Chapter 2

Falling To Pieces

Warnings: language, KrisHo fluff and surprise angst that I feel like I wrote too much of it.


In the dark streets of Seoul, in a abandoned warehouse a man dressed in an all-black suit was sat at the top of a table surrounded by men. His men. The criminals were all chatting away to themselves, being loud as usual. The man started getting a headache caused by his crew. He sat at the head with his elbows propped up onto the table, his hands clasped together. His piercing eyes looking over the room.

All of a sudden he shouted as he banged his hands on the glass table, sending vibrations through the furniture. "Enough!"

"Zelo, what is the report of my little surprise to Mr. Wu?" He turned to the maknae of the group, raising a eyebrow in question.

Zero gulped and looked at the sheet in front on him. "Urm... It's delivered, sir."

"Good. They should be preparing now." He smirked mischievously. 

"Sir, what are we gonna do now?" Himchan asked turning to their leader. 

"We take something precious to him," The leader smirked while looking towards the end of the table. "Shownu," the said male hummed. "You're group is assigned Kim Junmyeon. Bring him to me. Alive."

Shownu shared looks between his group and looked back at the B.A.P leader. "Sir, do you know what type of fighter Suho is? He's dangerous. He could take us down single handed without a weapon."

Yongguk nodded. "Yes, I do. Which is why you're getting him for me. Is it a problem? Do I need to get another group to do it? A stronger one?"

"No... No, sir. We can do it."

Yongguk nodded and watched as the group of seven walked out the warehouse doors. He smiled to himself. You're going down, Yifan.


"What do you think was in that package?"

"Well, whatever it is, Duizhang and Suho-hyung will sort it out. It's none of our business, Sehun." Lay scolded the youngest.

"Yeah, but it did look a bit suspicious. What if-"

"Tao. Leave it." Xiumin interrupted with a stern voice. After he and Luhan had moved from the living room, they heard chattering from the siblings' shared room and went to find out what was going on. The members were playing games and hanging out until Tao and Sehun had come running into the room.

Silence took over the room after the eldest had spoke. It had grown very uncomfortable no-one dared to speak. The fear of being scolded again. The only sound that could be heard was the video game that was playing on the T.V.

The awkward silence was the ring of Xiumin's phone. The eldest picked it up, spoke to the person on the other line and then put it back into his pocket. 

"That was Kris. We need to go to the dining room now. It sound urgent. So no questions, just go."

The nine members didn't say anything and left the room, the eldest following them.

All the members were gathered in the living room. All silent waiting for one of their leaders to speak. 

After a glaring contest, Suho sighed and spoke up. "We called you here because B.A.P sent us a package."

"What? They found out where we are?" D.O asked from where he was sitting on the table.

"Yes and no," Kris answered, taking over. Suho just rolled his eyes as the elder carried on. "Yes, they found out where we live. And no because they won't look for a fight here. They sent us something." Kris waited then looked around before saying, "A pigs head."

There was a couple of gasps around the room while some members had confused looks on their faces.

"A pigs head is a warning of one week. We have one week to prepare." Suho interjected. "Some of us are going to meet Bangtan tomorrow. They're our alliance group. They can help us."

"Yes and Chen I need to you to watch the surveillance camera at the end of the lane. Watch out for any suspicious looking." Chen nodded at his leaders' words and stood up going to the security room where cameras for the whole area are placed.

"What do we do?" Lay asked. 

"Just stay alert for now. I'll tell you who's going to meet Bangtan when me and Suho have discussed it, is that clear?" 

The rest of the members nodded, Lay quickly saying, "I'm gonna look at the cameras with Chen."

"Hey, Lay." Said male turned to his leader. "No hanky panky in the security room. Wait for your free time."

Lay being one of the kindest only shook his head before leaving the two leaders alone.

Kris and Suho both headed to the office and closed the door. Suho sighed as he sat down with in the black leather office chair.

"Get the out of my chair." Kris said walking over to the seat. "My chair only has the imprint of my . So get off." 

The younger male r fused to get up and just stayed where he was sat, looking at something on his phone.

"Junmyeon. Hey, Junmyeon. Are you listening?"

"Hm. Yeah I listened just didn't do what you wanted me to do." Junmyeon looked up and gave a cheeky grin before sitting up in the chair. "Oh, and Lay and Chen? Since when?"

Yifan smiled while pushing his chair backwards a bit so he could sit on the desk in front of it. "Since I started EXO-M. Caught them but kept it a secret ever since. They like to keep things private."

"Aw. That's actually quite cute. Obviously they're not like Tao and Sehun who are ing all over each other."

"What?!" Yifan stood up abruptly. 

"Chill your beans. I'm joking. Well, half joking." Junmyeon stood up and rubbed his palms up and down the elders arms to calm him. The younger had to stifle his laughter at the face Yifan pulled when he said that.

Yifan had caught Junmyeon's hands when they were at the bottom of his arms and linked their fingers before leaning down to press his lips to the smaller male. The younger smiled into the kiss while turning his head to deepen it. 

Junmyeon felt Yifan's tongue swipe over his bottom lip and he opened his mouth slightly, enough for the taller male to put his tongue in and over the roof of his mouth, emitting a moan from the smaller males lips. Junmyeon circled his arms around the taller male's neck, one hand going to the blonde locks, tugging on it as Yifan went further into his mouth. Yifan now had is hands on Junmyeon waist and with one swift motion he turned them around so that Junmyeon sat upon the desk and he was between the younger male's legs.

The Korean male bit his lip while placing his hands on the taller male's shoulders to hold in moans while Yifan was biting at his neck, deeply on the sensitive skin.

"Ah~ Yifan. You can't leave hick-"

Said male shut the younger up by placing his lips on his. After parting away they both looked deeply in each other's eyes. Both forgetting about being in a deadly gang. Or the fact they were going to lead men into a massive fight which could possibly leave them injured. 

"I love you." 

Junmyeon was shocked at the three words that came out of the elder's mouth. They had never said those words to each other before. The younger male smiled before saying them back.

"I love you too, Yifan."

Yifan smiled at the words. His heart rate went that little bit faster than it already was. It was a risk saying those words. But, seeing as they only have a week before they have to face B.A.P, he took that risk and he knew that Junmyeon felt the same way.

"And I left a hickey just below your collar bone. Don't worry, you can't see it."

Junmyeon playfully slapped the elder's chest before leaning up to place a kiss on Yifan's lips. 

They soon went to sleep, in the office, waiting for the new day.


Junmyeon woke up to urgent knockings on the office door. He massaged his neck after sleeping on top of Yifan in the office, on the black couch. When Junmyeon looked at the taller male he was already getting up and cracking his neck.

The Korean leader went to the door and looked behind to see if Yifan was in a decent enough state. After being given a thumbs up from the Chinese leader, Junmyeon asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Chen and Lay." Chen said from the other side of the door.

Junmyeon twisted the knob and let the two come in before shutting the door behind them.

"Did... Did you two sleep in here together?" Chen asked, switching his eyes from one leader to the other.

"No, we were up all night coming up with some plans." Kris lied, hoping the younger two would believe them. 

Chen nodded before actually speaking about why he came in. "We found a suspicious white van. It comes and checks on the gate every hour. Probably waiting for one of us to go out."

"Yeah, we followed it to see where it went in the hour and it goes into town, parks in a side street and stays there. The street is opposite a cafe, I was thinking some of us could go there and check out this white van." Lay finished explaining.

The two leaders stayed silent while listening. It was a good plan to send someone out there but who?

Before Kris could jump in Suho spoke up first, "I'll go. I can take Kai and Luhan with me."

"But I should go inst-"

"No, Kris. I'm going. I'm strong enough. I can do it."

"I wasn't saying that-"

Before Kris could finished Suho walked out the office and was heading to his room when he turned around and looked at Chen. "Tell Kai and Luhan to get ready."

Chen nodded and watched with the two others as Suho went into his room.

"You're too hard on him, Kris-hyung. Suho's strong. He's a good fighter. Have faith in him." Chen said before walking out with Lay beside him. 

Kris sighed and sat down on his chair. It was better to let Suho get ready.


After some time, Kris walked out of the office and went to Suho's room, checking the hallways for the other members.

When he walked in he spotted the younger male packing a duffle bag, that was placed on his bed, the smaller male's back to him.

Yifan walked up to the younger and wrapped his arms around his waist, resulting in a small squeak from the smaller male. Junmyeon wriggled out of the elder's hold and continued to pack all his guns and weapons into the bag. 

"Okay. What's wrong?" 

Junmyeon stopped packing and turned around to glare at the taller male. "Am I weak to you? The second leader? The weaker leader?"

"What? What are you even saying?"

"Answer the questions, Yifan." Junmyeon snapped, his voice raising.

"No, of course not. You're the most strongest person I've met. No-one is capable of what you can do. I get inspired by you. I'll follow you. You're a great leader. And I don't just think that, the members do too. You know that."

"Then why were you against me going?" Junmyeon's voice was barely above a whisper but the elder heard.

Yifan let out a sigh and looked down at his feet. "I just... I don't know. If anything happens to you. Or Luhan. Or Jongin. I won't be able to forgive myself for letting you go."

"Yifan," by now Junmyeon's face softened. Yifan may look like a dangerous, murdering, gambler, bad boy but on the inside he's a big softy and has a big heart. The younger went over to the taller male and placed both his palms on the side of his face, lifting his head so they could lock gazes. "I'll be fine. Please, don't worry about me. I'm capable of doing it. I've been doing this since I was 10."

"I know. And I believe in you. I do." Yifan pulled the younger into a hug and squeezed him tight. "You got this. Fighting!" The taller male fisted his hand and put it in the air which made Junmyeon let out a chuckle.

Junmyeon returned the hug and looked up to place a soft kiss to the taller male's jaw.

The two were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Suho-hyung, it's time to go."

"I'm coming, Kai. Meet me in the living room."


Junmyeon went to the bed and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder and walked towards Yifan.

"Well I have to-"


Junmyeon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he watched Yifan looking around the room. When Yifan found what he was looking for he came over to Junmyeon and put the baseball cap over the younger male's head. He then wrapped the black scarf around the smaller male's neck and pulled it up to cover half of Junmyeon's face.

Yifan smiled and noticed the flushed cheeks of his lover. He also heard Junmyeon mumbled a couple of curses but chose to ignore them. Instead he pulled down the scarf a bit and leaned down to kiss the male, in a couple second kiss before pulling away and lifting the scarf back up.

"Now, you're ready to go." 

Junmyeon nodded and walked out the room, Yifan towing behind.

"Right, let's go."


The trio had left in the early hours of the morning. It was now dark and there was no sign of them. Yifan wanted to call but the 'what if they were still on the mission?' Ran through his mind. He was constantly tapping his fingers on his office desk just waiting. Waiting for anything.

Suddenly the door barged open. 

It was Kai. 

Kris stood up and went to the male who was panting heavily. There was bruises all over the tanned male's body. Just before the younger male could fall, Kris had caught him.

"Jongin. Jongin, what happened?" Yifan noticed the young male was shaking and decided to carry him to he couch. Yifan shouted so the other's could hear. "Get some water! And get Lay. Tell him to bring the medical kit."

Yifan turned his attention to the young male. "It's alright, okay. You're safe." The elder placed his hands on the younger's shoulders and shushed him gently. "Jongin, Yixing is coming. He's going to fix you up, okay? But," He took a deep breath. "Jongin, I need you to tell me what happened to Junmyeon and Luhan?"

Jongin closed his eyes and gained enough strength to speak to the elder male. "They... They took them." Jongin breathed out. He swallowed. "Yongguk took them. I noticed the driver. He's part of Monsta X." Jongin coughed, a bit of blood dripping down the side of his mouth. "I tried to fight them. I couldn't... They're too strong."

Yifan noticed Jongin's eyes were closing slowly. "Jongin, listen to me." He held the younger male's face between his hands. One hand going to Jongin's hair. "You need to stay awake. You're gonna get better. Do it for Kyungsoo. Do it for Junmyeon."

Jongin nodded before he passes out from the exhaustion. Yifan kissed his forehead while getting up and walking out the door, leaving the younger in the hands of Lay.

Yifan stormed out of the house and ran into the woods that was surrounding the house. He didn't know how long he had been running for but he didn't care. 

Soon he ran out of breath and stopped by a tree. He turned to it and started to punch it. One, two, three, four, five times. He noticed his knuckled started to bleed but he didn't care. They took Junmyeon. They took the person he loved. They took his best friend, Luhan. He would totally understand what Minseok was going through. The pain.

Before he knew it, he was screaming, tears running down his face while continuing punching through the tree. Blood everywhere. He finally gave up and turned around back against the tree, sliding down.

He felt his whole life was ripped apart.

To be continued...

A/n: so, sorry I haven't update it a while. Hope this makes up for it. I made it extra long. I'm not sure how long it actually is. I do love B.A.P but I needed a group to be on the opposite side. 😊

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Chapter 6: Lol how everyone either knew or suspected Yifan & Junmyeon's relationship XD
So... if B.A.P has a big army & Monsta X is already in there... I'm guessing Block B's apart of it too. Along with Infinite? Idk, those 4 usually play the role of the rival "bad" gang in gang aus.
fry_thepan456 #2
Chapter 1: I read all 7 chapters, this is a really nice story ^_^ I want to know how Jungkook ended up in that alley though :O can't wait for the next update!
2449 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, i love how you were detailed with the fight scene! i was able to imagine it perfectly, every step and action they took...

if Jungkook helped Jun and Lu escape? where are they? did they successfully manage to go out of BAP territory??? but seeing how Jungkook is beaten up, were they caught? escaped or not Jungkook wouldve been punished anyway... i hope they managed to escape
Bazingadoodle #4
Chapter 7: KOOKIE!!!!
Bazingadoodle #5
Chapter 6:
2449 streak #6
Chapter 3: ohhhh... so yifan killed his dad too? did i get that right?

and ughhhhh, Yongguk is pure evil with what he wants to happen... i hope EXO saves Suho and Luhan asap
2449 streak #7
why'd they have to hide their relationship, specially when kris already knew of chenlay... loke wouldn't it be better for the team if they weren't sharing any secrets and that they don't have to look up to two different leaders who have endless bickering???

and now Jun and Luhan are taken by the bad guys! have to save them!
krishunmybias #8
Chapter 2: Oh...noooo.... You better save Junmyeon, Yifan!!! Ughh... I love BAP too, but that's alright if you make them as bad people here... Fighting!!