
Inside Out.
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Seulgi doesn't go back home, she stayed up till night at her small house while continues her drawing and when she finished it's already too late, so Seulgi decided to staying here for a night, beside Joohyun won't be home anyway. 

Seulgi takes a blanket from the closet, though she doesn't really live here everyday, she has prepared a few clothes of herself and pillows inside the closet, just in case she would have a night like this. The girl locked the door at her place as she walks through another door to the bakery's part. She checks the electricity and the microwave to make sure everything is turned off. Seulgi then walks to her part as she looks around. The white wall makes everything feels so calm and relax, and Seulgi is more than glad to have this place for herself. 

Seeing it's already midnight, the girl takes her phone out. She wonders what is Joohyun doing now. Normally the girl would send her a goodnight text whenever she goes to sleep. 

So Seulgi, being a good girlfriend she is, dialing to Joohyun. 

She waits for a moment until the other line finally answers. 


Seulgi notices the sleepy stern voice of Joohyun. She smiles before she speaks. "Hey, Joohyun unnie." 


The other line speaks louder as she just notices that Seulgi is the one calling. 
"Yes, unnie. Who else do you expect to call you at this late night?"

Seulgi jokes as she takes a sit on the couch, ready to sleep anytime. 
"W-well...I thought some random people tried to disturb my sleep." 
Joohyun stutters a bit, Seulgi notices it but she brushes it off with her soft giggles. 

"Where are you? Are you sleeping now unnie?" 

Seulgi asks and getting a long silent from Joohyun. "Unnie?"

"Ah...oh I'm at home now, work was so tiring today so I went to bed early- and yes I was sleeping when you called." 

Seulgi feels sorry to disturb the older so she quickly apologize and tells Joohyun to continue her sleep. 

"Then continue your sleep unnie, I'll talk to you later." 

"Alright, baby. See you soon. I love you."

"I love you too, Joohyun unnie."

Seulgi put her phone on the desk as she shifts herself comfortably under the blanket trying to fall asleep. 

Meanwhile Joohyun releases a small sigh when Seulgi hangs up. She turns to look at the other girl who sleeps next to her, Joohyun wonders what's her name again. But it's not Bae Joohyun if she remembers any girl name after a night together. 

Joohyun gets up from the bed, reaching for her clothes which fell on the ground. 

"What a rough night...."
She mumbles as she put her clothes back to herself. Looking at the sleeping girl for a few more minutes as she leaves a note with her had writing on it. 

It's been a wonderful night for me, you were very good on bed, but I hope we don't have to see each other again. 
-Bae Irene. 

Irene forms a small smirk at the corner of her lips before taking her stuff and walks out of the hotel room. 

She calls her assistant without caring how late it is and tells him to bring the car for her instantly. Irene waits for a five minutes and she catches a glimpse of her new BMW car. She walks to her car, seeing one of her worker walks out and bows to her. 

"Here is the key, Ms.Bae."
Irene takes it and nods, she walks to her car and starts the engine, driving away. 

Irene looks at the clock and sees its 2AM already, she supposed to go back home but something inside drives her to her shared apartment with Seulgi. 

Irene stares at the apartment from outside. The lights are off and she thought Seulgi must be sleeping. Would it be good if she go to spend time with Seulgi? She kinda misses the younger girl too. 

So Irene decides to sleep at her apartment instead of going back home, she takes the key and unlocks the door as silent as she can. She walks to their bedroom and turns on the light. To her surprise, she sees nothing, not the sleeping Seulgi with her lips parted slightly on the bed like she expected it to be, but the tidy bedroom which left untouched. Seems like Seulgi never been here the whole day. 

The CEO frowns, wondering where else can Seulgi be. 

Suddenly she thinks about what she had been doing the whole night. 

What if Seulgi did the same? 
What if Seulgi went to sleep with someone? Staying at another person place? 
What if Seulgi was spending time with someone? 
What if Seulgi is sleeping with someone else now? 

Joohyun can't seem to get the what ifs questions from her head, and it doesn't helping when Seulgi didn't answer her phone when Joohyun called. Joohyun started to feel scared, she's scaring for no reason and she doesn't understand either. 

The black hair girl keeps dialing Seulgi's number while going back to her car. She keeps calling and Seulgi is still not answering. Joohyun sighs for the nth times as she quickly drives to the small house of Seulgi. She doesn't know any of Seulgi's friends number because it's her idea to be like a stranger when they're together. She never tells Seulgi about her family, even she's the youngest child with an older sister, she never tells Seulgi, and Seulgi doesn't seem to ask to much about her either. 

Joohyun stops her car in front of the small house. It is dark inside and she sees the bakery is closed already. 

Sometimes Joohyun wonders, how can Seulgi be this nice to even share her small house which is even smaller then the kitchen at her home to her friends? How can Seulgi still keep this small house when Joohyun already bought a new luxury apartment for her- for them. 
Joohyun doesn't understand, and she never will. 

Joohyun sighs, walking to Seulgi's house, standing in front of the mirror door. She tries to peek inside and seeing someone, who she has been looking for, is sleeping soundly on the couch. 

The girl can finally breath properly, she watches her girlfriend from outside, doesn't want to bother the sleeping beauty. And now she's blaming herself for asking the impossible questions. How can this angel cheat on her? How can she think so low of Seulgi when Seulgi is like a pure innocent child like this? 

Joohyun takes a step backward and she walks back to her car. She wants to knock and ask Seulgi to open the door for her so she can hug the younger girl and tells her how much she loves Seulgi. But in the same time, Joohyun feels disgusted of herself, she can't let her body which has another woman's scent touching Seulgi, her pure and innocent Seulgi. 

So Joohyun mumbles I love you to the sleeping girl from afar as she decided to go back to her home with a peaceful feeling this time. 


Seulgi is waking up to the sound of her alarm, she let out a soft yawn before getting up to turn it off. The blond takes her phone and sees many miscalleds from Irene, she frowns. Why did Joohyun try to call her at 2AM?

When Seulgi decides to call back, Joohyun is already calling. 

Seulgi speaks with a smile.

"Hey, beauty...."
Seulgi chuckles at the name. "What makes you call?"
She asks. 

"Have been missing you, so I decide to call." 

"How about last night? What happened? I was so worry when I saw your miscalleds." 
Seulgi get up from the couch and goes to the bathroom. 

"I just miss you too much so I couldn't help but to call." 

Seulgi chuckles at the replied. "Smooth talker." 

She listens to Joohyun talking for a while until they have to say goodbye to each other. 
"I won't go home tonight, so stay safe." 

Seulgi nods understandingly as if Joohyun can see her. 
"Okay. Take care of yourself. I love you." 
Seulgi waits for Irene reply the I love you too before she hangs up. 

It's always been their habit to say this to each other, to tell each other they love each other, to remind themselves that they love each other. And seulgi is more than glad to do so, though it is so cringing but she likes it too. 

After taking a shower and changing to a new outfit, the artist starts her drawing again. 

An hour or two later, she sees her best friends walking to the bakery and unlock the door. 

"Good morning."

Seulgi walks through the door to greet them when they open the door. Wendy and Moonbyul look at each other weirdly. 

"Wow. It's rare to see you here earlier than us." 
Wendy speaks as she walks inside, Seulgi picks the broom and helps them cleaning the bakery before opens it. 
"I slept here tonight, I was drawing until late night and I thought it's fine to stay here." 

"You should have called us, Seul. It's dangerous to stay here alone." 
Moonbyul says concerning. 
"Oh Byul, I'm okay now you see? Let's open the store now, your customers might be died waiting for you, Turtle." 

Seulgi speaks only to earn a soft slap on her shoulder by Moonbyul. Wendy and Seulgi giggle softly as they help each other to open the bakery. 

After helping her friends with the store, Seulgi excuses herself to continue her work. She takes a few portraits and hangs them on the wall replacing the old ones. When the similar girl enters her place, Seulgi quickly greets. 

"Good morning, Jisoo. What makes you here this early?"

Jisoo has her hair black, but not really black, it's a bit black and gray, is the worker of the company which buys Seulgi portraits. Sometimes other guys would come, but Jisoo is the only worker who Seulgi notices since Jisoo often comes to her place to take the portraits or sometimes the girl would spend her free time in Wendy and Moonbyul's bakery. 

"Good morning, Seulgi. I'm eventually craving for Wendy's cake so I came earlier to have breakfast here." 
Seulgi nods at the girl in her black hair's respond. 

"Here are a few portraits I had drew, the ones on the wall I had drew last night." 
Seulgi speaks as she walks to the hanging portraits, Jisoo follows her as she walks next to Seulgi. 

"This one is a picture of a view in Jeju, I remembered going to Jeju when I was young with my parents and it was only my imagination, but seriously I still can remember the views well, it's so fresh inside my memories, so fresh so beautiful."

Seulgi explains her drawing with some gestures and exciting eyes, Jisoo on the other hand, instead of looking at the portrait, she stares at Seulgi with her soft smile. 

"Yes, beautiful."

Jisoo mutters and quickly brings her eyes to the portrait when Seulgi turns to look at her. 
"How many portraits are you going to take today??"

Seulgi asks, Jisoo forms a bigger smile. 
"Maybe seven of it." 

Seulgi nods her head as she quickly gather the portraits for Jisoo, roping it carefully inside a big box. 
"Let me help you carry this." 

Jisoo speaks up, trying to help the girl who seems to be in her height but is a year older. Seulgi smiles at her as she nods her head and they both carry the portraits to Jisoo's company's van. Seulgi waits for Jisoo to close the back of the van's door and smile at her again. 

"Do you want to eat your breakfast already?"
She asks, Jisoo nods her head slowly as they both walking back to Seulgi's drawing place together. 

"Any suggestion for breakfast?" 
Jisoo said, Seulgi stays still as she purses her lips thinking of what's good for a girl like Jisoo. 

"I think ice latte and cheese sandwich are good, I tried it yesterday. Carrot cake because someone I know like it and I'm sure you would like it too." 

Seulgi smiles when she remembers about her girlfriend's favorite, she remembers bringing Joohyun Wendy's carrot cake and Joohyun would ask her to buy more of Wendy's carrot cake for her, and Seulgi had to lie that she bought this for a grandma who lives next to her apartment in order for Wendy to take the money she gave. 

"Carrot cake? Well, I'm not sure but I like carrot so let me try it." 

Seulgi beams when Jisoo reply. "I'll tell Wendy to give you extra milk because your face remind me of milk."

Jisoo looks at Seulgi with her adorable smile. "Milk? Why milk?" 

"Because your face have that milk-look-alike-aura."

Jisoo laughs at Seulgi's speech as she slaps Seulgi's arm playfully, and the blond girl doesn't seem to mind with this sudden skin ship either. 

"Now go eat, I don't want you to be late for work." 

Seulgi says as she opens the door of the bakery for Jisoo as she herself ready to go back drawing. 

But before Seulgi could excusing herself, Jisoo already grabs her hand. 

"Seulgi...can you eat with me??"

The blond girl stays still while blinking her eyes a few times, she looks at the hand which is grabbing hers slowly before she nods her head in reply. 

Because Seulgi never says no to anyone. That's why right now she's sitting on the table in front of Jisoo, looking at her eating. 

"Aren't you hungry??"

Jisoo asks with full with carrot cake, Seulgi chuckles at the sight, shaking her head. 

"I am not, do you like this carrot cake?" 

Jisoo nods once again. "I do. It will become my favorite fr

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Chapter 6: Last time I read this story in Jan and now is November and I don't know how I grew up so much in months because now I'm reading this story again and I realised the not even in fanfiction I'll accept Charcter like Irene I swear she isn't the red flag she is the RED FLAG HEAD.... Manipulative, Self centred and emotional blackmail...I swear she doesn't deserve seulgi but I can say Seulgi isn't victim too because she clearly has a chance to walk out on Irene very first time she saw her cheating but she stayed and people like them promote cheating so I also hate Seulgi because she isn't sensible enough to protect her dignity

Maturity is when you realise Jisoo was far better than Irene.
2193 streak #2
Chapter 1: rereading this story<3
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 8: I'm back, I hope u doing great author nim 🤍
Chapter 8: It's a good story but the ending I'm only accepting it because it's fanfiction in reality I don't recommend anyone to be like seulgi and let a person like irene keep hurting you thinking it's love.
168 streak #5
Chapter 8: It was totally amazing wow
shinchan222 #6
Chapter 8: Irene is really lucky to have seulgi...I don't think so she would have been forgiven if it were someone else. I am happy for both of them
shinchan222 #7
Chapter 2: Irene doesn't deserve seulgi. Seulgi is too kind for her own good...
Chapter 8: Its the nth time I read it, I like how it feels, pain at first then getting better to happy end T.T Its so funny to see some comments here. It goes from "yay just break up with her" to "im glad they getting back together" lmao
Chapter 8: Glad that Irene realized everything. I think if Joy, Solar, and Yeri never got the chance to talk to her, she won't be able to end up with Seulgi. This is why sometimes, a person should always have someone they can talk to because it helps you clear your mind and realize things but one thing a person should always know after this is that you can never blame or thank you someone to a decision/choice you did. Because it is always you no matter what.
Chapter 5: I do understand selfish decisions but the kind of selfishness that I accept and understand is Seulgi's, that one decision of breaking up. Irene's selfishness is different and it's a decision that both damaged her image and other people's feelings.