
15 Days to New Year



Domestic Wolf AU


Prompt: domestic life with pups (cr. any)

A/N: a/b/o is such a guilty pleasure of mine. I wanted to avoid duplication of OTP, but I just had to pick chankai because I can’t see myself writing it for other OTP. I’m really sorry if you wanted layhan or chenbaek on this...send me another AU and I’ll write on that!



Years ago, when Jongin found out he’d be an omega, he would tell his friends that he’d never become one of those pups raising omega. He’s going to be a career oriented person, and forces his soulmate to be the one raising the pups.


Of course, this was before he met Chanyeol, the alpha that was destined to be his soulmate.


A soulmate is found through scents, and some people are lucky. They would randomly meet them when they were young. It could have been an accidental bump on the street or even two strangers sharing a bus seat. Jongin wishes he had that kind of luck, but instead, he met Chanyeol when he was on the verge of giving up.


There are outcast wolfs who’d ignore the soulmate rules and would pick anyone they deem worthy. Jongin was about to do the same, heading to the local bar and hoped that some alpha would want his body. Fortunately, as he was accosted by an alpha who wanted a good lay, he found himself being pushed away. Chanyeol’s friends seemed to be as protective as they held Jongin away from the impending fight scene.


It’s natural for alphas to fight over an omega, especially when it’s the omega’s soulmate against any admirers. Chanyeol just had to break the guy’s nose, and gravely injured his hands so Jongin scolded him publicly. He didn’t need some alpha protecting him, especially one that thought Jongin was a weak omega.


Their first meeting became a testament of how they will be in the future, bickering and unresolved tensions. Luckily, Chanyeol is much more patient than Jongin was, and the elder doesn’t mind saying Sorry first. In the end, everything works out, because Jongin can’t get enough of the taller’s seared kisses and large hands, while Chanyeol has always been in love with Jongin’s scent.


They were mated soon after, neither wanted to wait too long. Having pups was something they’d both want one day, but Chanyeol always figured maybe after Jongin’s graduation from university. They’re careful with contraceptives, and makes sure that the pills are always under expiration dates. They just didn’t realize that the percentage is 99%, so there’s always a 1% chance of impregnation.


Jongin was surprised when he saw the two lines. He’s barely done with his second year, and Chanyeol is just starting to work full time. There are evil whispers in his mind, Abort it and Chanyeol doesn’t have to know. Yet, Jongin couldn’t see himself being that cruel. Even though he wants a career more than a pup right now, he’s also thinking about raising a pup that’s mixed him and Chanyeol. It’s a heartwarming feeling when he thinks about it.


Chanyeol was the one who felt guilty the most. He knew how much Jongin wanted to finish school and work, so he promises that he’ll keep his inside his pants once the pup is born. Jongin can only laugh loudly before kissing the pout off Chanyeol’s lips. The younger realizes an important thing as he goes through the pregnancy, that Chanyeol is the best mate ever.


Five years later, Chanyeol still kept his promise as Jongin did finish degree, and found a job. They still only have one pup, but Jongin surprisingly longs for more. He doesn’t know if it’s because of his age approaching thirty, or something else, but he really wants a big family one day.


Even with how domestic their life is, where he cooks, does laundry and nag them, he still thinks it’ll feel more complete if there were more pups running around. Chanyeol immediately notices the distress, and promises Jongin that they’ll keep trying from now on.


It never takes them long. Jongin comes from a fertile family, and both have an insatiable appetites for . The younger was so happy to see the double lines and hugs Chanyeol in excitement. It’s the start for more beginnings.


Their pup was born a few months after, this time a sweet omega named Sunhee, and Chanyeol can’t help but spoil her already. Their first, Changin, was an alpha so this was a nice change to their dynamics. Mornings are always hectic, Jongin changing the diaper, preparing the bottle and breakfast. Chanyeol always wake up later than intended, only having time to shower, eat and kiss them goodbye. Nevertheless, Jongin is fine with that, since Chanyeol takes care of the pups every weekend.


“But umma, I want pancakes,” Changin whines.


“Next time, please eat your cereal,” Jongin says exasperatedly as he bottles Sunhee.


“No! I want now!” the little boy demands.


Like a true alpha in training, he hasn’t learned to control his need for power. Even at a young age, Changin subconsciously tries to dominate over the omegas. Luckily, his dominance is only affected by kids younger than him, so Jongin can easily ignore it, but poor Sunhee feels distressed.


“Changin,” Jongin scolds as the baby starts to fuss. “That’s enough.”


Changin doesn’t listen, always one for trouble, so Chanyeol has to step in and squeezes his shoulder in warning.


“Didn’t we talk about this behaviour last night?” Chanyeol tells him. “Apologize to umma and your sister, or you can forget about this weekend’s trip.”


Changin widens his eyes as he acknowledges the threat. He might not go to Adventureland if he’s not good! Therefore, he runs to his umma and hugs him for forgiveness before kissing his sister’s cheek. Then he walks back to his seat and obediently eats his breakfast.


“You can’t use bribing every time you scold him,” Jongin tells Chanyeol unimpressed.


“I know, I know,” Chanyeol rolls his eyes before quickly pecking Jongin’s lips. “If you’d just let me put him in AIT school.”


AIT school is supposed to help young alphas control their dominant feelings. Chanyeol was enrolled in it, and so did his father and everyone before him. It’s only Jongin who’s against the idea of conforming his son to become ‘socially accepted’. His family never did that to Jongin’s siblings so Jongin isn’t about to do that either.


“It’s like you want to sleep in the couch tonight,” Jongin warns him before burping Sunhee.


Once Sunhee is feeling fine, he places her into the small crib besides the wall.


Chanyeol takes the opportunity to hug Jongin from behind and places kisses to his neck, lingering over the mark. The younger can’t help but melt from his touches.


“I’m sorry,” Chanyeol says sincerely. “I shall only talk when you ask me something.”


“Good alpha,” Jongin teases before he turns around and places his hands on Chanyeol’s cheeks. The alpha bends down a little before capturing those lips for a kiss. A small sigh escapes Jongin’s lips before they both hear Changin’s Eww vibrating across the room.


“Not during breakfast!” Changin whines.


Chanyeol chuckles before pecking his omega’s lips again, hands traveling up Jongin’s shirt.


“I really don’t feel like working today. What if I quit and you be the sole moneymaker in this house?” the alpha jokes.


“Sure, only if you call me alpha,” Jongin teases back before laughing at Chanyeol’s outrage face.


Chanyeol did end up going to work, after a few moments of I hate my job rumblings. Jongin greets him and Changin goodbye since the alpha will drop their son off first. Once they leave, Jongin gets ready for work and he brings Sunhee with him to his workplace. It’s lucky that his hospital have a daycare system so Jongin can drop off Sunhee there every morning.


His work seems taxing to most people, but Jongin loves being a nurse in their local hospital. He only assists a few beta doctors in treating omegas, and sometimes he’d help out in deliveries because only omegas are allowed in. It’s a little bittersweet to see so many pups being born, but never knowing what they’ll become. He can only hope they will all have a bright future.


Once the clock turns 6, Jongin can end his shift and pick Sunhee up. Usually, Jongin would go home with a fellow friend, since he and Chanyeol only have one car, but Chanyeol tries to pick him up at least twice a week. The alpha doesn’t like the idea of someone else doing his roles, such as taking care of his omega, especially since Jongin’s friend is a beta. Once Chanyeol arrives, Jongin makes sure to buckle Sunhee safely, ignoring how Chanyeol is trying to scent him publically.


“Stop it,” Jongin hisses as he can feel Chanyeol’s hardness against his .


“But you smell like other people,” Chanyeol growls, his alpha side is frustrated by the mixed scents on his mate.


“And tomorrow I’ll smell more like Junmyeon if you don’t get in,” Jongin warns by dropping his beta friend’s name.


Chanyeol’s alpha growls at the idea of some beta trying to steal his omega, but Chanyeol knows better than to cause a fight about this. He’ll just have to punish Jongin later on for mentioning Junmyeon. The elder gets into the car, silently raging as he waits for Jongin to get inside too. Their drive to home may be quiet but Jongin tries to soothe the anger as he caresses Chanyeol’s thigh.


When they finally arrive home, Jongin is busy putting Sunhee to bed, and Chanyeol is tasked to pick up Changin from a neighbour’s home. Then they’d have dinner together, usually take out when Jongin is too tired to cook, so Changin demand some cheesy crust pizza. Despite Changin’s impolite demand, Jongin relents because he likes seeing his baby happy. Their happy chatters fill the dining room, and it’s only Chanyeol that’s still quiet. Jongin can’t do anything about that yet, his alpha will just have to sulk for now.


After dinner, Changin is surprisingly obedient for bedtime, and Jongin doesn’t have to fight over bath time. Story time is always fun for both of them and Jongin gets to tickle his little alpha in the end. It’s a bittersweet thinking that in a few years Changin won’t even let him hug him. He swallows the heavy sigh and kisses his baby goodnight.


Once Jongin goes to his bedroom, he notices Chanyeol’s sullen expression, and he shakes his head as he has to deal with another baby alpha. He walks up to Chanyeol, ignoring the elder’s huff, before forcing himself into Chanyeol’s lap.


“Even after eight years, you’re still jealous,” Jongin notes as he brushes Chanyeol’s bangs away.


“You were mean,” Chanyeol complains before loudly exhaling. His fingers start to crawl under Jongin’s shirt, and the younger can’t help but shiver at the sensation. “I just hate sharing you.”


“Even with the pups?” Jongin teases.


“Sometimes,” Chanyeol admits. “I love them, but they take so much of your time. I met you first, you know.”


Jongin giggles at the ridiculous reasoning before pecking the alpha’s lips. It seems to trigger a deeper yearning in Chanyeol’s heart as he pulls Jongin closer. Jongin thinks Chanyeol won’t let go of him anytime soon.


“Can we?” the elder whispers breathlessly against his neck before kissing it tenderly.


“Yes,” Jongin replies a little too eagerly. He thinks it’s been so long, when in fact, it’s only been two weeks.


It’s frenzy actions as they try to rip their clothes off and Jongin fails to muffle some of his moans into his hands. Chanyeol has a better idea though, as he shoves Jongin’s face into the pillow before ramming deep inside him. The sensation is familiar and Jongin can’t get enough as he begs for more. It doesn’t take them long to reach and Jongin to hang off Chanyeol’s knot for the next 30 minutes.

As Jongin dozes off from exerting too much energy, Chanyeol the bite mark in his neck and scents him again. The alpha inside him is happy, his omega is completely covered with his and smell. He nuzzles against the younger’s neck before falling to sleep.

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All of these short stories are very entertaining! Thank you for spending time writing them! .♡
Chapter 11: I loved their dynamic in this wolf au. I think chankai fit really well and it was a good decision.
Chapter 11: Ok. I have no words, I loved It...
sikami #4
sikami #5
Chapter 4: Well, I would like to see some y time ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Chapter 1: Cheesy Yixing is the best thing ever... I miss Xingdae so much these days so thank you so much for writing this ♡♡
sikami #7
sikami #8