sad
ok..this is first AFF that got character up to 40++ age and still love each other..but, it is sad ending..:(
meeshelly #3
:( Min Ho died :( I thought she was going to show up early and he was going to wake up and not be dead .... But he didn't :(
You should make a sequel :D them meeting in heaven !!!
fishcakes #4
DUJUNNNNN!!! wahhh
i kinda like him like this play boy-y ness :3

lovelyjho #5
dawww get better soon! >.< kekeke~ ahhh ic someone is getting jelly of Min Ho~ :3
iC3kpop #6
LEE MIN HO!!!!!!!!!
hamachee #7
OMGGG LEE MIN HO~~ <333 :D lol how I could I have NOT guessed him xD<br />
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Jelly Doojoon is jelly~ :3
bad bad doojoon.. =.=<br />
the mysterious guy is better than him.. i wonder who is he..<br />
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chickenfeet, fighting.. ^^
iC3kpop #9
Agioo doojoon with another girl. You asstard. I like the mystery guy better areadly. -.-
hamachee #10
Who the hell is the mystery guy?? I'm thinking it's Dongwoon.. Or kikwang xD well whoever he is, he's kinda creepy LOL. How does he know all that is her favorite breakfast?.. Someone's taken stalking to a whole new level xDDD anyway~ great update :3