Chapter 1

Falling To Pieces

The ten EXO members flinched at the sound of something colliding with the wall followed by glass shattering. It's funny how they are the most fearless men on the planet, yet they're terrified of their two leaders. Especially when those two leaders are arguing. The two leaders hated each other, yet they had to lead a gang into fights, together.

"How could you just let them get away?" The Chinese leader shouted. They've just had a previous fight with the enemy and the Korean leader had let them get away without finishing them off.

"If we had finished them off then a bigger more experienced gang would've come and killed us. Did you want that? Want our group to be finished? To be wiped out?" The Korean leader shouted even louder. 

"I hate you!"

Tao, one of the best snipers in the group, who was still a teen himself felt his eyes getting blurry. He brought the palm of his heels to his eyes to rub at them to stop the tears from running. 

Everyone in the room went silent as the shouting had stopped. The members shared a look before Tao spoke up from where he was sat on the couch. 

"I wish mom and dad didn't fight." 

Sehun, who was the same age as Tao, rubbed the boy's back to comfort him. They're really close friends and share lots of secrets between them.

"They're not your mom and dad, Tao." Said boy looked up at the male who resembled a puppy but in combat he was the most reckless.

"Leave it, Baek." Minseok, or his gang name Xiumin, also the eldest warned the younger male. If the leaders were busy, he or Luhan, the other eldest male would be in charge.

"Yes, they are!" Tao shouted before standing up and retreating back to his room, with a slam of his door.

"I'll go talk to him." Sehun stood up and went to the room where the Chinese maknae was.

"Nice going, Baek." Chanyeol, Baekhyun's younger yet taller brother sarcastically said.

"Shut up, Yeol. He's just being a child." Baekhyun crossed his arms over his chest and frowned at the rest of the group disagreeing with him.

"Baekhyun, he is still a child. He's not even eighteen yet." Minseok scolded. "And what would Suho and Kris think about their members arguing and fighting? And upsetting the maknae? It's not healthy in a team."

The rest of EXO went quiet at the eldest's firm voice. After getting the younger males' attentions, Minseok cleared his through and instructed them, "Go to your respective rooms and have some free time. When Suho and Kris are finished they will give their own instructions for you. Is that clear?"

A few nods and the six younger male's left the room leaving Minseok and Luhan. 

Minseok looked to the floor and hung his head. He hated scolding the younger ones. They normally did nothing wrong. They just liked to wind each other up. He lifted his head up when he felt a hand on his shoulder, giving a comfortable squeeze. 

"You did good, Minnie. They actually listened to you. They never listened to me." Luhan smiled but mumbled the last bit, but Minseok heard.

 A cheeky grin appeared on the elder's face. He squished the younger's cheeks, resulting in a whine. "They don't listen to you because you're so adorable, Lu. You need to get the cold-resting face, Kris has. And with just a look, the members will be at your feet and following your instructions."

Luhan smiled and started to frown while practicing his glare when Minseok took his hands from his face. "That's it! Except, you're scaring me now."

Minseok smiled to show he was joking, kissing the pout, he took the deer boy by the hands and out to their shared room.

Unknown to them, there were two eyes watching the secret camera that was placed in the living room just outside the office where no-one was allowed, except the two leaders.

Yifan was sat on his office chair while Junmyeon was sat on the elder's lap with his back resting against the taller male's chest. Yifan's hand were resting on his stomach and Junmyeon's hands were resting over the taller male's. 

They weren't really arguing, they put up an act in front of the members to hide their relationship. By hearing the fighting, the members will go to their room, giving their leaders space and the two leaders get to have some quiet time alone, where they can be all lovey-dovey like normal couples. Sometimes they like to imagine what it's like to be normal and not here most wanted criminals and gang leaders there is.

"I wish we could be like Minseok-hyung and Luhan." Junmyeon admitted quietly but he knows the elder heard.

"We will, love. It just takes time." Yifan kissed on the younger male's temple to soothe him.

"Yifan, do you really hate me for letting B.A.P go?"

Yifan squeezed the younger tighter at the question. He immediately leaned his head to kiss the male's soft lips before holding the Junmyeon's face with one hand and caressing the soft spot under his eye.

"No, never. I could never hate you, Junmyeon. It actually makes sense that we backed off. What you said was right. I only said that I hated you because the members were outside listening into our conversation. And that reminds me, we need to clean up that glass."

Junmyeon saw the sincerity in the elder's eyes and leaned back onto his chest and hummed as the taller male caressed his blonde locks. "When are B.A.P coming back?"

Yifan sighed and the younger felt the the hot breath on his neck, which made him shiver slightly.

"I give it three weeks, tops. They won't hold back longer than that. We need to get them ready. Tomorrow we'll meet with Bangtan and see if they can help. B.A.P's army is gonna be big." Yifan looked back at the screen showing the empty living room. "And you, need to have a word with Baekhyun winding Tao up."

"Me? Why me?"

"Because you are his leader. I am not."

"But, he'll listen to you more. You do have the resting- face, with the angry bird eyebrows, you can make anyone cower under your sharp gaze." The younger exaggerating teasingly, turning his head back to look at the elder.

"Hey! How dare you? Those are Minseok's words. You stole his words." Yifan thought about how he can get revenge and started to tickle the younger male who writhed in his hold.

"Yi..Yi-Yifan, stop. It tickles too much." Junmyeon squealed. Yifan immediately kissed him to muffle his squeals so EXO didn't hear them. He finally let the younger male go and slumped back into the chair, the younger following suit.

"What if we lose?" Junmyeon asked while unconsciously playing with the rings on Yifan's fingers. "Sehun and Tao, they're just boys. They haven't been able to live their lives because they're in this messed up world."  

Junmyeon grew attached to Sehun and Tao when they first joined the gang. They both have had tough pasts and lost both their parents so, Junmyeon felt like being their motherly figure. Even though Tao is in Yifan's sub-group of the gang, he's still like a son to the Korean leader.

"We won't lose, Jun. I won't let that happen. Tao and Sehun are ready. They know how to fight. They're strong, capable." Yifan heard the hard gulp of his lover. He knew Junmyeon was scared. He was too. But he would never let anything happen to the younger male or the rest of the members. He would always put himself before them. "What happened to the strong I-take-no- leader?"

"He goes away when he's alone with you." After hearing the cheesy line come out of his mouth, Junmyeon brought his hands and covered his face to hide the blush forming on his cheeks, trying to get off Yifan's lap to escape.

Yifan pulled Junmyeon's arms and body to remove the palms covering Junmyeon's face and linked his fingers with the younger male's, to hold them in place.

"When did you get so cheesy, Mr. Kim?" Junmyeon smiled instead of answering the elder. His face faltered when he heard the taller male say, "Uh-ho."

"What? What's wrong?"

"Sehun and Tao are on the couch together."

"Yifan, they're only sitting together."

"Yeah, but we all know they sneak into each other's room when they're not suppose to. They are forbidden to be in a relationship. I forbid it." 

Yifan swiftly picked up Junmyeon, bridle style, before placing him gently on the floor and storming over to the door and opening it with a force. Junmyeon just rolled his eye and fixed his appearance before following the elder male out the door.

"Oh, Kris-hyung. I see Suho-hyung hasn't left any black bruises on you?"

"Shut up, Sehun. And you two, why are you sitting so close. You know you're not allowed to be in a relationship."

"But, we aren't in a relationship. We're just friends." Sehun spoke up.

"Yeah, well friends don't sit that close together. Listen, I forbid it. You hear me? I'm the leader and you do as I say." Kris pointed a finger towards the two. 

"What? What about Suho-hyung? Hyung?" Sehun looked behind the taller male, who was standing in front of the couch, and notice the small male emerging, fast but swiftly from the office room. 

The three watched as Suho walked over to the front door, grabbing his hand gun from the coffee table beside the door. He slowly walked towards the door, gun in hand, and looked through the peep hole before opening the door, hiding his gun behind his back.

They lived in a quiet place and would go on missions and assignments far away from the area they lived in. If they were being tracked it would be hard to find the house as it is in a secluded area. It's small but keeps the members safe. That's why Kris and Suho bought it.

"Um... Hi, I was told to give you this." The person in front of the door held a medium sized box in front of Suho. The Korean leader stood there before placing his gun in his back pocket and taking the box from the man at the door.

"Thanks." With that Suho closed the door, box in hand and walked into the living area.

"What's in the box, hyung?" Tao asked.

Suho shrugged and put the package on the dining table before taking a peek inside, opening the lid slightly, enough to see what was inside. He almost vomited at the smell and let out a small gasp of seeing what it was. He immediately shut the lid and turned to face the two maknae's. 

"Go to Sehun's room. Both of you."

"But, Suho. I forbade it." Kris turned to other leader, protesting.

"Shut the up, Kris. You two. Go. Now." The two scattered after hearing the firm voice of Suho.

After the two had left, Kris walked up to the smaller leader and stood behind his back. He brought his hands and rubbed up and down the younger arms. "What's wrong? Why do you look so pale?"

The small male stood silent, the only thing calming him down was the warmth and familiar scent of the taller male.

Yifan looked at the box before hesitantly bringing his hand to the edge and slowly lifting it up, getting a whiff of the smell instantly. ". . This is bad."

"Pigs head. It's a warning. One week. We have one week. And they'll come. They figured out where we live." Junmyeon whispered.


To be continued...

Thankyou for reading. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Look forward for the next one :D

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Chapter 6: Lol how everyone either knew or suspected Yifan & Junmyeon's relationship XD
So... if B.A.P has a big army & Monsta X is already in there... I'm guessing Block B's apart of it too. Along with Infinite? Idk, those 4 usually play the role of the rival "bad" gang in gang aus.
fry_thepan456 #2
Chapter 1: I read all 7 chapters, this is a really nice story ^_^ I want to know how Jungkook ended up in that alley though :O can't wait for the next update!
2438 streak #3
Chapter 7: wow, i love how you were detailed with the fight scene! i was able to imagine it perfectly, every step and action they took...

if Jungkook helped Jun and Lu escape? where are they? did they successfully manage to go out of BAP territory??? but seeing how Jungkook is beaten up, were they caught? escaped or not Jungkook wouldve been punished anyway... i hope they managed to escape
Bazingadoodle #4
Chapter 7: KOOKIE!!!!
Bazingadoodle #5
Chapter 6:
2438 streak #6
Chapter 3: ohhhh... so yifan killed his dad too? did i get that right?

and ughhhhh, Yongguk is pure evil with what he wants to happen... i hope EXO saves Suho and Luhan asap
2438 streak #7
why'd they have to hide their relationship, specially when kris already knew of chenlay... loke wouldn't it be better for the team if they weren't sharing any secrets and that they don't have to look up to two different leaders who have endless bickering???

and now Jun and Luhan are taken by the bad guys! have to save them!
krishunmybias #8
Chapter 2: Oh...noooo.... You better save Junmyeon, Yifan!!! Ughh... I love BAP too, but that's alright if you make them as bad people here... Fighting!!