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My Life Next Door
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Over the next few weeks I found out a few things I never knew about the Cha's.

1.) Mr. Cha used to be the All-Star quarter back for his high school's football team back in the day.

2.) The Cha's own and operates a hardware store.

3.) Mrs. Cha loves babies

4.) Mr. Cha is a silver fox.

5.) YiAn is just as hot if not hotter then his younger brother. 

I got the shock of my life when I saw someone just as hot as Hakyeon. I swear the room climbed at least 5 degrees in temperature and it was already 85 degrees outside for the days high.

Let me tell you, I can see where Hakyeon and YiAn get their good looks from. Their father is really good looking. Like silver fox good looking. He's also hilarious, might I add.

Even though his Dad jokes are a little outdated, they're still funny.

Before I get into all that, though, you might be wondering how my room fiasco went.

Well let me tell you, it went nothing like I expected. I mean that in the worst way possible. I thought it would be the usual mom-comes-home-starts-obsessively-cleaning/ing-about-her-day type deal but instead she brought home Clay. 

Clay Filmore, hot shot campaign guru and mom's new "fling".

I can't stand him and I've only met him once. He's a greasy slimeball and honestly I don't know why my mom decided to start seeing her knew campaign manager but this guy just rubs me the wrong way. 

His thick, hipster like glasses, pastel arguile sweaters, khaki pants, and brown loafers coupled with his know-it-all attitude makes me want to puke. Not mention that awful fohawk.

But I digress.

So here it was, room's a mess, mom's home, and I even felt extra daring that day so I left my dishes in the sink from my snacks. I greet her, she introduces me to Clay, and then she walks past my room.

She looks, turns to me, turns to Clay, then continues on, completely ignoring the mess.

I'm flabbergasted still and it's been three days since (room's still a mess by the way). I've only come to one conclusion as to this new found behavior. I don't want to be right, or think about these things, but my mom is getting laid.

If humming in the mornings is any indication, and the tipsy giggles from the both of them I hear coming home late into the night after one of my mothers many gala events, all signs point to .

Speaking of that, I finally heard back from Mei about her trip with Jackson.

Suffice to say, things couldn't have gone any worse. Jackson ended up getting food poisoning and they couldn't do anything because he'd been sick the entire stay.

Food poisoning-1 ity-0.

Mei's been really upset ever since and honestly I can't blame her. Whose still a at 18, anyway?

Sadly me. 

It's not that I'm a prude or anything, it's just that, I am waiting for the right guy (cliche, I know). I think it's just one of those things when you know, you know. 

Today is a Tuesday, my day off, which means I'm heading downtown with Mei to do a little shopping. I just got payed last week and the money has been burning a hole in my pocket. I'm in desperate need of some cute shoes and sundresses.

You can never have too many sundresses. 

The one nice thing about a summer job, is that I have money to spend on whatever I want. So, at the very least, I can thank my mom for forcing me to make some extra cash this summer and the previous summers since I could legally work.

Mei and I met at her place and we hailed a Taxi to our favorite shop in China Town.

I know, its weird to go shopping in China Town, but there is this little boutique with the most darling clothes. It's small and hidden away in the busy sect of the city, but the clothes held within are truly the best and they won't break your bank.

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Chapter 8: I didn’t realize how much I missed this story until this update! Like they’re crushing so hard on each other. And then she sends the condoms text, priceless lmfao
Alishaboro #2
It was really nice reading this , highly anticipating story
Chapter 7: wahhh... this story!!! I love N so much and there is barely any fics with him as the main. If you aren't planning on updating anytime soon I would be sad but this in itself is really good :)
Chapter 7: Oh...oh my! Author-nim!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Oh god! Author thank u so much for writing this story. U seriously don't know, bt indirectly you are fulfilling all my secret wishes that I have for hakyeon. I hope, I also can have a neighbor like him.
Lizgetzy #7
Chapter 3: Yay a update yahooo
I can totally picture yeonie like that ur making a realy good job with this fic its perfect (≧∇≦)b
Pls keep the good work
OMG!! I can't wait for this! :) I bet this story is gonna be great!