
Inside Out.
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Seulgi looks at the Bae's company in front of her. It's been a week without any news from Irene. Seulgi understands that Irene is busy that's why she never called. It's a bit strange for her when she never gets any phone call from Irene back, but Seulgi is never a type to suspect too much so she never tries to bother Irene either. 

The girl stares at the box of carrot cake she bought from Wendy before taking a deep breath. It's her first time stepping inside a luxury company like this, plus Seulgi hasn't told Irene about her arrival, so she feels nervous about it. 

The blond finally decides to walk inside with one of the worker opening the door for her. Seulgi bows to him slightly as she walks pass him. The girl looks around the building in awed. This company is extremely big, too big that Seulgi feels like going back. 

But before she can chicken out, the appearance of another girl stops her. 


Seulgi turns to the strange voice. She bites her lip nervously as she bows lightly. The girl in front of Seulgi is wearing a casual clothes, red hair, and Seulgi assumes that she doesn't work here. 

"You look so lost. May I help you?" 
The girl asks with a soft smile. Seulgi nods her head slowly as she takes a big gulp before she replies. 

"I was looking for M-Ms.Bae's office. I have something for her." 

Seulgi answers the red head. The other girl smiles again wider than the last time. Seulgi looks at her face for a while and she knows the girl is not even older than 20. 

"Come with me then. I'm just back from talking with her too." 
Seulgi shakes her head slowly after the girl finished.

"'No, it's okay. You can go wherever you wish to, please just tell me the way to her office. I wouldn't want to bother."

"Nah. It's okay. Hurry up. Come with me."

Seulgi widens her eyes with the sudden grabbing hand from the stranger. She never remembers of letting the person she just met touching her like this, but it's for Irene, Seulgi will just let this girl grabs her hand and drags her into the elevator this time. 

"So what's your name?"

The strange girl asks when the elevator closes. Seulgi looks at the new girl while examines her for a moment, then she answers. 


The girl nods her head, her expression shows Seulgi that she wants the blond to ask her back. But that never happens. 

"Why don't you ask me back?" 

Seulgi looks at the girl weirdly as she frowns. Before she comes to live here, her parents always told her not to talk too much with a stranger, people in the city can be so dangerous sometimes. 

"I don't think we would meet again."
Seulgi speaks, sounds a bit too polite causing the girl to laugh softly. 

"Oh trust me, we will."

"So can you ask me my name now?"

Seulgi feels like laughing at how childish the girl was. So she just follows what the girl offered. "So what's your name?"

The girl smiles satisfying and fixes her hair. "My name is Yerim, but feel free to call me Yeri. I'm 18 years old."

Seulgi nods her head slowly as she wishes for the elevator to work faster. 

"Then you're younger than me, I'm 22 now."
Seulgi finally forms her small smile to Yeri. 

"Yes that's right. But in Australia, we can get married with someone who's many years younger or older than us. It's not a problem." 

Seulgi chokes her own saliva as she turns to look at the young girl weirdly. "W-what do you mean??"

Before Yeri could answer, the elevator is opened widely for them. Yeri shrugs it off as she grabs Seulgi's hand and drags her along. 

She walks pass a few rooms before Yeri opens it without knocking. 

"What the hell, Yeri!!?"

Irene is startled by the sudden opening, she glares at the younger girl but her eyes wide open when she catches Seulgi who is standing behind Yeri while Yeri's hand is grabbing on Seulgi's tightly. 

"I thought you left."
Irene speaks, eyeing their holding hands making Yeri releases Seulgi's hand quickly with a bashful smile.

"Oh. This pretty unnie was looking for you, so being a nice person I am, I sent her here." 

Seulgi stays still while listening to their conversation. Seems like Yeri is pretty close with Irene. The blond nods her head slowly, wanting Irene to know that it's true. 

"It doesn't sound like you, but okay, you can go back now, Yeri." 

Yeri smiles. "Alright. Goodbye pretty unnie." 

Seulgi nods her head slowly when Yeri turns to speak to her and walks away from the two. Seulgi looks at Irene, the older walks to the door and locks it thoroughly. When the black hair turns to Seulgi and stares at her, the blond finds the situation is kinda awkward between them. 

"So... what makes you come?"
Irene starts first, Seulgi forms a smile as she shows Irene the box of carrot cake. 

I miss you. 

Seulgi wanted to say it out so badly, wanted to hug Irene and shower the girl with her kisses and tells her how much she has missed the older, but there's something isn't right between them, something just feels not right. 

"I bought this for you." 
She says and walks follow Irene to the couch, the CEO looks at the carrot cake and forms a small smile. 


"Is everything alright?"
Seulgi asks when she notices Irene's weird action. The older shakes her head slowly, taking the cake from Seulgi and put it on the table, she looks at Seulgi for a moment until Seulgi has to look away from Irene's strong gaze. 

"Baby... I love you so much."

Seulgi brings her gaze to look back at Irene with the sudden confession. "Excuse me?"

"I love you, I love you so much."

Seulgi looks at Irene's sincere eyes, the younger smiles. "I love you too. But can you tell me why so sudden?"

"Umm? What so sudden?" 

Seulgi chuckles at Irene's expression. "This? Confessing to me so sudden like this."
Irene chuckles, rubbing her nape. 

"I think you deserve to know this. Plus it's been seven days since we last met." 

Seulgi nods her head, opens the box and takings the plastic spoon for Irene. "I thought you are busy so I'm afraid to call."

Irene takes the spoon and starts eating the carrot cake. 
"Call me anytime you want, just don't leave me alone like this." 

Seulgi is taken back by Irene low voice, she hears the begging in it. So Seulgi turns to Irene and cups her cheeks. 

"I'm not leaving you, unnie. I love you, a lot." 

Irene smiles and closes her eyes, feeling the warmth from Seulgi's hands to her cheeks. 

"I love you too. I hope we will be like this forever." 

Seulgi nods her head and let Irene finishes the cake. They talk for a while, Seulgi can't stay here too long because Irene will have a meeting soon. 

"Are you coming home tonight, unnie?" 

Seulgi asks, Irene shakes her head. "I'm sorry baby. I won't go back home tonight. Have to attend a small party with my workers."

Seulgi nods her head with a bright smile. "It's okay then."

"Alright. Be a good girl okay? I love you so much."
Irene pecks Seulgi's lips. The younger smiles and walks out of Irene's office. 


Irene walks inside one company with ten people walking behind her, once they settle on a seat comfortably, Irene smiles at all of them. 

"Hello everyone. This is our new boss, Bae Irene." 

One big guy speaks out and all of the workers clap their hands together. 

"Because I have another business at other country, that's why I'm selling this company to Ms.Bae. I'm sure she will take a good care of our company since she's such a warm person." 

Irene smirks secretly as she nods her head at the ex-boss. Irene looks at the workers one by one and she catches the familiar girl who made her doing all of this. 

"I'm so happy to be with you guys, buying many portraits from talent people and showing everyone what's the real art. I hope you guys will continue to work hard like this with Ms.Bae. Please give her a loud applause."

Another loud applaud was heard loudly, Irene stands up and bows her head lightly. 
"Hello everyone. Nice to meet you guys. I hope we will have a good time together." 

Everyone is smiling at Irene, all of them are stunned with Irene's beauty and voice. 

"In order to make our company going perfectly, I might have to fire some workers who won't give advantage to our company."

Irene speaks and her face turns serious, all of the workers start looking at each other. 

"Ms.Bae, I assure you, every worker here is very hard working." 

Irene turns to look at the big guy as she smiles evilly. "I know, but I only need the best ones. Normal workers won't be needed here." 

She says so coldly causing the big guy to look down. 

"I'll call out the name of the people who won't be able to work here again." 

Everyone has a trouble look on their face. 

"Kim Jisoo." 

Irene forms a small smirk. "I'm so sorry to say this, but please put the company's card here, pack all your stuff and you can leave." 

Every worker now is turning to the girl who is gaping slightly. Jisoo looks at Irene as she feels that she used to meet the new boss before. Irene has an unreadable expression on her face, Jisoo doesn't say anything, just taking off the company's card, bowing lightly to Irene and the ex boss also her coworkers then she left. 

"Ms.Bae, Jisoo is one of our best worke-"

The big guy shut his mouth up completely when Irene lifts her hand up. "Tomorrow you guys can come and work here normally. I'll have to say goodbye for now. Thanks." 

Irene smirked, walking away from the room letting everyone discuss about her bad attitude, but Irene doesn't care, she doesn't care about anyone either, her first purpose of buying this small company is because she wanted to end that Jisoo girl's career who wouldn't leave her girlfriend alone, and Irene is happy with it now. 

Irene dials to Joy, Yeri and Solar to go to their normal club for a small party since she's in a good mood. The 25 years old girl drives her car to the club and happily goes insides. She looks for a comfortable sit and order many many foods. It's still five in the evening, and she supposed to attend the party with the workers in her company but Irene is too happy to be with them now. 

"Yo! CEO."

Irene looks at Joy and Solar who walk to her with their famous smile. The black hair girl nods and tells them to sit next to her. 

"So what's good for today??" 

Solar asks. "You look extremely happy." She adds. Irene shrugs her shoulders and grins. 

"Just in a good mood. Come on, order whatever you guys want, my treat."

Joy and Solar hi-five each other. 

"Where is Yeri??"
Irene asks, Joy and Solar just laugh. 

"This kid is obsessed over one girl, she keeps telling me how beautiful that girl is but I have no idea who." 

Solar speaks. 

"I think she's spending her time trying to find that mysterious girl now. So don't bother waiting for her." 
Joy adds. Irene just laughs it off softly. 

The three are talking and drinking with each other happily, until Irene notices some girls enter the club. The CEO stares at their revealing clothes as she bites her lips. She had promised to stop doing this, but something inside told her it's okay to do so, it won't hurt anyone either if she doesn't let Seulgi knows. 

Joy nudges her elbows earning a soft chuckles from Solar. "Player." 
Her friend mumbles and Irene shakes her head. 

"Just feel bad for that pretty girl because she has no one to make out with."

Joy and Solar lau

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Chapter 6: Last time I read this story in Jan and now is November and I don't know how I grew up so much in months because now I'm reading this story again and I realised the not even in fanfiction I'll accept Charcter like Irene I swear she isn't the red flag she is the RED FLAG HEAD.... Manipulative, Self centred and emotional blackmail...I swear she doesn't deserve seulgi but I can say Seulgi isn't victim too because she clearly has a chance to walk out on Irene very first time she saw her cheating but she stayed and people like them promote cheating so I also hate Seulgi because she isn't sensible enough to protect her dignity

Maturity is when you realise Jisoo was far better than Irene.
2193 streak #2
Chapter 1: rereading this story<3
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 8: I'm back, I hope u doing great author nim 🤍
Chapter 8: It's a good story but the ending I'm only accepting it because it's fanfiction in reality I don't recommend anyone to be like seulgi and let a person like irene keep hurting you thinking it's love.
168 streak #5
Chapter 8: It was totally amazing wow
shinchan222 #6
Chapter 8: Irene is really lucky to have seulgi...I don't think so she would have been forgiven if it were someone else. I am happy for both of them
shinchan222 #7
Chapter 2: Irene doesn't deserve seulgi. Seulgi is too kind for her own good...
Chapter 8: Its the nth time I read it, I like how it feels, pain at first then getting better to happy end T.T Its so funny to see some comments here. It goes from "yay just break up with her" to "im glad they getting back together" lmao
Chapter 8: Glad that Irene realized everything. I think if Joy, Solar, and Yeri never got the chance to talk to her, she won't be able to end up with Seulgi. This is why sometimes, a person should always have someone they can talk to because it helps you clear your mind and realize things but one thing a person should always know after this is that you can never blame or thank you someone to a decision/choice you did. Because it is always you no matter what.
Chapter 5: I do understand selfish decisions but the kind of selfishness that I accept and understand is Seulgi's, that one decision of breaking up. Irene's selfishness is different and it's a decision that both damaged her image and other people's feelings.