*2 Days*

5 Specials 'Til Christmas

Soonyoung made his way to the cafe. It was 2:45 by the time that he left. The cafe was only five minutes away but the traffic was really bad. People must be getting last minute presents.

Soonyoung walked into the cafe and stood by the counter. Jihoon was serving someone at the moment but when Soonyoung was noticed the cashier smiled at him. 

Jihoon turned back to his customer and finished the order. The customer left and Soonyoung walked over to the cashier. "Almost ready?" Soonyoung asked leaning up against the counter. 

"Yeah, I just have to wait until the next worker comes in" Jihoon said while cleaning up the area. 

The next cashier walked in, "Ah Eunwoo, you're finally here!" Jihoon said as he took off his apron. 

"What do you mean finally, I'm two minutes early. And I was on a date, I didn't want to come in today " Eunwoo said and walked behind the counter and got ready. 

"Well I can see you had no problem bringing your date with you to work. And I have to go so have fun!" Jihoon said and walked out from behind the counter. 

"I'm going to go get changed, I'll be right back" the cashier said to Soonyoung and ran off into the back. 

Eunwoo turned around to look at Soonyoung "So you're the reason I had to cover for him today"

"Huh?" Soonyoung replied, distracted by what he had just said. 

"I was on a date with Binnie and Jihoon called me saying that he had to leave work early" Eunwoo replied and pouted while preparing a cup of coffee. 

"Ah, sorry. I didn't know that you had to cover for him. He said his shift ended at three" Soonyoung said while scratching the back of his neck. He was confused as to why Jihoon didn't tell him the real time he got off of work. 

Just as Eunwoo was about to say something to Soonyoung, Jihoon walked through the door.

"Ready?" Soonyoung asked and Jihoon nodded. Soonyoung looked Jihoon up and down. He was wearing an over sized sweatshirt but he noticed that his pants were skin tight. Soonyoung gulped and looked away hoping that no one caught him staring.

"We'll be going. Have fun during your shift Eunwoo. Take care Moonbin" Jihoon said to the new cashier and his boyfriend and they waved back. 

"Lets go!" Soonyoung said and grabbed Jihoons' wrist. Jihoon was pulled out of the coffee shop and towards what he guessed was the party. 

After a few minutes of walking Soonyoung slowed his pace, "We're almost there. And just to prepare you it's probably going to be loud. Like really loud. I usually meet up with all my friends on the weekend and they can be over the top sometimes. That's one of the reasons I wanted to bring you, so I could leave at whatever time" Soonyoung said and smiled at Jihoon. 

"One of the reasons, what are the other reasons?" Jihoon asked. He looked down to see Soonyoung hand still wrapped around his wrist. 

"Hmmm let's see. First I want to get to know you better, so I thought we could talk and familiarize ourselves better. Second, I yell too much and make a fool of myself so I need someone to calm me down. And lastly, my friends are always trying to set me up on dates so I thought why don't I bring one instead this time"

Jihoon gulped "Date? I'm your date?" he asked and Soonyoung looked at him. 

"Well you don't have to be. I mean I just didn't want my friends to set me up with someone again and I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable and-" Soonyoung got interrupted halfway though what he was saying because Jihoon flicked his forehead.

"You talk to much. And if it would make you feel better, I wouldn't mind if I was your date" Jihoon smiled at Soonyoung who smiled back at him. 

Soonyoung looked back ahead "Almost there!" he then slid his hand down to hold the cashiers hand. 

They turned the corner and arrived at a big house. You could hear music coming from inside and Soonyoung pulled Jihoon toward the house. 

"HELLO, I'M HERE" Soonyoung yelled as he took off his shoes and coat. He hung up his and Jihoons' coat and then turned around and took the cashiers' hand in his again. 

Seungkwan came running around the corner and stopped when he saw Soonyoung "Guys, Hoshi's here!!! AND HE BROUGHT HIS BOYFRIEND!!!!!" Seungkwan yelled as he ran back towards where everyone else was. 

"WHAT?!?!?!?" they heard 10 people yell. The pair walked towards the living room and were welcomed by eleven smiling faces. They all got crowded around Jihoon and were asking him questions about him and Soonyoung. 

Jihoon looked over at Soonyoung and mouthed HELP. Soonyoung told everyone to back off and they all went back to their seats and continued what they were doing. 

The party was in fact very boring that night and the pair just sat there uncomfortably next to each other. 

"Hey, do you wanna leave and go somewhere else?" Soonyoung asked Jihoon quietly. 

The cashier nodded and Soonyoung told them that they were leaving. 

"Aw, so soon?" Seungkwan asked as they went to go put their coats and shoes on. 

Soonyoung just nodded and the pair quickly put their shoes and coats on. 

"Bye" they both yelled as they walked out the door. It was still only eight o'clock and there was plenty of things to do before all the shops closed up. 

"Let's go get ice cream" Soonyoung said smiling and grabbed Jihoon's hand, leading them in the direction of the ice cream shop. 

Jihoon ordered orange flavored ice cream with chocolate chips, and Soonyoung ordered a coconut flavored ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. 

They were walking towards the park while eating their ice cream when suddenly a dog ran their way and ran through Jihoon's legs. Jihoon being a human, so no he does not have amazing disappearing legs, toppled over. The older tried to grab the younger's arm, but wasn't fast enough and Jihoon hit the ground. 

Then a person ran by Soonyoung, probably to catch the dog, and accidentally pushed Soonyoung over. Soonyoung landed on the ground next to Jihoon. 

"Well now there's no more ice cream, unless you want ground cream?" Soonyoung joked and Jihoon laughed. 

They stayed on the ground a bit longer while looking at the dark nighttime sky. 

Jihoon looked at his watch 10:10. He smiled and looked over at Soonyoung but then frowned a little. "I should really get home if I wanna wake up early for my shift" he said as he started to get up. The cashier offered his hand to Soonyoung to help him get up.

"And I should get home too so that I'm able to wake up and go see you before your shift ends" Soonyoung said taking Jihoon's hand as he got up. 

"My house isn't far from here, it's straight ahead" Jihoon said once he looked around to see where he was.

"And my house isn't far either, it's to the right though....So then this is goodbye for tonight" Soonyoung said and looked at Jihoon who just nodded. 

"Um, goodbye then" Soonyoung said and then quickly hugged Jihoon. He was surprised by the action and just stood there not knowing what to do, or say.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, Merry Christmas Eve!" the older said and then smiled at the younger. He waved as he turned around and started to walk back home. 

Jihoon just stood there watching Soonyoung walk back towards his home. After he recollected himself he walked straight and Soonyoung disappeared from his sight. 


Holy cats! I forgot to update. 

I'm so sorry!!! This is like over a week late!

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Years Day!


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Chapter 5: IT WAS SO CUTE!!!
I feel weird reading a christmas story in August to be honest but I still enjoyed it nonetheless haha
But seriously, it was so light and pleasant story! But when there was mentioned that Jihoon doesn't have friends anymore, nor he have parents, I was so sad. I hope Soonyoung will good care of Jihoon and they will have a long and happy relationship!
Thank you for your hard work put into this story! <3
rei_zha #2
Chapter 5: So sweet^-^
samanthayoon #3
Chapter 4: author-nim updaaaaaaaaaaate
chxn2lx #4
Chapter 3: Awww~~ Soonhoon is just so cute! Keep up with it author-nim, I'll always be waiting for ur updates!!