Chapter 2


Taemin's POV


"Are you awake?" a voice asked me. I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids weren't listenting to me.

"I am." I replied with my eyes closed, for some reason I wasn't afraid of the voice.

"Very good. Lee Taemine, do you know where you are." I heard a click and my eyelids bursted open.

I looked around, but I saw noone. "No, I don't." I replied to the voice.

Something dropped from the skyish like ceiling. It was a picture of a girl. She looked about 14, she wore red glasses and had big eyes. Her hair was only a few inches under her ear. The first impression I gave to the picture was 'Cute'. "What's this?" I asked the voice." It didn't reply....

My eyes slowly opened, was it a dream? I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling. Who's voice was it anyway. I sat up and scratched my head. My eyes were darting around the room. I stopped instantly. *Wait is this my dorm.* The room was white and there were posters....of me and the group everywhere. This must be fans room. I looked around a spotted some soft toys. Also a girl's room. I tried to stand up, but my legs felt it didn't give enough support for me so I flopped down. I crushed my eyelids togethor ready to recieve the pain, but it never came and my eyes almost bursted out from what I saw was lying in front me. Legs, but the that's not the point. Those legs weren't my legs, in fact they weren't even human. Doll legs, yes these legs belonged to a doll, but why are they attached to me? I tried to stand up again, this time I managed to make my way to a small mirror beside the bed. I looked into the mirror as my mouth hanged out. What stared back at me was not me, it was not Lee Taemin. It was a puppy dog, stuffed toy. I screamed and it caused me to fall backwards again. I began to panick.

"So what happened last night.?" I searched through my memories untill I could find an answer. I was...yes I remember the hyung's were drunk and...arhh. The memory of the dead silence flooded into my head. That doesn't makes sense, how did I end up in this body. They operated on me? No, who would be stupid enough to put me a stuffed toy? I shook my head. This is crazy.

There was nothing to do, so I decided to explore the girl's room, I looked at the pictures she took with her family. I used my dolly paws to touch the photo. Whys does she look so familiar? I used my dolly brain to think about her facials and where I saw her. The picture in my dream. That's right, so there must be a reason I'm here in her room. I wonder where she is. I hoped off the bed, when the door suddenly opened.

I flew into the room and I tried my best NOT to scream. The figure the walked in cried as she started crying, questioning, why was ME Lee Taemin out of all people. I was confused so I just sat there and continud to listen to her. Her words made me understand she loved me, but why me? I'm a star, I belong to a group named SHINee, one of the most popular groups in Korea, our chances it even possible? Yet I'm here...arrhhh I wish the other hyung's were here I can just ask them.

Suddenly the girl smiled....what a beautiful smile. I stared at her and time just carried on without me noticing. Her smile was still plastered on her face, as she slowly fell aleep. I couldn't get back onto the bed so I decided to just stare at her beautiful sleeping face.

Sunju's POV

I woke up at the middle of the night. "Water..." I mumbled and hoped off the me. "Ouch!" something screamed as I landed on the floor. "Huh?" my eyes flickered around the room. My heart started beat fast, as my eyes still flickered here and there. "Who's there?" I screamed, so my family wouldn't here me. "Ummm....Lee Taemin?" the voice murmered. I closed my eyes and ran to the direction were the lights were while yelling out "LIAR LIAR LIAR. WHO ARE YOU REALLY?" I flicked the switch and through my eyelids I could see patches of red. I know the lights are open, so I slowly opened my eyes.

My mouth dropped open as I saw what was infront of me. Like the voice had said it WAS Lee Taemin I screamed as Taemin stood up. He looked a bit confused and asked himself. "Eh? I'm back to my body again, but how?" he looked around and shrugged. I gulped. *What does he mean he back to his body again. Who cares now, Taemin is in the hospital with brain damage it can't be him.* His attention was a back at me again. "Hello..." he smiled awardly. "Your not Taemin!" I pointed at him, he looked confused and opeed his mouth ready to answer, but I cutted him off. "Taemin is in hospital with brain damage, and even though he doesn't have brain damage. He wouldn't be in my house in my room. Is this some kind of joke?"

"I don't know either." Taemin explained. "When I woke up I was in this puppy dogg doll thing and now I'm back to me. I'm as confused as you."

"OH nononon. Don't gimme your lies. You are not Lee Tamin!!"

He seemed to get annoyed. "I AM LEE TAEMIN. LEE TAEMIN, LEE TAEMIN!" he screamed.

I covered my eyes, his voice was sure loud enough for everyone to hear, but noone came into my room.

"If your Lee Taemin you'll know the following questions I ask you...!" I hissed at him.

"Ok go on." he accepted the challenge. "Bring it!"

"When were you born?"

"July 18. 1993." He spat.

I thought for while. "What are Taemin's two favourite flowers?"

"The sun flower and white rose."

"What would Taemin rather do when the world is ending?"

"I would rather hang out with my friends then eat." he rolled his eyes. "Oh comon anyone can just find these things on the interent. I know more about myself then you." He poked him tongue at me.

I started to yell all the questions I know about Taemin and he was answer in a split second. We panted, we have been doing the same thing for over 30 minutes.

"I still don't believe you." I hissed.

He shrugged and sat on the floor, as I told him. "You can stay here untill tomorrow then you have to leave!."

"I can't leave this room unless you leave." he told me.

"Lies how do you know." I asked him as I threw a couple of blankets at him.

"I dunno this voice just told me, when we were yelling at each other."

"Pfft, yeah right." I closed the light, hoped back in bed and was ready to doze off.

"I'm Taemin."

"SHUT UP!" I said and rolled to the other side my back was facing him.


hope you all like it so far

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hey guys getting so many subbies for the story =.= i feel so bad ill start this story again dw every1~


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Chapter 8: I really like this story ^^ It's really original ! I'll be looking forward to the update ~
ambzchan #2
so cute
update soon :3
how sweet.
ambzchan #4
update soon
Please update your story is getting very interesting.<br />
miss_unkown good job on the story really like it. Wonder what sunju thinks about it tho~ (-_-???
get writing. :P
Whoa!! This Fan Fic looks really good! Hwaiting!