*3 Days*

5 Specials 'Til Christmas

Last day of work!!! Soonyoung thought as he walked to work. He had tomorrow off and was hoping to rest all day on Christmas eve. Except for when he was going to get coffee in the morning. 

He had bumped into one of his old friends and was invited to a Christmas eve party last night on his way home. 

Turning the corner for the third time this week, he walked into the cafe and got into the rather long line. There were about five people in front of him and he looked towards where the cashier was working. Jihoon was trying to get through as many orders as he could without messing up. 

Luckily Jihoon was a fast worker and Soonyoung made it to the front of the line in ten minutes. 

"What would you like?" Jihoon asked looking down at the cash register, ready to put in the next order. 

"You" Soonyoung said jokingly which made Jihoon look up. 

"Oh hi Soonyoung. I'll get your special ready" the cashier said hurriedly and ran over to get the coffee ready.

Soonyoung looked behind him to see that no one else was in line "you can slow down, I'm the only person in line right now"

Jihoon turned around and breathed out a long breath that he was holding in. "Thank goodness, this morning sure has been busy."

"It doesn't help that there's only three days until Christmas..." Soonyoung paused "...what's today's special?"

"Something with caramel, maybe caramel swirl. I'm not sure" the cashier said and put the caramel in the coffee. 

Soonyoung laughed "Shouldn't you know this. You work here."

The cashier turned around and gave him a death glare. 

"Ok ok, I understand you're busy" Soonyoung said as he pulled out his credit card. 

He paid and Jihoon gave him his coffee. 

"What time do you get off of work on Saturday?" Soonyoung asked when he thought about the party he was invited to. Soonyoung only knew a few people at the party so he decided to ask Jihoon if he wanted to go.

"I get off at 3. Why?" Jihoon asked nervously. 

"Perfect..." Soonyoung whispered under his breath "...I was invited to a Christmas eve party tomorrow and I don't really know anyone that's going. I wasn't planning on going, but if you wanted to go with me then we could get to know each other some more."

The cashier looked at him surprised. Jihoon had never been invited to a Christmas party. Ever. It didn't take long for him to reply "Sure. I'd love to!" he said with a bright smile on his face. 

"Ok, so then I'll come at the end of your shift tomorrow and then we can leave from here since the party starts at 3:45. Hope you have a nice day!" Soonyoung smiled and turned around to leave.

"You too!" Jihoon said cheerfully as Soonyoung walked out of the cafe. Maybe Christmas this year won't be as bad as I thought it would be. Jihoon thought. 

He smiled and leaned back against the counter. No one else talks to Jihoon these days. His friends have all moved away and his parents had died in a car accident a few years so he had no one. 

Maybe having Soonyoung would be enough to fill his empty heart. 


Only 2 chapters left!

Sorry I've been posting late!

Thanks for reading!


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Chapter 5: IT WAS SO CUTE!!!
I feel weird reading a christmas story in August to be honest but I still enjoyed it nonetheless haha
But seriously, it was so light and pleasant story! But when there was mentioned that Jihoon doesn't have friends anymore, nor he have parents, I was so sad. I hope Soonyoung will good care of Jihoon and they will have a long and happy relationship!
Thank you for your hard work put into this story! <3
rei_zha #2
Chapter 5: So sweet^-^
samanthayoon #3
Chapter 4: author-nim updaaaaaaaaaaate
chxn2lx #4
Chapter 3: Awww~~ Soonhoon is just so cute! Keep up with it author-nim, I'll always be waiting for ur updates!!