Empty Threat

Gangsters arrangement

Alex POV:

'Welcome home miss, how was your first day at school?' Mr. Jeon asked me as I walked in. 

'It was fine.' I said with a scowl on my face as I threw my bagpack in the hands of mr. Jeon. Mr. Jeon was the personal butler i got assigned when I moved to Korea, a total wuss if you ask me. The butlers back in the U.S were way more carefree, here in Korea they are way to uptight, totally not my style. 

'The look on your face tells me something different, miss.' mr. Jeon said giving me a polite smile and taking my jacket. 

'Yeah, it's just that.... first days are meant to in someway or another, let's not think about it to much okay?' I sighed as I walked to the kitchen being starved. I opened the fridge and took out some peanut butter and jelly for my fridge. 

'What does it mean to be a typical foreigner, mr. Jeon? Like I was just trying to be nice for once, and be friends with a total nerd but no, I was labeled rude and a typical foreigner.' I said sighing once again, proceeding to make my sandwich. 

'I'm not sure what your talking about, but mr. Jeon didn't follow you.' a voice that sounded way younger than mr. Jeon's voice said behind me. 

I turned around in shock finding a very handsome young guy sitting at the kitchen island drinking some orange juice. 

'Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?!' I yelled grabbing a spatula ready to hit him anywhere if necessary. 

The guy raised his hands in his deffence and stood up from his seat.

'Relax, I am Jungkook, mr. Jeon's son.' He said while softly grabbing the spatula out of my hands. ' I followed my dad to work because I was bored.' He continued. Okay, I'm taking my word back about that Korean butlers are way to uptight. 

I took a deep breath and took the boy infront of me in. He was wearing timberlands with thight leather jeans that accentuated his thighs, a white t-shirt that was a little thight around his chest. His hair was messy, showing a peak here and there of his forehead. Damn, this boy was hot. 

I held out my hand for him to take and introduced myself to him. 'I am Alexandra, but you can call me Alex.' I said to him giving him a genuine smile, because who wouldn't give a genuine smile to a hot boy. 

'Well, nice to meet you Alex.' He said taking my hand shaking it slightly. 

'I was about to make a sandwich, do you want one too?' I asked him continuing on my sandwich, which I obviously hadden't forgotten. Even in times of desperation or danger, I would never forget food. Food is love, food is life. 

Jungkook was about to answer when mr. Jeon came walking in the kitchen, panic flashing his face. 

'What are you doing Miss?! If you wanted a sandwich you could have just asked one of the maids!' Mr. Jeon exclaimed waving one of the maids over. 

'Calm down, mr. Jeon, it's okay, I prefer to make my own sandwiches anyway.' I said some of the remaining peanut butter of my fingers. 

'But miss, it's our duty to make you feel as comfortable as possible.' mr. Jeon said in desperation. 'Well, by you guys following every step I take, and take all the work out of my hands, I sure as hell don't feel comfortable.' I said slamming the butter knife down on the kitchen counter. 'Now I am not hungry anymore, make sure this will be cleaned up, I am going out.' I said annoyed and walked away. 

I quickly changed my clothes and went out, not knowing where my feet would take me yet. 

After walking for about thirty minutes I reached the shopping district of the neighbourhood and walked around for a bit. There were people drinking alcohol on the sides of the streets, there were people window shopping, and actual shopping, and there were people just simply enjoying eachothers company sitting down in cozy restaurants. 

My eyes scanned a few restaurants until my eyes fell on Jin and his friends, and his eyes fell on mine. His face lit up and he excused himself from his friends walking outside to greet me.

'Hey Alex! What are you doing here?' Jin asked me running up to me. 

'Nothing really, just looking around the neighbourhood because I was bored.' I said to him, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my sweater.

'Oh well, come sit with us then, my friends won't mind.' He said grabbing my arm, pulling me into the building. 

'No it's fi-' I tried to excuse myself but Jin interrupted me by introducing me to his friends as we reached the table sooner than expected, and my eyes fell on one peculiar person. Kim effing Taehyung. I groaned and saw that the only spot left was the spot next to him, just like in class. 

I awkwardly sat down next to him, putting my hands on my awkwardly on my knees and trying to focus on the person in front of me. 

'Hi I'm Alex and you are?' I asked him. 

'I am Jimin! You were new in our school right? Jin told us al about you.' Jimin said wiggeling his brows at me. 

I let out a lighthearted laugh and leaned my head on my fist. 'Judging by your expression it was good things right?' I asked him. 

Jimin was about to answer when Taehyung interrupted. 'See what I meant? You're being rude again by leaning your head on your fist infront of someone you just met.' He said boredily looking down on his face. 

'Oh no, Taehyung it's fine by me, I don't really care.' Jimin said softly giving me a sweet smile. I swear by even just knowing him for 2 seconds I know he is an angel from god, unlike someone.

'Just because your fine, doesn't mean others will be fine with it in the future.' He said still looking down on his phone. 

'Look, what is your problem?!' I exclaimed making the people we were sitting with stop their conversation and look at us. ' at first you didn't even dare to look at me, you stuttered when I talked to you, and you were continuously writing in that weird notebook of yours. And then you suddenly turn into some weird mofo and start acting as if I were your archenemy!' I said in one breath, huffing afterwards.  

Taehyung boredly looked up from his phone and let out a sigh. 

'As I said I don't care about you, so I also don't care about what you think of me.' He said looking me straight in the eyes, showing no remorse. 

'If you don't care why are you always commenting on my so called behaviour.' I said giving him a glare. 

'Just because I don't care about you, doesn't mean I don't care about my friends, that means I don't want my friends to feel uncomfortable around you.' He said putting his phone in his pocket, standing up, grabbing his jacket getting ready to leave. 

everyone's mouth fell open at his commenting and started looking at me, anticipating my reaction. 

'You're such an Taehyung, You're just a stupid nerd wh doesn't know who he is dealing with!' I said getting redder out of anger by the minute. 

'I'm the ? You are the one giving out empty threaths but whatever, I'm leaving, I don't want to hangout with trash.' He said as he started to walk out of the restaurant. 

I stood up getting ready to follow him but Jin grabbed my arm looking at me with a pityfull look. 'Alex, don't' He said softly. 

I shrugged of his arm, way to fuming with anger to even think straight and followed Taehyung outside.

[A/N; Whoopsie daisie, I kind of made Alex seem like an arrogant the last 2 chapters, and Taehyung like a cranky ... oopsy.']

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Chapter 4: Taehyungs character is literally so frustrating but also how I act like. and then Alex's character is so frustrating with her exaggerating and provocativeness but so relatable to my other friend and I'm dying from laughter
HazelRothPrior #2
Chapter 1: Nice start! Hehe goofy Taehyung~
dontmesswithme__ #3
I can't wait for this!