Letter, Krystal and Sixth Sense

Silent Love

Date: 30 Apr

Time flies, it is already the end of April. I saw him alone in the library today and finally spoke to him. I asked him why was he being kind to me and he said that it was because we have been in the same school for a long time and seems like we had known each other for a long time now. He also said that he was sorry for not contacting me because he had lost the letter that I gave him on the way home.

I asked if he had read the contents in the letter and he said that he just saw the letter is from me and after that he lost the letter. He tried to find it back but it was really gone. He said that he had wanted to ask me what the letter was about but thought that he may hurt my feelings for losing the letter. I lied to him and said that it was just a letter to ask him if he remembered me as his classmate in the past and hoped that we would be friends. When we were talking, my mind was thinking about why he was always in the library and was always staring into blank space but before I could ask him, the bell rang telling us that we should be going back to our class.

I have been getting along well with Eunji’s new friends they are okay but I still doubt them. One of them, Krystal especially, I had heard from a few girls that she had stolen a girl’s boyfriend and was seen making out in front of her class with the guy while the girl was in the other class. She isn’t that bad with us, if she thinks that we are her friends, she would protect you and if not she would just say bad thing behind your back.

Just like how she treats Yoonji, I thought that she would consider Yoonji as her friend because I saw them chatting happily but when Yoonji was not around, she would just say bad things about her, even when I am around. I decided not to listen to her when she does that and I will not tell Yoonji about it. I do not want her to get upset. Krystal have been getting closer to Yoonji and I, what I think is that she is just trying to get some secrets out of us so that she could talk about it. I told Yoonji that I would not say any of my secrets to her and that it is the best not to tell her too much about our secrets.

Date: 13 July

Many dramas happened today, starting off with Yoonji’s friend’s betrayal to my instinct being right about Krystal. I already had a bad feeling his morning the moment I woke up. When I was on my way to school Yoonji have been texting me about lots of things and at first I didn’t find anything wrong as she would always text me and talk but towards the end I found her messages being really weird. I asked her what happened and at first she did not want to tell me about till I told her that if she is not going to tell me I am going to send her to the counselor.

She told me that her friend, Saewa, that is with her since middle school have been really different lately. I knew who she was talking about because I saw them together a few times. Yoonji said that she has been smoking and it was by the influence of Krystal’s gang, she wanted to be like Krystal and thought that by doing almost the same thing that Krystal have been doing, she would be just like her.  She had also encouraged Yoonji to smoke too and skip school just because she don’t feel like going to school and if Yoonji don’t do so or tell the teachers about it, she would ignore her and confess to the twins that Yoonji like one of them. I told her that a friend like her is not even worth of her tears. I warned her not to try crazy things like cutting herself because as a future singer, you should not have any bad looking scar on yourself.  So for the whole day I have been trying to help Yoonji but then another problem came up.

The rumor about Krystal wanting Byunhyun to be her boyfriend turns out to be true. I had been seeing her around him more and all he could do is just avoid her or just go along with her but his face would be showing that he does not like it.

Just when I started to trust her little thinking that she is just a little bad on the outside and is a really caring person inside. That was just the beginning; when I was with Yoonji in the classroom listening to music, Krystal came into the class and instead of going to her seat; she went over to the twins and started to flirt with them. When I noticed that Yoonji had not seen it, I tried to divert her attention to the music and not the noise of Krystal and the younger twin who is telling her to get away from him.

Today is such a busy day for my mind… I am getting sick and tired of you Krystal, get away from the guys. But… why didn’t he have a girlfriend till now? I had seen him reject many girls. Maybe he already had someone in mind or he is like Eunji, none of the guys in school attracts her.    

A/n: Got to update because i gave up on that huge pile of work. Got to just ask my friends about it later and I doubt any of them had done it yet too. :P
p. s i do not dislike Krystal just that she looks a little fierce, she would fit for that bad girl look
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Thank you all for subbing! but i have got one bad news.. i would have to push back my plans about the sequel due to school


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Chocolatemushrooms #1
Interesting and unique! I loved it :)
i love ur story. :)