Chapter 11: The party part I

A delicate situation




Kris was finally finished with the preparations for the party. His Father had flown in that morning and immediately come to the venue to oversee the final arrangements. As expected the old man criticised everything making sure to embarrass his son in front of as many people as possible. His Father always said that he did it to teach his ungrateful son to be humble, but Kris knew that it was just the old man’s way of putting him in his place. As much as Kris hated his Father, he was the least of his concerns today. Kris was more concerned about preventing his girlfriend from breaking up with him once she’s met his “fiance”. He often wondered why his relationship couldn’t be simpler, like Jongin’s. He had to admit that he envied his best friends relationship, he always talks about how happy he is with his squishy and how they never fight. At this moment Kris felt like all he ever did was hurt Yixing and that it was a miracle that she was still with him. “I have to protect her. I can’t hurt her again” he chanted to himself to give himself motivation. “Sir, please can you come and check over these documents” his PA called out to him pulling Kris from his thoughts. He was happy to have something to distract his mind from the upcoming events.


Yixing was sat in her room, pout on her face and piles of clothes all around her. She heard a knock at the door “Come in” she answered sadly. Her Father entered her room and noticed his daughter’s sombre mood and the obvious mess and pieced together the crisis she was facing at that moment. “He must be some boy Xingie. It looks like you’ve cleaned out your whole wardrobe.” She simply glared at him and then sighed “I have nothing to wear. I’m so fat nothing looks right on my deformed body.” Her pout grew as she said the words, falling deeper into a depressive state. “She will look so much better than me and I’ll lose him” she thought to herself. “Don’t be ridiculously Xingie. You are beautiful and don’t let any boy make you feel otherwise. If he thinks that you’re fat then he isn’t worth it baby girl. You are perfect! Someday you will find someone who will make you feel like that.” She smiled at him and he was glad that he could brighten her mood. He asked out of curiosity “Who is this boy anyway? Someone from school?” Yixing hesitated not wanting to lie to Father so she simply nodded instead. Technically it wasn’t a lie, they did go to the same school.


Yixing’s father could sense that she was uncomfortable talking about this topic and instead changed the topic to the reason he had actually come to see her. “Well sweetheart, he must be one hell of a boy” he said as he walked towards the door “because he had someone drop this off for you.” From outside the door, a maid entered the room carrying a dress bag with a tag on the front and a blue rose in the zip of the bag. Yixing took the items from the maid and placed them on the bed. She sniffed the rose and opened the envelope to read the note.


To My Precious Xing,

You would look beautiful in a plastic bag but I saw this and thought of you.

Please wear it tonight. Seeing you in it will be the only reason for me to smile.

I look forward to seeing you.

I love you baby.

Your loving boyfriend


A smile immediately appeared on Yixing’s face and her Father realised then that his daughter was serious about this boy. He smiled as well, glad that someone had made her forget her relationship with Yi Fan. He would have to thank this boy if he ever had the opportunity to meet him. She ped the bag and took out the dress, the smile on her face grew and her Father felt his heart settle knowing that she was in good hands tonight. The dress was a deep blue that matched the rose that Kris had given her, a high neckline and low backline with chains going across the expanse of the back to accentuate her pale skin and dainty figure. The sides of the dress had soft gold patterning and while it was a full length dress it had a long slit down the left leg to show off her strong calf muscles. Kris knew her well as the dress was perfect for her and looked incredibly expensive. She picked up the bag to throw it away and noticed a box taped to the inside and removed it. She opened the box and saw a diamond bracelet and ring inside. She gasped as the stones were huge and must have cost a fortune. As she inspected the jewels, she noticed an engraving on both “WYF&ZYX always”.


Yixing couldn’t believe it. Kris had gone to so much effort to make sure that she looked good tonight as well as trying to prove to her that he was committed to her. She held all of her gifts to her chest, all thoughts of the engagement gone and replaced with excitement for seeing her boyfriend tonight. Fan loved her and not his fiancé, she was sure of it. That night she got ready asking one of her friends over to help with her makeup and waited for her “date” to pick her up. A car drove up and Jongin exited clad in a tuxedo and knocked on the door. Yixing’s father answered and shook Jongin’s hand who in turn bowed a full 90 degrees out of respect. The older man was taken aback by the younger’s politeness and gestured for him to relax. “Sir I’m here to pick up Yixing.” “You will be a gentleman to her and see to all of her needs. I want her back here by 12 and no later do we understand each other?” Jongin didn’t seem nervous at all, parents loved him unlike Kris and responded “Of course Mr Zhang, I will make sure that she feels like a princess tonight.” As he spoke those words Yixing came into their line of sight and both men audibly gasped, Jongin’s jaw fell to the floor. He didn’t like Yixing as anything more than a friend but he had to admit that she was radiant. “Shall we go?” she asked taking Jongin’s proffered arm and turning to leave. “Bye Daddy” she said and leaned up to peck his cheek and then walked out the door with a still dumbstruck Jongin.


“Yah Kamjong! Stop staring at me like that or I will tell your girlfriend.” At the mention of his Squishy, Jongin immediately snapped out of his reverie. When she spoke Jongin realised that while she looked like a million dollars she was still the same down to earth and cool Zhang Yixing. He opened the door for her and she entered the car. He went to the other side and slipped in. The ride to the venue was mostly silent as both were lost in their thoughts, Yixing worrying about how she will react seeing Kris with his fiancé while Jongin wondered whether he should have told Kyungsoo that he was taking Yixing out like this. They were both dragged out of their thoughts when the car halted and the driver announced that they had arrived. Jongin hopped out of the car and took Yixng’s arm as she exited. They smiled at each other, both hesitant about what the night would bring “Last chance to back out” Jongin said in an attempt to lighten the mood. “I asked for this right? I can’t back out now Jongin” she responded and Jongin could detect the resolve in her eyes and didn’t question her further.


Jongin handed the doorman two tickets and entered the lavish hall b with decorations. Jongin had never seen so much money being spent in one place, there were women in glass boxes dressed in African tribal outfits while making strange poses. He was sure that rich people called it art but he realised then that rich people were stupid. Yixing played with the ring and bracelet Kris had given her which were a source of warmth and strength protecting her from what was to come next. The venue was full making it impossible to spot Kris even with both of them looking. Suddenly cheering was heard as Kris’ father walked onto the stage to give a speech to welcome everyone to the party. They were sure that the speech was only supposed to last a few minutes but he was really dragging it out, loving the sound of his own voice. Yixing and Jongin turned to look at each other both rolling their eyes at the old man’s arrogance. Jongin waited eagerly for food to be served as Kris promised it would be the best meal of his life, so he hadn’t eaten all day in preparation. The speech was finally over and drinks were served. Most people were busy talking in their own social circles but Yixing and Jongin knew none of them. While Yixing’s family was well off, they were not so well off that they socialised with the upper class elite that were at this party. So they just stayed close to each other enjoying mocking all the botched up plastic surgery jobs that people had done.


“Do you want to dance?” Jongin asked after a while. “Woah Kamjong! That was actually really smooth. Being with Kyungsoo has made you cooler. I approve. Sure why not? Let’s dance!” There were several other couples dancing so they blended in to the crowd, enjoying themselves as teenagers should at a party. They danced for a few songs before they started giggling uncontrollably when they saw a woman who had so much plastic surgery that she looked like a Persian cat which caused them to stop dancing. They took their seats and waited for the food to arrive. Someone suddenly sat next to Yixing causing her to turn her head to greet the newcomer. Her eyes widened when she recognised the man as Kris’ father and immediately stiffened. She bowed to him wordlessly, almost apologetically suddenly feeling very unwelcome. At this point Jongin also noticed the intruder that had entered their happy bubble and bowed respectfully bracing himself for the worst. “Hello Miss Zhang, Jongin, it’s good to see you both. I’m glad Yi Fan invited some of his friends. He’s always embarrassed of his old man so he tries to keep his friends away from me but I wanted to greet you both personally. Jongin, enjoy the free food. I recommend the escargot. I assure you that you will never get a treat like this again. And Miss Zhang please look forward to the announcement at the end of the night. I think you will enjoy it.” With that he stood up and flashed them his million dollar smile which was the only thing that Kris had inherited from this scumbag “Well have fun kids. I have to greet the others. No rest for the wicked I suppose.” As he left Jongin leaned toward Yixing “Are you OK?” she nodded slowly and he knew that she was lying.


Jongin was used to the taunts from Kris’ father, they had been friends for years after all but he suspected that this was the first time that Yixing had been spoken to in that manner as she has always been so precious to everyone. To be treated like a mistress Jongin imagined was a new experience for her. “Would you like to get some air?” Jongin asked and Yixing nodded again and he led her outside the hall onto the veranda and let her take in the night air. He promised Kris that he would protect her and he had every intention of keeping his word.


Kris entered the hallway with his small fiancé attached to his arm. All eyes were on the pair, even he had to admit that they looked aesthetically pleasing but nothing more. He had never felt anything for her and while they were friends as children they had grown apart as years went by. As they walked through the crowds of people, Kris utilised his height advantage to try and spot Jongin and Yixing. The doorman had already informed him that they arrived an hour ago and he tried to rush to see them but his “date” was still getting ready. They spoke to several business partners and dignitaries who Kris needed on his side in the future, he could feel the eyes of the board members boring through the back of his head. They were inspecting his every move and he felt the pressure to prove himself.


It had been an hour of greeting people and shaking hands before his Father came to his side “Son! Are you having a good time?” He was putting on a good show in front of these people, Kris had to admire his Fathers acting skills as they were on point tonight. “Great thank you Father. It’s good to have all of our colleagues and partners here to celebrate with us tonight” he hated himself for maintaining the charade but what else could he do. His Father pulled him to one side away from everyone and it was the first time he had been allowed to leave his fiancé’s side all night and to be honest he felt relieved even if the alternative company was his Father. “Yi Fan we have invited so many different people from all corners of the globe from different businesses and backgrounds. But imagine my surprise when I saw your street rat friend and your summer fling walking into my party.” Kris flinched hearing his Father describe the most important people in his life as worthless. “But don’t worry my boy. I’ve dealt with them. I’m sure they left soon after our encounter.” Kris growled lowly and clenched his fist ready to lunge at his Father when the old man continued “Wow wow I didn’t do anything to them. I merely reminded them of their place in this world. How they chose to interpret that is entirely up to them.” Jian put his hand on Kris’ shoulder and continued “You look good together son. This is a match truly blessed by the Heavens. Let’s forget about unnecessary things and focus on the future shall we?” With that said Jian turned away from Kris and back to his adoring public.


“I feel better now Jongin thanks. I think we should head back inside. I don’t want to miss Kris. He went through all of this trouble to get me here, I at least want to see his face” she said twirling her new ring on her finger. Jongin stared at her with worry etched on his handsome features but conceded knowing that Yixing couldn’t be persuaded otherwise. He led her back to the hall and Jongin saw that food was being served. He had lost his appetite but Yixing told him that they should eat. There was no point in letting good food go to waste.


Kris had finally spotted the back of Yixing’s dress and saw her long hair flowing over the revealing back line displaying her perfect alabaster skin. He smiled feeling grateful that she wore it and made his way over to her. He turned to his fiancé and whispered “My girlfriend and best friend are here. We should go and talk to them.” She nodded and he slipped his arm from hers and led her in the direction of the only two people in the room he cared about.


He braced himself for what was to come next as he approached them from the back, his fiancé trailing behind him. As he moved closer he heard Yixing laugh as Jongin appeared to have stuffed his mouth full of shrimp. He tapped them both on the shoulder drawing their attention. As they both turned they smiled at him, glad to have finally been reunited. “Thanks for coming guys, there is someone that I want you to meet.” Kris moved out of the way to reveal his fiancé and he grew concerned at the look of horror that spread across both of their faces thinking that he had made a mistake by trying to introduce them. He pressed on nonetheless “Jongin, Yixing this is my friend Do Kyungsoo. She is also my…fiancée.” Kris looked at both of their faces, surprised that neither of them had anything to say. He then turned to Kyungsoo hoping for her to reassure Yixing that there was nothing between them but as he looked at her he saw the same look of horror in her eyes.


As tears formed in the rim of her eyes Kyungsoo reached out for Jongin and whispered “Jong-“ but he interrupted her his face fuming, “What is this? Kris…what did you just say?” Kyungsoo looked to the floor trying to piece things together in her head “Kris…Kris is Wu Yi Fan.” Yixing gasped finally understanding what was happening. “Wh-wh-what  do you mean this is your fiancé? This is NOT your fiancé Kris, this is MY Kyungsoo. My Soo. I-I-I don’t understand. What’s going on here?” Kyungoo could sense her boyfriend having a break down and he automatically moved away from her still reeling from their current situation.


Kris had finally worked out what was happening “Jong! Jong, I had no idea that she was your girlfriend. I never met her remember. I would never do that to you!” Kris pleaded with him, no longer caring about the attention he was gaining from the other people in the room. Kris approached Jongin to try and calm the situation as he saw the pain on his best friends face. He reached out to grip his shoulders to secure him but Jongin pushed him back causing him to hit the table of food behind them knocking it over from the force “Fan!” Yixing shouted out of concern. Kris recovered quickly and tried to move Jongin out of the room before drawing any further attention, particularly from his Father. But Jongin had not yet satisfied his rage and lunged at Kris punching him square in the jaw. Jongin sobered slightly after seeing blood trickle from Kris’ mouth and turned to leave. Yixing fell to the floor to tend to her boyfriends wound while Kyungsoo followed after Jongin without looking back at the damage that her and Kris had created from all the lies and deceit.




Hi I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This one is set on Jongin's birthday and follows immediately after the previous chapter. I had hoped to publish it on Jongin's birthday but life was a huge distraction from writing. But hey at least I got it out before the end of January so it is still technically kaisoo month!

I just want to say a very happy belated birthday to my nini bear, it took me years to finally realise that he wasmy bias but now that I know I am so happy and grateful to be his fan. He is such a wonderful, deep, caring and loveable human being and I wish him nothing but joy for ths year and all of his years in the future. I hope that 2017 provides him with everything he wants because after all of his troubles last year he really needs it! I can't wait for his drama, the pics of the film site are killing me. 

Anyway I will try and update the second part of this fairly soon,

So until then,

Take care and keep loving kaisoo~~~





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alamela040401 #1
Chapter 25: An epilogue will be greatly appreciated that because I kinda feel like there is a more happy ending to this (I'm sorry, am just a er of happy endings :D). Thank you for this wonderful story. Keep it up! :)
Chapter 25: that was nice;_; I need epilogue for yifan and xing's daughter... maybe her daughter will marry with kkamjong and squishy's son????
I am reading the comments first before reading the story.. this seems perfect. Lemme just drown myself in your story and I'll be baaaaack!
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 25: Oh it finally ended - but a happy great ending. Thanks dear.
Chapter 25: Im crying after reading all those chapters. Being asilent reader my best decision ever because the first time i read and found this story i have faith that i can be with it till the end and now it's finished already. This story is so clean and fresh. Im happy and thankful to you. This story teach me lots of things actually especially the reality life of people from different class society. And cant wait for epilogue. Now im imagining about the future. Really hope to have some kaisoo domestic and kray domestic also. TT #theirsonanddaughter heheh
Chapter 18: Wow Chanbaek is coming :') ❤❤ I like how Krisoo are setting them up LOL XD
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 18: I hope the plans will be successful hehe. KaiSoo KrAy and ChanBaek ❤❤❤❤
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 17: I hope they won't be caught by Kris' and Kyungsoo's parents...
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤