
15 Days to New Year


Jealousy AU

Prompt: Person A witnesses Person B with their long time friend that Person B used to like. Person A gets jealous and confronts Person B about it. (from: Sikami)


A/N: Yes, I am late. I'm sorry to everyone who waited. I guess I'll post twice during Christmas :o  A special thanks to Sikami for dropping this prompt in my form. If anyone is interested or wants to drop more prompts: Prompt Form



It’s within good reasons to say that Luhan is the insecure one in this relationship. After all, he's the one who insisted on the matching phone case, the couple rings, and even the Locate My Boyfriend App. Minseok doesn't mind it all, and he doesn't question Luhan’s lack of trust. He's just not the type of person to make a big deal out of this. He really likes Luhan, and he's willing to endure the suspicious stares if it means the younger will relax a little.


He still doesn't understand why Luhan gets jealous of his friendship with Baekhyun or even the weekly bonding time he sets with Jongdae. Minseok just like having guys night out with his friends sometimes. Luckily, Luhan relents to the elder’s wishes after promises of not getting drunk with them.


Ironically, their roles starts to reverse a few days later when Luhan reconnects with an old friend. He told Minseok, earlier this week, that he's going to be extremely busy with his friend so they can't have dates until next week. Minseok doesn't mind it, after all, it's a bit of freedom for him. Unfortunately, he doesn't expect to see Luhan’s friend to also be the younger's ex. It shouldn't be a big a deal since many exes stay friends after the breakup, but  seeing Luhan with his ex, it bothers him, a lot. He doesn't understand why, he only reasons that Luhan’s ex shouldn't be trusted alone with Luhan.


He tries to ignore the nagging feeling in his mind, that something must be going on. What if the ex tries to kiss Luhan, and the younger accepts without resistance? Or worse, what if Luhan’s the one kissing him? Knowing Minseok’s luck of forever being placed second, it's probably his fate to lose Luhan to someone's better. He just didn't expect it to be this soon.


He sighs heavily as he stares at his computer, a small pout in his lips and he's poking the bobblehead in his desk with his pen. Even the movement of his cute bobble head doesn't make him smile.


By the time he leaves work, he tries to think of other things. Like why construction is taking so damn slow, or why the drivers around him are honking him when they can see there's no more space. It's enough to get him annoyed about something else.


So when he goes to the store on his way home, he’s distracted by the cute dog on the street that he almost didn't notice the familiar face inside a nearby restaurant. It's Luhan with that who thinks that his boyfriend is still his. Minseok watches from afar, a dark glare in his expression, before he realizes that he should stop standing in the middle of the pathwalk. After all, the passersby are starting to look at him strangely. He just can't decide if he should barge in on their little date or he should wait for the perfect opportunity, catch them in the act.


Instead, Minseok waits for the next day, where he heads to Luhan’s place without invitation. He finds the younger to be busy getting ready, clothes all pretty and not a single speck on his face. Minseok frowns at how much preparation Luhan goes through just for this guy.


“Why are you all dressed up? Where are you going?” The elder demands right in front of the door.


“Minseok,” Luhan greets him with wide eyes. “Um, I thought I told you I'm busy.”


The younger tries to exit the front door, but Minseok catches on to his actions before he forces himself inside, determined to catch them in the act. He looks around like an animal set to prey, before he goes through the kitchen, bangs open the bedroom, and ruins the perfectly made bed. There's no one around, even in the bathroom nor the balcony. He’s still suspicious though, and he doesn't notice Luhan's worried expression.


“What's wrong?” The younger asks.


“Nothing,” he replies even though his breathing is heavy. “I just needed to make sure there was no burglar in your house.”


“What?” Luhan says confusedly. “How can they enter without me knowing?”


“Because they're professionals! If you can hear them, then they're amateurs and you shouldn't even call the cops on them. They'd be an embarrassment to the industry!”


The younger's expression doesn't change and Minseok thinks that Luhan will now have a very good reason to break up with him. What kind of person barges in without a good reason?


“Are you sure you're okay?” The younger asks instead, a gentle hand in his arm. Minseok almost feels guilty for being a paranoid boyfriend.


“Yes,” Minseok insists. “I guess I just missed you, a lot.”


The younger smiles warmly before returning the sentiment.


“I still have to go meet with my friend though, but I promise that tomorrow you get to have me all for yourself,” Luhan explains before making a move to leave.


“Wait!” Minseok urges. “But why can't I come? You always said we should spend more time together. I just miss having you around. Unless, you don't want me around anymore.”


Minseok pouts at his last word, causing Luhan to giggles at him.


“You're so silly today,” the younger teases. “Okay fine, you can come, as long as you remember who’s your boyfriend.”


“Yes, that would be Messi,” the elder teases back.


Unfortunately, Luhan doesn't find it that funny as he grips onto Minseok's arm. It may be a painful grip, but internally, Minseok's happy with Luhan’s jealousy.


They head towards downtown, in the area where tourists flock. Luhan’s ex will meet them for lunch in a nearby restaurant. Minseok purposely wraps an arm around Luhan's waist as they walk towards it.


The younger notices his friend rather quickly, for someone who's still oblivious to Minseok’s jealousy. The elder scowls as Luhan disappears from his side and watches the younger greets his ex with a warm hug.


“Hey, I hope you didn't wait too long. I got delayed for a while,” the younger apologizes.


“Nah, I was just thinking about what to order so I didn't even notice the time,” his ex, Kyungsoo tells him.


Minseok takes offense to Kyungsoo’s squinting eyes so he returns the same glare towards him.


“What are you doing?” Luhan asks him in an amused tone.


“He started it! He keeps looking at me suspiciously,” Minseok defends himself.


“That's because my eyes are bad,” Kyungsoo tells him before rubbing his eyes. “I'm sorry if my stare was offending you.”


Minseok would have argued about it, but Luhan takes the opportunity to laugh about it.


“Don't worry about it. He gets easily confused.”


“I do not!” Minseok glares at his boyfriend. “Your logic that Baekhyun loves my too much was just weird. He'd have touched anyone's .”


Luhan rolls his eyes at that.


“Hey, if it makes you feel better, Luhan thought the same thing whenever I was out with Jongin. He has trust issues,” Kyungsoo teases.


If it was anyone else, Minseok would have made friends with this guy, but Kyungsoo was Luhan’s ex. He can't be friends with people who slept with Luhan. Therefore, he ignores the agreed sentiment as he stares at his boyfriend.


“What matters is that Baekhyun stopped touching your . Now, he knows that you're mine,” Luhan tells them before kissing Minseok's cheek.


“And that you're mine also,” the elder takes the opportunity to return the kiss, this time to the lips. It's a sweet moment for them as it's been a long time since Minseok felt soft lips again.


“Gross, you two. Let's eat,” Kyungsoo tells them with a laugh.


Minseok counts it as his first win from that comment.


Surprisingly, there's no subtle flirting or smoldering eyes as Luhan animatedly talks about his work to Kyungsoo. His ex is a pretty good listener, and he even endures the dramatic stories. Minseok begins to wonder why they broke up. Kyungsoo seems to be as patient as he is.


If he thinks about it some more, Kyungsoo is like another version of Minseok, but less athletic and smart. On the other hand, Kyungsoo knows how to cook fancy food, and how to get Luhan to shut up without saying the words. Minseok isn't sure who's winning now if he weighs the difference.


Nevertheless, he watches both of them, to see if there's any sparks flying. Neither of them seem to want to touch each other besides the occasional teasing punches. He doesn't know anymore if his conclusion is right or wrong, and he's just becoming more confused.


He decides to take a bathroom break in the middle of lunch, and clears his mind from thinking about it. It only takes him 3 minutes but apparently it's enough time for that to make his move.


When he returns, he sees Kyungsoo holding Luhan's hand, and neither seem to mind it as they wear happy expressions. The green monster in Minseok’s mind unleashes at that moment, and he stomps his way back into the table.


“What the hell is this?” He snarls at Kyungsoo.


Both men are staring up at him in wide eyes.


“You lost your chance. He's not yours anymore. So get your hands off him and get it through your thick head that Luhan is mine now.”


“Minseok…” Luhan tries to say something, but the elder shushes him.


“You're not forgiven either. Don't think I didn't see you sneaking out to meet your ex this week,” the elder growls. “Were you using me as a tool to make him jealous? Are you leaving me now, since he wants you back?


“No, of course not!” Luhan stands from his seat and pulls Minseok into a warm, yet strange hug. “I didn't realize you were this upset. I thought you were okay with us being apart this week.”


Minseok feels tempted on returning the hug, but he's still too dejected from this betrayal.


“That was when you said he was just a friend. Clearly, he's not. He's someone you dated before, and you probably still love him.”


“No!” Luhan immediately denies, while Kyungsoo makes a snorting noise.


Minseok can't help but glare dangerously at that guy.


“Yes, we dated, but it didn't work out that well,” Luhan finally admits. “We both wanted different things.”




“Well, I wanted Kyungsoo to commit to me, and he…”


“Cheated on you?” Minseok asks gravely, already deciding to kill this bastard.


“No, of course not. However, I realized, a few months later, that I could never love Luhan as much as he does to me. I was already in love with someone else.”


Minseok looks unsure about that confession.


“It's true, and they're engaged now,” Luhan clarifies. “That's why you saw us holding hands. I wanted to see the pretty ring.”


Embarrassment spreads through Minseok's whole body, but the elder holds on to the last pieces of his dignity.


“Oh,” he replies lamely. “Congratulations.”


“Thanks,” Kyungsoo says kindly. Even when falsely accused, the guy doesn't seek revenge.


“Who’s the lucky guy?”


“My best friend, as corny as that sounds,” Kyungsoo jokes.




“It's probably why Luhan gets emo when you go out too much. He thinks you'll be another me.”


“But you're not!” Luhan tells them happily as he side hugs Minseok. “He gets jealous and threatens to kill my admirers. I love you.”

Minseok thinks it's too early to say those words, and Kyungsoo seems to think the same as he rolls his eyes. The elder may end up becoming friends with him one day. After all, he needs to learn the trick to make Luhan shut up. In the end, he's still extremely happy with the taller. Maybe one day he'll say the words, and another day, he'll make Luhan his forever. He just hopes that Luhan won't make them tattoo their I do.

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All of these short stories are very entertaining! Thank you for spending time writing them! .♡
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Chapter 4: Well, I would like to see some y time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Chapter 1: Cheesy Yixing is the best thing ever... I miss Xingdae so much these days so thank you so much for writing this ♡♡
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