Chapter 7

Falling To Pieces


Said boy lifted his head that was looking down at the floor and met with the two eyes of Xiumin and Kris.

He coughed and used his hoodie sleeve to wipe the blood that had come out of his mouth.

"Kris hyung? Xiumin hyung?" Jungkook whispered, his eyes widening.

"What happened? Why were they beating you up?" Xiumin asked. He leaned closer to Jungkook's face and looked at the bruises and cuts. They weren't too deep or too bruised. It would heal quick. There was no immediate medical attention.

Jungkook sighed and refused to meet the elders' gazes. "I did something. Those men were part of B.A.P..."

Before Jungkook could finish his sentence, Kris had grabbed him by the collar and pushed him up the wall. "Why the did you join B.A.P? Don't you know what Yongguk did to Jin? Did you know about Suho and Luhan, you piece of ?"

"Kris." Xiumin warned. He tried to get Kris to drop Jungkook but it was useless.

"Did you know? Because I swear to God. If you did. I'll kill you right now." Kris threatened.

Jungkook shook his head. Xiumin gripped his hand around Kris' wrist and squeezed it. He knew it would hurt his leader but he had to do it in case Kris actually killed Jungkook cause by now the leader's hands were wrapped around he younger boy's neck.

"Kris, let him go." 

No response.

Xiumin gripped harder. He had the strength in the group and his grip was painful if it was hard enough. 

"Kris. He said he didn't know about them. Let him go so he can explain."

After some moment the grip actually got painful so Kris let go and watched the younger catch his breath again. 

"Explain what happened. Now!"

Jungkook had been told he was suppose to work on a new section on Yongguk's warehouse. It was better than be Yongguk's personal slave. Jungkook shivered at the memory of the events that took place. Apparently Yongguk had found a new person. So, he was told to go pick that person up from a room cell.

He walked towards the room with a guard close on his back. Jungkook had a feeling that the guy had a gun on him too. The room was located at the far end of the hallway and once Jungkook had reached it, he took a peek inside and his eyes had widened at who it was. It was his Suho hyung. He panicked and had to quickly think of something to get Suho out.

He turned to the other guy and said, "I can handle it from here."

The guy shook his head. "Can't. This person in here may look pretty on the outside but he is a dangerous man. I need to accompany you."

Jungkook glared. His Suho hyung is dangerous, yes. But, to be people he cares about and knows, no. "I'll be fine. Just go. Or else I'll tell Yongguk you touched me. He won't like that. It will only result in him killing you."

The guard swallowed hard and thought about his decision. Jungkook smiled at victory when he guard had bowed and left. He hated saying stuff like that. He actually never wanted to be part of B.A.P. Bangtan was always his home. His safe place. 

It started as a fight he had with s. Well, actually it was with his boyfriend. He got angry and stormed out the house. He was in no state of mind and had drunk his misery away. The next morning he found himself in Yongguk's bed. He was unable to leave. The man had kept him trapped. He couldn't get outside and go back to Bangtan or see the outside world. Only around the warehouse he was allowed.

Turning back to the door he put the code in that he had been given and opened the door, closing it behind him. He knows there a camera so, getting Suho out wasn't going to be easy.

The camera was in the corner of the room so, he knew that someone was watching his movements. He looked over his shoulder and stared at the object in the corner of a while before taking a risk. He walked over to it and pulled his gun out from his belt, shooting the camera. The room was soundproof but it did mean that whoever was watching the footage did see him. He only had a couple of minutes for someone to be alerted. 

His heart broke at the sight of the elder curled up in a shrimp position in the floor, soft snores coming out his open mouth. Jungkook put his gun away as he slowly walked over to the elder and crouched beside him. He brought his right hand up and touched the soft hair, running his fingers through. 

Suho's eyes slowly opened as his he felt hands caressing his hair. He blinked at the person in front of him. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't imagining things, he looked again and was not imagining this. "Kookie?" 

Jungkook didn't say anything and looked at the floor, refusing to meet the elder's eyes.

"Wh-what are you doing here? Have you... Have you joined B.A.P?" Suho asked in disbelief. He stood up and eyed the younger suspiciously, who was still crouched on the floor. He knows deep down that he could never hurt the younger. Jungkook is still a kid. Just a few years younger than Sehun, Tao and Kai.

"Stand up, Kookie."

The younger let out a breathy sigh and stood up, his back still to the elder. Suho sighed and walked over to the younger boy, bringing his palm up and resting it on Jungkook's shoulder, slowly turning the boy around.

"I'm not mad. I'm sure you have reasons. Mainly it being Yongguk. Am I right?" Suho felt his anger build up when he saw the younger nod. He was definitely gonna kill Yongguk. Not just for kidnapping him but for whatever he did to Jungkook.

"Hey, look at me?" Suho put his motherly voice on. The voice he would use on the younger members. "I need your help to get me out of here. We then need to go get Luhan, okay?"

Jungkook nodded and walked towards the door, opening it and looking around for any guards. There was none, but he knew there would be some by Luhan's cell.

The two walked out of Suho's cell, carefully scanning the area. Jungkook stopped and turned to face the elder, he reached into his belt and pulled the gun out giving it to Suho.

"You have more experience than me." 

Suho nodded and continued to follow the younger through the hallways. They leaned against a wall as the heard voices from around a corner. 

"Luhan's cell is just round there. There's no camera outside, only inside. But we have to take out the guards." Jungkook whispered, using his hands to motion the two guards stood out in front of Luhan's room.

"Okay, I'll get the one on the left. You get the one on the right." Suho whispered back. Jungkook nodded and counted with the elder from three. When they said one, they both ran out. The guard in the left saw them first and brought his gun out, but just before he could shoot, Suho had grabbed his wrist and twisted it back, resulting in the guard dropping the weapon. Suho punched him in the stomach, knocking him on the floor. The two wrestled around on the floor for a bit before Suho straddle the guard and used the gun handle to knock the guard out.

While Suho was dealing with the guard on the left, Jungkook was throwing punches at the other one. He knows he isn't as strong as the EXO leader but he was trying his best to knock the guard down. However, the guard managed to get him in a head lock. Jungkook struggled in the harsh grip and elbowed the guard, the grip loosened so Jungkook managed to turn around, giving a hard punch in the guard's face. The guy still had strength to punch back and Jungkook was running out of options. He was knocked down on the floor as the guard straddled above him. He saw that Suho was too busy with the other guard. He thinks that this is how he's gonna die. He regrets fighting with s and lover. He regrets leaving Bangtan and joining B.A.P. 

His right hand lands on his side and he feels something hard digging into his wrist. He realises that it's his pocket knife. Jungkook's eyes widen as he realised he may have a chance. He digs into his pockets and manages to pull the knife and point it upwards to stab the guard in the stomach. As the knife slightly went in, Jungkook did not want to kill him. He has never killed anyone in his whole life. He grimaced as the body fell on his chest, making the knife go in deeper. The young boy gasped as blood started to drip from the guards mouth. 

Suddenly the body was being pulled off him and he was being pulled up from the floor. He stared at the lifeless body, his face going pale. He had just killed someone. Being in a gang, people would think that killing was the main thing you do but for Jungkook he never did it. Normally, the older members would. He would only bruise and cut the enemies.

"Hey, you okay?" The soft voice brought him out of his thoughts. He looked over at Suho and swallowed, hard.

"It's the first time I've killed." Jungkook confessed, voice so quiet, Suho had trouble hearing.

Suho walked over to the younger and pulled him in for a hug. "It's okay. You're okay. When we get Luhan, we'll get out of here and take you back to Bangtan." Jungkook silently nodded. Suho smiled a little and went to the keypad on the side of the door. "Can you tell me what the code is?"

The boy shook his head. Suho was confused, he was about to ask why, when he shut himself up as Jungkook walked towards the door and typed the code, the door unlocking with a click.

Suho walked in first, his steps quickened as he saw the state of Luhan. As soon as he reached the elder, he immediately pulled Luhan in his embrace. 


A/N: Sorry it's soooo late. I was gonna upload Wednesday and then I changed it to Friday which ended up being today. This part with continue next chapter. Sorry if stuff doesn't make sense, you can ask me and I'll explain anything.

The next chapter will be Luhan pov, kinda. Not sure when next chapter will be up, depends. So, look forward to that. 

I wanna also say thankyou for the subscribers. I love y'all. Which reminds me I also got into a new ship. ToDae! (TOP and Daesung)  I know I'm late but I love it. I may or may not write a fanfic with them in it.

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Chapter 6: Lol how everyone either knew or suspected Yifan & Junmyeon's relationship XD
So... if B.A.P has a big army & Monsta X is already in there... I'm guessing Block B's apart of it too. Along with Infinite? Idk, those 4 usually play the role of the rival "bad" gang in gang aus.
fry_thepan456 #2
Chapter 1: I read all 7 chapters, this is a really nice story ^_^ I want to know how Jungkook ended up in that alley though :O can't wait for the next update!
2449 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, i love how you were detailed with the fight scene! i was able to imagine it perfectly, every step and action they took...

if Jungkook helped Jun and Lu escape? where are they? did they successfully manage to go out of BAP territory??? but seeing how Jungkook is beaten up, were they caught? escaped or not Jungkook wouldve been punished anyway... i hope they managed to escape
Bazingadoodle #4
Chapter 7: KOOKIE!!!!
Bazingadoodle #5
Chapter 6:
2449 streak #6
Chapter 3: ohhhh... so yifan killed his dad too? did i get that right?

and ughhhhh, Yongguk is pure evil with what he wants to happen... i hope EXO saves Suho and Luhan asap
2449 streak #7
why'd they have to hide their relationship, specially when kris already knew of chenlay... loke wouldn't it be better for the team if they weren't sharing any secrets and that they don't have to look up to two different leaders who have endless bickering???

and now Jun and Luhan are taken by the bad guys! have to save them!
krishunmybias #8
Chapter 2: Oh...noooo.... You better save Junmyeon, Yifan!!! Ughh... I love BAP too, but that's alright if you make them as bad people here... Fighting!!