Hoseok At Soul's End

At Soul's End Prequel

A/N: I have used a few characters in this fic that are from Gwangju and are around the same age of Hoseok. They include Topp Dogg's A-Tom and Xero as well as mention of Suzy from Miss A. I'm sorry to say that I do not know their personalities well and therefore I was not able to portray them as anything more than Hoseok's friends. I'm sorry to those who love them that I was not able to do them justice. If there was to be more of this scenario I would have done more for them. However, this is just one story that leads to my upcoming BTS chaptered fic so I don't feel I have the time to do more. Please enjoy what I do have for you. Thank you for your understanding.


Hoseok walked home from the club, still high on the cheers of the crowd as his sweat dried in the cool breeze. It had been an amazing night. He had danced his heart out on stage and had managed to win his first ever solo underground dance competition. He knew his mother would be so proud of him so he couldn’t wait to call her in the morning. The thought lead to his earlier excitement mixing with longing. The boiling blood in his veins from the competition finally began to settle and cool.


He missed his mom. She had always been there to love him and support him, give him hugs and tell him she loved him. Now she was working out of town so he could afford to go to the rap and dance academy in order to be able to follow his dreams. His dad on the other hand was always telling him he was selfish, wasting his time and if he wanted to be a good son he’d study hard and give up his childhood dreams so he could become a man. It hurt. Having a dad who didn’t understand. Having a mom so far away even though she was doing it for him. If it wasn’t for his sister some days, it would be too much.


The kitchen light could be seen on through the front living room window when Hoseok reached his house. It was currently a little after midnight, Thursday night having given way to Friday morning. It had to be his sister who had the light on, right? He knew she was studying for her college exams so it made sense. There was no reason for his dad to be up this late. He approached the house hesitantly, knowing he’d be in big trouble if his dad found out he had snuck out of the house.


Hoseok quietly trudges around the house, making his way towards the backdoor. He stills, listening for any sounds from within the house but all he can hear is the rustle of leaves in the breeze. It’s dark and quiet all around him and a shiver of fear wracks his spine. “. This is freaking me out.” he whispers under his breath. Unable to handle the scary atmosphere any longer he reaches for the doorknob, turning it as carefully and quietly as possible.


The door pushes open without a sound and Hoseok quickly steps inside closing the door behind himself with a small ‘snick’. His dad is sitting at the table, head bowed, resting on his folded hands. Hoseok’s breath hitches, his blood pounding in his ears. This adrenaline pumping through his veins is nothing like the high of performing. Instead it’s gut wrenching and he wants nothing more than to blend back into the night where there are no consequences.


He stands, rooted to the spot, waiting for his dad to say something, anything. A minute of silence goes by and nothing happens. ‘Is he asleep?’ Hoseok begins to wonder. Very carefully, he bends down to remove his shoes, taking them in hand so they’ll make no noise. His toes crack as he takes a step forward and the sound is as loud as a gunshot to his ears. He stills immediately but his dad still makes no move. Warily he begins to make his way to the stairs, up them one by one, and finally down the hall to his room.


Once he’s in the safety of his room, Hoseok foregoes his shower, afraid he’ll wake his dad, getting into his pajamas instead. ‘Now what?’ he wonders as he lies in bed to think. He had been hoping to talk to his sister when he got home but now he was too afraid his dad would catch them. And what about his dad? Should he just leave him, sleeping at the kitchen table? He’d hurt in the morning if he didn’t go to his bed. But if he woke the man up he was sure to get in trouble. What should he do?


Indecisive, he just stared at the ceiling. Footsteps ascending the stairs pulled him from his thoughts. He quickly shut his eyes, schooling his breaths so they were nice and deep and even. He heard his bedroom door creak open and he concentrated even harder on trying to appear as if he was sleeping.


“Hoseok?” His dad’s deep, rough-with-sleep voice loudly whispered. “Hoseok.” He did his best to lie still and not react. After what felt like an eternity, he finally heard the door close and footsteps walk down the hall. He let out a sigh of relief, his muscles finally relaxing. Within minutes he was sound asleep.




“I wish you could have been there, mom.” Hoseok laments into the phone as he’s walking to school. “It was incredible.”


“I know, baby.” his mom sighs in regret. “Your dad called me last night though. He was worried when he found you missing you know. Did you talk to him?”


Hoseok closes his eyes as he takes a deep breath. He opens his eyes again as he opens his mouth to speak. “Not yet, mom. He was asleep when I got home. But what am I supposed to say to him? I can’t help it that these battles are at night. I need to participate to get my name out there, you know?”


“He’s just worried about you. If you’re out so late you won’t get enough sleep. You could get sick. You could get hurt. If we don’t know where you are how do we know if you’re safe?”


“I really don’t think that’s what he’s worried about.” Hoseok sighs. “He may be worried about me getting enough sleep but it’s because he thinks my studies will suffer. He doesn’t understand that I need this for my future. Besides, I get way more sleep now than I will once I become a trainee and after I debut someday.”


It’s Hoseok’s mom’s turn to sigh. “I’m on your side, baby. You know that. But I have to be on your dad’s side too. We both love you, care about you and want the best for you even if we show it in different ways.”


“I know, mom. I know. I love you too and I miss you. Just 1 month left and then we have the final showcase at school. I’ll graduate and then it will be time for me to start auditioning. I’m almost there and then you can come home and won’t have to work so hard. I’m sorry, mom.” Hoseok’s voice cracks on the last sentence, his eyesight blurring with tears that he hastily wipes away.


“Oh, baby.” Hoseok can hear the choked back tears in his mom’s voice as she speaks. “Please don’t ever be sorry for chasing your dreams. Just be mindful of those around you so they don’t worry, okay? Leave a note instead of sneaking out. And don’t be sorry for the support given to you either. No one can reach the stars on their own.”


“Thank you, mom. I love you so much. I’ll make you proud of me, I promise.” Hoseok means it from the very bottom of his heart. He’ll do everything in his power and more to make these hardships up to his family.


“I’m already proud of you, baby. You just keep doing your best. I love you. I have to get to work now, baby.”


“I’m almost to school too. I’ll talk to you soon.”


“Bye bye.”


“Bye.” Hoseok presses the ‘end’ button on his phone. With a heavy sigh he tries to release all the emotion from his conversation so he’s ready to face a new day. He plasters a bright smile on his face and races ahead, entering the school in a flurry of flailing limbs and loud screeching.   


“A-Tom, Xero!” Hoseok screeches as he nears his locker, finding his two friends standing in front of it.


“Hobi! You were on fire last night!” Jiho, also known as Xero, cried out, wrapping Hoseok in a bro hug.


“Damn straight!” Sanggyun, a.k.a. A-Tom, reiterated as he gave his own bro hug. “It was so lit! Maybe you can teach Xero a thing or two.” he added, jokingly.


“Screw you, man.” Jiho chided playfully. “A-Tom recorded it, uploaded it to youtube. You should see the comments, man.” He continued, turning his attention to Hoseok.


“Really? How many hits does it have?” Hoseok asked excitedly. Sanggyun already had his phone pulled from his pocket and was flashing his screen towards his friend. “Holy ! 369 hits already? It hasn’t even been up for a day yet!” he exclaimed, awestruck.


“I told you it was lit!” Sanggyun cried out.


All the celebratory dancing around and hollering was drawing in a small crowd. Hoseok got several pats on the back and a few loud ‘fighting’s but he couldn’t concentrate on who from. He was too happy. The first school bell interrupted their impromptu festivities before long.


“Ugh.” Jiho whined. “Why do we have history first thing in the morning?”


“I know, right?” Hoseok agreed as he grabbed his text and notebook from his locker. “And why do we have to learn about soulmates anyways? It’s not like they matter anymore. I’ll probably never even meet one. It has nothing to do with my future.”


“Yeah, well, at least you two don’t have economics first thing. Talk about a snorefest.” Sanggyun complained. “Plus you have class together. I’m stuck all on my own.”


“Yeah right.” Hoseok teased. “We all know you get to oogle Suzy the whole time. No use trying to deny it.”


“Whatever.” Sanggyun said with a smirk. “See ya.” And off he went with a little skip in his step.


Hoseok and Jiho just rolled their eyes at one another, breaking up into laughter a moment later.


“Come on man. We’re going to be late.” Jiho reminded Hoseok. They headed in the opposite direction as their friend, making it to their seats just as the second bell rang.




It’s almost 7pm when Hoseok finally gets home from school. Practice for the end of year festival is going well but he finds himself doing more choreography teaching and helping others perfect their moves than working on his own routine. It’s a good thing he’s quick and meticulous or he’d be suffering right now. As for his rap, the lyrics are written and he’s almost finished mixing the music to go with it. He plans to audition with it once he finally moves to Seoul. That’s all for the future though. For tonight, he’s heard of another dance battle and he really needs to get showered and changed so he can meet up with Jiho and Sanggyun at the club.


“Hey, my dearest dongsaeng. I’ve got dinner ready.” a playful voice greets Hoseok as he walks through the backdoor.


“Noona.” Hoseok greets his sister with a wide smile, tossing his backpack to the floor by the door. “How’s studying going? Are you ready for graduation?” he asks as he gives his sister a bone crushing hug, lifting her in the air and spinning.


“Can’t… breathe.” his sister squeaks. He sets her feet back on the floor, still grinning as he turns to the kitchen sink to wash his hands for dinner. “Holy hell, I’ll be glad when this semester is over. I can’t wait to get on with life, you know? I’m so tired of school.”


“You and me both.” Hoseok teases yet on the inside he’s dead serious. The thought of giving all his time and energy to his dancing and rapping is like a dream and he’s so ready to make that dream come true.


“I saw the video of you dancing last night. You were amazing.” Hoseok’s sister gushes as she starts placing food on the table. Hoseok easily follows her lead, setting the table for three even as his gut fills with dread. He really hasn’t been looking forward to a confrontation with his dad but he knows it’s inevitable.


“Thanks, noona. I’ve got another competition tonight. You should come... if you’re not too busy studying.” he taunts, trying to keep his inner turmoil at bay. It would be great to show his sister what he can do in person. He knows she supports him but actually having a family member in the crowd would be so validating. He wants everyone to know that he isn’t just living in the clouds; dreaming dreams that were meant to stay there.


“Where do you think you’re going?” a deep voice fills the kitchen and Hoseok freezes for a moment before taking his seat at the table. His sister and dad join him, the playful atmosphere becoming heavy.


“I’ve got a dance competition tonight.” Hoseok answers in a quiet voice.


“A dance competition.” his dad repeats derisively. “Is that where you were last night?”


Hoseok swallowed the nervous lump in his throat before answering, “Y-yes.”


“No. I’m not putting up with this nonsense any longer. You’re already throwing your chance to get into a good college away by going to a high school that includes music and dance. How are you going to get a good job with such a shaky background? You need to grow up.” His dad’s voice is loud and unwavering.


As his dad spoke, his sister had pulled her phone out and was now turning it towards their dad. “Just look at this, dad. Hoseok isn’t just good, he’s great. Please, just give him a chance.” his sister pleads.


“Hyojin, you need to keep your mouth shut.” his dad replied in a steady voice, keeping his eyes locked on Hoseok. “If you can’t do that you can leave the table.”


Hoseok took a deep breath, shoring up his nerves. He needed to make his dad understand, if that was even possible. “Dad, I know you love me and only want the best for me.” he began, trying to keep calm while placating his dad to the best of his ability before disappointing him with the rest of his words. “But you need to understand, my pursuit of dance and music is what’s best for me.”


Before he could continue, his dad spoke over him. “It is not. You can’t get a job like that. Do you really want to be destitute? Living on the streets, begging for money and running from the police as you try to busk on street corners? It’s not a way of life! Normal people just can’t live like that! Grow the hell up already and do what your family expects of you like a man. You can’t be a child forever.”


Hoseok feels heartbroken that his dad thinks so little of his talent and hard work. Even so, this so called ‘conversation’ has been a long time coming and he’s not backing down. “First of all, a life without passion and dreams is not a life worth living no matter how stable it may seem from the outside. As for normal, who ever said I was normal, huh? I’m not some little kid dreaming of being a superhero. I have the talent and I have the skills. I work hard, my feet firmly grounded in reality. I know what I’m doing and I know where I’m going. I’m sorry dad, but I’m going to follow my dreams and nothing can stop me. Not even you.” With that Hoseok rose from the table, grabbing his backpack from near the back door and headed towards his room, his dinner completely untouched.


“Hoseok! Get back here! We’re not done!” his dad yells after him. As far as he’s concerned however, they are done. He’s got to get ready for the competition and he’s not going to let anything stop him.




“Wow, this place is tiny for how much we have to pay in rent.” Jiho complains loudly.


It’s been a little over two months, the high school showcase having gone on without a hitch as well as Hoseok’s ever growing popularity in the Gwangju underground dance scene. He had become a bit of a celebrity and now he and his two friends had graduated and moved to Seoul to reach for their dreams.


“It’s not so bad.” Hoseok insists. “Besides, I don’t know about you two but I don’t plan on living here for long.” The others readily agree as they set about unpacking what little they had brought from home.


After a quick meal of ramyun noodles while searching on their phones for any underground dance clubs, the three boys took turns showering and getting ready to go out for the night. Filled with a bravado born of not being alone, they braved the big city, taking the subway to Hongdae’s club district.  


“. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many neon lights.” Sanggyun marveled.


“I never thought Gwangju was all that but Seoul is really something else, huh.” Jiho added, eyes alight with possibilities.


“Yah. Just because Seoul is so much bigger doesn’t mean Gwangju isn’t awesome.” Hoseok chided. “After all, Gwangju birthed us, right? Now come on. Let’s see what we can find.” With that he hastily pulled his friends along the sidewalk, catching snippets of music bleeding from the clubs. When he found one that seemed to have the right vibe he dragged his friends to the front of the line. The bouncer eyed them cryptically for a moment before waving them inside.


“Dude, how’d you even do that?” Jiho squealed.


“I don’t know. I just figured it was worth the try. The worst that could happen is he could have told us to join the line, right?” Hoseok reasoned.


Sanggyun just rolled his eyes. He grabbed his friends by the hands and pulled them towards the bar. “I remember seeing this club while searching for dance battles. Let’s see if we can find anything out.” It took a bit of effort to get through the throng of people. The dance floor was crowded, bodies fluid like waves in the sea, moving to the heavy bass as it vibrated through their very souls.


Finally they made their way to the bar, Sanggyun sidling up to it as Jiho and Hoseok stood behind him, the music working it’s way through their bodies until they could no longer hold back the urge to move with it. Sanggyun noticed his two friends and smiled fondly as he waited for the bartender’s attention.


“What can I get you?” the bartender finally asked.


Sanggyun spoke carefully, enunciating his syllables to avoid any prejudices. “I heard there’s a dance battle here? How do my friends sign up?”


The bartender squinted at him. “We don’t take novices.” he began, voice ridiculing but his attention was caught by something behind Sanggyun before he could say any more. Following his gaze, he noticed that the bartender was watching his friends. “Isn’t that… is that… J-Hope?” he asked in awe.


“Like I said,” Sanggyun replied smugly, “my friends, J-Hope and Xero, are looking to dance. Can you help us or not?”


“Uh, yeah. You’re in the right place.” He slid a clipboard across the top of the bar, stars obvious in his eyes. “It’ll start in an hour. Just sign up here and you can head to the back.” Sanggyun got his friends’ attention. With all sorts of screaming and flailing he got them to sign up and then led the way to the back of the club.


In the back there was a waiting room of sorts filled with people stretching their limbs and dancing freestyle to the music bleeding in from the front of the club.


“Holy . I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.” Hoseok exclaimed. He was nervous but it was the good kind of nerves that flooded him with energy and the drive to be at his best. Jiho was at his side, stretching his muscles as he tried to keep his own nerves at bay.


“You’ll kill it, man.” Sanggyun cooed. “These people won’t even know what hit them.”


As Hoseok stretched his muscles, jumping around and breaking out a few moves to get warmed up, he heard whispers of his stage name from some of the other dancers around him. ‘Holy .’ he thought to himself. ‘How does anyone know my name?


“You hear that?” Jiho asked with a grin. “They know you.”


“Yeah, but how?” Hoseok asked, incredulous.


“Youtube?” Sanggyun suggested with a shrug. It seemed too good to be true to Hoseok.


In a combined sense of eons and mere seconds the dance battle was underway. Sanggyun had joined the crowd in front of the stage as Hoseok and Jiho walked up on the stage with the others in the club to battle it out. The energy from the crowd was electric, the fervor contagious. ‘This is my time!’ Hoseok cheered in his head. ‘Now is my time to shine!




The dance battle had been brutal but Hoseok had done more than just hold his own. He had come out on top once again as the crowd favorite. Inside he marveled at this fact. These guys he danced against were on a whole different level than the guys back home. He was so high on the thrill of the night that he didn’t even here his stage name being called from behind him at first. Once he finally did he turned to see a middle-aged man approaching him.


“J-Hope-ssi.” He called again, finally catching up to Hoseok.


Hoseok bowed quickly. “Yes?” he asked, confused as to why he was being approached in the first place.


“I’m Song Hobeom. I work for Big Hit Entertainment. Do you sing as well as dance?”


“Oh, Song-ssi!” Hoseok repeated, thrown by the gravity of the situation. “I’m Jung Hoseok.” he introduced, bowing again in respect. “I sing a little but I’m a rapper as well as a dancer.”


“A rapper, huh? Have you ever thought of auditioning with a company?”


“Yes, sir. That’s why I’ve moved to Seoul.” he explained shakily. ‘Is this conversation really happening?’ He wondered.  


“Good. I’d like to invite you to audition for Big Hit. Here’s our card with contact information. We’re having open auditions next Tuesday. So, I’ll see you there?” he asked Hoseok with one brow raised in amusement.


“Ah, yes sir!” Hoseok exclaimed, trying to keep his excitement concealed, play it cool, but failing miserably. Song Hobeom just nodded like an accord had been set in stone. Then he his heel and made his way back through the crowd.

Holy ! Wait until I tell A-Tom and Xero!’ Hoseok thought as he began searching the crowd for his friends.


A/N: Thank you for reading. Please subscribe, comment and upvote. Jungkook's story is next so I hope you're looking forward to it. <3

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