
What hurts the most - ON HOLD


Donghae just nodded and quickly left. His mind was blank and he was scared. Really, really scared. How could he face Siwon?
Kyu sat on the now empty chair and looked at Hyuk.

„How are you?“ 

„I´m fine. Honestly. But what happened to Siwon? I asked Donghae but he didn´t answer.“

Kyu swallowed with difficulty and slowly started to explain the situation.

„He... He had inner injuries. He collapsed as soon as we got here. They took him to perform a surgery but there were some complications. He didn´t react to the sedatives or something and woke up when they were still operating. He became very agitated. I think he feels responsible for the accident. Anyway, they haven´t told us anything specific about his condition, yet. So we don´t know how serious it is.“

Both members looked at each other with worry. They didn´t want to voice their fears but their hearts were aching for Siwon. They were scared, they might loose him. 


He rushed to the operating room but once he spotted Siwon he froze on the spot. Siwon was pale and sweating and looked as if he had a fever and was hallucinating. Several nurses and doctors were trying to calm him down but he was trashing around and his eyes were completely unfocused. Leeteuk stood in the back, holding Yesung, who was trying to get closer to Siwon. 

Siwon was murmuring about how sorry he is and all the guilt Donghae tried to keep inside suddenly surfaced and he kneeled over, unable to stand anymore. One of the doctors has noticed him and came to help him. He brought him closer to Siwon and asked him to try to talk to him. 
Donghae was shaking, trying really hard to compose himself. It wasn´t time to break down, yet. He needed to help Siwon right now. So he took a deap breath and with a trembling voice spoke to Siwon. 

„Hey, it´s me Hae. Can you hear me? I am fine. Hyukkie is also okay, so you don´t need to worry, ok?“ He took his face into his hands and forced Siwon to look at him. 

„We are both fine so stop freaking out and get a grip“ He firmly said. 

At first, it looked like Siwon hasn´t acknowledged him but he blinked a few times and his eyes focused on Donghae.
„Hyung?“ Hae couldn´t stop the tears. He hugged Siwon and told him everything is going to be fine. Siwon wasn´t trashing anymore and his breathing was pretty steady so one of the nurses used the situation and injected him with a different kind of sedative. Soon, Siwon has fallen asleep again and they told the members to leave so they could finish the surgery. 

Donghae didn´t stay in the waiting room with others. He couldn´t. He was feeling too guilty. How could he be so naive as to believe, that Siwon was okay? He was sitting on the same side of the car as Hyukkie! Plus they were all so tired, why didn´t he also pay more attention to the road? He knew, that Siwon was exhausted after the long day and yet, he let him drive. He could have talked to him or something, but nooo. He was too focused on himself and his own problems. Would this still happen if he would let Eunhyuk take the front seat? He was sure, Hyukkie would have been more careful. He would have been keeping an eye on the road as well as Siwon. And if the accident would still happen, which Donghae currently didn´t believe, at least Hyukkie would be alright. How come he was the only one, that wasn´t injured at all? 

He somehow found himself in front of the Eunhyuk´s room. He wanted to come in, but did he have a right to do that? It was his fault, that Hyukkie was in the hospital. What if he blamed him? And what was he gonna tell him about Siwon? So many thoughts, so many emotions. His mind was in chaos. He needed to see him, though. He might have been selfish but he was too tired, too scared and too exhausted. He had to be with Hyukkie.
So he opened the door and came in. Eunhyuk was sleeping again and Kyu was sitting in the chair beside him.
„He fall asleep soon after you left.“ Donghae nodded and explained what happened in the operation room. He told Kyu, that the others were in the waiting room and he could go to them since he was gonna stay with Hyuk, now. Kyu did just that.

Donghae sat on the same chair and sighed. He bended so his head would be next to Hyukkie. It was an awkward postion but his head hurt and he needed the physical contact. He cried himself to sleep. 



To be continued

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410 streak #1
Chapter 9: no matter what, I'll be here, waiting u_____u
410 streak #2
Chapter 9: Where is the next chapter button? (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

Oh, it's onhold? Do you have any plan to write this story again? I want to know the rest (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Chapter 9: Omg!! This sound so real... seeing them like this making me hurt... I hope everything will be fine... please update this again....
Chapter 9: Missing this story.
patiently awaits!

Hope things are going well for you, author. (dionka)
Come back soon.
ChocolateChipz #5
Chapter 9: update ASAP, please?? really love this story XD
andhee407 #6
Chapter 9: author.niiimmmm.....
upadate update update please...???
#pupy eyes
.please, its an interesting story, complicated love, aahhh....i need more,
.update please, please please pleaaassee....

.#kicked puppy eyes in the middle of storming rain...
Wasurenagusa #7
Chapter 9: Drama, drama, drama. It's sparking here and there :p I like this story very much. And I'll wait for the next update ^_^!!!
Chapter 9: This is a good story and people reading need to comment more!
Chapter 9: Yaay, update!

Nooo, they can't be angry with Hannie. He did what was best for his health at the time, and can't be blame for that. Good for Eunhyuk for being supportive there.

Now, I'm a bit upset that Hannie couldn't stay and hold his Rella's hands instead of holding Siwon's. Need more HanChul!

Good update. More longer chapter next time, please!

Thanks for updating. Happy Easter!
Chapter 1: New reader here!

Is HANCHUL All The Waaayyy!!! They LOVE each other, and deserve to be together!

I just saw this story, been greedy and read all seven chapters already. Now I have to wait for an update!

fantastic story! Please, update soon!