day ninety two

Subjects 3XO

Byun Baekhyun, day ninety two 20:03

I can‘t believe it. I can’t believe we’re still alive. I thought for sure something out there would kill us but it didn’t. We’re alive and safe, for now.

I’m not quite sure how to describe the feeling of returning but the closest I can get to it is puzzle pieces falling into place. I don’t know if it happened to the others but entering Seoul to me felt like coming home. It was as if a rush of memories came flooding back into my brain. I guess it did since one by one they ran off in their own directions.

We had barely been in Seoul for 10 minutes when Chanyeol ran off, in a completely different direction from the 6 of us. He was calling for his mother and turned quite a few heads. I guess anyone over 6ft wearing a dirty, white ensemble running through a crowd and yelling for his mother would. It was strange, one moment he was here and the next he wasn’t save for the murmurs of the crowd around us.

After him, it was Sehun followed by Jongin. Nothing triggered them to run off, I think. They didn’t even run off. Now that Jongin doesn’t need to be supported I guess Sehun didn’t feel guilty leaving. After all, our goal was to return to our lives. Well, as much as we can 3 months later. I’d say I was surprised Jongin didn’t use his powers to get home as soon as he could but we were out in the open and after what happened last time I doubt he’ll use them any time soon. But then there were 4.

Junmyeon and Minseok left together. Minseok’s leg is still in pretty bad shape last I knew so Junmyeon offered to take him home. I’m not sure where they were heading. One moment we were all heading for the center and the next Junmyeon was announcing their departure. I’m not ashamed to admit that I teared up. Junmyeon has been a rock for all of us. Him leaving almost felt like the last of my sanity leaving.

Kyungsoo stayed with me the longest. If I’m being completely honest, he looked like a lost sheep. He had no direction at all, he just followed me to wherever I was going. Where I was going turned out to be my apartment. Maybe it was instinct that pulled me along and maybe the same thing had let the others know where and when they should split. But Kyungsoo didn’t look like he had that so when we got to my apartment it was only a sharing of nods before he was off, still with that lost look in his eyes despite his stern expression.

Getting back to my apartment was weird. I know my landlord was surprised, given my appearance I can’t blame him at all. I look and feel like a mess. These 3 months have been so ed up. I had nothing on my mind but forgetting everything that happened and keeping my powers in check. I just can’t help feeling like it’s over for good and that’s soothing in and of itself.

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Hey everyone, I'm considering making a sequel to this soon... would like to hear everyone's thoughts on that before I decide so please speak up if you want it :)


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Chapter 25: Dude! This is easily the best and most sinister Lucky One story that I have ever read. I wholeheartedly support a sequel!
Chapter 25: Yooooo I was away from aff for a while but I finally got back to reading my subscriptions and omg!! This story is amazing!!! it’s so unique and the writing style is so different, the ending was amazing well not for baek’s sake lmao, I was totally not expecting that! I loved it sm <3
Yaone_L #3
Chapter 25: Wow. Great mamaau story. Loves the writing style. It's very refreshing to read like a diary.
Softballgrl13811 #4
Chapter 25: Oh my heart dropped as soon as I saw "day one". Such a great story omg! Thank you for making it come to life!!!! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am sad that they are stuck in the endless loop. But hopefully they will break out eventually.
Softballgrl13811 #5
Chapter 24: Oh my god!!!!! Noooooooooo!!!! The poor babies!!! Wow.. multiple times and yet their families still have no idea! I want to cry for their suffering and it is only going to start again! Oh man I am dying to know what will happen next and if something will change for them. ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Softballgrl13811 #6
Chapter 23: Oh no!!!!! It is starting all over.. hopefully it is one of the boys just keeping an eye on baek. Oh my heart breaks for them right now!!! Can't wait to find out how things are going to go down =) just wanted to say thanks for writing such an awesome story. I love it when someone can bring such an idea to life and spin it so creatively. Don't change!!!! You are AWESOME!!! ♡♡♡♡♡ (Everyone needs a little love and encouragement every so often)
The description of this is really cool!
Softballgrl13811 #9
Chapter 21: But.. but... Chen and lay?! Did they make it? Will they all see each other again? So many questions!!!!!!!! I hope there are some answers next time... maybe just one? Please? =)