You and Kikwang

A time for love...Christmas Special!

This is You and Kikwang from my story 'In your Atmosphere' :D Here's the link to that story if you haven't ready yet :L


You had finished eating Christmas lunch with your aunt and the both you looked at each other.

“How’s the new production going?” your aunt asked you.

You shrugged. “Its okay, it’s a little tiring but nothing I’m not used to.”

Your aunt clicked her tongue. “You shouldn’t overwork yourself. How’s school?”

Since you had returned to the Company, you’d earned enough money to attend Anyang High School of Arts. You travelled by the subway everyday but still lived in West Seoul with your aunt. She refused to allow you to buy her a new flat.

“It’s good. It’s so much more different from Seoul High but I like it that way, not everyone I meet is a or a bastard.”

“~~~~~~! Language!” your aunt scolded you but she was smiling. “So what time are you seeing the boys tonight?”

“I think I’m seeing B2ST oppa’s at around 6 this evening. Did you like your present?”

Your aunt looked down at her new watch. “I love it, but you shouldn’t spoil me with such nice things.”

You stood up. “You’re my auntie, of course I should. Thank you for lunch, I’ll be in my room.”

You were sitting in your room at your aunt’s house, expertly wrapping presents. Since you were seeing B2ST later on Christmas day, you’d all decided to exchange presents on the day.

Your aunt poked her head into your room.

“~~~~~~, someone’s at the door for you.”

You looked up. “Who is it?”

*It can’t be Yumi. I saw her yesterday and she said she was busy today so I’d see her tomorrow instead.”


“Just Yoseob?” you asked.

Your aunt nodded. “He said if you don’t let him in, he’ll die so you won’t see his beautiful face anymore.”

You couldn’t help but laugh. “Tell him to come in. We don’t want anyone dying, besides, I’ve just finished wrapping his present anyway.”

10 seconds later someone bounded into your room like an excited dog and tackled you.

“Baby!” Yoseob cried and hugged you tight. “I haven’t seen you in years!”

You were choking due to his tight hug. “Oppa, you saw me yesterday!”

He waved it away. “Details.”

You rolled your eyes. “How comes you’re here an hour early? Where are the other oppa’s? Kikwang oppa?”

 “You ask too many questions. Now, close your eyes.”

You narrowed your eyes warily but you closed them, you hoped he wouldn’t do anything y like rifle through your underwear drawer.

However, you felt a soft package land in your waiting hands.

“Okay, open them.”

You saw that there was a big box and a small envelope. “What is it?”

“Ah, you’ll have to open it first, won’t you,” he sang playfully.

You giggled and carefully tore the paper. You gasped as you stared at a brand new pair of expensive pointe shoes. You carefully opened the box and held the satin shoes to your chest.


“Me and the guys know your new show is coming up, so we all pitched in and bought you this. I hope you like it, Dongwoon picked out the colour,” Yoseob said and then rubbed his neck in embarrassment. “Sorry we only bought you one present between us. We didn’t have too much money and-…”

You hugged him tightly. “Oppa, I love it! This is one of the best presents anyone could have given me. Thank you so much!”

Yoseob smiled gleefully. “No problem. Now, open the envelope.”

You nodded and gave him his present, you smiled when he threw a ‘happy’ fit at his new Levi’s jean jacket and you read the envelope.

Go this addressit read and gave an address.

You frowned. “What is this?”

Yoseob winked. “A little treat for our dongsaeng. Now you better get going, I’m not supposed to help you but a little advice…take the 99 bus. It’ll get you there faster.”

You laughed and got ready then you left with Yoseob, he walked you to the bus stop. You got on the bus and went to the address. When you got to the address you found Dongwoon waiting with Doojoon.

“Oppa’s!” you squealed and gave them a hug. “Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas. How are you?” Doojoon asked.

“Did you like your present?!” Dongwoon asked excitedly. You beamed.

“I loved it. Here’s your present.”

They both ‘ooed’ and ‘ahhed’ at their Calvin Klein cologne and chocolates.

“Thank you ~~~~~~! These are amazing!”

You laughed as they hugged you. “You’re welcome. Now, what’s with sending me to this address?”

They gave each other smirks and then handed you another envelope. You opened it and it told you to go to another address.

“Aish, but this is in East Seoul!” you whined.

Doojoon nodded. “Exactly, which is why you have this.”

Dongwoon waved his arms and you saw a black limo rolling towards you, it parked and Yumi, Junhyung and Hyunseung all popped their heads out of the window.

“Yah! Come over here!” Yumi yelled. You stared at them in disbelief.

“I thought you were busy!” you cried as you ran over and opened the door to the limo. “Bye oppa’s, I’ll see you later!”

You got in and said hello to Junhyung and Hyunseung and handed them their presents.

“Wow!” “Thanks ~~~~~~, this is great!”

You’d bought them shoes and another box of chocolates.

“Oppa, what’s going on?” you asked Junhyung. “Why am I on some sort of hunt? Where’s Kikwang oppa?”

Junhyung just winked at you and Yumi and Hyunseung exchanged knowing smiles.

“Aish, I hate this!”

Yumi rolled her eyes. “You love it.”

The limo crossed a non-visible but visible barrier between East Seoul and West Seoul, the buildings grew taller and more extravagant. There were more flashy cars on the road and you couldn’t help but squeal at a poster of you in your latest show.

“I can’t believe they made the poster’s that big, it’s so embarrassing,” you said into yours hands.

“I remember when you used to complain that they were too small,” Yumi teased.

“Is that a spot I see on your nose?” Hyunseung teased. You hit his knee.

“Oppa!” you cried. The group laughed and you enjoyed your ride with them. The limo came to a halt outside the entrance to Seoul’s garden park.

“And this is where we leave you,” Junhyung said in a sombre tone. Yumi slapped her boyfriend.

“You make it sound like she’s going to dive into the pits of hell or something.”

Hyunseung ignored them. “Have fun and stay safe!”

You giggled and waved goodbye then got out of the car. You hoisted your bag further on your shoulder and you carried the last present in your hands. You strolled down the familiar park and searched for a familiar face.

Suddenly, you felt arms encase around you from behind. You recognised the scent and fell back into Kikwang’s solid form.

“Hey oppa.”

You felt him sigh and kiss your hair, you loved it when he did that. You swivelled so you could face him. He was grinning down at you, you loved it when he smiled.

“Hey baby. How was Christmas with your aunt?”

“It was good. She saved you some food, the oppa’s seemed to like their presents and I loved the present you all gave me!” you kissed him and he lifted you up then set you down. “Thank you!”

Kikwang rested his forehead against yours. “By the way, you’re here earlier than I expected.”

“That’s because Yoseob told me to get a faster bus, speaking of which, why are we here in East Seoul and not in West Seoul with the other oppa’s?”

Kikwang took your hand and led you down the path.

“I wanted to spend Christmas day alone with you, the others understood. They knew that I wanted to spend this special day with you.”

Your heart was beating fast as you came to a pitch black clearing.

Kikwang cleared his throat. “Okay, she’s here now.”

You were about to ask who he was talking to but then bright lights lit the clearing. You gasped in amazed shock at the flower canopy that was lit with hundreds of Christmas lights. A guitarist and violinist was sitting in a far corner and they began to play soft, romantic music.

You turned to face Kikwang. “Oppa…”

He smiled and pulled you close to him. “Merry Christmas, baby.”

He dragged you to the centre of the canopy and he gently set your things down on the ground and then he began to twirl you around.

The two of you were graceful as you expertly began a dance, Kikwang’s moves were fluid as he twirled you and pulled you in. You skilfully twisted and dipped your body then snapped back up and met face to face with Kikwang, your heavy breaths mingled with his.

Your lips were so close but then he pulled back and began to dance again. You couldn’t help but pout a little.

*Such a tease.*

“Oppa, isn’t this really expensive?” you asked timidly. “You didn’t have to do this, we could have just-…”

Kikwang put a finger to your lips. “I wanted to do this because I love you with all my heart, and don’t worry about this. I’ve been saving and because it’s for you, it’s worth it.”

You sighed happily and circled your arms around his neck. “I love you so much, oppa.”

Kikwang kissed you, sweet at first but then your mouth opened and his tongue swirled around yours. You went on tiptoes as you moaned into the kiss and he pressed his body against yours.

This moment was perfect. He was perfect.

The two of you pulled away and you gave him one last peck before you twisted out of his grasp and went to retrieve his Christmas present. You went back to him and held out his gift.

“Merry Christmas oppa.”

Kikwang opened his present and he stared at it with an intense gaze. You felt nervous at his long silence.

“I know it’s a big step and I shouldn’t be asking this because I’m the girl, but auntie said it was a good idea and she helped too,” you rambled. “I have my key and it’s completely okay if you don’t want to live with me, but it’s an apartment in West Seoul and-…”

Kikwang lifted you up and placed a heated kiss on your lips that it took your breath away. When he pulled away his euphoric expression made you smile.

“Of course I’ll live with you! I just can’t believe you beat me to that question.”

You laughed as he set your feet back on the ground. “I’m not your normal girl.”

Kikwang nodded. “No, you’re not. Now, ready for your present?”

You frowned. “Weren’t the pointe shoes from you too?”

He shook his head. “No, they were from the hyung’s and Dongwoon,” he reached into his jacket pocket and took out a box. “This, is your Christmas present, from me.”

You took the box with shaking hands and slowly opened it. Inside were two white gold couple rings, the design was beautiful. The rings had a part celtic design and then it went around like a typical ring band.

You took one ring and stared at it carefully. You realised that the rings had ‘forever’ engraved in them.

Tears began to form in your eyes. “Oppa…”

You hugged him tightly. “I love it, thank you!”

Kikwang laughed. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, oppa.”

You slipped the ring on his finger and he eased your ring onto yours. You stared at the couple rings with love and wonder.

*Thank you Kikwang oppa, for giving me the best Christmas.*


Aw, isn't he a cutie? :P I hope you enjoyed :D Let me know what you thought. The other stories are coming soon! Please subscribe! Love you all, merry christmas!


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Chapter 4: I like it
teddiebears #2
popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
Chapter 1: I think this one is my favorite! I find it so cute and hilarious at the same time.
Chapter 3: This is too cute!!! This was such a pretty one-shot!! I love your writing! :D :)
Chapter 6: Omo! This is so cute!! Love it!
Ah I want a story about them :3 they're adorable!!
GACK!! I forgot to subscribe!! How foolish of me. Sanghee and Jungmin's relationship is so cute. Who just blurts out "I LOVE YOU"?? HAHAHAHA no for two weeks.
I love chappie 3 and 6 the most!:)
ahha, no! I meant that the library didn't have other people, the books were still there :L
Hold on a minute. When you say "the library was empty" did you mean NO BOOKS?! Sorry, cant even comprehend the thought. Letsee, gd and hanbi were cute, nice to see she taught him heart, need to go read in your atmosphere before reading the kikwang one, argh i havent finished midnight but its cute theyre trying so hard, wow proposal on xmas? Location trumps day, but it's adorable. Seohyun and jinwoon make the sweetest couple!
read chap 6!! ahh!! i always love it when jae's freak out as he grew so protectively oh fis daughter.. ever since in World's collide!!! good job author!! me likey! ;) can imagine jae's so gonna be like dat when he has daughther.. and jungmin and sanghee is so adorable together!!! <3