*4 Days*

5 Specials 'Til Christmas

A day passed. Another day that Soonyoung went home late. 

Last night he went to bed at 2:23 am and had to wake up at 6:30 am. 

Now there's only four days left until Christmas. Soonyoung thought. It was his first Christmas by himself.

Past years he had gone home to his parents house but this year he had to move further away when he got a promotion. Plus it didn't help that his job wasn't giving him the money that he deserved. Why did I even move here in the first place? Maybe I should move back home after Christmas. 

He walked around the corner to find himself in front of the cafe again. How did I end up here? 

Soonyoung shook off the odd feeling that he had and walked into the cafe. 

He saw the cashier leaning up against the counter playing on the phone. There was no one else in the cafe at the moment. Soonyoung smiled and walked over towards Jihoon. 

"Hey, Jihoon" Soonyoung said happily which got the cashiers' attention. 

Jihoon put his phone away and smiled back at Soonyoung "would you like today's special? It's White chocolate peppermint today." 

"Awe I was hoping it would be calling birds, but yes I'll have a large" Jihoon turned around and started getting the coffee ready while Soonyoung got his card out to pay. 

"Happy today's not that busy" Soonyoung asked while waiting for his coffee. 

"Yeah, it must be everyone is taking today off since there's only two days left of work." Jihoon replied and went to put the cream and sugar in the coffee. 

"Ah, maybe I'll take tomorrow off and just stay here all day talking to you" Soonyoung said and smirked at the cashier. 

"No, go to work tomorrow and just come on Saturday" Jihoon said as Soonyoung paid for his coffee. 

"Don't worry, I won't miss work. Oh and that reminds me, how long are you open on Christmas?" Soonyoung took his coffee from the cashier. 

"We'll be open from eight until nine am on Sunday. But I'll only be working the last half hour."

Soonyoung nodded taking a mental note of that.  And bid farewell to Jihoon as he walked outside into the cold air. 

Maybe keeping my job here and seeing Jihoon everyday wouldn't be so bad.


Sorry it's late. I was out shopping until 8 tonight.

Thanks for reading!


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Chapter 5: IT WAS SO CUTE!!!
I feel weird reading a christmas story in August to be honest but I still enjoyed it nonetheless haha
But seriously, it was so light and pleasant story! But when there was mentioned that Jihoon doesn't have friends anymore, nor he have parents, I was so sad. I hope Soonyoung will good care of Jihoon and they will have a long and happy relationship!
Thank you for your hard work put into this story! <3
rei_zha #2
Chapter 5: So sweet^-^
samanthayoon #3
Chapter 4: author-nim updaaaaaaaaaaate
chxn2lx #4
Chapter 3: Awww~~ Soonhoon is just so cute! Keep up with it author-nim, I'll always be waiting for ur updates!!