Chapter 6

Falling To Pieces

Warnings; just swearing, I think.

Continuation from previous chapter...

Minseok pulled away from the hug and went over to the door, locking it. He then returned back to his leader and started to tidy the desk. Starting with the alcohol, Minseok picked it up and took it over to the mini kitchen Yifan had in his office, pouring the rest of the liquid down the sink. He poured some water into a glass and took it to the younger male. 

"Here. Drink it. You need to sober up so we can find them."

Yifan stared blankly at the glass before lifting his hand to take it. He muttered a 'thanks' before bringing the rim of the glass to his lips and taking a sip.

While Yifan was drinking his water, Minseok looked at his leader's desk and glanced over the papers scattered among the desk. There was people profiles, maps, receipts, pictures of buildings and warehouses.

Minseok looked closer at some of the maps and noticed that Yifan had circled a couple of places with a red marker.

"What's this?" Minseok asked. Yifan swallowed his water before looking at what the elder was looking.

"Possible places they could be. I don't know. I just circled to remind myself I have hope." The two shared eye contact before Yifan spoke again. "How's Jongin?"

"Still unconscious. He does fall in and out but if he does wake up its only for a couple of minutes before he falls again." Yifan nodded with a sad smile on his lips. "You and Junmyeon, huh? Luhan was right."

Yifan smiled and as the elders words processed his face turned confused. "Right? What do you mean?"

"Luhan guessed that you two were together. I didn't think so...but he was right. Actually most of the members thought something was going on. Your acting wasn't that good." Minseok smiled while he was talking about his lover. Yifan noticed the look in the other male's eyes when he talked about Luhan. He sighed and cleared his throat, turning to the computer screen.

"We have a meeting with Bangtan. As for Fx, I've called Victoria she's gonna help us and so's Jaebum with Got7. Also, got a call from Leeteuk, said him and Suju are in too. If Super Junior is getting that we need them, then it's good thing for us. Means gangs will come to us and want to help us take B.A.P down." Yifan turned to look at the elder and saw he was nodding along. "Well go see Jongin and then I need you to come to me to meet with Namjoon."

"Why both of us? Shouldn't someone stay here to look after the other members?" Minseok asked.

"Yes. That's why I called BigBang to babysit them while we're gone. I'll put Jiyong in charge. But we all know they are scared of T.O.P."

Minseok chuckled while nodding his head in agreement. The two headed off to where Jongin was currently.

When they both got down, the younger was sat up on the bed, eating soup. He smiled when he saw the eldest's coming through the door. Jongin was currently by himself.

Yifan walked up to him and ruffled his hair, sitting on the bed. "Hey, kiddo. How are you feeling?"

Jongin swallowed the last bit of soup before wiping his mouth and answering. "I'm okay just tired. I'm healing but it's just...taking so long."

Minseok smiled at the whiny male and sat on the chair that was next to the bed. "It will take time. You just have to be patient. Wounds take time to heal." Jongin nodded in understanding. "Where's Kyungsoo?" 

"Not sure. When I woke up he went to make me soup and then vanished. Not sure where though. Any luck on Luhan ad Junmyeon-hyung?"

Both elder males shake their heads and Jongin looks down at his fingers in his lap. "I'm sorry. If only I was stronger. I could've helped them, stopped Monsta X from taking them. It's all my faul-"

"No, Jongin." Yifan interrupted. "It's not your fault, okay. Don't ever think that. You did your best. You are strong. They're just...stronger. Stronger than me, Siwon, Kangin, than most people." 

Jongin nodded. He felt his eyelids closing slowly, Yifan noticed this as he stood up and held the younger's face, lightly tapping Jongin on the cheeks with his palm. 

"Jongin, don't close your eyes. Fight it." Yifan stayed calm when Jongin's body went limp on the bed. His breathing was regular but Yifan wanted to know why he kept falling in and out of conscience. So, he called who might know the answer.

"Yixing!" Yifan shouted from the room. 

In seconds, there was footsteps coming towards the room.

"Yes, Duizhang?" Yixing walked in and noticed that Jongin was unconscious.

"Why does he keep doing this? Isn't there something we can do or give him to stop it?" Yifan questioned.

"I'm looking. I think I found something though. I have it here. We could try it on him, but I need your permission, Duizhang."

"Yeah. You have. Just do anything you can to help him, alright?" Yixing nodded back at him and told him that he and Minseok have to leave. They both left with one glance at the younger.

"I wish I could help him. I wish it was me not him." Yifan confessed.

"It's not your fault, Yifan. Or Jongin's. You're still the leader. You have to lead us into battle. We can't do it without you." Minseok squeezed Yifan's shoulder and smiled at him. They both walked back to the office and sat down at the desk. They looked at a couple of the papers, finding any information they can.

"Okay. So, when are we going?" Minseok asked the younger.

"As soon as BigBang gets here." As if on cue, the gate bell rang. Yifan looked at the computer screen at the surveillance camera that was placed by the gate at the end of the lane and saw a black minivan. He saw that Daesung was in the drivers seat, so he pressed the 'OPEN' button that was on his desk to open the gate.

Yifan stood up, opening a draw to pull out a pistol and attached it to the back of his belt. He was wearing a long coat so the gun wasn't visible. He went to open his office door, Minseok following behind. 

When Yifan heard a knock he walked to the front door, checking through the spy hole before opening it. The once silent room now became loud. 

"Yo, Kris! It's nice to see you, man!" Taeyang greeted the Chinese leader. Yifan nodded his head greeting back at the other man. 

GD walked over to Kris and fist bumped him. "So when are we fighting this motherer? I can't wait to see him crash down."

"We haven't found my members yet. Me and Xiumin are going to see Namjoon. We need more allies. Our army still isn't big enough, it's nothing compared to B.A.P's."

"Hey, we're gonna get this er. You're gonna find Suho and Luhan, they're gonna help kick his arse. No matter how big his bastard army is. He has the number but we have the skills. A'right?" Kris nodded at GD's comments. He then turned to the rest of BigBang and his eyes landed on one.

"Seungri," the maknae lifted his eyes to meet with the taller male and nodded to show he was listening. "I need to you to keep looking through all the camera with Chen. We need to find Suho and Luhan."

The blonde boy nodded again and walked off to find Chen. BigBang had been at EXO's place before, when they needed to go into hiding, so the house is like a second home to them. The four rest looked at Kris as in asking what they have to do. Kris thought for a moment before looking back at the waiting males. 

"You can guys can just chill or practice. Go find the other members. When I say GD's in charge what I mean is TOP is." GD put on a offended look and Kris just put his hand up. "The members are more scared of TOP." 

Daesung, TOP, and Taeyang all nodded and agreed with Kris. GD all turned to them and looked between the three. "Hey! I can be scary."

While the mini argument went on, Kris started to get ready, Xiumin in tow. The Chinese leader turned to the four and said loud enough for them to hear. "We're going now. Don't kill each other."

They both walked out the door and climbed into Kris' silver Porsche. Xiumin looked around at the interior designed and rubbed the door frame just below the window.

Kris glanced at the elder and chuckled to himself. But, as always, Xiumin's hearing is one of the best is in the group. "What?"

"Just you. Feeling up my car." Xiumin smiled and looked back at the interior. 

"I've never been in a Porsche before. Both my parents were poor and my grandma couldn't drive." Xiumin shrugged. He turned his gaze back to look out the window, remembering his family.

The rest of the driving was a comfortable silence. When they arrived, hey both got out of the car and shared eye contact, secretly hoping that Bangtan help. They were very professional and very common. If another group found out that Bangtan was on your side, they too would be on your side. 

Kris and Xiumin walked up the driveway and knocked twice on the door. The door opened and a smiling face welcomed them in. Jin stepped aside to let them come through.

There was no-one in the room so Jin spoke before the members came. "I heard what happened. I'm sorry, both of you."

Kris nodded and hung his head low. His brain clicked what Jin had said. "It's not your fault- wait, why are you...?"

"Yifan, you really think I didn't know that you and Suho-hyung were together?"

Kris' eyes widened. "How do you...? How does everyone know?"

Jin ignored his questions and walked to go get Namjoon. A minute later Jin came back with the leader and a couple of the members; V, J-Hope, Suga.

Namjoon shook hands with EXO leader. "We're gonna help. You don't need to say anything. We'll be on your side. Anything to take that Yongguk bastard down."

Kris nodded and saw the flash of anger in the other leader's eyes. The Chinese leader watched as Jin put a hand on Namjoon's back. Kris bit his lips to stop himself from smiling. 

Namjoon and Kris shared a look. Kris knew what it meant. If it was Jin in this situation, he would've done the same thing.

After talking over a drink, Jimin had come out of his room. Kris noticed the red around his eyes. 

"Jimin-ah. Are you okay?"

The 95' nodded his head and kept silent as he walked to the fridge to get a drink of water.

Xiumin and Kris looked between the Bangtan members and knew something was up. 

"Where's Jungkook?" Xiumin asked as he noticed the youngest wasn't there.

All members of Bangtan went silent and refused to say anything. Kris noticed this and stood up. "Where is he? What happened? Namjoon? Jin? Suga? V, Hobi?"

Jimin looked between s and spoke up, "Just tell him. He'll find out anyway. Kookie left us to go with B.A.P. He left A couple of days ago. He's gone with ing Yongguk. That bastards probably using him for his 'ual needs' and probably Suho-hyung too." Jimin cried out. He also noticed that Kris' hands went into a fist shape and started to clench. The 95' walked out and everyone flinched at the sound of him slamming his door.

Kris looked at Jin for further information. The eldest Bangtan member just shrugged and sighed out. "We tried to stop him. He didn't listen." Jin watched as Kris was gonna open his mouth so he cut in. "We've done everything. Anything you say, we've tried it."

Namjoon noticed that Jin was getting upset talking about Jungkook so he stepped in. "Hey, we'll fight with you. To kill Yongguk and to get Kookie back. Say when and where and we'll be there."

Kris and Xiumin nodded and bid their goodbyes before climbing back into Kris' car. They decided to go the long way back to the house, cutting through the town to see if they can find anything related to B.A.P.

As they drove past an alley, Xiumin spotted two built up guys beating up a skinnier guy. Kris parked the car and got out. It wasn't a fair fight. No matter who they were. Xiumin got out of the car as well, following the younger.

Kris pulled the two guys off the other one and stood, standing protectively over him. Kris couldn't see who is was, as the hood was up and it was dark out, but he did notice the blood dripping.

"Leave him alone." The two guys shared a look between them and looked back at Kris. 

"Who the are you?" One of the men asked.

"Kris Wu. You should know who I am. If you don't scram now, you'll regret it." The two guys seemed to have recognised Kris' name because they ran so fast of the alley, Kris had no time to blink. 

The tall male scoffed before looking at Xiumin. "Thanks for the help."

"Hey, you had this. I didn't need to do anything."

To two chuckled at each other before turning to face the boy. Xiumin walked up and softly pulled the black hood down. They both gasped at the amount of bruises and cuts plastered on the face. It was almost unrecognisable. 

Kris however could recognise that black tuff of hair. He breathlessly whispered, "Jungkook?"


A/N: oohh, ! Okay, thanks for reading. I'll still be updating on Saturday hopefully if I have no plans. But, I'm lonely and antisocial so it's most likely I won't have plans. I've finished college so might be able to update frequently. I already have like two chapter thought already. So... 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed. :)

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Chapter 6: Lol how everyone either knew or suspected Yifan & Junmyeon's relationship XD
So... if B.A.P has a big army & Monsta X is already in there... I'm guessing Block B's apart of it too. Along with Infinite? Idk, those 4 usually play the role of the rival "bad" gang in gang aus.
fry_thepan456 #2
Chapter 1: I read all 7 chapters, this is a really nice story ^_^ I want to know how Jungkook ended up in that alley though :O can't wait for the next update!
2449 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, i love how you were detailed with the fight scene! i was able to imagine it perfectly, every step and action they took...

if Jungkook helped Jun and Lu escape? where are they? did they successfully manage to go out of BAP territory??? but seeing how Jungkook is beaten up, were they caught? escaped or not Jungkook wouldve been punished anyway... i hope they managed to escape
Bazingadoodle #4
Chapter 7: KOOKIE!!!!
Bazingadoodle #5
Chapter 6:
2449 streak #6
Chapter 3: ohhhh... so yifan killed his dad too? did i get that right?

and ughhhhh, Yongguk is pure evil with what he wants to happen... i hope EXO saves Suho and Luhan asap
2449 streak #7
why'd they have to hide their relationship, specially when kris already knew of chenlay... loke wouldn't it be better for the team if they weren't sharing any secrets and that they don't have to look up to two different leaders who have endless bickering???

and now Jun and Luhan are taken by the bad guys! have to save them!
krishunmybias #8
Chapter 2: Oh...noooo.... You better save Junmyeon, Yifan!!! Ughh... I love BAP too, but that's alright if you make them as bad people here... Fighting!!