
Inside Out.
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[came here to edit my mistakes and realized how my english is]


It's been a year without Seulgi. 

Joohyun is doing her normal activities, though it doesn't feel totally completely, Joohyun's life is still going on. 

The CEO is now inside her office while looking at the pictures of her loved one, in this picture, there's Seulgi riding on a bike with a portrait behind her, another one is Seulgi walking to the market, and followed by other pictures. 

Joohyun smiles when she see the picture of Seulgi smiling for brightly. 

How much she misses this. 


Sometimes, Joohyun just wanted to fly to Japan and hug the younger girl so tight so that Seulgi would know how much she has been missing her everyday and how miserable her life is without her presence. 

But Joohyun did not do it. She have promised not to, and she's not going to break her promise with Seulgi, not anymore. 

Joohyun sighs. Seulgi's hair has grown longer and she dyed it black and it looks perfect on her. Seulgi looks a bit mature than before and Joohyun wonders if Seulgi still being as clumsy as she was before or not. 

Joohyun caresses the photo softly as if she's caressing Seulgi's face. 

Seulgi has accepted into one company four months ago, and she works as a drawer for this Japanese company. Joohyun won't be surprise if Seulgi becomes a famous artist one day. The CEO had seen many portraits of Seulgi and all of them are beautiful. 

Joohyun takes her phone and dials to the guy who is working for her in Japan. 

"Tell me the name of the company that Seulgi is working for." 

"What do you mean!!!!?"

Joohyun exclaims with what she heard from the other line. "Seulgi moved out from her current house and stopped working because the boss tried to abuse her??" 

Joohyun glares at the window of her office with her hand clutching into a strong fist. "Tell me the name of that ing company." 

"And try to search for her, I will double the cost if you found her."

The girl writes down the name on the paper and ends the call. She hates how she wasn't there to protect the younger girl. If Yeri were there at least the younger girl would do something, but Yeri came back from Japan several months ago since she has school and will go back on her holiday only.

Joohyun taps the telephone on her desk. "Come inside." 

A minute later, her secretary, Ms.Choi is walking inside. 

"What can I do, Ms.Bae?"

Ms.Choi speaks politely to the CEO, Joohyun gives Ms.Choi the piece of paper and looks at her seriously. "I don't care how you do it and how much does it cost, but you have to make this company in Japan go bankrupt in less than a week." 

Ms.Choi nods her head and takes a piece of paper from Joohyun and excuses herself out. Joohyun let Ms.Choi go while staring at Seulgi's photos again. 

"I miss you so much, baby." 
Joohyun speaks as if Seulgi would hear her. After that Joohyun walks out of her office as she calls to her friends out for a normal party tonight. 


Joohyun's life is getting more miserable when one of her guys called her and said they weren't able to find Seulgi anymore. There's no trail of the artist after what happened. Joohyun is so frustrating, she doesn't know what to do, with herself anymore. 

Before she were able to know every little thing about Seulgi's life though they live far away from each other, but now- not even a small detail of Seulgi that Joohyun would know. 

The guy even added that they weren't able to find Jisoo either, they used to ask Jisoo's uncle and he told them that Jisoo and Seulgi moved out from his house to another place together. 

Joohyun doesn't like this idea, but she's also glad because at least Seulgi has someone to look after her. And Joohyun thinks this is the only time that she feels thankful toward Jisoo. 

Although it's hard to find Seulgi now, Joohyun is still trying. Whenever she has a meeting with her clients in Japan, she would try to spare some times to walk around Japan, wishing to see her lover for once, but luck doesn't always on her side. She has never seen Seulgi anymore after then. 


Another month passed and Joohyun is moving to live in her apartment. She knows Seulgi would come here one day, so she should be here to greet Seulgi. 

She still orders her guys to searching for Seulgi, but it's not use. Then Joohyun knows it's real, she won't be able to know about Seulgi anymore. But Joohyun doesn't give up. 

Many months or many years more, Joohyun doesn't mind.

She doesn't mind waiting, though it would take long, she doesn't mind although it would take the rest of her life. 

Joohyun is walking inside her apartment and starts making herself a cup of coffee. The apartment which keeps all of her memories with Seulgi. 

Sometimes it hurts Joohyun to see all of the furnitures, the couch and bed which she used to lay on with Seulgi. 

It's hurt sometimes when Joohyun knows Seulgi is not here anymore and it's hurt a lot more when she knows she has to keep waiting without knowing the exact time that Seulgi will come back. 

But Joohyun keeps waiting everyday. 


Days become weeks and weeks become months and months become years. 


It's been two more years without the younger girl's presence. 

Joohyun's company is doing better and better each year, she got to expand her company all around Asia and a few more in Europe. She's a young, single and successful business woman that everyone is admired. 
Everyone is trying to hit on her, but Joohyun push all of them away, because she's still waiting for someone. 

Joohyun accepts that it's so painful and hopeless. But Joohyun doesn't give up. She never will. 

In the middle of her meeting, Joohyun is surprised when her best friend Solar called her and said she saw Seulgi in TV, a Japanese channel, along with Joy's loud scream. 

Joohyun stops her meeting instantly without any reason. 

What else is important that Seulgi? 
The one who makes her who she is today, The one who did nothing but is Joohyun's inspiration. 

Joohyun drives to Solar's place because Solar's condo is the nearest to her. Joohyun run all her might until she is in front of Solar's room. Joohyun knocks it and the door is opened widely. 

"Joohyun!!!!! Seulgi is here!!!! Joohyun!!!!"

Joy exclaims seeming so excited. Joohyun runs to the couch and sees Solar is standing while looking at the TV with her both hands fold in for a fist, Joohyun turns to look at the TV and that it's really Seulgi, her Seulgi. 

Seulgi is sitting on a chair comfortably on the stage with a guy on another chair, looking like he's interviewing her. There're hundreds of people looking at her under the stage. 

And Seulgi looks the same 

She looks the same, as beautiful as ever, with her long grey hair falling down and light make up on her face, smiling so beautiful to the camera. 

It's a breath taking scene to Joohyun. It's been two painful years without seeing and hearing anything from the girl, but right now she's here, looking at the love of her life smiling so beautifully to everyone. 

Joy and Solar pull her to sit on the couch with them as their eyes keep sticking on the TV screen. 

'Miss Seulgi, do you know what makes your portraits become this famous?' 

The MC asks in Japanese but there're Korean and English subtitle on the lowest part of the TV. 

'Actually, I don't know.'

Everyone there starts laughing. When the noises stop Seulgi continues. 

'But I think everyone who looks at my portraits can feel it. When I started to draw I put all of my feeling on my fingers and start drawing whatever is inside my mind..." 

'I think the time we only see the beauty of the portrait is when we can actually feel it. If you want to understand the meaning of someone's portrait perfectly, you have to look at it with your heart, so that you will feel what is each artist mean behind their picture.' 

Seulgi adds with a breath taking smile and Joohyun feels like crying. 

Seulgi has achieved her dream, becoming a very famous artist that everyone is cheering for. Joohyun smiles with her tearing eyes, feeling so proud of her girlfriend. 

'It's very touching, miss Seulgi. Now that you have become well known, do you want to do a better or larger business with your portraits?' 

The guys asked and Seulgi nods her head cluelessly as she tried to listen to him when the guy speaks too fast for Seulgi to understand. She looks at him so long that the guy has to look away from her. 

Joohyun smiles. Still the same dense and slow Seulgi. 

'Miss Seulgi, don't look at me like this.' 

The guy speaks when Seulgi doesn't look away. 


Seulgi speaks in Korean causing Joy and Solar to laugh while screaming cute. 

'I mean do you want to do a larger business with your portraits?' 


Seulgi nods her head cutely until the fans have to shout. 

'I am able to be here because of my portraits, so I think I'll just continue drawing. If anyone is interested in my portraits you guys sure can contact me.' 

They continue talking for a while and Joohyun keeps her eyes on Seulgi. She misses her so much that she just wants to go to Japan now. 

It's been two years long and Joohyun knows her feelings for Seulgi is still here. Still the same, and more. 

'Now let's talk about Miss Seulgi's life. Do you have any memorable moment for you?' 

Seulgi blinks to the camera a few times. 'Well....'

Seulgi starts. 

'There were a lot of memorable moments in my life both good and bitter. If I have to speak all of it here, it would take more than a day.' 

Everyone is giggling. 'Let Miss Seulgi choose the good, happy one then.' 

'Okay. There were that one time I was so sad, I felt so miserable and so heart breaking. But I didn't give up. I kept looking at the world in the bright side and I discovered that we don't have to be sad for too long, the sun will still raising and our age will keep increasing. No please don't be sad. Don't think of anything in a negative way...' 

Seulgi pauses as she looks at the audience. 'Actually there are a few people in Korean that I am so thankful for, may I say it out?' 

The guy is quick to nod his head and encourage Seulgi to go on. 

'Wan-ah, Byul-ah... I'm so sorry for never contacting you, life had been so hard for me in the past. I hope that you will understand me... I miss you guys so much... please wait for me. I'll go back to Korea soon.' 

Seulgi starts speaking in Korean and the translator speaks in Japanese for the audience to understand. 

Seulgi pauses again and she smiles softly waiting for the translator to finish. 

"Yeri-ah, thank you for being a brat and making my life better, unnie adores you so much..." 

Everyone is giggling when the translator finished. 

'Also, Jisoo, the one wh

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Chapter 6: Last time I read this story in Jan and now is November and I don't know how I grew up so much in months because now I'm reading this story again and I realised the not even in fanfiction I'll accept Charcter like Irene I swear she isn't the red flag she is the RED FLAG HEAD.... Manipulative, Self centred and emotional blackmail...I swear she doesn't deserve seulgi but I can say Seulgi isn't victim too because she clearly has a chance to walk out on Irene very first time she saw her cheating but she stayed and people like them promote cheating so I also hate Seulgi because she isn't sensible enough to protect her dignity

Maturity is when you realise Jisoo was far better than Irene.
2193 streak #2
Chapter 1: rereading this story<3
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 8: I'm back, I hope u doing great author nim 🤍
Chapter 8: It's a good story but the ending I'm only accepting it because it's fanfiction in reality I don't recommend anyone to be like seulgi and let a person like irene keep hurting you thinking it's love.
168 streak #5
Chapter 8: It was totally amazing wow
shinchan222 #6
Chapter 8: Irene is really lucky to have seulgi...I don't think so she would have been forgiven if it were someone else. I am happy for both of them
shinchan222 #7
Chapter 2: Irene doesn't deserve seulgi. Seulgi is too kind for her own good...
Chapter 8: Its the nth time I read it, I like how it feels, pain at first then getting better to happy end T.T Its so funny to see some comments here. It goes from "yay just break up with her" to "im glad they getting back together" lmao
Chapter 8: Glad that Irene realized everything. I think if Joy, Solar, and Yeri never got the chance to talk to her, she won't be able to end up with Seulgi. This is why sometimes, a person should always have someone they can talk to because it helps you clear your mind and realize things but one thing a person should always know after this is that you can never blame or thank you someone to a decision/choice you did. Because it is always you no matter what.
Chapter 5: I do understand selfish decisions but the kind of selfishness that I accept and understand is Seulgi's, that one decision of breaking up. Irene's selfishness is different and it's a decision that both damaged her image and other people's feelings.