For #TeamJisoo #TeamYeri

Inside Out.
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WARNING: This chapter is 99% about
 Jisoo x  Seulgi and Yeri x Seulgi, so if you are in #TeamIrene, I recommend you not to read this and wait for the next chapter, nothing is going to change if you skip this one since I just add some JiSeul and YermSeul moment here for those who ship them in this fic. 


However, I've decided to end this story with SeulRene and I figured that some readers might not really satisfy with the ending, so this is a make up chapter for all who are in #TeamJisoo and #TeamHeartHealerYeri. 

Thank you for commenting on my story, I basically got all of the idea from you guys. 

So here you go. 




It's been 6 months after what happened, Joohyun is back to work. She might go to her usual club with Joy, Solar and Yeri but she never does anything with any girl like before. She doesn't even look at them, not even bother to steal a glance at them. 

She promised to change, and she's doing it now. 

She is doing whatever she has promised with Seulgi. 

To change herself, to let time heal her broken heart and to wait for Seulgi. Joohyun doesn't contact Seulgi either, though she always gets a news about Seulgi from her guys who she has hired them to look after Seulgi in Japan. 

No matter how much she misses the young girl, Joohyun can't do anything but keeping her promise. 

To wait and let the time makes them a whole again. 

Right now Joohyun is in one restaurant with her friends, Yeri, Joy and Solar. 

"Do you know about this, Irene?"

Joohyun lifts her head to face Solar as she shakes her head having no idea what is her friend meant. 

"Yeri is leaving to Japan next week!!!"


Joohyun almost chokes on her food when Joy exclaims. 


She repeats. Yeri who dyed her hair into brown now, forming a wide smile. "Yes, Japan." 

The young girl emphasized the word as she raises her brows. 
"For what?"

Joohyun asks. Yeri takes a sip of her drink calmly. "Don't you have class?"

"I heard you will have important class, Yeri-ah."

Joy and Solar added. The brown shrugs her shoulders and looks at all of her friend one by one. 

"I don't care whatever you said." 

The brown turns to look at Joohyun, her eyes turn serious all of sudden. 

"I'm going to meet my pretty unnie." 

She adds. Joy slaps her arm after she answers. 

"What the hell, Yeri? You have class and how can you go to Japan alone???"

Yeri rolls her eyes at the older girl. 

"My dad has a company there, so I can use it as an excuse that I want to see our company. Easy like that." 

The youngest among them smile widely while Joohyun just shakes her head slowly. "How about your class? You're in a senior year now, It's important." 

Yeri chuckles softly. "Class is important, but meeting with my pretty unnie is more important." 

"I didn't make any promise with her, so I can go to meet her whenever I want." 

"How are you going to find her??"

Solar looks at Yeri as she frowns. 

"I have Wendy unnie who's my pretty unnie's best friend, it's easy to ask for her address." 
Then Yeri adds.

"You know that I like Seulgi unnie a lot, and I'm not letting that Jisoo girl get a chance to get Seulgi unnie's heart. I have to try my luck. You can tell me anything you want, I don't give a about this because no one is going to make me change my mind, not even Ariana Grande." 

And with this, none of the three are able to say anything. They know how much this young girl love Ariana and nothing is going to change her mind. 


A week later in Japan

"Seulgi-ah.... help me..." 

Seulgi chuckles at the girl in front of her who is a bit trembling. 

Jisoo is a seller now, she helps her uncle who is an owner of one groceries shop for Korean and other Asian people who live in Japan, while Seulgi has a small room inside that shop for her to draw, she once in a while would come and helps Jisoo when the Japanese customers come. 

"Okay, relax, kiddo. I got this." 

Jisoo nods her head quickly as she looks at Seulgi walks to the customer and speaks Japanese with him. Jisoo doesn't understand Japanese, but she's trying to learn it from Seulgi and she also takes a part time studying Japanese. 

The 21 years old girl often has this kind of problem, when she wanted to go outside, Seulgi would accompany her because the older girl is worried that she might get lose. 

Jisoo finds it's funny yet adorable at the same time, how the older girl wouldn't let her go out anywhere without her, how the girl would stick with her like a glue. 

Jisoo stares at the fragile girl who is busy helping the customer with what to choose, she's observing everything about her. 


How Seulgi had dyed her hair into a completely black making her look more mature than before. 

How easy she is to smile at strangers and people she doesn't know. 

How Seulgi would run her fingers through her hair when she's confuse about something. 

How Seulgi calls her name when she's spacing out while staring at the older girl's face every time they're together. 

How Seulgi looks at her with eyes so full of adoration sometimes. Jisoo thinks she's dreaming, because sometimes Seulgi would also spacing out, like Seulgi has a lot of things inside her head. 

But Jisoo feels loved because whenever she's smiling and Seulgi has to look at her with that kind of soft and charming eyes. 

The girl loves how the older would smile at her so brightly that she can't help but to return back with such a stupid grin. 

Jisoo loves it every time Seulgi would fall asleep in her drawing room with her lips slightly parted. 

And she loves it when Seulgi finally shows Jisoo her flaws such as how clumsy, dense, and dump she can be, how she's a girl with no charge of excitement, how bad she is in cooking, how weird she looks without having eyeliner on her eyes, how easy she is to cry over sad drama on tv, and how stupid she can be sometimes. 


Jisoo learned and accepted it all. 

She started to love these flaws of Seulgi though Jisoo doesn't consider it as flaw. Never once she ever thinks Seulgi has any flaw in her. 

Because to her...

Kang Seulgi is flawless. 


"Hey!!! You're spacing out again." 

Seulgi mumbles as she pokes Jisoo's cheek. The young girl smiles. 

"Sorry, just think about some stuff." 
She replies. Seulgi chuckles while hands the money to her. 

"You are always like this. Let's go out some other times, you look sick." 

Jisoo wants to deny, but she ends up nodding her head. She doesn't mind going out with Seulgi. 

Because she's sick. 

She's a lovesick. 



Jisoo is a bit startled when she heard a voice yelling loudly outside her shop, the girl quickly walks out and see the familiar girl. 


Jisoo speaks softly making the young girl turns to look at her. 

"GOSH- that's you." 

The girl in her brown hair speaks. "Where is Seulgi unnie???"

Jisoo frowns as she doesn't get what is the girl in front means. "Ummm... Seulgi is inside. What are you-"

Before Jisoo can speak anything more, the brown girl whose name is Yeri walks away from her to the car. 

"Take my luggage inside. And tell dad not to worry about me. I'll contact him if I need something later." 

Yeri talks to the driver, watching other guy comes from the messenger seat and take

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Chapter 6: Last time I read this story in Jan and now is November and I don't know how I grew up so much in months because now I'm reading this story again and I realised the not even in fanfiction I'll accept Charcter like Irene I swear she isn't the red flag she is the RED FLAG HEAD.... Manipulative, Self centred and emotional blackmail...I swear she doesn't deserve seulgi but I can say Seulgi isn't victim too because she clearly has a chance to walk out on Irene very first time she saw her cheating but she stayed and people like them promote cheating so I also hate Seulgi because she isn't sensible enough to protect her dignity

Maturity is when you realise Jisoo was far better than Irene.
2193 streak #2
Chapter 1: rereading this story<3
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 8: I'm back, I hope u doing great author nim 🤍
Chapter 8: It's a good story but the ending I'm only accepting it because it's fanfiction in reality I don't recommend anyone to be like seulgi and let a person like irene keep hurting you thinking it's love.
168 streak #5
Chapter 8: It was totally amazing wow
shinchan222 #6
Chapter 8: Irene is really lucky to have seulgi...I don't think so she would have been forgiven if it were someone else. I am happy for both of them
shinchan222 #7
Chapter 2: Irene doesn't deserve seulgi. Seulgi is too kind for her own good...
Chapter 8: Its the nth time I read it, I like how it feels, pain at first then getting better to happy end T.T Its so funny to see some comments here. It goes from "yay just break up with her" to "im glad they getting back together" lmao
Chapter 8: Glad that Irene realized everything. I think if Joy, Solar, and Yeri never got the chance to talk to her, she won't be able to end up with Seulgi. This is why sometimes, a person should always have someone they can talk to because it helps you clear your mind and realize things but one thing a person should always know after this is that you can never blame or thank you someone to a decision/choice you did. Because it is always you no matter what.
Chapter 5: I do understand selfish decisions but the kind of selfishness that I accept and understand is Seulgi's, that one decision of breaking up. Irene's selfishness is different and it's a decision that both damaged her image and other people's feelings.