INTERLUDE - Christmas Drabbles Time

Magical lives are made of this.


Well, as it says in the title this is an Interlude. It's what happens between Chpater 9 and 10. I'm sorry it took me more than a month to update but to be honest I've been dealing with some silly thought and some annoying ones. I know everyone here is trying to do their best but sometimes I feel frustrated because there is no feedback from readers and then I get into stories that have "famous OTPs" and even if they have no plot/no sense/no structure people leave A LOT of feedback which to be honest saddens me a bit :/ 
I'm not trying to fish for positive comments or praising here, I'm just explaining why I've felt a bit out with this story. I kept writing and have a lot of it done and I'm in no way dropping it. 
Just putting out there how I feel :) I hope no one misunderstands me because I mean no harm to anyone!

That being said, onto reading we go! :D








"Shouldn't you be in the shower?" Roro asked her brother who was happily munching on some snacks and watching Love Actually.

"It's almost the end I can't leave now!" Jongdae whined with his eyes locked on the screen.


Roro smiled amused and sat next to his brother. They were getting ready to go have dinner with their mum's huge family. Having 8 aunts wasn't something Jongdae particularly enjoyed. Too many women nosing in his private business.

"JONG-DAE!!" Seohyun's angry voice was heard from the upper floor. "You better be showered and dressed by the time I'm done with my make-up or we're going to leave you behind! I SWEAR TO GOD!"

Jongdae sighed heavily while Roro smirked at him with a told you so face. Seconds later Dante appeared walking down the stairs and sporting a sincere smile.

"You should listen to your mum buddy. Besides she is fast as lightning with her make-up" he winked at them making Roro giggle.

"Okay, okay... I'm already going."

And like that Jongdae left the living room while the ending credits appeared on the T.V screen. Dante looked at Roro confused.

"Hasn't he seen that movie like a thousand times?"


"I don't get it. What has him so sensitive today? He was grinning like mad this morning after the mail arrived" Dante explained frowning. Roro looked at him with an innocent expression.

"I'm as clueless as you are."

"This time" he joked.

Roro shrugged and kept watching TV making it impossible for her Dad to see the smirk and blush she was sporting. She knew why Jongdae was grinning like a fool that morning. She had similar reasons to be extra happy this Christmas. However, secrets were meant to be kept.


The only sound that was heard in the big dining room was the forks and knives making contact with the plates. Yu took a sip of her cup to hide a sigh. It wasn’t something new for her, the silent meals, but after three months at Hogwarts she needed to get used to it again. She had been not too elated to get back home. Sure, her parents weren’t the worst, bit strict, proud and snobbish but they had never mistreated her. Although, ignoring her wishes was a form of mistreatment she chose not to pay attention to. Her sister was a whole and worse story. She never missed a chance to make Yu feel inferior.

"So is school going well?" her mum asked trying to make small talk.

"As usual, a bit hectic with the O.W.L.S this year but fine."

"Oh I remember the O.W.L.S!" her sister got in too. "Although I, of course, had no problem with them. An Outstanding in all of them" she smiled to her parents who quickly praised her.

"Obviously you did and now look who is working as First Assistant for the Minister's Cabinet!" her dad announced with pride.

"Actually, your father and I thought it would be great if you get an internship at the Ministry this summer, Yu dear. Your sister has been kind enough to pull some strings" her mum told her with a huge, tight smile.

After that sentence everything went downhill and fast. Yu didn’t want to work at the Ministry and even less owe her sister any favours. Her parents shouted and argued with her while her sister watched the whole scene happen with a satisfied smirk.

"I want to be whatever I choose to be!" she cried screaming hard.

"You’ll be whatever we want as long as you are under our roof!" her dad shouted at her with a red and angry face. Yu looked at him with a shocked expression.

"Then…" she sobbed "I don’t want to be under this roof anymore."

Her parents looked at her with very different emotions. Her dad looked shocked, angry and proud. His hard gaze burning her while her mum looked at her with hurt and despair in her eyes.

"Oh yeah? And where would a teenager like you go? Eh?" his dad asked defiant.

"I’ll go with Yixing and his family."

One sentence and the storm began again. After many tears, screams and sobs, she was sent to her room.

Two hours later her mother appeared on her door, looking exhausted and sad. She sat next to her and looked at her with soft eyes.

"Would it be so bad to do that internship?"

Yu sighed.

"You don’t get it… if I can’t be who I want to be and be his daughter" she took a deep breath "then I don’t want to be his daughter anymore..." her mum looked at her with wide and teary eyes but didn’t say anything. She caressed her left cheek and got up.

"I’ll prepare a portkey to Yixing's" she said with a hushed voice. "I’ll also speak with your father."

She left the room as silently as she had entered it. Yu looked at the door with a guilty heart. This was hard for her too but her boyfriend was right, she just had one future and she wanted to have as much control over it as she could.


Fifteen minutes, a cold goodbye and a deep sigh later, Yu was walking the dirty road to one of the only places that brings her joy and calm. At the end of it a big farm, painted with creamed colors, stood high and proud. It was almost 6 p.m so it was pitch black. The road however was illuminated by small lampposts with different animals engraved on them.

Yixing was waiting at the porch wearing a big sweater and loose jeans. He showed a huge smile when he saw her, showcasing his cute dimples. Yu let herself get lost in his embrace.

"I don’t want to say I’m happy because of the situation but I’m delighted to be able to spend Christmas with you" he whispered in her ear. Yu smiled tightening the hug.

"I know what you mean."

"Come on! Nana can’t wait to pamper you again" laughed taking her hand and dragging her inside the cozy house.

Yu smiled and let her body relax with the nice smell of sweet tea. Yes, she couldn't be herself in her home and was going to spend Christmas with other people. But it was nice feeling loved just because she was how she was.


Mina was exhausted. Her mum had dragged her through the whole West London to find suitable presents for the entire family. Don’t get her wrong, Mina loves shopping and giving presents is one of the things she cherishes about Christmas. After 6h shopping, her enthusiasm isn’t what you could call high.

"Another one?!" she whined to her mun with a shocked expression. "We have presents for everyone!"

"Nonsense, your Aunt Tina isn’t covered yet" her mum dismissed her whine with a movement of her hand.

"How I wish I was able to do magic outside school…" Mina mumbled through her teeth.

"One year and all our problems would be gone" her mum joked and dragged her inside the store while laughing.


After another hour of infernal shopping they were already on the car heading home. Her mum let her play whatever she liked and Mina was softly singing the lyrics of her favourite songs when Lila started making small talk about school.

"So, any new friends this year?" she asked with a hinted smug tone on her voice.

"Well, not really new… Let’s just say our group has expanded." Mina smiled. "We have seven new boys."

"Interesting…" her mum sent her a side gaze and a teasing smile. "Anyone worth mentioning? I don’t know… any older Prefect?"

"MUM" Mina groaned "stop pleaaase!"

"Come one! I’m just curious!"

"Ogh… We’re just friends okay? He helps me study…" more like investigate Mina thought snorting.

"Okay, okay… I’m just going to say you can tell me anything when you are ready" her mum smiled parking the car. "I’m really happy you’ve found your place Sweetheart." At that sentence Mina looked at her mum with warm eyes.

"I’m really happy too Mum" she grinned.


Both of them got off the car and carried the big amount of bags inside the house where the smell of the rosemary and chicken impregnated the air.

"Smells yummy!"

"Let’s hope it tastes even better" her dad joked getting outside the kitchen with a pink apron. "Blimey! Have you robbed the stores?!"

"Oh please" Lila rolled her eyes. "We just bought the necessary."

"Well, let’s hope we have leftovers tonight ‘cause I think you’ve burnt the whole account!"

Mina giggled at her parents while they were bickering. Ah, it was nice being back home. Suddenly her dad stopped their petty argument and turned to her.

"Seems like Christmas came early for you miss. A package arrived today for you."

"For me?" she asked surprised.

"It was being carried by an owl so I’m quite sure is for you" he laughed. "It’s on your bed!" he shouted while she was already running up the stairs.


She didn’t receive many packages. Sure, the girls write her every summer and sent owls but they tried to give her the packages in person as much as they could. Also, she had received both their letters yesterday evening so she didn’t know who could it be.

The package on her bed was small and wrapped in green paper with a silver bow. The Slytherin colors. Mina’s heart began to pump quicker. Don’t get your hopes up, you dimp!

She took it in her left hand and began to pull off the silver bow with her right one. Suddenly, the package began moving and she dropped it startled. After a few seconds later, it began to expand until it was as high as her knee and wider too. Mina stood there watching in shock until a paper bird flew in front of her and waited to be grabbed. Mina took the hint and waited for the bird to rest at her opened hand. The moment that happened it unrolled and it was a letter.


Dearest Mina,

I’m sorry if the expanding charm scared you and I hope you haven’t opened this in front of any muggle. That being said… MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  

I’m sure you will become the best journalist but we both know you have to improve your detective skills ^^ That’s why I’ve allowed myself to get you these, the entire collection of the best magical detective duo out there: Scrim & Hubart!! :D

Hope you enjoy it!

P.S. I can’t wait to see you again and talk about it!

P.P.S I asked Jongdae to ask Roro about your address, I’m not a stalker I swear! :’(

P.P.P.S I just bought a book about modern muggle writing and I’m loving this emoji thingy!

\( ^ - ^)/


Byun Baekhyun


Mina’s face was blushing so hard she probably looked like a tomato. Did she just go a Christmas present, a personal and thoughtful Christmas present from Byun Baekhyun? No. It couldn’t be. As if to mock her, she trapped over the tower of books laid on her floor.


Well, best Christmas ever. Yup. Her racing heart agreed.

It didn’t even matter that her parents scolded her everyday because she spent too much time reading those books and what was so great about them. Everytime she shrugged, blushed and kept reading with a smile plastered on her face.  



And that's it for today! I know is a bit short since they are meant to be drabbles, I'll try to update tomorrow as soon as I can with chapter 10 :) 
Thanks for the subscribers and the readers ^-^
As always, I'm still interested in feedback or anything really :) 
Much Love,

Roro <3

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Chapter 21: Extra chapters/oneshots would be lovely too ~
And happy belated birthday! (it's 31st of May in my country rn) =))
Chapter 21: In my opinion, I'd do the extra chapters to fully work out everything and close up all the characters. Happy early Birthday! I may not be on to wish you a happy one
melsbarahona97 #3
Chapter 6: I love this story and i'm just in chapter 6 hahaha must be because I love Harry Potter, and that someone had the amazing idea of combining Exo with Harry Potter it's just ashfjlisnsj
Chapter 20: Sehun got something up his sleeve and i cant wait for Roro and her friends to find out whats behind the Slytherins business.
Chapter 19: Xing, baek and chanyeol (and sehun?) being super romantic >v< gosh i’m loving this fanfic more and more!
Chapter 19: Wow.. Yixing can be intimidating when he wants to be. I love the fact that Mina is in her happy state now especially with Baekhyun being her boyfriend. A sweet boyfriend at that! (My ultimate being cute as always T-T <3) I feel bad for Sehun. His father must be very scary for Sehun to be protecting Jongin the way he is. And lastly, that was completely unexpected for Roro's biological mother to pass aways just like that. I hope she'll be okay. And Chanyeol being the consider cootie pie that he is <333 A great chapter being a part of a great storyyy. LOVVVVEEEE ITTTT!!!
Chapter 17: Too much rainbows and unicorns >v< i’m think baekhyun is stealing the spotlight from chanyel now XD
HeRShEly #8
Chapter 17: LOL 404 logic not found! welll haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate~~~ you're doing a good job authornim, i love your exo x OC or 'x whoever' fic just write whatever u want ignore them. looking forward to your next update!
Chapter 17: Indeed 404 Logic not found XD
what’s wrong with them tho smh
Don’t mind them, yr fic is already great as it is~ good luck! :)