Chapter 5

Falling To Pieces

Warnings: language, blood, death, angst
Haven't proof read so sorry for mistakes will edit when I have chance. 

Minseok was walking home from school, his smart uniform uncreased and both straps of his backpack over his shoulders. It was late at night so the streets were calm and quiet, the occasional car and person going past. His thoughts distracted him but his footsteps knew where to go. 

He was 17 years old and lived with his grandma, both parents had died in a car accident when he was younger. His grandfather died before he was born. Minseok felt grateful of his grandma. She gave him her all. She never let him down, treated him as if he was her own son.

Thinking about his grandma he had a sick feeling in his stomach. He didn't know what it meant so, he carried on walking. It wasn't until a he was a couple of houses away when a dark figure rushed past him, their shoulder bumping with his. Minseok would've fallen down if it wasn't for his quick reflexes. He turned to the stranger, seeing him run down the street. The schoolboy shrugged before carrying on his route.

A sudden realisation hit that the neighbourhood is known to have a bad reputation of gangs and killing, Minseok rushed his steps at a full out sprint until he reached his grandma's home. His eyes widened at the front door wide open. He wasted no time going into the house, the sick feeling came back as he saw that there was picture frames scattered on the floor, furniture ripped and turned over. 

Minseok panicked when he saw traces of blood on the carpet. He kept his shoes in as he went to search for his grandma. 

"Gr-grandma, where are you?" 

He heart beat faster when all he heard was silence. He felt slightly relieves when he heard a voice, it was weak but clear coming from the kitchen. "I'm in here, Min."

Minseok got rid of his backpack and ran to the kitchen and his face paled at the sight of his helpless grandma lying on the cold floor. He rushed to her and knelt beside her, trying to ignore the bullet wound in her chest. The schoolboy reached his hand above and got a kitchen towel to put pressure on his grandma's bleeding chest.

"I'm sorry." His grandma used all the strength she had left to reach her hand up and wipe the tears in her grandson's face. She softly caressed Minseok's cheek and rubbed her thumb under his eye.

"What? Why are you saying sorry? You're not gonna die." Minseok cried. He added more pressure on to the wound and pulled his phone out of his blazer pocket. He called an ambulance. 

"Minseok." His grandma called out, taking the phone out of her grandson's hand. "It's okay. It my time. I'm sorry." She coughed out, blood dripping down his chin, her eyes slowly closing. "You have to go. Get out of here." She closed her eyes and whispered. "I love you, Minnie." 

Minseok watched in horror as his grandma took her last breath. He held her and cried. He knew living here was a mistake, he should've taken his grandma somewhere safe. He should've protected her. Minseok laid her gently again and kissed her forehead whispering a "I love you too" before getting up, going to his room and packing a bag with clothes and necessary items. 

He slung his bag on his back, he grabbed a couple of pictures that had his parents and his grandma on, putting the in his pocket, taking one look back at the lifeless body of his grandma he walked out the door and ran to the place he hoped could help him.

The boy ran for what seemed to be miles until the old abandoned warehouse came in sight. He sighed as he opened the big metal doors just wide enough for his small body to fit through.

There was little power working only dim lights lit the walls and hallways. Minseok walked down but a hand on his chest stopped him.

"Who are you?" 

Minseok turned to the voice and saw a boy around his height, slightly taller, brown hair, deer eyes. He looked too young to be in a place like this.

"Minseok. Kim Minseok. Kris will know who I am."

The boy nodded and took his phone out of his pocket, calling someone. Minseok just rolled his eyes and put his hands in his pockets. The other boy saw but chose to ignore it as he continued to speak into the phone. 

"Okay. Thanks, Chen."

The boy ended the call and turned to look at Minseok and slight smile on his face. "You can go in..."

Minseok nodded and stepped towards the door but stopped in place and faced the other boy again. "I'm sensing there's a but?"

Deer boy, as Minseok would call him, cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes. The but will be that I have to come with you."

Minseok shook his head but motioned for the door with hand. "Sure, after all, we're on the same team."

"Are we?" Deer boy said before leaving Minseok standing there thinking about the question he was just asked. He shook his head while walking through looking at the even taller boy who was seated at the top of a table.

"Minseok! Nice to see you." The boy at the end of the table stood up and gestured Minseok a chair to his right. Minseok walked to the chair and took a seat, the other boy following him. "What brings you here? I remembered the last time, you turned down my offer to accept being in this gang."

"Someone killed my grandma. I want to get revenge. I need your help to track him down." Minseok said, he hung his head low while playing with his fingers that were placed in his lap.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But if you want my help, you know that you have to join. Permanent." 

Minseok nodded, his head still low. "I know, Kris. Thanks." 

Kris' lips turned upwards into a small smile. "Well, I owe you one. And your grandma was the best."

"Yes. She was." Minseok chuckled remembering how he use to bring Kris home sometimes to his grandma and they used to eat the cookie she made that day. She was always there for him and now she's gone.

Suddenly the door opened and Minseok's lips turned into a grin when the familiar happy voice echoed through the eerie warehouse. "Minseok!"

Minseok stood up and returned to the sudden embrace. "Hi, Junmyeon."

"I heard you came here and came straight way. What happened? Why did you come?" Junmyeon asked, still holding Minseok tight.

"Grandma got killed. Gun-shot. I need your guys' help. I need to find that guy who her, Junmyeon. I can't believe she's gone." Minseok cried. He clung onto Junmyeon's jacket and sobbed into the younger boy's shoulder.

Junmyeon let a tear slip. Minseok's grandma was so nice to him. She was nice to everyone. She was a saint, always everyone before her self. He rubbed up the elder boy's back and softly shushed him, the way Minseok's grandma would. She would always know what to do if someone got upset.

"Well, looks like I'm part of you guys now." Minseok mumbled as they parted from the hug. 

Junmyeon's eyes widen, he had never turned so fast as he turned to look at Kris. "What the f-"

"Language, Junmyeon." Kris warned before slowly standing up. If he was scared of anyone it would be Junmyeon. The first person to come to his mind.

"Shut the up. I can't believe you pressured him into joining the gang. If he said he doesn't want to then he doesn't have to, is that clear?" Junmyeon glared at the taller male, holding Minseok's wrist, gently.

"I didn't pressure him. I said I would help him if he joined. It's a simple compromise." Kris stated as he returned the glare.

Junmyeon tutted and turned back to Minseok. He place both his palms on the elder shoulders and rubbed them in comfort. "We will help you but you don't have to join the gang."

Minseok nodded and hesitated to say the next thing. He sighed and spoke up. "Well, I have nowhere to live. I have no job. No money. No house. My only option is to join the gang and live here. If you'll let me. Plus, I want to join this time."

"Of course. You'll always welcome." Junmyeon smiled. Minseok was so grateful for Junmyeon. Even though he was the younger one, Junmyeon still acted like the mother of the gang. "Are you sure you want to join?"

"Yeah. Definitely." Minseok nodded, smiling.

"Okay, time to introduce you to everyone. Well, the pretty boy who brought you here is Luhan. He's Kris' second in command. He's lazy as and will do the easy side jobs." Junmyeon playful stool his tongue out at the other who had his mouth open like a fish. "I'm joking, Luhan. He's good with fighting. He knows the instant kill places on someone's body. Also, yes, I've notice you've been stealing glances at each other ever since I came in so, if you are gonna date, then that would be so adorable." Junmyeon squealed like a fan girl. Minseok couldn't understand why he was the gang leader but guessed he would probably find out. Kris just rolled his eyes as he was playing on his phone.

Junmyeon, calming down a bit, carried on talking. "So, we have Chen, who's our computer genius, tracks everything down, cameras, phones exceterra(a/n: pronounce it like etc...). Lay, very good at hand combat. He's good at fist fighting. He looks high (Kris sniggers) but he's very kind. Any problems go to Lay. He's also our medic. Any injuries, go to him not a hospital. We don't do that thing.

"Chanyeol, Baekhyun, both brothers. Chanyeol uses shotguns. Baekhyun's good at two hand pistols. Chanyeol's tall so height difference might give him a reason to tease you any problems come to me, okay?" Junmyeon gave a grin that made his eyes close, Minseok's favourite smile from the younger. He smiled and nodded to carry on. "Kai, good with knives. He can stab his way through a fight and win first try. Any type of knife. Even a butter knife." The younger smiled at the shocked expression of the elder. "I know. Next is Kyungsoo or D.O. He will look cute like a little penguins but in the inside he's like the devil. But, he'll fight for his own. Fight for anyone in this gang.

"Tao and Sehun. Two of the youngest. Kai is a third. Tao and Sehun are both new just like you. They're young so won't be any more experience. We're trying to find their strong points. Haven't got there yet. Any questions?"

Minseok shook his head, he couldn't believe the information he just processed. "Nope. I think I'm good."

"Good." They smiled at each other before Junmyeon's grin became a teasing one. "Luhan, you can show him to your room. You guys can share. Don't worry Minseok-hyung, there's two beds. But if the ual predator side of him comes out, you can come to me. We have one other bedroom."

Minseok blushed and he knows Junmyeon saw. He turned around to see the grinning boy of Luhan and he motioned for the door to the stairs. Minseok breathed in and out. This was where he's going to live for the rest of his life, probably.

"Oh," Minseok remembered and faced Junmyeon. "Can you send someone to get my grandma and get her buried somewhere nice? I don't want her to be left in that house, please?"

Junmyeon smiled and nodded understandably. "Of course." 

Minseok hugged Junmyeon again and whispered in the younger's ear, "Thanks. For everything. I really appreciate it." He walked towards Luhan and followed the male to their shared room.


Minseok gave his grandma the best buried. In the flower garden that she love to go to. He made sure to visit there everyday to see her and tell her about his day, just like as it was when she was alive.

He grew closer to Luhan and managed to return the feelings. It took a while but the denying that it was doing was just him hiding his true feelings of love. With the help of the other members he found his grandma's killer and killed him, making sure the guy knew who killed him, Minseok was the last person he saw before he was brutally killed with Minseok's weapon, a bat he had grown to love. It was his speciality. A metal bat that could crush skulls. It was different for his grandma, he was the last person she saw. Someone who loved her not some stranger.  


Minseok woke up in his bed and felt around the other side of the bed, still hoping it was all a dream. It wasn't. He cried silently, smelling the scent of Luhan on the sheets. He was still in his clothes which means he must have passed out, crying himself to sleep.

He sat up and rubbed at his eyes. Hair was out of place and his clothes was crinkled. He wasn't like this. He was normally smart and clean but without his other half with him he felt empty.

Standing up from the bed, Minseok put his shoes on and walked towards the door. The time showed 10:20am. Everyone should be up. Minseok went to the door that Chen was normally in most of the time and knocked on it. 

"Who is it?" Chen asked from the other side of the door.

"Xiumin." Minseok answered.

Chen opened the door for the elder and let him come in and sit down. 

"Any news?" Minseok asked, the slight hope in his voice showed.

"No, sorry, hyung. I've tried. I'll keep looking but I've got no leads. I've had Lay in here too when he's free. You know, he's been busy with Kai."

Minseok nodded. He knows that Kai is important. He just needs to be selfish this time. He needs Luhan and Junmyeon to be found.

"Don't worry, hyung. We'll find them. I won't stop looking." Chen promised. He did a quick glance at his hyung before looking back at the screen.

"Thanks, Chen. Remember to rest, though. Don't overwork." Minseok patted the top of Chen's head.

"It's not a problem. You would do the same if it was Yixing. Anyway, how are you doing?" Minseok smiled a little and rubbed the sleep off of his face. 

"Coping. It's hard but we're gonna find him." 

Chen looked back at the elder and nodded his head before turning back to the screen, still looking through cameras. He still talked not turning his attention from the monitor. "Wonder how Kris-hyung is doing. I haven't seen him in ages. He's locked himself in his office. I think Kyungsoo's seen him. Yixing's took food for him. Not sure if he's eat it though." Jongdae sighed, pausing his typing before spinning his chair to Minseok once again. "I mean, I know he hates Junmyeon-hyung but they're partners and Luhan is his best friend. I don't know why he isn't doing anything. Maybe you should talk to him, hyung. He'll listen to you. You are older."

Minseok hummed and patted the younger on the shoulder. "Yeah, I might do just that. See you later, Jongdae. Don't work too hard. We have enough days."

The two bid goodbye and Minseok walked straight to the leader's office. He was going to find out why his leader was acting this way. 

Minseok walked straight into the office without knocking, slammed the door and the sight shocked him. His leader was slouched back on his chair, papers scattered over his desk, nose red, eyes bloodshot, dark bags under his eyes. A bottle of the most expensive whisky set on his desk, half empty and a glass was next to it with drop of that whisky in it.

"What the hell?" Minseok asked in a whisper. He was suppose to say it to himself but Kris heard.

"I know. I've lost him." Kris mumbled, taking the whisky in his hand.

"I know. But we'll find him. And Junmyeon. I know you hate him but he's one of our-"

"I don't hate him, Minseok." Kris looked up and shared eye contact with the elder. Minseok saw the change in his leader's eyes. Yifan's voice cracked when he said it. "I love him." Minseok was in shock he was about to say something when the leader spoke up, a tear running down his face. "I love him and I don't know how to get them back. I'm so sorry, Minseok."

Minseok was in more shock that his leader was crying. The elder walked to Yifan and hesitated doing the next thing but in the end he went with what was right. He hugged the sobbing leader. "It's alright, Yifan. We'll find them."

To be continued...

A/N: thanks for reading!! It's up earlier than I had planned because I am going to a Wales campsite where there is no wifi, so I'm updating it beforehand. I think this is a really long chapter tbh. Jeez, when you get lost in the Xiuhan feels. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3

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Chapter 6: Lol how everyone either knew or suspected Yifan & Junmyeon's relationship XD
So... if B.A.P has a big army & Monsta X is already in there... I'm guessing Block B's apart of it too. Along with Infinite? Idk, those 4 usually play the role of the rival "bad" gang in gang aus.
fry_thepan456 #2
Chapter 1: I read all 7 chapters, this is a really nice story ^_^ I want to know how Jungkook ended up in that alley though :O can't wait for the next update!
2449 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, i love how you were detailed with the fight scene! i was able to imagine it perfectly, every step and action they took...

if Jungkook helped Jun and Lu escape? where are they? did they successfully manage to go out of BAP territory??? but seeing how Jungkook is beaten up, were they caught? escaped or not Jungkook wouldve been punished anyway... i hope they managed to escape
Bazingadoodle #4
Chapter 7: KOOKIE!!!!
Bazingadoodle #5
Chapter 6:
2449 streak #6
Chapter 3: ohhhh... so yifan killed his dad too? did i get that right?

and ughhhhh, Yongguk is pure evil with what he wants to happen... i hope EXO saves Suho and Luhan asap
2449 streak #7
why'd they have to hide their relationship, specially when kris already knew of chenlay... loke wouldn't it be better for the team if they weren't sharing any secrets and that they don't have to look up to two different leaders who have endless bickering???

and now Jun and Luhan are taken by the bad guys! have to save them!
krishunmybias #8
Chapter 2: Oh...noooo.... You better save Junmyeon, Yifan!!! Ughh... I love BAP too, but that's alright if you make them as bad people here... Fighting!!