
Silent Love

Date: 26 Jan

Classes have officially started since last week and I am catching up real well. Our seats were changed because the teachers have been complaining about how noisy we are when we are seated next to our friends or are around our friends. We thought that we might have to sit next to an opposite gender but the good thing is that the teacher told us to sit according to our names. This is not much of a difference to me because I am then surrounded by guys. The teacher then moved me again because I am at the second back row and he could not see me because I am being blocked by one of the twins. I was told to sit beside a girl that was also in my class last year only that I did not get to know her better because we were never near each other during any lessons. Her name is Yoonji.

She is a total k-pop fan and her new textbook was already filled with pictures and names of idols. She is a really shy person and has very little confidence about her looks. I hope that I could help her to gain a little confidence this year.

Today when it was break time, I went to the library because Eunji have been hanging out with some group of girls which I do not quite like them. So I went to the library to spend my time off. On my way there I saw him again. This time he is alone and I wonder why. He walked pass me and said hi to me which shocked me. I froze and said hi to him back. He smiled and walked towards the canteen.

I always wonder why he was like that lately. He had been saying hi to me when we saw each other.

Date: 12 Feb

Two more days to valentines’ day, I felt that Eunji have been drifting away from me. She had been hanging out with a group of girls that is known to have bad reputation. While she is with them, I have been with Yoonji in class chatting and we would always buy a sandwich and eat it somewhere other than the canteen because Eunji would always try to persuade me to join them and I don’t like it.

Yoonji is the only one that knew about him, I noticed that I had never written about his name at all or say his name, Byunghyun is his name. She told me about her crush on the younger twin in our class and I told her that she can either confess now or just keep it silent until you are sure about his feelings toward her just like me because most guys would just confess to you if they know that they like you… right? We shared our many things and I think that she may become a friend that I do not want to lose in the future.

I think I am going to ask him if he remembers me tomorrow. There are many questions running in my head now and I would want to clear everything up tomorrow.

Date: 13 Feb

I totally failed at doing what I want to today. I told Yoonji that I would want to ask him the questions that had been bothering me but I did not even see him alone at school today. He is always with his group friends which makes me difficult to get close to him. Yoonji told me to write a letter and put it into his locker but I just cannot bring myself to write it down. I at expressing my emotions in words. Yoonji helped me a little and I also wrote down my contact number but till now he had not contacted me yet. So I think it is a failed plan. And I did not even do well for my exams today umma said that she is really upset because of me.

I am just going to hide my feelings now.

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Thank you all for subbing! but i have got one bad news.. i would have to push back my plans about the sequel due to school


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Chocolatemushrooms #1
Interesting and unique! I loved it :)
i love ur story. :)