|bad idea

My (not so) Prince Charming

There she was, standing in front of the ice cream shop with tears streaming down her face. She stared right at her boyfriend who was about to be her ex as he spoke. "So... you're b-breaking up with me ri-right now Minho?" Miso asked half choking on every dang syllable. 

"Yeah... but don't cry. You're just too, how do I say this... boring." he scratched his head awkwardly as a girl came out staring at Miso's mascara stained face. Miso messily wiped her wet face with the back of her hand and coughed. "Boring? How? Tell me, I'll change!" she didn't notice how desperate she sounded just for the guy. 

"No, Miso. I-...I never really loved you. Take care of yourself... and if you don't mind, I took the... um furniture we bought together back." Minho quickly said and waved as she stared at him in shock.

She dropped her head down sobbing. 'He never even loved me' she thought but suddenly heard a scream in front of her.

"What the hell man?!" her boy- ex jumped back as a cup of macchiato hit the floor. She quickly rushed to him holding onto his arm. "Oh my gosh are you alright?" she held in her tears trying to wipe the hot stain from his leg somehow as it burned her hands. Minho groaned in fustration at the boys in front of him who were laughing and shoved Miso away towards them.

He stomped off as Miso suddenly fell into someone's arms. She cried as Minho walked away and didn't bother to move away from the stranger as she sniffled. The stranger pulled her by the sleeve away from himself "Cry if it makes you feel better but don't stain my jacket with your dirty tears."

"Sorry- wait what?"

"Jungkook, that's a bit..." his friend nudged his arm. "What? She's gonna get all that makeup on my expensive jacket." he dusted off his sleeve. "Your welcome though." he smiled at the confused girl.

"Welcome for what?" Miso was a bit annoyed at the rude boy. She didn't even wear that much makeup...

"For dumping my only drink on that loser." he sighed. "What a waste." he looked over to his unsure friend.

Miso's eyes widened. "That was on purpose?" 

"Yeah, he deserved it. I mean he just- OWWW!" he fell to the floor. She scoffed and stuck out her tongue. "What an arrogant jerk!" she looked at him and his friend and quickly turned around, walking home while wiping her eyes.

"What the frick?! I helped her out and this happens?!" he dusted his shoes groaning.

Little did she know... that would come bite her in the sooner or later.


Hello ^-^ Thank you for reading the first chapter~ though it's quite short! It's kind of like an intro~

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Chapter 5: Yes miso, yes he is love sick. But don't worry, he'll fall for you eventually baby girl. I'm supporting you girl!
husunaglorymorning #2
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh..this cocky and playful kookie is my favourite...i jut found this fanfic today..and got really stuck with it..please update soon..muuaahhh
shiningsulli #3
Chapter 3: aww this is cute!! i'll keep waiting, fighting authoor