X. Fantastic creatures and where to find them I

13 Boarding House
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X.  Fantastic creatures and where to find them I

Kyuhyun was amazed with what he was seeing in the mirror. Once his hair was arranged and he tried on some of the clothes other people bought on his behalf; of course, after paying for them; he looked at himself in the mirror and couldn’t help but smile, feeling proud. He never considered himself to be ugly. In fact, he thought he was quite good looking with proper proportions to his body and for a guy that did not go to the gym he also had quite a good pair of thigh and a rather toned upper body. He did look a bit as if he didn’t take care of himself but only because he had too many things on his mind to worry about. Now that he was settled in a house where he could talk and have fun with the other people, even offered a job, he could properly take of himself and this was the first step.

“Donghae won’t resist you.” Heechul actually purred in joy upon seeing the end result of the make-over.

“Oh!” Kyuhyun realized that with improved looked, he was going to look even more appealing for the incubus.

“Let’s go!” Heechul slapped him hard on the back and then began moving towards the exit of the hair salon.

Before Kyuhyun could even reach for the bags, Heechul used magic and was making the bags follow after him just like Shindong made those plates stay in the pile and followed him inside his room. It was going to be bad if someone saw that so Kyuhyun hurried to take hold of the bags before they could leave the shop and cause a mess. He followed Heechul through a door but this time around he was not one bit surprised to find himself exiting from a building right in front of the House. He had seen a drama where goblins could do that and a movie were people moved through the doors to reach people and make sure they keep to the plan made for them by God. Walking inside the House, Kyuhyun first looked around to see if Sia was close by. It wasn’t that he missed her or anything but he wanted to have a second opinion.

“Oooooooooo.....” Sia raised her head from under the reception desk, fishing out something she had dropped to the ground.

Abandoning the pencil she had dropped and then found, she moved from the back of the reception and basically ran all the way in front of him. She could see him carrying all those bags but she didn’t bother all that much about them. She grabbed hold of his collar and turned him around, kind of forcing him to make a pirouette so that she could see how he looked from every angle. It made him happy to see that the new look and clothes were on point but he was starting to feel a bit offended by her exaggerated reaction. He had looked messy before but not to the point where this new look would be seen as a complete transformation. So he glared at her, hoping she would understand that she was going overboard with her reactions.

“Ah....” Sia suddenly turned serious. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” she cautiously asked him, even pursing her lips together.

“Huh?” Kyuhyun was taken aback. “Huh? Why?” he asked, even taking a step back.

“With you looking like this....” Sia spoke even more seriously, leaning in closer to him as if she was about to share a secret with him. “A lot of women will hit on you. Do you have the confidence not to convulse because of all the flashes?” she grinned at him, giving him a naughty look.

Kyuhyun finally relaxed and let out a sigh. He had thought she was going to say something scary or warn him about something awful in relation to his clothes or wearing them to work but instead she was just teasing him about being d and therefore getting flashes from a lot of women. He gritted his teeth and glared at her again, jerking his body forward. This time around it was his turn to look all threatening and have her dash to the side, worrying about being pinched or hit or something. It wasn’t like he was going to actually hit her but it would have been really nice to see her freaking out for a change. Sia did jolt to the side but quickly recovered and raised her fist at him, threatening him back and being even more convincing than he had been.

“Oh...” she pointed at him and looked as if she was surprised again.

“I’m not buying it this time.” Kyuhyun warned, glancing towards Heechul for help.

It was pointless because by the time he turned his head around to look towards Heechul, the wizard was no longer there. Even with turning his head around to check in all sides for the other, there was no sign of him as if Heechul had just evaporated into thin air. Regaining his cool pretty soon, he raised his chin and humped, planning not to let himself be intimidated by her again.

“But you should listen.” She warned him, her voice showing concern.  “You are wobbling.” She pointed out, now showing real concern.

Kyuhyun was not sure what she was talking about. If he would have been wobbling, then he should have seen her moving from side to side. He should have felt his legs turning weaker and his eyes were supposed to be closing. He did feel a bit tired but that was about it. Maybe she was a wizard as well because only a few seconds after she said that, there was a blank and then he saw the inside of his room. In reality he was not in his room. Seconds after Sia told him that he was wobbling to the side, right in front of her eyes, Kyuhyun’s eyes rolled back and then he fell down, knocked unconscious. Sia froze in place for a few seconds, having no idea what she was supposed to do next. It was past noon on a Sunday and although he arrived with Heechul , the wizard was now nowhere to be seen.

“Kyuhyun?” Sia sat down on her knees next to him.

She tried to shake him a bit but she was not getting any reaction. Placing her finger under his nose, she found that he was breathing so she let out a sigh of relief. Still unsure about what to do with an unconscious guy on the floor of the House, right at the entrance, she tried shaking him again. Grabbing hold of his shoulders, she shook him again and again, each time harder. She flinched and released him when he caused him to bump his head against the floor. Looking around confused, she pretended to not have caused him to bump his head against the floor and even pondered on just leaving him there and calling the guys to see which one was free.

“Whatever.” She mumbled to herself.

Knowing the guys, it was going to take a lot of time to even reach one of them and if Donghae, Kangin or Shindong answered it was going to take at least an hour for them to arrive. Turning her back towards him, she moved her hands and tried to pull his, hoping she could get him on her back. She lost her grip on his wrists and he fell back again, bumping his head for a second time and this time Sia gulped, raising her shoulders and lowering her head, eyes looking to the sides, looking guilty and apologetic at the same time. Carefully trying again, she held tighter against his wrists and lowered herself on her bottom, about to high five herself when she managed to have him pressed against her back.

“Dude...” she complained since he was extremely heavy. “Do you eat stones or something?” she talked to herself, trying really hard to get herself up.

It was ridiculous. She was holding Kyuhyun’s arms above her shoulders and although she was supposed to pick him up and try to piggyback him, after failing once she feared she was going to drop him down and break his head or something. The end result was her dragging him towards the staircase as if she was taking care of removing a dead body or something.  It got even harder when she had to pull him up the stairs and she had to try really hard not to drop him each time his feet bumped into the staircase.

“I could really use a wheelchair!” she choked out, her jaw clenching  as she took in the pain of having to carry a very heavy human being all the way up.

Reaching the first floor, she rolled her eyes and almost dropped him to the ground upon seeing a brand new wheelchair waiting right in front of the staircase. She cursed through her teeth as she placed him on it and then dropped down to the ground massaging her shoulders since they were hurting. She was annoyed to have to carry such a heavy person all by herself but she was more concerned about him so she easily moved past it. Managing to get him inside his room, she left him on the wheelchair and then ran downstairs to pick up the bags that had been dropped on the floor and brought them up as well. It took her a few more minutes but she finally managed to put him in his bed. The wheelchair disappeared soon after it served its purpose so Sia sat down on the edge of the bed and checked to see if he had the flu or was burning hot or anything that could just knock him down so quickly. Maybe it was because he had barely slept and then went on a shopping spree, wasting even the last bit of energy he had left in his body and once it was drained, he just shut down. Sure, he was not a computer but people did faint if they overworked or got exhausted.  That had to be it. Assuring that he was just asleep and nothing else, she slowly walked back downstairs. Even after checking his current condition she was still thinking about him and how he just dropped down right in front of her eyes.

Reaching her work space, she opened the computer. She hesitated a bit and even looked upstairs to make sure no one was coming down and once making sure the coast was clear, she opened a certain tab that was on the screen. She had this weird feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was something more to him fainting and as the caretaker, it was her duty to make sure there was nothing inside the House or the House that was hurting the residents. There was a special tab where it showed to what degree she and the House were connected. The House drew energy from the caretaker but because it used abilities such as perception, astral body shifting, shifting and many other things somehow related to ESP, it did plug in to these certain things as well. The House had to connect to a certain degree to a resident in order to bring all the changes for the room and lower their abilities so that tab that Sia could access showed to what degree the House connected to each resident and how much energy it was taking from the residents. It was usually only 5%, enough to lower the powers and read them as people. Sometimes it went as far as 10% and if it remained like that, there was no problem. Checking the status for the residents, she saw that Kyuhyun’s connection to the House was set at 5%. That was the safest limit.

“Oh, good.” Sia let out a sigh, relieved to realize it wasn’t the House messing with him. “Sorry!” she apologized to the House.

She had no either why he worried about that. From all the information she had read from the past, the House connected to another person on a level close to 10% only if there were residents with complex abilities and energy inside so that it could balance the situation. Like for example, if a dragon came as a resident, the House automatically took at least 15% of its energy for safety purposes. With the current residents, there was no reason for the House to take more than 5% from the rest. All of her reading said that a House does not take energy from the residents above the normal level, especially if the amount of power energy remained the same. Sia had not worried about the House acting up. She had simply worried that maybe, just maybe, someone in the House experienced some increase in power and the House reacted to that.

Kyuhyun was knocked out good. He had no time to sleep since he had to figure out how to react to hearing the lies while people told them and it eventually came back

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Congratulations bby
WOohoo 100th subscriber hehe
lulu8891 #3
Chapter 10: What about all of the wierd things that are happening to kyu ?!!!!
It seems fishy .
It's so nice to read about this story again :)
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 10: HAhhaha poor kyu, he is freaked out with every creature he met....
Looking forward
lulu8891 #5
Chapter 9: Woaaah, i want to be there as well, if someone can do all the shopping instead of me, it would be extra nice.
Kyuhyun is getting hold of the situation better day by day.
Chapter 9: Hahaha heechul trying to make kyu handsome. . Hope he doesn't look like chul no. 2 hahah
Chapter 9: You typed clio here!
"Give him a proper make-over while you’re at it. He should gain something from your madness.” Clio suggested as the two were headed towards the exit of the house.
Momoi15 #8
Chapter 9: LOL that was so cool! All that magic and spells. Those spells would come so in handy in real life!!! I cannot say enough how much I love Kyuhyun and Sia together. It is so cute that he thinks of her!!

P.S I can totally picture Kyuhyun waking up like that LOL he must have been so adorable!
lulu8891 #9
Chapter 8: Sia can't get enough of teasing kyu, she is smart and they are for sure enjoying eacothers react :)
More and more about the characters are revealed here, and i feel like i'm more connected to them chapter by chapter
Chapter 8: Im glad they've been opened up to each other, understanding how they deal with their personal life, exchange thoughts n stuff. Don't think any other "muggle'' woman out there know how to react or answer kyuhyun's worries here like Sia did :) shes so helpful :)