Rain I

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 I realized I tend to focus on the case more than the development of their relationship. I tried to change that. Enjoy!

"Where is that kid?" they both said. Sunggyu coughed to hide his surprise. They don't like each other but Sunggyu couldn't deny: they matched so well. Their ideas worked so well together. It was just a matter of who was the first to voice them out. Sunggyu has never met somebody like this. Usually people thought his ideas were unconventional sometimes even absurd.

He liked to overthink things. To picture even absurd scenarios if that meant he won't be found unprepared later in a case. Woohyun even if he wasn't experienced on the field, he knew theory so well even Sunggyu was taken aback. He was keen on experiencing those cool cases he saw in textbooks and he had a tendency to exaggerate even on small cases, but Sunggyu didn't think this was a bad thing.

"He is with Officer Kim. She takes care of him in the parking lot." Joonhyuk snapped Sunggyu out of his thoughts.

"Is he hurt? Did somebody try to hurt him?" Sunggyu asked sincerely concerned.

"No, he isn't hurt. Officer Park offered him a tea and she tries to talk to him. I told her I'll come get you two”

"Ok. Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." said Woohyun with a serious face. He looked different in a way. He looked more determined and scary somehow, determined to get rid of Sunggyu. It felt like the anger of the fight from before was transformed in a kind of force. Sunggyu felt a weird feeling going all the way to his stomach. That guy was dangerous, thought Sunggyu.

After he came back to reality he realized he was alone now. He looked around him and finally saw the two guys heading for the parking lot. Sunggyu cursed internally and widened his steps to catch them.



"Officer Kim, I brought them. Where is the kid?” Joonhyuk asked looking around. The kid was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he went to the bathroom or to the little shop close to the parking lot. Joonhyuk wanted to believe anything beside the scenario where that kid maybe ran away.

Officer Kim had a sad look on her face and all the three of them already knew what happened. He escaped. But why? He was the one that came to them. Gave them hope on this ed up case and now he's gone. Woohyun cursed and Sunggyu almost left a scratch on the car he hit. Joonhyuk just stood there like Officer Park.

"How did he leave? Something happened?" Sunggyu finally asked. They needed to go forward. To look for him and find out what he knew. Damn he will himself protect him if that meant they can solve this case.

"He was ok when he came. He looked interested by the investigation. He told me he wanted to be a detective and talked a lot. Then somebody from his home called and when he came beside me again after the call, he became very quiet and nervous. He kept biting his lips. Then he asked to go to the bathroom. I asked if he was alright and he said that he will be right back and that he is fine, but he never came back." Officer Kim ended and her eyes never left the ground. "I'm sorry. I didn't think he will leave."

"Joonhyuk, go back to the station and try to find something about this kid. Take Officer Kim with you, maybe she found out more about him and she can help you." Woohyun finally said something too. He was still cursing internally because they may have lost their best shot to solve this case if they don't find the kid.

"Did he tell you name?" he next asked looking at Officer Park.

"Yes. Sungjong. He also said he is a high school student but he didn't mention the name of his school unfortunately."

"If we have his name is enough. How many Sungjong can be out there and more than that, high school students." Woohyun ended.

"Detective Kim, we should check again all the CCTVs that are around. Maybe there are other witnesses."

Sunggyu found himself agreeing. He was surprised how Nam Woohyun kept asking all he wanted to ask and kept sayin all he wanted to say. Did he lose? Did Woohyun take the lead? Sunggyu was unsure of his senses. This guy was more and more the opposite of what Sunggyu thought. He found himself lost in thoughts staring at th

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Chapter 10: woooahhh that was cute...and i want more gyuwoo moments please...more lovey dovey moments...or some breathtaking scene while solving the case just like some accident that will lead to woohyunie to be hurt or more possessive feel of gyuzizi and jealous woohyunie? and cant wait for them to solve the case...but at the same, a little bit sad coz Gyuzizi will go back to seoul... and ever he go back what will happen to their relationship? what will happen to woohyunie? or will woohyunie follow gyuzizi in seoul and transfer his work their or gyuzizi will move in busan??? wooaaohhh hope you can update more authornim!

Fighting authornim!
Fighting GYUWOO!
yulianichang #2
Chapter 10: Gyuwo!!!!! I love them being together now hihihi update asap please! Xoxo
otaku4fanfics #3
Chapter 10: Oooo we got more woogyu moments! This chapter was cute ;D...and yup, i get more top!gyu vibe from this story..thanks for the update ^^

I didn't pay too much attention to the story so far but I'm really curious now who the criminal is!!!
They are so cute!! I'm happy that you gave them enough time to get to know each other better :) And you don't put then into the 'action' immediately ;D
Chapter 10: It was a nice chapter. Woogyu moments were cute. There is still no clue about that killer. Hope they will solve the case quickly. You are right they still need time to know each other. I prefer topgyu. Thanks for the update and best of luck for your exams.
Chapter 10: Firstly, best of luck for your exams! It's alright about the updates, as long as they come along eventually. Hehe. Also, WOOGYU fluff is just adorable. Can't wait to see where you take this story.
Beannie26 #7
Chapter 10: I'm so happy to the new chapter! *.* :3 I love this story so much, it's always make my day. ♡ ^^ I'm so interested in the case too. I hope they will be able to catch the boy. Sunggyu and Woohyun suit well eachother in the job and the love as well. I love them together! *.* :3 ♡ ^^
And please. I prefer too Top!Gyu. ^^"
Thank You so much for this story and a new chapter! This was a great job, Author-nim! Carry on, I will wait for the new chapters! ;-) ♡ ^^
7nfinite #8
Chapter 10: Hey dear author-nim, I'm so happy to see an update from you :') Good luck with your exams and any other stuffs you're doing now! I will wait for you patiently hehe. And I love this chapter as much as I love your previous chapters <3 Thank you so much for writing when you're busy :D Last but not least, top gyu pleaseeeeee xD
Chapter 9: wowwh 3 kisses in one chapter!!! so much fluff. I am so happy for my babies. woogyu, you don't have to slow the rhythm. Expecting more woogyu moments. Thanks for this update.
Chapter 9: Haha, Woohyun really... He said it's his first and yeah, it needs three times of kissing to make sure that he has the same feeling to Sunggyu xD