The Treasure Hunt


Channel 2- The Treasure Hunt

Once their tiny boat hit the water, the two of them were once again staring at each other.

"Now we have to row." Said Kangin, looking at the oars with an expression of utter distain.

"You have to row." Said Kyuhyun, leaning back and pulling out the remote control. "I'm going to try to figure out anything else I can about this thing."

"Why can't you do that later?" Kangin said as he begrudgingly took hold of both the oars. "If you help me row, we'll get there faster."

"I'm the captain." Kyuhyun said in a petty fashion as he buried himself in his work.

Kangin grumbled about evil maknaes and started rowing.

When they were about halfway to the island, Kyuhyun set down his remote and lifted up the treasure map.

"I hope this isn't TOO convoluted." Kyuhyun said, looking totally relaxed.

Kangin set the oars down and panted like a dog. "I can't row the rest of the way!" he declared.

Kyuhyun glared at Kangin frostily. "What did you just say?" he said.

"I'm exhausted!" Kangin collapsed backwards and remained that way.

Kyuhyun only stared at him. "It's important that we do this quickly." He said. "Everyone else doesn't have the luxury of having me around to explain everything to them."

"Kyuhyun, this is all your fault that we're all here so don't try to guilt trip ME into rowing anymore!" Kangin said. "You have to help too!"

"Very well." Said Kyuhyun, pocketing both the map and the remote.

The two of them began rowing together, and it would be a lie if I said they quickly reached the island. It took them quite a while, since they had to rest often and for long periods of time.

And they actually didn't really reach the island until it was starting to get dark.

"We have to row all the way up to the shore because I don't want to have to walk around with the bottom of my pants soaking wet and inevitably being covered in sand." Kyuhyun told Kangin.

"And you call yourself a pirate!" said Kangin.

"No, no I don't." said Kyuhyun.

"You're dressed like one." Kangin pointed out. "And anybody who's anybody knows that pirates like the feeling of gross sandy pant legs."

When they were ALMOST at the shore, Kangin jumped into the water so his pants got wet from about his knees down. He then pulled the boat ashore because Kyuhyun refused to get out, and Kyuhyun stepped out being completely dry.

The two trudged across the sandy beach, and by the time they reached the forest area, Kangin was already complaining about how uncomfortable he was.

"I TOLD you." Kyuhyun said, unrolling the treasure map and gazing upon its beauty and wonder.

Kangin looked off into the distance back out to where the boat was. "I can't believe we rowed all the way here!" he exclaimed, sounding half bewildered and half proud.

Kyuhyun took a moment to look at their accomplishment well.

"Well, I suppose we did do that." He agreed. "Hopefully that will improve our chances of getting abs and hot chicks."

"I never thought of that!" said Kangin. "Man, I should have rowed the whole way! What was I thinking?"

"Hm…well, I think it's important we continue our search for this treasure." Kyuhyun said as he began tromping through the forest.

"Yeah, I guess…" Kangin said as he followed Kyuhyun.

Both looked like they were lacking enthusiasm as they searched and tried their best to follow the map.

"Kyuhyun, I had another thought." Kangin said as Kyuhyun pulled back a branch so Kangin could walk by.

The two of them stopped and Kyuhyun waited.

"Well?" Kyuhyun asked.

"What if, when we find this treasure, we don't end up going home?" Kangin asked. "I mean…what if we're stuck here forever and your weird remote control is just trying to make us find treasure for some reason?"

"That is highly unlikely." Kyuhyun said as he let go of the branch and it smacked Kangin in the face.

"Hey!" said Kangin, pushing the branch out of the way and chasing after Kyuhyun. "But have you considered that as a possibility?"

"It's unnecessary to consider it." Kyuhyun concluded.

"But WHAT IF—" Kangin began but Kyuhyun just told Kangin to talk to the hand.

They continued searching high and low, following the land marks the best they could. But it was getting very difficult, especially in the dead of night.

"Well, do you suppose that right there is the rock that looks like a skull?" Kangin asked, pointing at a rock that didn't look like a skull.

"No." said Kyuhyun, looking annoyed.

"Why does there always have to be a rock that looks like a skull in pirate stories?" Kangin said, but the question was mostly just to himself. "It seems kind of cliché, don't you think?"

"Kind of." Kyuhyun said as they reached the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast ocean.

Kangin looked perplexed with their current situation. Kyuhyun looked back and forth from the map to the view.

"What is this?" Kangin said with a sigh.

"The other side of the island." Kyuhyun answered.

Kangin groaned and sat down. "We went by the rock that looks like a skull!" he whined. Then he looked at his hands. "And you know what I just realized? We don't have shovels!"

"We truly are poor pirates." Kyuhyun concluded.

"So what now?" Kangin asked. "Do we head back the other way? All we have to do is follow the rocks that sort of look like skulls until we find one that looks enough like a skull to suit your standards."

"This is no fault of mine." Said Kyuhyun. "Don't try to pin this on me."

"You're the one who was always like, 'Oh no, no. That is certainly not the rock that looks like a skull'." Said Kangin, crossing his arms. "We passed over plenty of perfectly fine skull shaped rocks."

"Well if you hadn't pointed out every single rock that we passed and claimed it looked liked a skull then I wouldn't have become numb to rocks and therefore I would have been able to eventually find a rock that looked like a skull."

"So are you saying it's MY fault?" Kangin demanded angrily.

"Perhaps it is a combined fault." Kyuhyun concluded. "Well, let us continue back. Now that I've seen how much time it took us to get from one side of the island to the other, it's easy to estimate how long we have to walk until we reach the middle, where that X is."

Kangin looked at the map, but Kyuhyun rolled it up before he could see.

"Let's go." He commanded.

Kangin reluctantly followed Kyuhyun AGAIN.

They went back into the forest area and found that it was now totally pitch dark outside, which bummed them out.

Suddenly, after quite some time, Kyuhyun stopped walking in front of a large cave.

"This should do it." He said, sitting down.

"This should do it?" Kangin repeated.

"This is about where the skull shaped rock should be." Kyuhyun said.

Kangin peered at his surroundings. "How can you tell?" he asked. "I can't see a thing!"

"We'll have to wait until morning." Kyuhyun said.

"What?" demanded Kangin. "Sleep on the ground?"

"Why not?" said Kyuhyun as he took off his jacket and bunched it up for a tolerable pillow. "Didn't you claim to have undergone rugged training in the army? It shouldn't be too far off from that."

"You're right." Said Kangin, sitting down as well. "We'll have to rough it."

The two lied down and stayed like that in silence for a long time.

"Kangin." Kyuhyun sat up after a while had passed.

"Kyuhyun?" Kangin sat up as well.

"Yeah…I didn't think so." Kyuhyun stood up and put his jacket back on, and Kangin followed suit.

"There's no way I'm going to be able to fall asleep right now." Kangin said.

"Of course not." Said Kyuhyun. "We were foolish to even bother."

"Now let's find that rock that looks like a skull!" said Kangin.

The two of them scoured the area, combing every inch of it. Finally, they met back up at the middle and shook their heads, having discovered no such rock.

"Are you sure we're supposed to be finding a ROCK that looks like a skull?" said Kangin.

"I assumed that perhaps I misinterpreted the picture and I have been keeping my eyes open for anything in particular that looks like a skull." Kyuhyun reported.

"Well what if we're supposed to be finding a REAL skull?" Kangin said, a slight sparkle forming in his eye.

Kyuhyun stood there, almost as if he expected Kangin to exclaim, "JAYKAY!" but he did no such thing. "Of course I was looking for real skulls as well." Kyuhyun answered finally.

"Oh…well, I've really only been looking for rocks…" Kangin admitted.

"That's all right." Said Kyuhyun. "I figured you would have only been looking for rocks. That's why I combed over the areas you searched already."

"Why didn't you just tell me to look for other things too?" Kangin said angrily.

"Because." Said Kyuhyun.

And that was it.

Kangin leaned up against a tree. "We're really failing at this." He concluded.

"Yes we are." Kyuhyun said.

"This is just how it is!" said Kangin. "There is nothing here in the shape of a skull! I bet somebody already found the treasure first!"

"Don't give up just yet." Said Kyuhyun. "We are at a disadvantage because we don't have daylight. When the sun rises in a couple of hours, we'll look around again and hopefully have more success."

"I don't feel like waiting that long…" Kangin complained. "Maybe we're just in the wrong spot."

"We are not in the wrong spot." Kyuhyun sounded rather confident. "Did you check in that cave?"

"Of course I checked in the stupid cave." Said Kangin. "You checked in the cave too, didn't you?"

"Yes, I checked in the cave." Kyuhyun said.

Their endless and pointless bickering continued until the sun started rising.

Kangin was just about to make another very compelling argument, when he looked over Kyuhyun's shoulder at the sun. His mouth gaping open, he pointed at the large cave.

Kyuhyun turned around to look, and discovered that their large cave probably wasn't really a cave at all. It was just a gigantic rock, and the 'cave' that they had been standing outside of all night was just the void of the mouth.

"Here it is!" Kangin said. "The rock shaped like a skull!"

"Hm…this map isn't drawn to scale…" Kyuhyun said, opening up the treasure map and peering at it.

"Forget the map!" said Kangin. "The rock is here! That means we have to dig around here somewhere!"

"No, wait." Said Kyuhyun as Kangin dove onto the ground and started digging in a random spot. Kyuhyun grabbed his collar and pulled him back to his feet. "We have to make three hundred paces away from the rock towards the setting sun."

"So that's…over…there?" Kangin pointed in random direction.

Kyuhyun took a deep breath. "Just follow me." Kyuhyun ordered.

He stood right up next to the rock and started pacing while counting his steps.

"Those steps are too big!" Kangin said. "What if the guy who made this map was shorter than you?"

"Be quiet, Kangin." Kyuhyun said as he concentrated on his steps.

Kangin just walked next to him, looking around for some buried treasure.

"After the three hundred paces, there should be somewhat of a drop." Kyuhyun said, observing the map. "296, 297, 298, 299, 300."

He came to a stop and looked disappointed.

"Well?" said Kangin. "So much for that!"

He put his hands on his hips and started wandering around the area. Then, abruptly, he stepped into a large hole and dropped to the center of the earth. But not really that far, though it was a significant drop.

In reality, such a drop would break both his legs, but for our purposes, we'll just say that he was FINE. And as Kyuhyun ran over to see what had happened, he only peered down the hole to see Kangin getting up and brushing himself off, perfectly okay after an event that should have, at the very least, gravely wounded him.

"Are you all right?" Kyuhyun called.

"Yeah, I'm fine…" Kangin said, looking around. "Whoa, this is a little underground cave like thing!"

"I have no more information on the map, so I can only assume that the treasure is somewhere down there." Kyuhyun said.

"I'll take a look around!" Kangin said.

Kyuhyun took a quick look around, and then found a convenient vine that happened to be very long and quite durable. He tied it around a tree and dropped it into the hole and then proceeded to climb down, descending into the abyss as well. He hopped off the vine and approached Kangin who appeared to be entranced by whatever he had found.

"It's…a treasure chest!" Kangin said, dropping to his knees and marveling at the chest that sat before him.

"The lock looks old." Kyuhyun said, picking up a rock and handing it to Kangin. "You shouldn't have trouble breaking it."

Kangin gladly took the rock and started to smash at the chest like there was no tomorrow. He was having more trouble than he expected, but luckily, the lock finally crumbled.

"All right…here's hoping that this gets us out of here." Kangin said, putting his hands on the top.

Slowly, he lifted the lid.

The two of them were engulfed in light that came from the inside. They watched in amazement, and then Kyuhyun heard the remote control in his pocket start to beep. He pulled it out and the screen dictated, "Complete".

He pressed the channel changing button, and suddenly everything turned completely white.

When their eyes came back into focus, they found they were now in the middle of what looked like a courtyard.

The treasure was gone.

Kangin slowly got to his feet and Kyuhyun scanned the area.

"Where are we?" Kangin said. "This isn't home."

"I don't know." Kyuhyun responded. He looked down and frowned disappointedly, then took a look at Kangin. "We're still dressed as pirates."

"What…?" Kangin whined, looking at himself.

"Who's that over there?"

The two of them spun around just as a man mounted on a decorated and armored horse trotted up to them.

"Kyuhyun? Kangin?" the man sounded like he was surprised.

He was dressed in full armor, complete with a shield and sword hanging by his side, with a helmet over his head that covered his face. Kyuhyun and Kangin waited for him to reveal more information, and Kyuhyun looked at the remote control screen as the 24 turned into a 23.

"Oh!" he laughed as he reached up and took the helmet off. "It's me! Siwon!"

Sure enough. There he was. It was Siwon.

"Siwon?" they both said.

"I am so glad to see you guys." Said Siwon as he dropped the helmet on the grass and hopped off his horse. "Ever since yesterday afternoon, I've been in this weird place. You guys know anything?"

"As a matter of fact, I know quite a bit." Kyuhyun replied.

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Please update soon
I'm practically read this over and over again waiting
: )
Aigoo jinjja jinjja daebak ~^^ SHISUS POWAAH FTW~~~^^V
Yay the horse is alive!<br />
upfate soon!<br />
Shisus power!
i wonder wat this big mac guy looks like. does he look lika a big mac burger except with arms and legs a face? LOL<br />
The horse ㅠㅜ they've been quite a while in this universe haven't they...
Poor shisus lost his horse....<br />
So sad....<br />
Update soon
What the hell is up with snapping people's necks?!
itachikiba #8
this is great can't wait to see where everyone else is.<br />