Last Judgement

House of Trap
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Ye In was terrified beyond belief, never expecting herself to be trapped in this murderous situation. It wasn’t Ji Ae. The Game Master had been Yoon Gi all along, and she had foolishly discussed her plans and observations with this psychopath.   There was only one pathway leading to the bus that was blocked by Yoon Gi. The other way out was to return to the house, but she’d rather not lead Yoon Gi towards an injured Jung Kook. They’d both be powerless against him. Yet, her feet nimbly stepped backwards. Every single step she distanced herself with, he’d close in with his leisure walk.   “There can only be one winner,” Yoon Gi spoke. His tone was much more diabolical and twisted than he had ever presented himself with. He juggled the bloody rock in his hand.   Ye In failed to see the small pebble behind her and lost her balance. She fell backwards in the most disgraceful way. The black notebook fell from her bag.   “That won’t be you, Jung Ye In.” Yoon Gi was towering over the poor lamb lying helplessly on the floor. She was trapped within his shadow, and he enjoyed the fear on her face. His hand readjusted his position around the rock, measuring how to create the most convenient kill.   The girl was holding in her breath, holding in her tears, and holding on to her dear life. She shut her eyes and blocked her face using her arms. It was her final attempt of defense, though she knew it would be useless.   But seconds passed by, and she heard the stone fall against the ground instead. It was followed by some weird noise made by Yoon Gi, like he was choking on something.   Ye In lowered her arms and dared herself to watch the sight unfold. The guy was constricting his own neck and snatching for some breath. He looked at her with eyes that nearly popped out of its socket. His veins were intensely pressed against his skin. The gagging sounds he made was disturbing in the sense she wanted to throw up just by listening to it.   “H… Help…”   He stretched a hand toward her, but Ye In was so frightened she retracted her entire body into a ball instead. She watched in confusion when Yoon Gi began hyperventilating, kneeling down on the floor against his own will. He slowly began to lose all strength within him and fell down against the floor. His body was trembling like a possessed person as white foam spewed out from his parched lips.   Then he stopped moving.   After several seconds, his face had a pale blueish color. The veins were pressed against his skin as a faded decaying color. His eyes were still wide open, and showed nothing but horror and panic in his pupils. His chapped lips were purple, which she failed to notice in the dark room.   It must be the effect of the strychnine poison that accumulated in his system. She had no idea how much time she had left before she would experience the same fate.   Her consciousness slowly regained, but Ye In was too fearful to move ahead on her own. She had to retrieve Jung Kook who was lucky enough not to witness this brutality. So she picked up the black notebook and opened the door to the house of trap once more.   But the room was empty.   “Jung Kook?” The girl questioned, hearing her voice echo back in the resonance of the empty room. Her fear was replaced by worries. She had to find Jung Kook.   She probably wasn’t thinking when she opened the door wider, allowing herself to enter back into the wretched house. Her feet dragged her through the familiar pavements she had walked on, passing the baptism font, and going through the door to once again enter the corridors at the west wing. The maroon colored carpet and the eerie paintings greeted her back. She let her fingers linger against the vintage wallpaper decorating the wall, its rough texture pressing against the soft skin of her finger. Ye In felt her heart ramming against her chest as she followed the path back.   A sudden gruesome painting in sight made her jump up in shock so much that the notebook fell from her hands for the second time. She cursed herself inwardly and hoped the noise did not alert anyone who might still be lurking in the house.   She bend down to pick up the book, but noticed something interesting. The book’s jacket sleeve had come undone. It now revealed the book’s true color, which was an oldish looking brown. She had seen it before. There was even a crumpled up paper inside which she had failed to notice this entire time.   She gathered her courage and picked up the paper. With no regards to anything else, she unfolded it and recognized the Game Master’s handwriting. It was a letter.   To the one whose eyes shine brighter than the fervent sun; a beauty that outshines you, there is none. My feelings never withered since years ago, my confession stands firm if you would like to know. You may have rejected me back then, but I find myself always trying to win your affections again. So with this confession I would like to ask you, Jung Ye In, would you be mine to pursue?   Ye In let out a thrilling shrill of an exasperated sigh. She clasped her hand in front of to suppress the shock of her discovery. Her entire body was shaking, but not in fear, rather it was in shock. Her breathing were nothing but heavy gasps as she picked herself up from the floor and stared out the long and empty corridor.   The letter did not have to be signed for her to know who wrote it. There was only one person who held such dearly affections towards her. How could she have missed it?   Thinking back about it, Jung Kook was always the one who knew what game was being played. He gave them instructions which only the game’s creator would know of. Yet, he never once acted violently, which invited her to trust him and to dismiss any idea of his involvement.   He was Ji Min’s little brother. Logically he would have the largest motive to do it. But she couldn’t comprehend why. Jung Kook had closed himself off after Ji Min’s death, never mentioned his brother’s name once, never spoke about the incident like it was a taboo subject. Everyone drifted apart naturally.   Her feet reached the end of the corridor, and she entered the main hallway where the grand staircase was located at. She should’ve been surprised, but her mind was completely expectant when she spotted Jung Kook standing beneath the stairs. His body was in an upright position, completely healthy without any injuries. He did not look at her once, but kept staring at the large painting of the Last Judgement against the wall.   “Both Michelangelo and Bosch painted the Last Judgement,” his voice suddenly resonated through the room. He still did not meet her eyes and kept his gaze fixed on the beautiful artwork in front of him. “Do you know why I prefer Bosch’s artwork?”   Ye In silently shook her head. She took small steps to approach him, each pace leaving a creak against the floor that echoed loudly in the silence. She soon found herself standing next to him, staring at the same painting. It was still Jung Kook, and she would like to believe he would do her no harm.   “Because Bosch depicts the true filthiness of human nature more accurately.” There was a clear resentment in his tone, and his eyes flickered grimly over the word. She could tell he was gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. He was upset.   “In the painting you can see human beings in their sinful state. They are selfish, they lie or deceive others to get their way, and they abandon the ones who love them.”   Ye In stared at the painting in silence. Indeed, it depicted a gruesome picture of the reality they were living in. The people shown in the picture were all punished for the sins they had committed by met
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[House Of Trap Clue] It is something that has always been there, but is always being overlooked


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Chapter 26: omg i'm finally here asdfghjk
other comments in replies because i dont want a block of rubbish in your comment section lmao.
i'm peeing my pants just watching the trailer but i'mma read.
Chapter 26: I actually love to see Yoongi's and Myungeun's interactions more than Jungkook and Yein LOL
But overall this is a really nice read.
Thank you for sharing this to all of us! I had fun and can't keep on stopping myself cause curiosity
Chapter 14: This fanfic rocks I'm loving it
(I love peace and no war, being real serious here, but dang this is good lol)
Chapter 6: Ch 6. Damnit Jungkooo just delaying the inevitable
Chapter 26: Truth to be told, this was probably the most exciting and thrilling story I've ever read! Really, I'm not exaggerating! It was also my first thriller, yet I don't regret reading it. Your story had the perfect balance of mystery and revealing the true nature of every player. I was always on the edge of my seat after every chapter, small wonder I read the whole story in one day. I just couldn't stop!
I'll continue in the next comment, so that I wouldn't give away hints and spoilers. :D
magicshop222 #7
Chapter 25: I enjoyed the story so much you have no idea. Rereading it now!
Crime thriller are not generally not my cup of SPRITE but after seeing that trailer, God.. I have to read this thing..
I haven't even read anything yet but those banners are amazing. If I wasn't sure about reading it then, I sure am now.