4. Leaving

Production of love


I woke up to the blazing light of the morning sun and yawn escaped. Looking up the clock by the door its hands pointed to 50 past 8. Today was my last day here in London and I was dreading it. I didn't want to leave especially knowing I wouldn't be seeing my best friend everyday back in Summer Valley anymore. I got up and walked over to the small kitchen island and prepared myself some good old cereal and the kettle to make me some tea. I sat on the small stool next to the counter eating away while Krystal snored her way to sleep. I was strolling through my photos and admired the adventure Krys and I had recently had this week. We went to a lot of places considering we only really had just 4 and a only a few more days to spend together. We watched musicals and visited museums but shopping had certainly made the most damage. Who knew one can walk around oxford for a whole day because we certainly learnt something after that.

"You're up?" Krys asked taking me by surprise, immediately turning around I saw her standing by her bed, stretching like there's no tomorrow.

"God You scared me!" I replied, my hands comforting my pacing heart. She ignored my comment and headed straight to the fridge searching for something to eat. She pulled out a cold pizza we had from the other night and shoved it into the microwave.

"How long had you been awake?" She asked waiting for her food to heat up

"Not too long just a few minutes before you." I said slurping the last of the milk inside my bowl.

“I can't believe you leaving me today" She said sitting beside me.

"Well, technically your leaving me, I'm just going back home you on the other hand are not" Krys just gave me a fake smile munching on her food as I continued scrolling through the dozens of photos.


By 10 o clock we left to go and meet Krystal's friend, the one she met when she was first introduced to the university. We were meeting her by London eye, where we would go to London aquarium and maybe find somewhere to eat afterwards. I wore a chequered flannel shirt and a pair of denim shorts along with my overly worn converses. Krystal instead sported a floral kimono on top of a white, simply top with some shorts and not forgetting her favourite chunky sandals.

"What's her name again?" I asked as we found a seat on the tube. Instead she gave me a confused look, screwing her eyebrows.


"The girl were meeting"

"Oh her name’s Tiffany, she’s taking the same course as me but she's currently in her third year of University" She said filling in the gaps for me. "She's a friend of my sister; they're both in the same class. Tiffany actually also comes from summer valley and I remember her mentioning that her brothers study there but I'm not too sure"

"She sounds pretty cool" I said as we got ready to get off at Green Park to get the Jubilee line. We only waited for a while outside the station before Krystal recognised a faint figure that was amongst the crowd.

"Tiffany! Hey, over here" Krys shouted from across the road, A girl with beautiful brown locks and tall legs came running towards us, hugging Krystal with open arms. "Hey, this is Jinri, My friend" Krys told the girl, She turned to greet me; she had a big, green eyes which was half covered by her fringe and her cheeks glowed a shy hint of pink.

"Nice to meet you" She spoke shaking my hand "I'm Tiffany"

"You too" I replied back.

"So where do you girls plan to go?" Asked Tiffany, as we walked away from the walking passersby's

"Um nowhere really, we did think of going to the aquarium but we don't have too" Krystal said looking at me for some support.

"No no, we could go. It's just over there anyways, we could walk." Tiffany said as she pointed towards what seemed like a swarm of bobbing heads. “So what do you do Jinri? Are you interested in the literature or do you do something else?" Tiffany asked as we walked with her towards the bridge overlooking the river Thames.

"Oh I'm...I enjoy ballet" I told her smiling a little trying not to make the situation more awkward than it had been for me.

"She got into Eastwood actually, that’s why she's not staying here with me" Krys said talking so naturally with her.

"Really!" Tiffany said in such a tone, that I assumed was a good thing. "Cause my brothers go to that University, yeah one does ballet just like you while my other brother, well he does dance as well but mostly does Music there. His in a band you see.”

"Oh that sounds hot!" Krystal said out loud, instantly covering when she noticed that both Tiffany and I heard her bold statement. "I mean no they're not" She quickly said making all of us laugh.

"Maybe I'll meet them when I start there" I told her.

"Yh they're pretty nice while except Taemin...you'll have to get to know him first before he softens up to you” Tiffany warned me chuckling a little as we made our way towards the buiding.


By 5, That evening I was already all packed and ready to leave for a long journey back to Summer Valley. Today was great thought, a great way to end the last days here in London. We went to the aquarium and saw the magnificent sea creatures there, after we had a late lunch at a nearby restaurant. Tiffany  and I actually got on really well with one another, she had actually also attended Eastwood when she was around my age but dropped out because she wasn't as passionate about performing as much as her parent made her. She instead wanted to become a medical student and a doctor but seeing as though her parents could afford having both her brothers into the school, they didn't mind as much.

"See I'll see you then" Krys said giving me a warm hug before I left. People started staring as we stood, frozen in the middle of the station. She kept her hands composed on my forearms and stared deeply into my eyes, I could see a pool of water growing in the pit of her own, making her eyes shine under the light.

"I'll miss you" I told her, pulling away from the hug and picking up small suitcase.

"I'm gonna miss you too and remember to Skype me when you get home"

"I will and I'll call you everyday"

"Promise?" she said.

"I promise" I told her tears starting to gathering in my eyes. Train to Summer Valley will leave in 5 minute the speaker shouted leaving it echoing in the busy atmosphere.

"Wait I have something for you" Krys said quickly looking through her backpack, pulling out a well wrapped present. "This is for you"

"Oh you really didn't have too! I mean I feel bad that I didn't get you anything." I told her hesitating to take the present out of her hand.

"No it's fine, You've already done so much for me, like coming all the way down here with me for my sake."

"Thank again" I told her ready to rip open the wrapping paper just as Krystal grabbed my wrist, stopping me from doing so.

"Open it when you get home" she insisted and I just nodded.

"I better go" Giving her one last hug and wiping away the loose tear that had managed to escape, before getting on the train as I knew if I didn't I would start flooding the place with my tears. As entered the carriage was quite busy and many people had already gotten a seat. I tried to stay away from families as all I wanted was a calm journey back home and I didn't really need children crying and shouting right now. I found the perfect seat at the far end of the carriage, away from the noise and the only empty seats left, I shoved my luggage on the over head and made myself comfortable in the seat. Time to sleep. The train started to move as I slipped on my headphones, closing my eyes to enjoy the music.


I felt some shuffling beside me, disturbing my peace. I had thought it would stop but it didn't forcing me to open my eyes.

"Oh God!" I shouted but immediately realising where I was. In front of me no longer was an empty seat I had remembered it to be, instead there sat a boy shuffling in his bag searching for something

"Sorry did I wake you?"Asked the boy that had been sitting next to me; he looked quite familiar with his soft hair. "Found it" taking out a small mars bar from his bag.

"No no"I asked still in a midst of haze.

“You ok? You’ve been staring for a while now” He said all of a sudden immediately turning my face into that unattractive shade of red.

“Sorry you just look familiar. Do I know you?”

"No I don't think so, I just got on the train a few minutes ago-" He said eyeing at me before thinking for a minute. "nah" He said to himself but I heard his whisper." You don't mind me sitting here anyway do you?"

"No of course" I told him still looking his way.

"Thanks, it's just that there's no other seat so" He tried explaining himself, which I thought made him look even more adorable than her already was.

"Its fine" I turned around realising I had been starring for a while, looking out into the scenery to distract myself. Breathe Jinri, His not the only cute guy you know, so think about something else.

"I'm Andrew by the way" He took out his hand waiting for me to shake it.

"Jinri" I took his hand into my own and boys were they the softest I've ever felt. They felt like clouds in your hands and I had certainly to hold on if only he did not pull away so quickly.

“So do you live in Summer Valley or are you just visiting there?" He asked in such a way that I could listen to it all my life and I would never get tired of it, Can he get any more perfect? No! Jinri no you just met the guy!

"I live there" I told him “I only came to London to help my friends with the new changes."

"How about you?"

"Same kind of story but I came here to visit my sister"


"She's studying there"

"And you?"

"I'm-" I stared at his features more deeply, His eyes and his face, I had certainly seen them from somewhere. Oh Gosh! Suddenly realising where I had seen the handsome face from...

"Did you perhaps dance in Convent Garden sometime this week?" I asked full of curiosity, It has got to be him. He didn't reply immediately instead he raised one eyebrow and the edge of his lips lifted, giving me a funny look as if I were crazy.

"Sorry it’s just tha-"

"I did actually" Chuckling as he said so.

"You Did!"

"Yeah In Fact I do it all the time" he stated "Why did you see me there?"

“Yeah I was with my friend and a crowd had been gathering so we went to see what it was and there you where in the middle... dancing."

"I do love to dance, I've been dancing since I were a kid, my parents actually enrolled me into ballet and loved it since" He said before we were in a place of awkward silence. I just didn't know what to do nor say. I mean 1 minute I was admiring him from afar and now his here sitting beside me on a train to Summer Valley.

"That was obvious from the way you danced the other day" I told him stating my observation but later realising what I had said I started to feel my cheeks redden by the comment.

"Thanks, Though It was actually hard at first"

"The dance?"

"No, the dance I actually enjoyed, but not so much the names other boys gave me"

"Oh I'm sorry" I apologised realising how hard it must of been for a guy doing ballet. I remembered my brother being forced to try it for one class and ever since then he refused to do it again, stating the it a only for 'girls' and that it was 'gay' taking into mind he was an 8 year old boy back then.

"It's fine because after all those years of torment, I'm The one into a great school while their just at home, Nothing to do with their lives" He joked giving out a sheepish Laugh, he turned around catching my eyes. We stared at each other but suddenly the voice rang breaking our stare. We are approaching the last stop Summer Valley, Please take all your belonging with you.

"We Better get going then" He said getting up from his seat as the train came to a halt. I stayed seated for a while waiting for him to get take is stuff from the overhead. I wondered whether I was gonna see him again, Summer Valley was quite a small town but it was the home of many people of large family. Generations have lived here and we were a pretty close knit town which made it more bizarre on why I had never heard or seen him before.

"You getting off?" He asked already putting on his coat. I looked around the carriage and  it was almost empty apart from the few people still gathering their belongings.

"Yeah, Yeah I am” I told him hastily getting up almost falling on him which luckily (Or unluckily, which ever you look at it) I didn't. I reached up to grab my suitcase when all of a sudden I felt his hand reach for the luggage and pulled it down for me. I looked up at him and a soft smile consumed his face, infecting my mouth causing it too to give out a smile making me look away.


 "You're Welcome" He said as I took the luggage out of his hand before following him as we exited the Train. We walked in silence towards the entrance of Summer Valley, the sound of our suitcases moving across the polished tiled floor was all I could hear, blocking the noise made by the other people at the station; turning them into quite mumbles.

"So you taking the bus or is someone picking you up?" Andrew asked as we stopped by the entrance of the Station. He looked at me with small smile as he waited for my answer.

"Getting the bus, Mother's at work and Joshua wouldn't even try to bother" I told him looking down the road searching if my bus was coming. He let out a small chuckle sending tingles in my stomach.

"I guess I'll see you then" He stated, shoving his hands inside the pockets of his jean making his sleeves hug his muscles making it very hard for me to get the words out.

"Yh sure, See you" I told him quickly, grabbing hold of the handle of my suitcase and walking off towards the nearby bus stop not stopping to turn around.


"Darling!" Mother shouted from downstairs as soon as she got home, immediately I got off from my bed, and ran downstairs to see mother again by the doorway carrying, Yet again, a bunch of plastic bags. Taking a couple out of my hands I headed towards the kitchen, where mother started to place the contents of the bags into their correct place as I sat down watching her do so. Today was the last day of summer vacation and tomorrow would be the first day of College. I was nervous of course yet excited at the same time. This was my dream since I was young and tomorrow would be that massive step forward to achieving it. Krystal was also starting tomorrow, she told me the other day when I arrived back at Summer ville; I had also opened her present for me and the utter shock would have been clearly evident on my face. The beautiful ballet statue was in my very hands. Of course I called her straight after as I sobbed with pure happiness and some sadness as well since I won't be seeing her as often. We talked for a while and told me that she had  quickly became good friends with the other girls in her corridor which was no surprise really.

I had also recently moved most of my stuff out into my dorm room at university, it was a shared room however I haven't been able to meet my roommate yet since she apparently came from up North and won't be coming to school until a week or two. However I'll officially be leaving home on Tuesday the second day of school there so I better pack my clothes already.   

"Are you Ok?"Mother asked once she had finished tidying up her groceries.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about tomorrow" She looked at me with a smile, placing her hand upon my shoulder, her eyes locked on mine 

"You’ll be fine, I'm sure of it" she told me and a smile of my own grew.






Authors Note: Hey guys, here's chapter 5. Thank you for all your suggestions so far and from the feed back I got last time. I know I know Taemin is still not here but just hang in there he will come soon and as always I hope you enjoy it. Also please comment any other suggestions and improvements you would like me to make for this story!

Jcookiecakes xxx


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New update guys!!! Will Taemin and Jinri finally meet??


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minxri #1
Chapter 12: Im really curious about joshua. What conflict between him and the lee brothers
Chapter 11: Update more soon author nim. Nice chap.
zackkk #3
Chapter 9: What has Joshua did? I'm so curious
Chapter 8: Aaaahh I need more taelli moments hha~~
Chapter 8: Ouhh taemin had make an appearrance!!
Looking the next updates authornim^^
Chapter 8: Its difficult for me to find a good shinee fanfic (trust me, I'm VERY picky) but this one seems like a promising fanfic so far. I've really enjoyed reading it as well. Looking forward to your future updates! :)

Chapter 8: Bad boy taemin is here ! Taem , u will fall in love with ssul tho haha :D
maroon12 #8
Chapter 8: Aah i don't know why i am smiling but i really love this story! Keep it up author nim :)
Chapter 7: They are twins?! This is getting more interesting and I still rooting for taelli!
maroon12 #10
Chapter 7: Yey taemin has come!!!!!