004 | Mr. Huffish and Wonsungi

100 Days with Kim Myungsoo

Chapter Four | Mr. Huffish and Wonsungi




Su Min came early like what her unnie said. She met up with her outside the building.

Hye Won pulled Su Min inside the dressing room. It was messy, there were a lots of clothes every where. There were tables with light bulbs around it. Each table has make-up sets on it. It's rather used or new. 

"Over here!" Hye Won hollered. She showed her Infinite's clothes that they're going to wear. It was velvet, simple but elegant. "When they come here, help them wear this one, okay?" Su Min was so shocked to hear it. She's just a fan yesterday and now she's a coordi that would be helping a bunch of guys to wear these clothes.

"May I ask a question?" Su Min asked. Hye Won nodded her head as she dusted the clothes with her hands, "How can you stand to see those dazzling guys?" she blurted.

Hye Won laughed with the question. "Hey, there's no malice okay? It's just our job. You'll get used to it." she gave her an assured smile.

Su Min lowered her head. "I can't," she faced Hye Won with a frowning but cute face, "I'm a fan! How am I going to stand them?! Especially, Woohyun?"

Hye Won laughed and patted her shoulder. "You know, I like you already." she giggled.

"But I'm serious." she pouted.

Just as their conversation was getting long, a bunch of voices and laughter echoed the hallway. 

"Oh! They're here." Hye Won squeaked. She handed Su Min three different clothes, "Since you're still new, I'll just let you have 3 of them." she beamed. Su Min blinked as the clothes were given to her by Hye Won. "This is for L, Hoya and Woohyun. Good luck!" she cheered.

Su Min's jaw dropped. "W-Wait! U-unnie!" But Hye Won's already busy already. 

Then, the door burst open and Infinite members came inside one by one. L smirked when he saw Su Min. Dongwoo was happily talking with Hoya until he saw Su Min again. He stared at her for awhile before sitting down the couch.

"Hey, it's our new coordi!" Woohyun friendly opened his palms, asking for a hi-five from Su Min. But she just stared at him. Woohyun shrugged and ended up hi-fiving himself.

"Whew! So tired. Coordi! Can I have a bottle of water, please?" Sungyeol batted his lashes at Su Min.

Her heart was throbbing so fast right now as she look at Sungyeol's aegyo. *This isn't happening.*

"Coordi?" he waved his hands in front of Su Min.

L slung an arm around Su Min that made her to stiffened. "This is my personal assistant. Don't ask her to do things. I'm the only one who's allowed to do that right, Su Min?" L smirked.

She nodded her head then gave L the cloth he's going to wear. "Here!" She slowly walked to Woohyun and handed him his cloth, "This is for you." Woohyun gladly took it. "Thanks."

Finally, Su Min walked to Hoya. With all the Infinite members, Hoya's the only one she's not shy around. She's feels comfortable around him that she could manage to look up at him although she's still a bit stunned. "This is for Hoya." she handed him the cloth with a sweet smile.

Hoya stared at her smiling face. "Thank-you." Su Min made a bow then went outside for the other order Hye Won told her to do.

*This is for Hoya.* *This is for Hoya.* *This is for Hoya.*

Hoya smiled to himself as he kept repeating those words. L frowned and follow Su Min outside. 

He did this to her in order to show her that what she described him is different. But it's the opposite of what's happening. She's always looking at Woohyun only.

Su Min was about to enter the make-up room to get some concealer when L grabbed her elbow. She looked up and saw him frowning. "Why?" she asked.

"Remember two things," he showed two fingers at her, "One," he hold his forefinger, "You're in a 100 days contract with me," he hold his middle finger, "Second, you're my personal assistant. So look only for me." he sternly said.

Su Min frowned at him. "I am your personal assistant. I'm following your orders. But I'm also following my unnie's orders as well." she said with a duh-manner.

L scoffed. "Come to dressing room immediately after that." he ordered then left. Su Min made a face.

"Psh. Mr. Huffish! He's so arrogant! I can't believe he's like this in real life!" she cursed and took a new set of concealer inside. 

After getting the concealer, she went back inside and saw the boys really different now. They were already wearing their clothes and some of them have make-up on. They were really georgeous looking guys. "Su Min~ concealer at L's face please." Hye Won called. She’s busy putting make-up on Dongwoo's face.

Hye Won swallowed hard. She's a girl, at least she knows hot to put concealer. 

She slowly walked to L who was sitting at his throne. "Close your eyes." she said. L smirked. He looked at Su Min first then closed his eyes. *Oh my, my hands are shaking!* Su Min squeaked inside her mind. She slowly damped the concealer on L's cheeks. *Whoa, so soft.* her eyes slightly widned in amusement.

"Yah, Monkey! Can you hurry up?" L frowned.

Su Min gasped at him. "Mwoh?! Wonsungi?!" L's eyes fluttered opened. "Mmm, wonsungi suits you." he smirked and closed his eyes again. *Aish! If I can just make you a clown!* she bit her bottom lip to ease her anger.

After the boys getting ready, Woohyun walk to Su Min and bent her height. "Hey, coordi. Watch me, okay?" 

Su Min blinked in surprise. Is this a dream? Is this true?! Woohyun told her to watch him. 

"Infinite! Next!" a guy poked his head and closed the door. The Infinite member came to the middle and said their group name to gain strenght. The other members went out the door already, L looked at Su Min. *Watch me and see that I'm better than Woohyun.* 

Hoya looked back at her. Su Min gasped and made a bow. She awkwardly made a fighting gesture with her hand. "Fighting!" she said under her breath. Hoya can't help but to smile. He nodded his head once and closed the door. Hye Won slung an arm around her neck, "Let's go watch them live!" she pulled Su Min outside to go outside.



author's note:

Wonsungi (hangul) = monkey

Hello~ Sorry for not updating this one often~ Because it's our midterm weeks that's why I have no time~ But don't worry, I'll update this soon as I can~ Sorry for waiting and I hope you'll still wait for more upadtes!! Thank-you everyone! And also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to INFINITE'S FANSERVICE KING, NAM WOOHYUN~ Yahoo~ :))
Sorry if there are any mistakes. Leave your opinions~ 

뿅~! :3 ♥





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CassInspirit97 #1
Chapter 9: loll such a cute story!!!! will there be more updates?????
Chapter 9: Awh~~ Update soon~
p-yumi #3
Chapter 9: Please update soon....
Chapter 9: LOL update soon !! ^ ~ ^
Chapter 9: OMO it's his worst photoshoot EVER !!! •.•
kikiiosz #7
Chapter 9: Please update soon!
Chapter 9: LOL myungsoo..
update soon! :D