Coming Home

A Mission That's Impossible.

AISH, sometimes I worry about that kid....

We laughed and we talked, and ate food, and we played around at the playground as well, looking up at the faint stars and airplanes.
"Let's pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now~" I softly sang as I swung my legs back and forth on the swing.
"Hmm?" YoSeob asked.
I looked up at him, and almost forgot how to breathe.
He was gorgeous.
The lights- the way they hit his face- they-he-I mean, ....

My god.

Thank you God-Almighty for making such a god-like perfect human being.

"Um, hello? Are you listening? Helloooo? Jagiya?-"

"Yah..!!!!" I snapped back into reality.

"Yang Yoseob, I told you not to call me that!!" I scolded agitatedly.

"You wouldn't listen to me..." he muttered as he looked at his feet.

By now we had stopped swinging and we were sitting next to eachother on the 'couple's swing' fitted for two people.

I heard him sniffle. He rubbed his cheek with his sleeve and blinked hard a couple times.

I gently turned his head to face me to wipe a falling tear that slipped from the corner of his eye and ran down his tinted cheeks. He wouldn't look at me though. I saw the adorable pout on his lips and immediately fell for it.

He was just too good at it.

Cursed aegyo.

Aish, kyeopsa...

"Yoseob?" I quietly asked.

No answer.




I lifted his chin to face me and looked into his eyes that still held those realistic years of his act.
"I'm sorry Seob-Oppa."
I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my head into his neck.
"By the way, your acting is pretty convincing, ... but not enough to fool this girl." I lightly laughed as I could feel him smile and return my hug.
"We should go home now, it's late... And we still have to ride the bus home."
"OH CRAP, I FORGOT ABOUT THAT, AISH-" he let go of me ad he scrambled to collect his things.

I was having a laughing fit in the inside but hid it and replaced it with a half-grin as I picked up my belongings and made it look as if we had never been there. We left the  rooftop and exited the building and began walking back to the bus stop. It was around three in the morning, and a bus came at three thirty. We would have plenty of time, it was only a ten minute walk.

We jogged up to the bus stop as it began to rain. We sat down on the bench as it began to pour.

The streets were pretty empty, but soon, in only a matter or two hours they would start to fill with traffic from people heading to work, but for now the sidewalks were pretty abandoned. I rummaged through my bag to find my extra-large umbrella. I pulled it out, and put my bag back on as we waited for the next bus to arrive.

We got on the bus and sat in the back of the bus, Yoseob yawning.

"Are you tired?"

"Kind of..." he yawned again an rubbed his eyes.

"You could sleep on my lap if you want..." I offered. We were alone, so there was plenty of space for him to lay down if he wanted.

I put the neatly folded towel we had used in my lap and put our bags by my feet so he could lay down. I went back to looking out the window as the rain came down in thin, transparent sheets.

The ride was seven minutes, the driver was in no rush, deciding to take it slow as she saw that her only passengers were a young teenage couple who looked absolutely exhausted. She smiled in the mirror as the bus stopped and I woke up the lightly snoring YoSeob laying in my lap.

We got up and walked to the front of the bus to thank the driver and paid before getting off the bus and under my black umbrella.

Thank god I bought this thing, I used to walk with one of my friends all the time and it usually ended up raining, so I bought this so we wouldn't be soaked by the time we came back to our dorm.




I splashed in a shallow puddle as we walked down the darkened sidewalk.




We took a detour through a small street full of shops, and we looked through the windows as we passed by.  One shop seemed to catch YoSeob's attention though, he stopped in his tracks to look through the glass at an adorable little black and grey husky pup.
I stopped two, holding the umbrella over the two of us as the rain reduced to a light sprinkle and the sky began to lighten from its charcoal shade.
I glanced at his expression. He looked like a small child, looking into a new candy shop during Christmas. He looked at me like a child about ask his mother to buy him something. How could I resist?

"You like him, don't you?" I asked.

"Ne~ Mickeyyy~"

"Fine. Let me look at how much he costs first. You're gonna help pay for him too."


We walked inside the store, and looked in awe at the pet shop. Everything was well-lit, and loud, but what can you expect when you're here? The displays were stacked and organized, and YoSeob went straight to the display of puppies, smiling like a child. I headed over to the counter and asked the lady how much the new puppies were. Surprisingly, I had enough money to pay for a bit less than three fourths of the cost, including all the care products like shampoo, teeth-cleaning products, food, bowls, the bed, everything. I took a card from her with the store phone-number, name, and address and I registered for an account there. I was planning to add tanks to my room, one for a fish, and another one for a turtle. It would match with the ideas an plans I had for my room. If I opened an account, I would get five percent off on everything and anything I bought from here. DAEBAK~
We walked over to where YoSeob was giggling-yes, giggling- at the husky with blue eyes.


It had black tips to accent the gray fur the lined it's pure white body. She told me that he was a mix breed if two different huskies, and that he was the only one they had, the rest were different kinds of dogs. I told her me and YoSeob wanted to take him home, and that I would pay half in cash, and write a check for the rest on the spot. She smiled at us and gave the puppy to YoSeob to hold while she guided us through the shop and helped us chose what we would need, and told us the basics and important tips.
The puppy had surprisingly already been potty trained, the store's signature quality about their cats and dogs. Finally, as she pushed the items in a small cart up to the counter and scanned them, she handed me a half-filled out form for adoption along with a check for me to sign. I filled out the form and asked her if we could get a name tag made, and buy a collar. I filled out the form as YoSeob chose a collar with the puppy and filled out the check after asking her for the total cost and price. YoSeob stood by my side as we thanked her and I took the bags from her and put the dog food in my backpack. We had bought enough food for a couple of weeks, because that was the cheapest priced size bag. I smiled as I walked out of the store, and watched Yoseob fanboy over our new adorable puppy.

We walked back to the house and closed the door behind us. It was five in the morning now, around the time the boys woke up. I set the bags down and took off my shoes. I grabbed the bags once again and went upstairs. The guys had an empty room at the end of the hall, next to me and YoSeob's. They never knew what to use it for, but now it was going to be our 'baby's room'. I set the bags down in the corner of the room and took out the blockade/fencing I had bought from the store and put it up in the doorway after sliding the door into the wall. I started setting up the room as YoSeob played with the little blue-eyed husky, rolling a ball across the room and laughing as the adorable puppy pounced on it, gnawing on it with little white teeth. I slid the door away in the closet and put the food and care products on the shields in the small space. I was finished! Almost... There was a small little place in the back of the room where the wall was cut out a good two feet, and it was a small four feet tall space. In the other room there was some type of storage system behind the wall; hence the weird shape of the room's corner.  I set up a section there where he could sleep comfortably, and smoothed out the thin mattress of the dog bed. Aw yeah, Im a genius designer.

I left the room after telling YoSeob to sleep soon, and headed downstairs to fill up the water dish and grab something quick to eat. I took a granola bar from the kitchen and carried the water dish upstairs, passing a groggy Kikwang walk past me. He was shirtless-WAIT, OMO!



His abs.

....His abs.


My goodness gracious.

I set the water dish down as YoSeob was sitting against the wall, sleeping as the puppy was laying down in the new blue bed we bought. I woke up YoSeob quietly and guided him to our rooms. I helped him lay down and fixed the blankets one last time before going into my room to put my out-wear away and change into some pajamas and sleep until lunch.

I got changed and trudged to my bed, and out under my welcoming sheets.



Quick update^^^
School starts in literally a week for me, and this year I need to step up my game, so In trying to update all of my stories before papers and cursed education takes over my life. DARN JUNIOR HIGH.  OTL


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A week? That's a lie. I starts in 3 days.
Busy and hectic huh? Last time you told me about your summer you said you've been sitting at home and you went to the beach once. LOL
Air_Walker #3
Kyyyyaaahhhh!!!!!!! plz update soon okay, oh, I m so excited. My Yeobo is with Casey, a little jealous, but I am so proud of my yeobo.
*screaming at the top of my lungs* I am so excited.
haleeann #4
Oh boy. This is going to be one hell of a mission!!(:

Aha they're matching. 8D

I shall wait patiently, Casey-San.

I'm waiting.

And waiting.

And I'll just go...cry in my emo corner now. ; u ;
yay an update! :DD took you long enuff >3> (it felt like eons literally, i was staring at the link for ur fic one day wondering when you were gonna update XD) UPDATE AGAIN SOON~
awe love it ^_^
Yes Kikwang. Pikachu agrees.<br />
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YourEmoAsianGurl #9
@keumjoo LOL, thank you.
XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD OMFG XD ok my favorite part was all their povs XD XD XD and then this line too --> "Fricking bi-polar assed celebrity guy agents...." XD i love ur writing style XD YAY MORE UPDATES!!