Chapter 13: The best I could ever ask for

A delicate situation



Kyungsoo woke up the following morning with a migraine, having barely slept she turned to see her pillow still drenched in tears. She heard someone knocking at her door and called out “Come in” and then winced as even the sound of her own voice was too loud. “Miss Kyungsoo, sorry to disturb you on a Sunday but…your parents would like you to see them in the study.” Kyungsoo should have seen this coming but she had been so focused on Jongin that she completely forgot about her parent’s reaction to last night’s events. After Baekhyun had found her on the roadside, she had taken Kyungsoo home and put her to sleep. Baekhyun never once asked her best friend what had happened but she could guess it had something to do with her forced engagement. She watched Kyungsoo pace around the room for a  while hysterically ringing and texting someone who she could only imagine was Jongin until she eventually gave up and sat back down. Baekhyun sat quietly her hair as she sobbed until she was too exhausted to continue crying and sleep overtook her.


Kyungsoo sighed before standing up from the bed. As she made her way to the bathroom she felt light headed and realised that she hadn’t eaten at all since her birthday. She showered hoping that it would make her feel refreshed but to no avail, feeling just as gross she changed out of her pyjamas and headed downstairs to the kitchen. She grabbed a croissant from the table and quickly devoured it knowing that she would need energy for what was about to come. Approaching the office, Kyungsoo became more nervous about what her parents would say. Knowing her father, he would just call her a or a for getting a boyfriend while being engaged. She braced herself and entered the large study/library where she had spent much of her childhood reading and playing hide and seek with the maids.


“Kyungsoo, come in. Take a seat” her Father said in an authoritative yet neutral voice which Kyungsoo took as a positive sign that she was not about to get the scolding of a lifetime. “Now your mother and I have discussed this already but we wanted to let you know that we are having you move schools. We aren’t angry at you for dating that…boy. We realise that it was our mistake for giving you so much freedom to do as you liked. So to rectify the situation and protect the family’s reputation, we are sending you to an all girl’s school in Shanghai. You will live with Yi Fan’s parents to allow you to get used to their customs and family traditions and you will never contact that boy again.” Kyungsoo couldn’t believe what she had just heard. In one night she had lost everything that she held dear and there was nothing she could do about it. She was powerless and had no way out of this mess she had created so she did the only thing that she could in that moment, she ran. Kyungsoo ran out of her Father’s study, through the lobby and out of the house. Once outside, she hailed a taxi and directed the car to her best friend’s house.


Baekhyun answered the door with a sullen look on her face which quickly hifted to relief upon seeing her best friend stood on her doorstep. “Kyungie are you OK? What happened? Last night your Father came into your room while you were asleep and just shouted at me to leave. I was scared so I left. What did he say to you?” Kyungsoo didn’t even know how to answer her friend’s questions, still reeling from her earlier conversation with her Father. “Baek...” but before she could continue Baekhyun engulfed her in a hug and guided her into the. Once inside the elders bedroom they sat on the bed and there was silence for a moment until Baekhyun couldn’t take it anymore “Kyungie? Are you OK?” The elder did not receive a response for a few moments but then Kyungsoo shifted and began to open up “He’s making me go to China. He wants me to go to school there and live with Yi Fan, I mean Kris’ parents until we get…married.” Her friend gasped “No you can’t leave!” “I know Baek but what choice do I have? I haven’t even had a chance to talk to Jongin. What am I supposed to do? I’ve not even had a chance to apologise again properly. I love him Baek, I need to tell him. I NEED to tell him that.” As she spoke the tears started to leak from her eyes.


Kyungsoo closed her eyes and sobbed loudly gripping Baekhyun around the arms just to find something solid to hold onto. Baekhyun loosened her friends grip around her and raised her head with a finger. As she looked into those big brown eyes she spoke in a similar manner to Kyungsoo’s father “Now you listen to me Do Kyungsoo. I have had enough of seeing you cry. You are the strongest person I know, the president of the student body, a straight A student, a phenomenal singer AND you go to all of those business events with your family. Kyung, you always get what you want. You are always prepared to fight for it. Now tell me what is it that you want?” Kyungsoo wiped away the tears and snot with her sleeve and then looked back at her friend with resolve on her face and replied “Jongin.” Baekhyun smiled realising that her friend has finally started to grow up. She leaned in and whispered “Then go get him.”




Jongin awoke that morning in a bad mood. Memories of the previous night replaying in his head like a broken record. He wanted it to stop, he wanted everything to stop because then he wouldn’t have to face the fact that he lost the love of his life and his best friend in the same night. He was no longer angry about the situation, he just wanted to get passed it and move on. “I don’t need them. I still have dance and Taemin and Sehun. I don’t need those two in my life” he thought as he dragged his body off the mattress. He checked his phone to see 38 missed calls and 40ish messages all from Kyungsoo but he just sighed and cleared his notifications. Flashes of Kyungsoo alone in the dark, cold and crying, flashed into Jongin’s mind and he hated himself for being concerned about her wellbeing. He shook his head attempting to knock these thoughts out and moved to the bathroom to wash up.


Jongin entered the kitchen where he could hear his parents lively chatter and saw his Mother making breakfast while humming a tune and his Father was reading th newspaper at the tabe. “Morning baby! You came back late last night. How did you sleep?” his Mother said much too enthusiastically for a Sunday morning as she kissed his cheek lovingly. “Jongin-ah have a seat kiddo! You don’t look so good. Rough night? How was the date?” Jongin drew a chair next to his Father and mumbled “Long.” “Come on smile a little son!” Jongin’s Father tried to coax him. “Sorry guys. I’m not really hungry. I’m just going to go for a run. I’ll be back later.” With that said Jongin got up and walked out of the house without another word despite his Mother shouting back at him “Yah! Kim Jongin at least eat something before you go!” Jongin’s Father walked up to his fuming wife and placed his hands on her shoulders to calm her “Yeobo let him go. He clearly needs to blow off some steam.” She sighed and leaned back against her husband’s chest and whined “Why are teenagers so difficult?” He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered softly into her ear “It’s not hormones. He’s a passionate kid, so when he’s hurt…it cuts deep. Just like me.” He pecked his wife’s cheek and returned to the table to finish his crossword while his wife continued to stare at the door, a look of worry plastered on her face. 


Shortly after Jongin had left there was a knock at the door, “Yeobo, please can you get that. I’m a bit busy” Jongin’s mother called out to her husband. Sighing he got up from the sofa where he had been working on the choreography for his dance troop and trudged over to the door. He answered the door and was greeted by a very distressed young lady whom he had never seen before “Hello, how my I help you?” he asked. The girl was out of breath and heaved out “Good morning Sir. I’m sorry to disturb you on a Sunday but is Jongin here by any chance?” Unsure of who the girl was and why she was looking for his son in such a state, he cautiously replied “He…went for a run but he should be back in about an hour or so. Would you like to come inside for something to drink? You look like you could use a rest.” Kyungsoo was taken aback by the kind offer from Jongin’s father and as she looked at his smile, she could sense the same warmth from the man as she felt with Jongin. “I don’t want to put you out. I shouldn’t have come here…I’m sorry” she bowed and attempted to leave but Jongin’s father stopped her before she had completely left the premises “Wait! Come back. Why don’t you come inside? It looks like you could use someone to talk to.” Kyungsoo offered the man a weak smile and nodded accepting the offer.


“Yeobo, who was at the door?” Jongin’s mother asked as she entered the lounge. She looked around until her eyes fell onto a beautiful petite girl sat on the sofa with a drink of water in her hands and her eyes fixated on the carpet. “Who is our guest?” she asked curiously as she took a seat next to her husband, eyeing the young girl who was sat opposite them. “A friend of Jongin’s. I told her she could wait here until he comes back.” She nodded and turned to the girl “What’s your name sweetie? How do you know our son?” The young girl raised her head and bowed again introducing herself “Annyonghaseyeo, my name is Kyungsoo. I’m Jongin’s…girlfriend. Or ex-girlfriend” she muttered the last bit hoping that his parents didn’t catch…it but they did. Both turned to look at each other now understanding their son’s sour mood earlier on. “It’s lovely to finally meet you Soo! I hope you don’t mind me calling you that. It’s just that Jonginnie calls you that whenever he talks about you. Or squishy! He sometimes refers to you as his squishy. I apologise for my son’s strangeness.” Kyungsoo was shocked again, she couldn’t believe that Jongin had told his parents about her and that they were already comfortable calling her by a nickname. “Uh it’s fine Mrs Kim. Please call me whatever you like. I’m sorry to have met you under such bad circumstances. I had hoped to make a better impression” she bowed apologetically. Jongin’s mother leaned over, gesturing the poor girl to sit upright “That’s not necessary. We are happy to welcome you into our home and you are as lovely as Jongin described.” At those kind words Kyungsoo smiled for the first time that day, a slight pink dusting her cheeks.


“Mr and Mrs Kim, I made a terrible mistake. I really hurt Jongin and I want to fix it. I don’t want to lose him. I can’t. I really….love him.” As she spoke fresh tears fell from her eyes and both parents could see how broken she was. “Oh sweetie I’m sure it’s not that bad. It might seem like the end of the world now but you will work it out. Jonginnie is a kind boy, he would never hurt you intentionally and I’m sure he cares for you just as deeply. Just…apologise.” Kyungsoo continued to sob as Jongin’s father handed her a handkerchief from his pocket “Bu- bu- but how? He won’t talk to me or answer my calls. He was so angry and hurt. I don’t think he will ever forgive me. I ruined everything and on his birthday of all days!” Jongin’s mother reached over and held Kyungsoo’s hand “Soo listen. If you love him and want him to forgive you then fight for him otherwise you’ll regret it. Trust me I know. I raised him, my son is one of the good ones and you’d be crazy to not fight for him now.” Kyungsoo tightened the grip on her hand and suppressed anymore tears from flowing as she spoke “Please help me. What should I do? How do I get him to talk to me?” Finally Jongin’s Father interjected “Maybe I can help with that.”




By the time Jongin got back home from his run he felt more refreshed and a lot of the anger had ebbed away. He could see things more clearly now but the pain was still there eating away at him. He didn’t even want to think about Kyungsoo and Kris, he just wanted to forget. He took a bottle of water from the fridge and sat at the dining table when his Father walked in “Feeling better son?” Jongin nodded and offered him a fake smile to stop him from worrying but his Father was far from convinced “I’m gonna shower” Jongin said as he exited the room. He made his way into his bedroom and his mother followed after him “Jonginnie what’s wrong? You look awful baby. Tell momma what happened?” Jongin sighed “Mom I’m not in the mood right now. Can we not talk about this? Please?” She looked back at him sternly “Not this time. Not when you look so hurt. Let me help. Tell me what happened!” Jongin hated his mothers meddling but he knew that she wasn’t going to give up any time soon so he resigned himself. He lay down on his bed placing an arm over his eyes. His mother reluctantly sat next to him “Baby tell me.”


Jongin had only ever told his parents all the best moments that he shared with Kyungsoo, which was every single moment save for the last one. He didn’t quite know how to tell her what had happened but he thought he might feel better if he got it off his chest. “Do you remember my gi- Kyungsoo. That girl I told you that I was dating?” His mother nodded “Well it turns out that she was cheating on me with Kris” his mother gasped after finding out the reason for the break up. “I can’t believe it. Are you sure?” Jongin winced “Of course I’m sure. Their parents set them up years ago and they have been engaged for 2 years and yet she still agreed to date me. Can you believe that?!” Jongin’s mother nodded in recognition now finally being able to piece both sides of the story together. “Sweetie, did she actually cheat on you? Or did her parents force this marriage onto her? Does she actually love Kris?” Jongin moved his arm from his face and stared at his mother “Well no it wasn’t her choice and she said that they didn’t know each other that well but still…” “Still what baby?” He looked at his mother searching for the real reason why he was so angry “She still should have told me!” he replied exasperated.


They stayed in silence for a while before Jongin continued “They were both so shocked when they saw me. They were arm in arm like a real couple. They looked great together, like a million dollars. Way better than she looks stood next to me. He can give her everything. What do I give her? Cheap movie dates and dinner at family restaurants. No wonder she chose him over me and didn’t even tell me about the engagement. I was just some high school crush while he’s going to marry her. He’s a much better choice than me. They come from the same background and he’s everything I’m not. Of course she would choose him to marry. I can’t blame her for that.” Jongin’s mother looked at her son feeling his sadness at being inadequate and felt guilty for not giving her son more in life. Knowing that there wasn’t much more she could do for him she leaned over and kissed his head “At least let me make you some lunch. How does fried chicken sound?” Jongin smiled weakly at her “That sounds really good actually. I am starving after that workout.” With that said his mother stood up from the bed and exited the room.


After showering and changing his clothes Jongin descended the stairs, the distinct aroma of fried chicken filling his nostrils as he made his way to the kitchen. He took a chair at the dining table and was shortly joined by his Father. None of them spoke during that time, not really knowing what to say. As Jongin’s mother served the food both men’s mouths watered at the sight. Chuckling she took the seat in between them and placed pieces of chicken into both of their bowls and they all started eating. Shortly into the meal Jongin’s Father spoke “Glad to see you have your appetite back Jongin-ah. Don’t ever forget to eat my boy. I know you’re sad but your health comes first.” Jongin simply nodded feeling guilty for worrying his parents with his sudden mood change. “Do you know what would make you feel better kiddo?” Jongin’s father asked. “What?” Jongin replied with a full mouth of food, much to his parent’s disgust. It was the one bad habit of his that they couldn’t get rid of since childhood. “I’ve finished the choreography for the dance troop and I would love it if you could try it first and let me know what you think.” Jongin nodded agreeing that dance would take his mind off his current situation “Sure.” Jongin’s Father smiled happily “Great! I’ll look forward to hearing what you think about it” he said as he handed his son the sheets of paper with the choreography drawn on it along with the keys to his dance studio. Jongin accepted it, planning on heading down there after lunch. As he got up from the table, he pecked his mother on the cheek thanking her for the glorious food. “You’re welcome baby. And Happy Birthday” she said smiling at him. Jongin’s family never celebrated birthdays, always having very little money meant that he would never receive presents. Jongin hated the idea of explaining to his friends that he didn’t receive anything because his parents were poor so instead he told them that he hated celebrating his birthday. So every year they would simply wish him a happy birthday and that would be it. “Thanks guys. OK I’m off” he smiled back before leaving the house and heading over to his Father’s studio a few roads away.



Jongin entered the pitch black studio and put his bag down on one side. He headed across the room to the fuse box to turn the lights o when suddenly the room became illuminated by fairy lights of different colours that had been haphazardly placed around the studio and banners reading “Happy Birthday” and “Congratulations”. There were also electric candles and rose petals lining the floor that formed a trail leading to a large heart made out of rose petals at the other end of the studio which Kyungsoo was currently standing inside. “I- I’m sorry to bother you. Your parents said it was OK for me to come and setup my surprise for you.” Jongin looked at his girlfriend, his face completely void of emotion. “Happy Birthday Nini” Jongin winced at the nickname but made no effort to respond to her. “I know you hate me and you have every right to do so but….I just want you to know that I love you and I will always love you. I made a huge mistake and I should have trusted you enough to tell you everything but I was weak and I didn’t want to lose you. That was my worst fear and in trying to avoid it, I was the one who caused it to happen. I am so, so sorry.” Jongin was rooted to the ground and his face remained expressionless which worried Kyungsoo but she knew that she couldn’t give up now. She had already promised herself that she would try to win him back.


“Before all of….this happened I had planned an event for your birthday and if you don’t mind, I’d still like to give it to you.” Jongin gave no indication of whether it was OK to keep going or not so Kyungsoo hesitantly continued “It’s nowhere near as beautiful as the present you gave me. I will remember my 18th birthday for as long as I live. It was the best moment of my whole life Jongin but I hope that I can make you feel as loved as you make me feel every day.” She took a deep breath and pressed a switch to turn on the sound system and a soft piano melody started to play. Kyungsoo picked up a microphone from the floor, closed her eyes and began singing:


naega inneun gosei nado hamkke halke..
naega ganeun gose nado hamkke kalke..

Where you are, I will be there too
Where you go, I will go there too

neol wiihaeseo mae-il utko neol wiihaeseo gidoha-go..
ni saengga-ge jamdeul-ko neol bureumyeo nuneul tteo..
nae yeopeseo jikyeoju-go nae yeopeseo kamssajuneun..
neon naye cheonkuginkeol..

I smile for you every day, I pray for you
With thoughts of you, I fall asleep I open my eyes as I call for you
You protect me by my side and you embrace me
You are my heaven

You're my only one way..
ojik neoreul wonhae nae-ga ni gyeote isseume kamsahae..
You're the only one babe..
himdeun sesang so-ge sarangeural-ke haejun neo hanaro naneun haengbo-khae..
You're my only one way
Only for you I am thankful that I am next to you
You're the only one babe
You taught me love in this harsh world I am happy with you alone

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
uri hamkkeramyeon we will never cry never never cry..

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
yeongwonhi du-riseo never gonna be alone..

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
If we're together we will never cry never never cry
Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
Forever, together never gonna be alone

ni pumeseo sumeul shwiigo ni pumeseo immajchu-go..
ni moksoril deu-reumyeon kkum kkuneun geot man gata..
ni nuneseo al su isseo ni sarangeural su isseo..
neon naye cheonkuginkeol..

I breathe in your arms, we kiss in your arms
When I hear your voice, it feels like I'm dreaming
I can tell from your eyes, I can tell about your love
You are my heaven.

You're my only one way..
ojing neoreul wonhae nae-ga ni gyeote isseume kamsahae..
You're the only one babe..
himdeun sesang so-ge sarangeural-ke haejun neo hanaro naneun haengbo-khae..

You're my only one way
Only for you I am thankful that I am next to you
You're the only one babe
You taught me love in this harsh world I am happy with you alone

Heaven namani saram keurae nareul jikyeojul saram..
eotteon- seulpeumdo eotteon- apeumdo neowah hamkke handamyeon..
eoneu nu-gudo nan bureob-ji anha.. tteollineun du soneul jabajwo
nae-ga saneun iyu neonikka..

Heaven my only person, yes the person who will protect me
Any sadness, any pain if only I'm with you
I'm not jealous of anyone else, hold my two trembling hands
Because the reason I live is you

You're my only one way..
ojik neoreul wonhae nae-ga ni gyeote isseume kamsahae..
You're the only one babe..
himdeun sesang so-ge sarangeural-ke haejun neo hanaro naneun haengbo-khae..

You're my only one way
Only for you I am thankful that I am next to you
You're the only one babe
You taught me love in this harsh world I am happy with you alone

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
uri hamkkeramyeon we will never cry never never cry..
Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
yeongwonhi du-riseo never gonna be alone..
so alone, oh.

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
If we're together we will never cry never never cry
Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven x2
Forever, together, never gonna be alone
Oh, so alone oh.


As she finished the song, Kyungsoo opened her eyes and realised that she was crying. She had poured her heart into the lyrics and hoped that Jongin felt her sincerity. She had planned on singing this song to him after she had gone home from her birthday celebrations feeling overwhelmed by his love for her. “I know it’s probably not what you wanted to hear right now Jongin but I really just want you to know how I feel about you. And…I’m not planning on giving you up without a fight. I love you and I’m not letting you go.” She looked him straight in the eyes, resolve written on her dainty features.  There was a lng ppause before Jongin finally spoke “I thought you were rich. Is this the best you could give me? What, no watch? New phone or car? Did Daddy cut you off after finding out you are dating the poor kid?” Kyungsoo stared back at him incredulously “Don’t be mean Jongin. It’s not who you are. I know that I deserve it but don’t become a cold person just because I hurt you. Please.” Jongin looked at her pleading eyes and lost all capacity to hate her.


He continued to stare at her not saying anything, prompting her to continue “I did buy you a watch but after I got your present I thought it was so generic and boring, nowhere near as colourful as your gift to me. I wanted to give you something from the heart with the talent I have myself rather than the money given to me by my family. And I realised that this is how I felt about you from the moment I met you. This thing with Yi Fan was a mistake. My parents only agreed to let me be a singer if I….agreed to marry him. Jongin it’s my dream to be a singer, I can’t be a lawyer or work at my Father’s company. I only ever wanted to be a singer so I agreed to this stupid engagement. But we discussed it and we both planned on breaking it off. We hadn’t even seen each other or spoken in nearly six months so I barely thought about it. Then I met you…and I completely forgot about all of that mess. You made my whole life brighter with your smile and I fell in love with you but then I got a message out of the blue saying we had to make the engagement official. I wanted to tell you on my birthday but we were having such a good time and I didn’t know how to say it. I’m a coward but only because I never wanted to lose you. You have to believe me.”


Jongin looked her in the eye “And you thought…that they wouldn’t make you get married in the end?” Kyungsoo brightened up seeing that Jongin had finally started to respond to her “Never. We thought that the engagement was enough to keep them happy and once we both got what we wanted then we would call it off. He’s just a friend. I swear. Neither of us knew the situation, we would never want to hurt you like that.”Jongin’s face changed into one of understanding and Kyungsoo reluctantly stepped outside of the petal heart closing the gap between her and Jongin. “And you don’t want to be with Kris. You want to…be with me?” “Yes, yes Jongin only you. I only want you. You are the only one that I want” Kyungsoo responded as she took his face into her hands. She was surprised when he didn’t push her away and relished in the feel of having her boyfriend so close to her again. She took the time to appreciate the beauty of his perfect tanned skin and how it contrasted with her paler complexion. “Let me show you how much you mean to me” Kyungsoo said staring straight into her boyfriends eyes. Jongin gulped and Kyungsoo leaned up on her tip toes and kissed his lips, slowly at first. She enjoyed the feeling of his soft plump lips against hers and as she stepped closer to him Jongin leaned forward to deepen the kiss. Once they separated to catch their breath, Kyungsoo leaned her forehead against Jongin’s needing to maintain contact with him otherwise she felt he would disappear from her again. “Are you…sure about this?” he asked worriedly, not wanting to force her into anything but at the same time he could barely conceal his excitement at the prospect. “I love you Nini” Kyungsoo whispered and Jongin needed no more assurances and relaxed in her hold allowing her to take control. Without saying another word, she lifted his hands to her hips and placed hers around his neck and kissed him again much more passionately than she ever had before. She wanted him to feel how much she loved him in that moment and that he was truly the best thing she could ever ask for.




Hi Guys so this is the second part to Jongin's birthday. I hope you enjoy it. I will try and update again this weekend. Hope you are healthy and happy wherever you are ^^

Take care and keep loving kaisoo~~~




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alamela040401 #1
Chapter 25: An epilogue will be greatly appreciated that because I kinda feel like there is a more happy ending to this (I'm sorry, am just a er of happy endings :D). Thank you for this wonderful story. Keep it up! :)
Chapter 25: that was nice;_; I need epilogue for yifan and xing's daughter... maybe her daughter will marry with kkamjong and squishy's son????
I am reading the comments first before reading the story.. this seems perfect. Lemme just drown myself in your story and I'll be baaaaack!
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 25: Oh it finally ended - but a happy great ending. Thanks dear.
Chapter 25: Im crying after reading all those chapters. Being asilent reader my best decision ever because the first time i read and found this story i have faith that i can be with it till the end and now it's finished already. This story is so clean and fresh. Im happy and thankful to you. This story teach me lots of things actually especially the reality life of people from different class society. And cant wait for epilogue. Now im imagining about the future. Really hope to have some kaisoo domestic and kray domestic also. TT #theirsonanddaughter heheh
Chapter 18: Wow Chanbaek is coming :') ❤❤ I like how Krisoo are setting them up LOL XD
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 18: I hope the plans will be successful hehe. KaiSoo KrAy and ChanBaek ❤❤❤❤
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 17: I hope they won't be caught by Kris' and Kyungsoo's parents...
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤