Chapter V

One Day One Chance

Somehow, Changmin haven’t come home yet.

Yunho haven’t stopped wandering aimlessly around his apartment room now.

Yunho had to admit it, he was worried.

Today is Yunho day off, so he spent it by cleaning the apartment, a bit. Because, apparently, according to Changmin, when Yunho did something, he actually just ended up messing it up.

Or when Changmin said it, he’ll say, “Just a little bit more need to be finished”. When actually Changmin re-did the chore that Yunho had been doing the whole day.

So, that aside, Changmin should have been home by now and... actually considering the hour, he should have also done his portion of daily chores.

But, Changmin still nowhere to be seen.

Yunho tried to shake off from the thought that he has been worried about Changmin, particularly because he needed Changmin to do his responsibility at their shared apartment.

But, also because considering that it’s actually late enough. Plus the fact that now it’s currently raining cats and dogs.

Yunho stare worriedly toward the heavy rain outside the window.

That cute kid Changmin, didn’t answered his phone.

The cute Changmin also, had been very kindly rejecting Yunho kind offer to pick him up at his school.

Changmin couldn’t get away from Yunho’s driving every morning, which according to Changmin is the only thing Yunho is best at. But, the fact that Yunho also mostly come home later (or either they are both on their day off), Changmin had never wanted a pick-up.

Yunho pressed the call button next to Changmin’s contact on his phone, again. This scrawny kid better answer now, or else Yunho will really rage off and called Changmin’s mother, reporting him to be problematic.

Yunho almost decided for, that’s it, he going to called Changmin’s mother, when Changmin finally answered on the last dial tone.

“Hello?” said the high-pitched voice across.

“CHANGMIN! OH MY GODNESS I ALMOST CALLED YOUR MOTHER AND TELL HER THAT HER SON HAD BEEN MAKING TROUBLE. JUST WHERE THE ACTUAL GOD YOU ARE RIGHT NOW?” Yunho said, couldn’t lie but to actually show his worriedness toward the-long-gone Changmin.

A cackling sound could be heard from across. Followed by that, was a huge sneeze.

That sneezing voice sounded louder than Yunho thought, though?

“Yunho, open the apartment door,” Changmin said while giggling.

Yunho quickly stood up and half running toward the apartment door.

As soon as he opened the door, an innocent huge smiling face with wide sparkly eyes can be seen.

Plus, Changmin was soaking wet.

“CHANGMIN!” shouted Yunho. Yunho quickly rushed back inside toward their bedroom.

Changmin sneeze could be heard again while Yunho quickly took several random dry towels he found at the bathroom.

When Yunho arrived at his apartment front door again, Changmin was currently opening his wet shoes and socks.

“Yunho,” Changmin greeted with a thin smile, “Sorry to make you worry. The rain was very hard that I couldn’t hear the phone ringtone,” Changmin said with an apologetic smile.

Yunho shook his head. He quickly scrubbed Changmin’s wet hair, leaving the towel on Changmin’s head, then quickly getting into Changmin’s clothes. ing every button and stripping Changmin off from his clothes.

A huge grin suddenly painted on Changmin’s face, followed by another sneeze.

Yunho glared toward Changmin as he done stripping Changmin off and working on wrapping Changmin’s body with the towel, “What’s with that smile?” snarled Yunho.

“Well, usually, on movies, if you stripped someone clothes off, it means y time is coming...” Changmin said teasingly. Still smiling widely.

Yunho almost slapped Changmin at that, “Kid, listen. First, it’s late already. Second, you didn’t answer my call. Third, YOU already have a promise, a responsibility within this apartment. And YOU haven’t got that job done!” Yunho said angrily.

Though Yunho seemed to be angry, he still carefully drying Changmin with the towel.

Even though Changmin smiled apologetically, somehow his words after, said differently, “You sounds like my mom...” Changmin said.

Yunho could only glared again. One week living with Changmin and he realized that Changmin’s word could be very dangerous.

Changmin didn’t say the word straightforwardly, but the fact the he did that, that’s become more dangerous.

Yunho probably won’t even catch it, of when Changmin is serious or he just being snarky.

Yunho dragged Changmin to the sofa on the living room. He let him sit down there, while he went toward the kitchen counter.

“So, even though you are annoying and won’t admit your fault, I’ll brew a tea for you and have cooked a cream soup. NO! DON’T WORRY! I know I’m at cooking, but a cup of tea will never be wrong and the cream soup is the instant one!” Yunho said quickly when Changmin about to interrupting.

Changmin smiled again. Changmin finally decided to let off his worried thought and relaxed on  Yunho’s sofa. Changmin sneezed again, his head feel a bit dizzy now when he sneeze.

“Sorry, Yunho. It rain suddenly and my umbrella broke midway home because... it’s storming hard, actually it’s not even rain. I tried to wait until the rain stopped, but, it never stopped. I couldn’t hear my phone ringing through the chaos. I was very worried of the chores that I haven’t done... so, finally I decided to just cut through the rain...” explained Changmin. Somehow, his voice sounds hoarse.

Yunho sighed. He actually kinda expected that was what happened.

He actually very worried of Changmin.

Yunho kinda wanted to snapped at him and told him of never rejecting his picking up offer again.

But then again, Yunho should have actually just took the initiative to pick up Changmin once it rained. Instead, Yunho spent his time keep wondering if he should go pick up Changmin or not, whatsoever, now Changmin came home soaking wet.

And it kinda Yunho’s fault too.

The cream soup and the water finally boiled. Yunho poured the cream soup on the bowl and proceeded to making the tea.

Yunho took both dish to the living room, where Changmin could be seen laying down with eyes closed.

“Changmin?” Yunho called, he softly reaching up Changmin’s temple with his palm. Yunho could feeling Changmin’s warming skin. Yunho sighed and softly caressing Changmin’s eyebrows with his thumb.

Changmin opened his eyes slowly, he then smiled toward Yunho. “Mmmhh... I can smell the dish...” he said hoarsely.

Changmin try to wake up, but kinda failed. Changmin’s head feel very heavy that he kinda not wanted leaving the sofa. Yunho carefully helped Changmin.

“Eat first, then sleep,” whispered Yunho.

Yunho grabbed the warm tea mug, helping Changmin who kinda struggling as he trying to hold it. Changmin wrapped his hand to the tea mug, feeling the warmth crawling through his skin.

Yunho helped Changmin raising the mug as Changmin took a sip.

“Hmmm...” Changmin sighed in relief as the hot tea trickling through his throat, “This is good... Yunho. Thank you...” whispered Changmin.

“See, a cup of tea won’t ever fail,” boasted Yunho. Caused Changmin to giggled.

Yunho then took the cream soup bowl. Changmin slightly peeked on it, checking if it’s actually well cooked or just another Yunho’s... mess.

It seems to be well though.

“Oh, come on Changmin. I have told you this is instant thing, right? Just like noodle, you can’t ever cook noodle wrong,” said Yunho as he saw Changmin checking on the food.

Changmin giggled again, “I was just making sure if it’ll actually heal me or get me even more sick,” Changmin said jokingly.

Yunho frowned, but he scooped a spoon of cream soup to Changmin anyway.

Changmin was sipping it slowly.

“Hmmm...” sighed Changmin while munching, “This is good, Yunho. Thank you for taking care of me...” Changmin said while slightly bowing. Sneezed again while at that.

Yunho quickly pulled the bowl, “Don’t sneeze to the bowl, you kid,” Yunho said worriedly.

Changmin only grinned at that.

Changmin finally finished his dishes. He laid again toward the sofa back. His eyes squeezed as he feeling the pain on his head.

“You better just go to sleep already. Tomorrow is Saturday, anyway. Forget the chore, I’ll just take care of it,” Yunho said softly. He again, softly caressing Changmin’s eyebrows with his thumb. Wishing that it’ll help reducing the pain away.

Changmin only smiled slightly. Yunho had changed his clothes earlier with a warmer one, but he still feel cold. Changmin was already wrapped in blanket too, so he tightened the blanket around him.

Yunho feels very guilty as he watched Changmin. If only Yunho stopped thinking or “what if”-ing and actually get on his feet to picked Changmin up instead, Changmin wouldn’t be sick.

Now, not only the -at-everything-but-driving Yunho has to take care of Changmin, but also the fact that lots of work will be delayed. Especially Changmin’s portion of work.

The sneezing voice has finally stopped, changed with a light coughing and sniffing. As Yunho watched Changmin with pity looks, he softly moved his hand toward Changmin’s hair. Slowly caressing it.

“Do you need anything to make you feel better, Changmin?” asked Yunho.

Changmin shook his head, “Nope, it’s alright,” Changmin answered. Even though his condition must be far from fine.

Yunho frowned, “You’re not alright,” stated Yunho.

“Let’s move to the bed... shall we?” asked Yunho.

Yunho get ready to stand up and helped Changmin, but Changmin quickly stopped him.

“I... I actually need something...” said Changmin, his hand raised toward Yunho’s shirt, clenching it. His then squeaky voice was already turned heavy and hoarse.

Yunho stopped, he get back to his seat, “Yes? What is it? You can ask anything, you know?” Yunho said immediately. Only to regret it soon as Yunho remembering that he actually can’t do anything that well, “I’ll try the best that I could...” added Yunho hesitantly.

Changmin’s long fingers still clenching Yunho’s shirt hardly. With all the power left on him, Changmin weakly pulled Yunho’s toward him.

“Yunho... please... if it’s not inconvenience...” Changmin took a deep breath, “Please... hug me...” Changmin said.

Yunho froze. He stared toward Changmin.

Sometimes, Changmin’s asked him to do unexpected thing. Like last week, Changmin asked him to hold his hands while he slept. Several days after that, Changmin also asked Yunho to caressed his hair while he slept, too.

Actually it’s not that it’s weird... it’s just... unexpected.

And Yunho...

Yunho actually enjoyed doing that.

Yunho couldn’t remember when, but it seems that his heart has softly fallen toward the annoyingly-cute Changmin.

Changmin’s snark, his jokes, and his grin is now Yunho’s part of life.

Whenever Changmin wasn’t around or when Yunho wasn’t at home with Changmin, Yunho found himself... missing Changmin presence.

And they only know each other for a week!

Yunho had never know that it is so good to have a loving brother...


Yunho heart beats faster.

Did Yunho really consider Changmin as brother?

For a while, Yunho tried to shake off that thought.

Yunho still able to feel Changmin’s weak hand pulled him.

Yunho finally reached Changmin, taking Changmin to his embrace, as Changmin weak body snuggling his head into Yunho’s wide chest.

Yunho slowly began caressing Changmin’s hair again.

“Ssh... shh... just rest well, Changmin. If you fell asleep, I’ll carry you to your bed,” whispered Yunho softly.

Changmin nodded slightly. Changmin tightened his hugs onto Yunho, Yunho accepted it as he embraced him more, softly.

For a while, there was only sounds of heavy rain.

Ticking clock as night get deeper.

... and finally a soft sobbing could be heard.

Yunho looked toward Changmin, “Changmin?” he asked.

Changmin didn’t answer of course.

There were only more sobbing could be heard.

Yunho hugged Changmin again, “It’s okay... just cry as hard as you want...” whispered Yunho.

This... wasn’t the first time Changmin cried.

Yunho swore that at night, whenever Changmin asked him to do the unexpected things, Changmin will usually started crying.

Yunho actually thought that it was because of him. Because he did something wrong.

But whenever Yunho asked Changmin the next morning, Changmin would only laughed it off and told Yunho that he was very pleasured that Yunho would actually hold his hands while sleeping. So, the cry was a cry of happiness, probably, Changmin could never remember, or so he said as he looked away.

Changmin’s tears started to soaked Yunho’s shirt. However, this only make Yunho embraced him even more. Yunho took the handkerchief he brought for Changmin earlier and offered it to Changmin.

Changmin took it and softly wiped his runny nose. Yunho helped him wiping the tears that strolling down his cheeks.

Changmin sighed and mumbled something. Yunho couldn’t hear it well, but it sounded like “Thank you, Yunho”.

Yunho softly pecked the-cute-kid’s head, “Come on, Changmin. It’s time to sleep...” Yunho said. He proceeded to stand up and then carried the thin Changmin.

Changmin was, indeed, very light.

Though Yunho can tell that his cheeks had become much chubbier, thanks to the meats from Changmin’s mom. Changmin had been eating well this last week even though they’re living at apartment.

Yunho carefully carried Changmin to his bed. Changmin still burying his head on Yunho’s chest.

Yunho then put Changmin softly on his bed, make sure that Changmin’s blanket wrapping him well, then patting Changmin’s head again.

Changmin coughed a bit again. He quickly covered his mouth with his handkerchief. Yunho touched Changmin’s forehead. It seems that his temperature has raised, again.

Yunho sighed. He softly whispered toward Changmin, “if you need anything, just call me, okay?” Yunho said.

Tears still running down from Changmin’s eyes. Yunho wiped it with his thumb, softly.

It seems that tonight will be a long one.

Yunho stared toward Changmin who has become paler and sadder. His cheerful-pink-lips has turned slightly white. A pang of pity-ness could be felt on Yunho’s heart. The cheerful Changmin is now a sad-normal-feverish-sick teenager. And all Yunho could did was... cooking instant food and giving him a hug.

Changmin pulled Yunho’s hands, guiding it toward his hip so Yunho would hug him again.

Yunho smiled. He couldn’t help it... but letting the kid pouring his sentimentalness toward Yunho.

As Yunho couldn’t help as his hearts has softened toward Changmin.

So, Yunho raised his body, toward Changmin’s head. His lips hovering softly an inch toward Changmin’s forehead.

Then he gently brushed his lips on Changmin’s temple.

Yunho make sure that it wasn’t a short peck, but kind of a long and gentle touch.

When Yunho finally break up the touch, he softly whispered, “Good night... my dear brother, Changmin...”

Then all Yunho remembered was that he continued caressing Changmin while hugging him on his sleep as Yunho sat beside Changmin’s lower bed. When Yunho wake up, he found himself fell asleep, probably as he did all that things toward Changmin.

And Changmin’s temperature feels to be slightly lowered down.

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Chapter 11: Yunho's life is more colorful n cheerful with changmin XD
They have a good time in that kitchen XD
Chapter 11: Thank you for the bonus chapter. Lovely story.
Bigeast88 #3
Chapter 11: I'm happy u made the bonus chap!! Thanks~~ (*´▽`*)
Bigeast88 #4
Chapter 11: Kekekekekek these two...
If yunho is a ert, their kitchen activity might be turn into 'other' activity ( /// ´ิϖ´ิ/// )
Chapter 11: Wkwkwkw he will burn the kitchen by himself :v

Ngakak pas bagian si changmin bilang after you do me XD ngajak ribut aja ih wkwkw

Aaahh makasih buat bonusannya, manis banget kaya changmin yang manisnya melebihi gula dan madu <3 kekeke
Chapter 10: Wow it's really such a surprised n deja vu but with the happier XD
Finally yunho n changmin are getting together XD
I hope next time yunho will buy rings for changmin n himself
Kekekekekeke XD

Hope other homin ffs from u XD
Bigeast88 #7
Chapter 10: OMG OMG LOVE IT!! LOVE IT!! BEAUTIFUL STORY!! thanks for making this ff~~ (≧▽≦)(//∇//)
Chapter 10: Ahhhh. It's over. I'm so happy that they are roommates gain and maybe more. CM is soooo cute in this. Thank you for sharing this lovely HoMin fic. I hope to read more from you. ❤️❤️
Chapter 10: Haaaaaaaa it's really niceeeeee*flying*

Ciuman terus aaaahhh bikin melelehh, apalagi disaat yunho datang dan jadi room mate changmin lagi, terus changmin digendongan yunho bagi2 ciuman*nosebleed *,*

Sesuai harapan banget lho yuni, duh berasa kaya harapan aku terkabul hehehe

Aku kira changmin ga bakal datang, eh ternyata dia datang disaat udh selesai, pake teriak2 segala lagi kaya yang udah bertahun2 ga ketemu :v

Oh omoomo couple bracelet? Aahh mereka satu hatiiiii>//<

Eeuunggh pokoknya the best lah! Aku suka banget^^
Berharap dichap selanjutnya kata Cinta changmin bakal dibalas Yunho juga ^^

Good job yuni!!
bonamama0201 #10
Chapter 9: This chapter really make me cry a river.. Changmin confession is so saaad.. And I thought after the kiss yunho will change his mind and take changmin again as roomates..
TT __TT Please make them roomates again :(