
15 Days to New Year

BaekXing / BaekLay


Prompt: Link




There are always questions thrown into Yixing’s face by the time he steps out of his black Maserati. He's used to this. If the paparazzi is not asking him personal questions, they're asking him about the scandals that revolve around his artists. Whether or not those gossips are true, these rabid beings doesn't care. After all, they make money based on how hot the story is, and whether the company is willing to pay them off in exchange for burying the secret. It's the one thing Yixing hates about this life, paying someone off so his artists can live peacefully. After all, Yixing would want the same thing, since he has a secret of his own.


It always start with this question:


Any special lady in your life?


This question has always gotten him nervous internally. From the fast heartbeat to the sweaty palms, Yixing hates how he has to lie to the world, that he's straight and that he's completely eligible. Sometimes he wants to admit it to the world, that he's completely in love with this cute and energetic guy, and that he has always been gay, but they're not ready to admit it to everyone yet. It's one thing to say it to your friends and family, but it's another thing to ask everyone to be okay with it.


So, he smiles charmingly and lies through his teeth as if it's an ordinary thing. The answer is always the same, sometimes worded differently, but the main point is that everyone is his wives and that everyone is pretty. He simply cannot choose!


There's a relief internal sigh once the interviewer giggles at his answer. Yixing is great at lying to everyone about his uality. He's also great at being CEO at a young age, and the amount of success he has with the current roster. The only thing he's not great at is lying to Baekhyun, because the younger can read him easily, ever since they were high school friends.


Meeting Baekhyun for the first time was always a great memory. The younger was the one who forced himself into Yixing's daily lives, from Basketball practice to music lessons. Baekhyun never understood the meaning of personal space, always wanting to come along, even to the bathroom! Despite that, Yixing didn't mind, and soon, what was once a great friendship, blossomed into first love. Yixing was surprising the one who made the first move as he kissed the younger, during an intense talk he had with the younger. The elder thought Baekhyun would pull away or even punched him for kissing him, but instead, they shared a sweet moment and Yixing swore he'd never let go of Baekhyun in the future. It wasn't like he could anyway, since the younger was like a barnacle, refusing to be apart.


After high school, Yixing went to university, focusing on business degree so he could fulfill his dream of becoming a CEO. Baekhyun followed him, and decided to work in a coffee house, while trying for his dream as a singer. They didn't have much money as they rented a small studio and they ate a lot of noodle cups, but it was already kind of perfect because they have each other.


There were still fights and sometimes Baekhyun would go back to his parents’ place because they both knew how to hurt each other well. Even then, Yixing was always the one apologizing because he couldn't stand the idea of losing Baekhyun forever. Each fight made them stronger, and they didn't even disagree when Yixing decided it was time to create his own company.


It was a rough 2 years before Yixing’s company hit it big, and Baekhyun was sometimes jealous, not because of his lover's success, but because Yixing is always surrounded by pretty people. The younger knew that he was more special than them, but sometimes he wondered if Yixing would get tempted. After all, Baekhyun would still get insecure, even if he is a part time model. No, it's not runway models or even underwear model. For some reason, the world thinks his fingers and hands are very delicate and beautiful. So pictures of his hands are plastered everywhere, and sometimes it'd be his wrist when he's showcasing a watch or bracelet. Yixing seems to think it's an amazing job because he likes to rip off the advertisements and tape it into his walls. Baekhyun repays the favor when he printed out pictures of Yixing in body scale. They're now plastered over the doors of their lavished apartment. He even had one picture transformed into a body sized pillow. He calls it Lay because they cuddle a lot, and Yixing takes offense to it, always pouting when Lay is in bed with them.


Still, dating a CEO is tough, especially when everything is kept a secret. Sometimes the only good thing is the texts they'd share late at night because Yixing isn't done working. Baekhyun would spend hours teasing him, sometimes even mentioning that Lay feels so good under him. Then there are the graphic pictures and videos, like Baekhyun while Yixing’s name in the background, and sometimes Yixing will retaliate with a phone call. They end up having phone and Yixing doesn't get anything done for the night, so the elder decides to do it another day.


There are also date nights, usually in the weekend, but Yixing will sometimes surprise his boyfriend in the weekday. He'd come home early, usually with takeout and would find Baekhyun having his afternoon nap. It doesn't take long to get Baekhyun awake as the elder kisses him and pulls him into his arms. A sleepy Baekhyun is very pliant, and very as the younger immediately touches Yixing’s bulge through his pants. They spend hours re-memorizing each other's body until their hunger for food is too much to ignore. Then after a quick dinner, Baekhyun only wants the best dessert as he slinks down Yixing's lap and s his pants. The elder groans at the sensation of hot mouth and the sneaky tongue as he pulls on Baekhyun's hair.


There are also nights where they do go out and eat in restaurant. Usually Yixing would book the whole place for the night, to make sure there are no other guests. Even if their reservation is at 8, they'd arrive an hour later. Even after years of being together, Yixing can't stop touching Baekhyun, so they end up making out in the car. Baekhyun smells so good in his lap, and the elder wants to get rid all of their clothes, but then Baekhyun whines about never having a real date these days. So Yixing relents and they fix their clothes before heading inside. Even in the empty restaurant, Baekhyun is insatiable as he runs his foot up Yixing’s lap, causing the elder to choke a few times on his food. The younger is always feigning innocent, claiming his foot is sore, but Yixing knows better. Baekhyun doesn't seem to mind, later on that night, when Yixing presses Baekhyun's face into the pillow while ramming against his prostate. After all, the younger understands the building frustration they both share, and a little S&M never hurt anyone.


Baekhyun’s favorite days are when Yixing’s interview with a magazine or website comes out. He likes to re-read the words many times and stares at the pretty pictures, feeling completely giddy as if he's a fanboy. The excitement lasts throughout the day as he places the pretty pictures into his scrapbook, because he's sentimental over Yixing’s achievements. Then, when Yixing comes home, he'd force the elder to sit down, before crawling into his lap. It's been a tradition since the first time Yixing’s company got a mention, that they'd celebrate in each other's arms.


“And look! They even chose a picture that showed your dimple so well,” the younger gushes. “I think this picture will end up in my top 3.”


Yixing simply hums at his words, too exhausted to say more than simple words.


“Do you love the article?” Baekhyun stares at his lover's eyes, trying to gauge his reaction.


“Of course,” the elder replies sincerely. His hands slipping inside Baekhyun's shirt, caressing the soft skin of his stomach. He's trying to distract Baekhyun, it's easy to rile up the younger.


“Good,” Baekhyun tells him, ignoring the fluttering feelings of the elder's fingers. Instead, he wraps his arms around Yixing’s neck, tickling the sensitive skin. “But I was surprised, you know, that they really think your company will be one of the top 3 in the future. I'm just imagining how you'd handle a group like Exo, you'd look so hot.” The younger whispers the last sentence to his ear.


Yixing giggles uncharacteristically from the ticklish sensation, before pulling Baekhyun away for a bit.


“It’s not really my dream to be in the top 3.”


“But it should be! They weren't wrong when they said you're the hottest CEO under 30’s, and they're not wrong about you becoming more successful. One day, you'll rule the entertainment industry and I get to be the pretty lady in your arms,” the younger says with a little too much excitement.


Yixing blushes under his words, but remains calm as he pecks the younger's lips. It's supposed to be a short kiss, but the feeling of Baekhyun's lips has always gotten the elder addicted. Baekhyun pulls away as there's one last point to this celebration.


“I also think that they were right about another thing,” the younger tells him despite being out of breath. He pushes Yixing away when the elder tries to kiss him again.


“Okay, what is it?” The elder asks amusedly.


“That not only you're the hottest CEO under 30, but you're also very eligible for the ladies,” the younger smirks on his tone. “I didn't know you were secretly straight Yixing. You didn't have to go out with me for ten years to hide it,” the younger teases.


Yixing laughs nervously before placing his hands on Baekhyun's hips, squeezing them gently as if to convey his regret.


“They kept pestering and I had to say something. You know how much I hate lying about being straight, and you should know by now, that my heart was already stolen years ago.”


“Hmm, I bet it was that Oh Sehun guy. He always did want someone to squeeze his fat ,” the younger notes nonchalantly. Only Yixing is able to tell that the younger still get insecure.


“Nah,” the elder replies, pulling the younger closer to his chest. “It's this really cute guy who kept telling me that my dimple is a black hole, and couldn't stop poking it during Math class. He was so pretty, and now, he's just so hot. I hope I'll never get my heart back, so I can keep loving him.”


Baekhyun grumbles on how cheesy his boyfriend is and that Yixing doesn't deserve anyone's love. They struggle for a moment as Baekhyun pretends to escape from Yixing's overly affectionate kisses. Though they both know that Baekhyun loves these cheesy outbursts and that the younger wouldn't give Yixing up for anything else.


Their relationship has always been a rollercoaster ride, with Yixing’s hectic schedule and Baekhyun’s clingy personality. Many wonder how they last ten years or even why they're not married yet. Baekhyun doesn't seem to care because he's always been easy to please. The younger only demands the weekly date and the occasional public . Yet, Yixing wanted to have the big wedding one day and the happily ever after. It's just things always happen and he never found the right time, to ask in a spectacular way. The ring has been ready for years, hidden in the laundry room because Baekhyun never does the chores. So it's only a matter of time and a lot of nagging from Baekhyun's friends before Yixing finally asks.


“They want me to go to Singapore to help NCT promote,” Yixing tells him one night as they cuddle.


“How long?” The younger asks sleepily.


“About a month,” the elder says casually.


Baekhyun jerks awake at that, before sitting up, glaring down at his boyfriend. He crosses his arms in displeasure as he starts his rant.


“That long?” His tone wavers at the question. “What about the party in Joonmyeon’s house? He was going to have an open bar and karaoke.”


“I know, we'll go next time,” Yixing reassures him with an arm around his waist.


Baekhyun pouts at the admission and throws himself on Yixing's body, as if everything in this world has gone wrong.


“It's not fair. I was good this month, I didn't even exchange Sehun’s vitamins with food pellets,” the younger whines.


“He didn't notice that?” Yixing gapes in disgust.


“Sometimes he doesn't even notice the difference in the beginning,” Baekhyun says with a sly smirk.


The elder sighs heavily before forcing Baekhyun to sit up for a minute.


“Let’s not talk about that,” the elder starts to say.


“You're right,” the younger sighs heavily before tackling Yixing into a hug. “I'll just miss you a lot,” he mumbles into his chest.


“You’d still miss me? Even when we're going together?” The elder teases.


“You want me to come?” Baekhyun asks in surprise. “ never want me to come.”


“That’s not true,” the elder denies. “I always want you with me, but you're the one who kept saying you didn't want to get preferential treatment.”


“Well that was before you got to fly in first class and received nice gifts. I still want the pretty MCM bags that Luhan keeps getting,” the younger pouts.


“I'll rip it off his hands next time,” the elder promises in a serious tone. “So, will you come?”


Baekhyun pretends to think about it, although they both know he'll say yes.


They end up leaving for Singapore a week later, and Baekhyun has more fun eating there rather than attending Yixing’s boring events. The real surprise comes a week later, when Yixing tells him they're going somewhere else, without any of the staff.


It's not Paris or London. Yixing thinks he'll make those cities as honeymoon destinations. It's a beautiful island located close to Bali, but secluded enough as they rent a private beach. The view is extraordinary stunning and Baekhyun loves to run to the beach early in the morning so he can kick some sand. Gili islands have beautiful coral reefs, but Yixing thinks the surprise on Baekhyun's face is even better as the elder bends on one knee. The sunset starts to descend as he stutters the words, and there's no more light when Baekhyun says Yes. As the ring glints in dark night, Yixing can't help but feel extremely happy after everything.

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All of these short stories are very entertaining! Thank you for spending time writing them! .♡
Chapter 11: I loved their dynamic in this wolf au. I think chankai fit really well and it was a good decision.
Chapter 11: Ok. I have no words, I loved It...
sikami #4
sikami #5
Chapter 4: Well, I would like to see some y time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Chapter 1: Cheesy Yixing is the best thing ever... I miss Xingdae so much these days so thank you so much for writing this ♡♡
sikami #7
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