Chapter 6: Why are you so lovely?

A delicate situation

Note: Double update so please go back and read the previous chapter first.




Kris had been waiting in the car for the school bell to ring and for Yixing to come out. He was excited to see his girlfriend after a long, hard day spent with his Father. He can’t even remember how he used to cope with the old man’s tantrums and verbal abuse before he met her. Whenever he saw the brunette beauty it was like all his problems and insecurities disappeared and he felt warm and loved in a way that he had never felt before. Lost in thought Kris didn’t notice his cute girlfriend walking toward the car and climbing in. As she shut the door a grimace was visible on her face which pulled Kris out of his reverie. He could tell that she was unhappy and it was probably because of something that he had done wrong. He was too tired to deal with this; he was feeling down and really just needed her to comfort him at that moment.


Yixing prepped herself to scold her boyfriend for hiding their relationship from Jongin when she noticed the small flicker of sadness in his eyes. It was barely noticeable and to most people that look would have gone unnoticed, but not for Yixing who had learned how to decipher Kris’ smallest gestures. She had to as very often that would be the only indicator she would get of his mood. After seeing the kicked puppy look, her anger towards him and his secretive behaviour was long forgotten. Instead her face was washed with sympathy and she leaned toward him. She gave him a gentle, yet cautious hug placing her hands around his neck “Fan, is everything alright?...Did something happen with your Dad?” Yixing probed but Kris didn’t respond. Instead he placed his arms around her waist, returning the hug and inhaling her scent at the nape of her neck. He didn’t need to talk at the moment, he just needed to be close to her. Realising this Yixing tightened her grip onto her boyfriend. Rather than talking, Yixing knew that when Kris was really down he needed physical intimacy and that was what he needed from her now. She recalls the night she had learned this about her boyfriend, after he had a particularly bad fight with his Father, he had sought out Yixing and that night she had lost her ity. She knew that this was what he needed more than anything, he needed to forget.


Kris leaned back, breaking the hug so he could look at his girlfriend’s beautiful brown eyes and said “So what do you want to do? I promised you a date right?” Kris put on a smile to please his girlfriend but all Yixing could see was the pain in his eyes. This led her to respond with “I just want to be alone….with you. Let’s go somewhere quiet Fan. I don’t want to share you with anyone today.” At this Kris was overwhelmed with feelings and he replied “I love you so much Xing,” to which she replied “I know.”


As Kris checked into the hotel room, Yixing awkwardly waited in the lobby, people looking at her in her uniform making their assumptions about why she could possibly be there. While there were several possibilities, they all ended with the same conclusion, she was some rich boys play thing and she wondered “Are they wrong?” She snapped out of these thoughts firmly thinking “They are wrong. They have no idea. Kris and I are in love. We are destined to be together. We will get married one day and have 10 kids and 3 dogs like we planned. And we will be happy. I will trust him.” She repeated the last sentence in her mind almost like a mantra psyching herself up for what was to come next. They hadn’t done this in a while and although she forgave Kris for lying to her, she wasn’t sure if she was ready for this level of intimacy so soon. But Kris needed her and at the end of the day, she would always put Kris first. So she buried these thoughts and followed her boyfriend when he gestured at her to come to him.


Kris took her hand, kissed it lovingly and walked her to the elevator. As they entered there was already an elderly couple inside, laughing and joking in Korean while holding hands. Kris leaned to Yixing and whispered to her “That will be us one day. Happy and in love, just like when we met.” Yixing really needed to hear those words at that moment, relief and comfort washing over her replacing the feelings of doubt and fear. As the elderly couple exited the elevator and the doors closed, Yixing leaned forward on her tip toes and kissed Kris on the nose. They both smiled and exited the elevator when they reached their floor. After inserting the key card into the door, Kris didn’t wait for the door to close behind them before pinning Yixing to the wall and kissing the breath from her body. “This is going to be a long night” Yixing thought.




Kris woke up, rolling over and nearly falling off the bed. He turned to the other side of the bed to look at his girlfriend. He smiled remembering the events from the previous night. Kris was so grateful that Yixing was a dancer as it had made her flexible in all the right ways. He leaned forward gently placing a kiss on her forehead while trying to avoid waking her up but he knew that there was little chance of that - Yixing was such a light sleeper. She stirred in her sleep emitting a small moan as she attempted to open her eyes and Kris had to resist the urge to take her again. He controlled his basic instinct as he knew that they were both spent from the previous night’s activities.


“Faaaaan, what time is it? Are we getting late for school?” Yixing groaned cutely, a slight whine in her voice. Kris chuckled and responded “No baby. There is plenty of time before school. Go back to sleep. I will wake you later,” and he placed another soft kiss on her head. She snuggled closer to him laying her head on his chest and inhaling his intoxicating scent mixed with sweat and the remnants of the previous night. She didn’t care as she snuggled closer, lazily wrapping her arm and one leg around his body. Kris smiled at his girlfriend’s adorable actions and he felt so loved and content in that moment. However, as always his mind drifted back to the meeting with his Father. Wu Jian was never one to spare his sons feelings but even Kris was shaken by the old man’s harsh words this time.




Kris was awoken early by one of the servants violently shaking his arm “Young Master, Young Master, wake up! Your Father is here. He wants to meet you.” At the mention of his Father’s name, Kris immediately shot up and looked at the Butler with concern in his eyes “Why is the old man here? He didn’t tell me that he would be coming to Korea!” “Because if I told you then you would be on your best behaviour and I wouldn’t know what you have actually been up to, Son,” Wu Jian responded coldly as he entered his son’s bedroom. Kris always hated it when his Father emphasised the word “Son” because it’s not like he ever treated him like one. “Well get up. I don’t have all day. What have I always taught you?” his Father questioned sternly. “Time is money” Kris grumbled while climbing out of bed at a slow pace. “Exactly. So I expect you to not waste both of our time today. I’m meeting the Park’s this afternoon to discuss the merger, I want you to accompany me. It’s about time you got your act together and started learning more about the family business.”


Kris didn’t spare his Father a glance as he walked into the bathroom turning on the shower, waiting for the water to heat up. “Learn more about the family business” he scoffed. He had been studying economics since he was in elementary school and would regularly attend meetings with his Father while all the other kids were playing outside. Being a businessman was in his blood. It was all he knew. The old man knew this but he always wanted to belittle Kris at every turn to make himself feel good. He and everybody else knew that Kris would make a better CEO, his vision for the future was greater than his Father could ever imagine. So many of the company workers were aware of this and were awaiting the day that he took over and they could escape Jian’s tyranny.


Kris showered quickly knowing that the CEO was waiting outside for him, so to avoid a lecture he did his business and quickly prepared himself for the meeting. Ten minutes later Kris was by the car dressed immaculately in a black suit with white pinstripes showing off his long legs and lean frame. As he entered the car his Father spoke “Took you long enough,” Kris rolled his eyes and turned to look out of the window. “You know the Park’s boy, Chanyeol he attends the same school as you. Did you know he has already set up overseas operations in Macau and Malaysia to expand his Father’s hotel business? What have you been doing Son? Apart from partying and chasing girls.” How quickly his Father forgot that Kris had protected the company from huge losses last year when the old man decided on a whim to invest in a music sharing website that flopped almost straight away. Or every other time Kris has prevented the company from going bankrupt after one of his Fathers hair brained schemes. But yeah he agreed Park Chanyeol was amazing.


Kris’ phone began to ring in his pocket and he quickly silenced it. Looking at the caller ID, he spotted that it was Jongin ringing him. Moments after the call had ended, he received a message:


To: Kreeeease

I woke up late and won’t make it in time to meet my Squishy before class. Pweeeease give me a ride. What d’ya say best bud?


Kris rolled his eyes. Jongin would always use aegyo to get Kris to do things for him and damn it always worked. Kris was a er for Jongin’s cutesy act, especially when he gave him those sad puppy dog eyes. He noticed his Father leaning over to read the message. He glared at him and quickly typed a response.


To: Kkamjong

Sorry Bro, not going to school today. My Dad wants me to attend some meetings with him while he is in Korea. Call you later.


“Are you still hanging out with that boy from the slums? Aren’t you sick of playing the Good Samaritan son? You need to elevate your company if you want people to take you seriously. Hanging out with a commoner like him will affect your judgement and make you think more like a follower than a leader. He’s a sheep Kris and to be a leader you need to be a wolf. Don’t forget that.” Kris loved taking jabs at Jongin, it was his favourite hobby but he hated it when others spoke rudely of him and his family. Kris clenched his fist trying to restrain his anger. Jian noticed this and smirked devilishly, he decided to continue poking the bear “You should hang around more with Chanyeol and his friends, not that riff raff. I’m sure that they could teach you a thing or two about running a business.” That was the last straw, but luckily as Kris was about to snap at his Father the driver announced that they had arrived at their destination. Stepping out of the car, Kris composed himself and entered the first meeting of the day.


The last meeting ended at 4 and Kris became excited that he would see Yixing soon as they had already messaged each other during one of the meetings. Reading her messages gave him strength to carry on through the day as he knew that the sooner they finished, the sooner he could see her beautiful face. As Kris exited the meeting room, he smiled walking at a fast pace towards the car. He had made a reasonable contribution to the meetings today and many of the shareholders and Chanyeol’s father praised his knowledge and business acumen. All in all a good day he thought. He was however bought out of his reverie when Jian spoke “Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Kris froze on the spot, unsure of how to answer his Father “Uhhh I have basketball tryouts at school and I’m just excited to go. I’m glad the meeting didn’t run over so I won’t miss it.” Kris shot his Father a genuine look hoping that the old man would buy it but Jian knew better.


“Son, I don’t know what’s going on but don’t think that you can lie to me anymore and that I will accept your weak excuses. You probably plan to meet that poor kid of yours and take drugs or go to a club and sleep with more women. But let me tell you ‘Kris’ if you want to be CEO of this company then you had better get your act together.” Kris looked at his Father incredulously “What does that mean? What have I possibly done to disappoint you?” he asked. “Well Son, it means that if you don’t get your act together, I will disinherit you. The mess you made last year stumbling out of that club, completely hammered will not happen again. Do you hear me? And don’t get me started on the trouble you caused with that girl you bought home a few months ago from the Zhang family. I expected you to bring home a few bimbos but I never thought you would try to settle for someone below your stature. That was embarrassing. She was so weak, and would never survive in our family.” Kris was losing his cool when he growled at his Father “Her name is Yixing and she isn’t someone you can speak about like that!” Jian knew he was getting under Kris’ skin and continued to provoke him.


“I can speak about her however I like. We paid off her family so she won’t be bothering us again anytime soon.” Kris was shocked by Jian’s words and never thought that Yixing’s parents would take a bribe, he always thought that they had liked him. Seeing the look on his son’s face bought joy to the old man who leaned closer to Kris and spoke firmly “You will behave from now on. No more partying and drinking and no more girls. You have a fiancé and it is about time you started acting like it. Treat her better and when you are married I will give you the CEO title that you are so desperate for. If not, your cousin Zitao is a smart boy. I’m sure he would make a great successor,” his Father threatened as he entered his own car, the chauffeur driving away leaving Kris in their dust. A sole tear escaped from the corner of Kris’ eye and he felt so helpless.




As Yixing stirred in his arms Kris thought back to what his Father had said about paying off her family to keep Yixing away from him. “Her family was well off, maybe not as rich as his but they wanted for nothing so why would they take the bribe? Convinced that his Father had made up this story to make Kris waver from his commitment, he brushed off the old man’s words and snuggled closer to Yixing who was now subconsciously nuzzling at his chest. Man, how he loved her, everything about her was perfect from her pearly white skin to her deep and soulful eyes. But there was something more than that to Yixing, it was her soul, it was so pure and untarnished that Kris would give his right arm to keep anything from ruining it. Spending time with his girlfriend always healed the wounds in his heart caused by his family which was why he was glad that she was in his arms at that moment. He wasn’t sure why Yixing suggested that they spend the night together but he was grateful that she had because for some reason it was exactly what he needed.


After watching her sleep for a few more minutes, occasionally her hair and whispering “I love you” and “You’re beautiful” into her ear Kris eventually decided to wake up his sleepy girlfriend. As he gently nudged her, she began to stir and he said “Xing baby, it’s time to wake up. We have to go to school,” he leaned down and pecked her on the nose. She immediately smiled and whispered a soft “Hey.” Kris could have devoured her from how cute she was being but instead suggested that they shower, together of course, to save water.


As they stepped into the shower they both began to giggle as the water poured over them. Kris quickly grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some into his hands. He lathered both his and Yixing’s hair being careful not to get any in her eyes. She then washed off the shampoo from both of their hair, “Man we make such a good team” Kris thought. As Kris squirted the shower gel on his hands and began running his long fingers over Yixing’s body, the young girl began to giggle and squirm at the contact. He placed butterfly kisses all over her body wherever his hands had touched and Yixing closed her eyes enjoying the sensation. This led to a hot makeout session which neither wanted to pull away from but as Yixing peeked at the clock in the shower she panicked “We’re late!” Kris groaned, the poor guy could never catch a break.


After that, instead of snuggling up together, Yixing ran out of the shower and quickly put on her uniform and waited for her boyfriend at the door. As Kris was done dressing, Yixing informed him that she had already called a driver and that they should head out now. He took her hand in his and they walked out of the hotel room together. As they entered the crowded elevator, Kris had to stand close to Yixing and protect her from other erted men who might want to touch his baby. As they waited Kris stared at her face taking in all of her exquisite features. He leaned in and whispered “Why are you so lovely?” At this Yixing smiled and stood on her tip toes so that she was eye to eye with her boyfriend and responded “Because you love me.”




Happy New Years Eve! I hope you guys have had an amazing festive season. 

We have been so lucky to have some kaisoo moments during the award season. I love clingy Jongin!!! 

Aaaaaaaaaaand Jongin is filming a new drama soon which I'm so happy about. I love actor Nini, I really enjoyed his performance in Choco Bank - he was so cuuuuuute ^o^ 

Until next time,

Take care and keep loving kaisoo~~~





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alamela040401 #1
Chapter 25: An epilogue will be greatly appreciated that because I kinda feel like there is a more happy ending to this (I'm sorry, am just a er of happy endings :D). Thank you for this wonderful story. Keep it up! :)
Chapter 25: that was nice;_; I need epilogue for yifan and xing's daughter... maybe her daughter will marry with kkamjong and squishy's son????
I am reading the comments first before reading the story.. this seems perfect. Lemme just drown myself in your story and I'll be baaaaack!
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 25: Oh it finally ended - but a happy great ending. Thanks dear.
Chapter 25: Im crying after reading all those chapters. Being asilent reader my best decision ever because the first time i read and found this story i have faith that i can be with it till the end and now it's finished already. This story is so clean and fresh. Im happy and thankful to you. This story teach me lots of things actually especially the reality life of people from different class society. And cant wait for epilogue. Now im imagining about the future. Really hope to have some kaisoo domestic and kray domestic also. TT #theirsonanddaughter heheh
Chapter 18: Wow Chanbaek is coming :') ❤❤ I like how Krisoo are setting them up LOL XD
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 18: I hope the plans will be successful hehe. KaiSoo KrAy and ChanBaek ❤❤❤❤
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 17: I hope they won't be caught by Kris' and Kyungsoo's parents...
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤