Tteokbokki Love 9

Tteokbokki Love


"Korean Food Festival? Who's idea is this?" Myungsoo asked the two person in front if him. Manager Park raised her hand. "It's mine, sajangnim." She said, claiming the project. Myungsoo looked at her, "Such a nice idea. Have you started on this already?" "Yes. I am almost done, sajangnim. But there is only one left missing: Tteokbokki."


Myungsoo grew curious. "Tteok....bokki? Why?" "Chairman Kim has recommended a good Tteokbokki shop but there is 90% they won't give their recipe. Though we already told her we can find another, she still insisted." Manager Park explain. Myungsoo nodded, "Araso. Try to convince that shop again."


The two nodded and carried on with their works. Myungsoo took his phone and called Myungjong. "Where are you? Oh? Let's grab some coffee."




It was your break time and you were sitting at a playground. You stretched your arms. "Sooo tiring!"




A deep voice suddenly said. You jumped a bit and looked at your back, seeing Myungjong. "You scared me." He chuckled and sat down beside you and you moved a little bit since you felt awkward and shy. "Are you the Tteokbokki girl?"


You smiled knowing he recognized you. "Yep." "Waa. I can'r explain the taste of your Tteokbokki." He said as you chuckled. "It's not mine, actually. It's my grandmom's."


Myungjong nodded and held out his hands. He hesitated at first, but he want to befriend you. You looked down on his hands. "I'm Kim Myungjong." He introduced and gave you his best smile, "Nice to meet you, Pororo girl."


You laughed and shook his hands. "I'm Kang ~~~~~~~~~." You smiled back showing your white teeth. Myungjong pulled his hands back and ruffled your hair as he stood up. "My brother's waiting for me already, Pororo girl." He waved, "I'll see you soon."


You nodded and waved. "Bye-bye~" You said it with a little aegyo that made Myungjong chuckle before he ran off.


When you saw no sign of Myungjong. You smiled.


Kim Myungjong.


Kim Myungjong.


Kim Myungjong.

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LOL I was searching through Seyong's fanfics... then I saw this one, and usually I just skip it if Seyong isn't the main guy in the story... but for some reason your stories' intro really attracted me :) I look forward to it! ^^
When will Myungsoo show up to her :))
let them meet already!!!^0^
She's starting to have feelings for Myungjong? (: heehee, not until Myungsoo appears again! <3 thanks for the update as usual! Sorry, I couldn't comment back!
gonqzhu #5
hello!!i'm new reader....i really love this story!!update soon :D
Ahh... I like where this is going xD
They're gonna meet soon! Right?! Right?! :DD
i really love this story!!! ^^<br />
do update soon!! ^.~
Omg, they might meet soon! :D heehee, can't wait until they meet! (: thanks for the update as usual! <br />
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Ugh, I feel you. School tomorrow. D;
:O who is this Bomi?!<br />
The ex-girlfriend, huh? ):<br />
I hope she doesn't hurt the boys. Thanks for the update as usual (=