
Inside Out.
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It's another new day, Irene walks out of her company, heading to her car. 

The girl frowns when she sees Moonbyul and Wendy are standing next to her car already. 


Irene speaks to make the girls look at her. Wendy and Moonbyul look like they have something hidden from her. The CEO stares at them, it's been an awkward silent between them when Moonbyul and Wendy look like they don't want to encounter with her but in the same time they have something to say. 

"Do you have anything to tell me?"
Irene asks out, being an experienced person she is, she can read people from their expression well. 
Moonbyul steps out closer to Irene, the girl still has the hatred inside her eyes when she stares at the CEO. 

"We came to ask for a help." 

Moonbyul speaks, sounds so forceful. Irene raises her eyebrows curiously. Last night Moonbyul was cursing her like they were enemy since age ago but now she comes here to ask for a 

Irene doesn't understand, but she nods her head anyway. 

"Seulgi will be leaving to Japan tomorrow." 

Irene is stunned by Moonbyul speech. Suddenly she feels her heart aches again. She can't accept this, not when she finally realizes her mistake, not when she wants to get Seulgi back, not when she wants to change herself to be a good person for Seulgi, not now. 

The black hair shakes her head slowly, stepping backward until her body touches her car. Wendy sighs loudly, eyes staring at Irene. 

"We will be happy if Seulgi leaves because she wants to, but she doesn't. Seulgi doesn't decide to leave because Japan is her dream country, but she's leaving because she's hurting." 

Irene feels something is inside her throats that she isn't able to utter a word. 

"She decides to leave with her heart broken and we all know who's the reason behind, but...." 

Wendy paused. "And no matter how much we hate you for being an assh*le to my friend, we came here because we need your help." 

"Please tell me what it is??"

Irene asks silently, her voice becomes weak that we barely can catch up with. 

"Please help us finding Seulgi. She came back last night with Jisoo and told us she will be leaving with Jisoo next tomorrow, we couldn't stop her because it's her decision but when we woke up, she's nowhere to be seen, and I'm sure she might go somewhere you guys used to go together, that's why I came here." 

Irene nods her head slowly. "I will help you. Do you want to come with me by my car so we can go together?" 

Moonbyul is quick to shakes her head. 

"I won't be able to stay still breathing the same air as you. Let's go separate way. Hurry up, Wendy." 

By then Moonbyul drags Wendy away, the other girl turns to Irene with apologetic smiles and follows her best friend. 

Irene sighs then takes out her phone and calls the guys who she sent to look after Seulgi before, helps her finding Seulgi. 

The black hair goes inside her car, starting the engine and drives away. 

She spent five hours trying to search for Seulgi, but there's no clue of the younger girls. Irene drives to their favorite restaurant, their favorite ice cream store, their favorite coffee shop... but there's still no sight of Seulgi, and everything ends up hurting Irene even more when she saw the place they used to come together. 

She should have treasured this moment well, she shouldn't have done all of this dirty stuff to Seulgi, she feels bad yet she knows she couldn't do anything to fix it now. 

She feels disgusted of herself whenever she remembers about Seulgi, then she starts doubting her sanity. 

And she knows 

She's insane, she let the most precious person like Seulgi go. And it's too late to realize her mistake now. Irene knows she can't fix it, she can never fix it. 

Giving up of any place to go, Irene drives to their apartment. It's 7pm, we can see the girl takes the key of her apartment and walks out of the car. She and Seulgi both have the key for this apartment, the girl looks at the doorknob for a while, doesn't sure if she should open it or not. 

Everything about her and Seulgi are still there, the moment they used to hug, kiss, and making love are still there. Irene doesn't know if she can stand with the pain that will come again or not. Nevertheless, the black hair unlocks the door and walks inside. 

And truth to be told, Irene feels her heart is starting to ache once again. The same familiar feeling that she has feel a lot lately coming back. The CEO grabs the left side of her chest as she closes the door back slightly, she walks around the apartment as she wants to capture every moment of it. 

The place that makes her feel like home, now it's nothing without Seulgi. 

Irene knows that it's only Seulgi who can make her feels every emotions. 

The happiness and the sadness, the peaceful and pain. Seulgi is the one, she should have realized it sooner, but past is the past, she can't do anything to change it. 

She looks at their closed-bedroom. Irene knows she won't be able to stay here anymore, everything feels so new, the wound inside her chest is starting to open wider and wider every time she sees everything related to Seulgi. 

The 25 years old girl let her first tear falls, then followed by other tears. It's not Irene, irene has never cried over anyone. Since she was born until now, Irene has never cried over anything or any particular person, but this time is different. 

The one who's crying now is Joohyun. Joohyun, the soft, caring and clingy girl that Seulgi had discovered. Joohyun who loves Seulgi with all her heart but let Irene'

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Chapter 6: Last time I read this story in Jan and now is November and I don't know how I grew up so much in months because now I'm reading this story again and I realised the not even in fanfiction I'll accept Charcter like Irene I swear she isn't the red flag she is the RED FLAG HEAD.... Manipulative, Self centred and emotional blackmail...I swear she doesn't deserve seulgi but I can say Seulgi isn't victim too because she clearly has a chance to walk out on Irene very first time she saw her cheating but she stayed and people like them promote cheating so I also hate Seulgi because she isn't sensible enough to protect her dignity

Maturity is when you realise Jisoo was far better than Irene.
2201 streak #2
Chapter 1: rereading this story<3
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 8: I'm back, I hope u doing great author nim 🤍
Chapter 8: It's a good story but the ending I'm only accepting it because it's fanfiction in reality I don't recommend anyone to be like seulgi and let a person like irene keep hurting you thinking it's love.
176 streak #5
Chapter 8: It was totally amazing wow
shinchan222 #6
Chapter 8: Irene is really lucky to have seulgi...I don't think so she would have been forgiven if it were someone else. I am happy for both of them
shinchan222 #7
Chapter 2: Irene doesn't deserve seulgi. Seulgi is too kind for her own good...
Chapter 8: Its the nth time I read it, I like how it feels, pain at first then getting better to happy end T.T Its so funny to see some comments here. It goes from "yay just break up with her" to "im glad they getting back together" lmao
Chapter 8: Glad that Irene realized everything. I think if Joy, Solar, and Yeri never got the chance to talk to her, she won't be able to end up with Seulgi. This is why sometimes, a person should always have someone they can talk to because it helps you clear your mind and realize things but one thing a person should always know after this is that you can never blame or thank you someone to a decision/choice you did. Because it is always you no matter what.
Chapter 5: I do understand selfish decisions but the kind of selfishness that I accept and understand is Seulgi's, that one decision of breaking up. Irene's selfishness is different and it's a decision that both damaged her image and other people's feelings.