You and Jaejoong

A time for love...Christmas Special!

Hey, sorry for updating so late! My internet was down but it's back :D Here is a You and Jaejoong Christmas one shot! This one shot takes place a YEAR after World's Collide. You and Jaejoong from Captured and World's Collide. If you haven't read them, go and check them out!

For now, here is the special ;) Enjoy!


You heard something downstairs and your eyes fluttered open, you sleepily looked to your bedside table.

“Ugh,” you groaned as you read the time. It was 11:10 in the evening and you stretched out your hand to the left side of the bed. “Jaejoong oppa?”

But he wasn’t there you sat up and searched your entire room. You got up and went out into the hall and went to check in SangHee’s bedroom, you opened the door and peered inside. Her small head was poking out as her bright purple nightlight lit the room.

You saw her Christmas stocking at the end of her bed. You smiled at the thought of her being excited that ‘Santa Claus’ had left it for her.

*SangHee’s still here, maybe Jaejoong oppa’s downstairs?*

You slowly climbed down the stairs and checked the rooms downstairs, you left the kitchen for last. You finally found Jaejoong perched on a stool with a bowl of Coco Pops in front of him.

He looked at you and smiled. “Oh, hey baby.”

You rubbed your eyes and went to sit on his lap. “What are you doing up?”

Jaejoong fed you a bite of his cereal. “I couldn’t sleep. Xiah snores so ing loudly, how does Ki Nam put up with it?!”

You laughed. All of DBSK and Ki Nam had stayed over the night for Christmas Eve.

You’d all watched films and played games, Jaejoong had decided that everyone should go to bed early so that they would be up early for Christmas day. You, Yunho and SangHee helped put out milk and cookies for Santa.

“How are you though?” Jaejoong asked and kissed your shoulder. “Did I wake you?”

You shook your head and buried it in his neck. “Nope.

“I’ve put SangHee’s stocking up in her room already,” Jaejoong told you.

“I know, I saw.”

“Do you think she knows that Santa’s not real?” Jaejoong asked. You gave him a droll stare.

“Oppa, she’s 6 years old! Of course she won’t, unless you or Xiah oppa told her!”

It had been a full year and half since Geun Suk’s and Rain’s death, the pain of your friend’s death was slowly easing away. Much has changed since the last year, you and SangHee had moved out of your apartment and into a large town house with Jaejoong.

HaeJin had you promoted into second in command under him, your father and Mi Sook had decided to leave Seoul city and live in the little village they had to hide in whilst Rain was loose. They still visited you, SangHee and Jaejoong however.

Jaejoong gave you a look. “Are you sure? She is my daughter, she’ll have my brains.”

You laughed sarcastically. “Oh please, if anything SangHee having your brains is a bad thing. She’d get her intelligence from me.”

Jaejoong gasped and then attacked you with a raspberry on your cheek. “Low blow sweetheart, low blow!”

You whined and wiped your cheek but you didn’t mind, you’d missed these moments. It was as if you were back to being that young girl who’d fallen hopelessly in love with Korea’s most dangerous gangster, only now…you were a grown woman who’s completely head over heels for Korea’s former most dangerous gangster.

You silently continued to sit on Jaejoong’s lap, your fingers grazed his jaw as he chewed. The movement strangely sending thrills up and down your body. The guy was too sinfully y!

Jaejoong was having a hard time not pouncing on you, your flimsy silk and lace nightgown didn’t help cease his desire to have his way with you right there and then.

Jaejoong finished his cereal and stood up. “Want to go out for a walk?”

He pulled you and you wrapped your arms around him. “Where on earth will we go?! It’s almost midnight, everything would be shut apart from the clubs and pubs. Besides, we have SangHee.”

Jaejoong kissed your cheek. “DBSK are here, they’ll look after her. Besides, it’s only a short walk. Nothing extravagant.”

You pursed your lips and then nodded. “Okay, let me go and get ready.”

You rushed upstairs as quietly as you could, you put jeans on under your nightgown and had tucked that into your jeans. You put on a large Parka coat and a large blue knit scarf around your necks and Wellington boots.

You went back down, Jaejoong was already standing by the front door in his chequered pyjama bottoms and his black leather jacket zipped up with a black hat over his head. He wore his thick black timberland boots and he looked and smiled.

You frowned. “What?”

Jaejoong shook his head and pulled you to him. “You just look so cute,” he said softly and he kissed you.

Both of your hearts skipped a beat. You both left the house quietly and took a stroll down the neighbourhood street.

“Do you remember the first time we kissed?” Jaejoong asked you in a gentle voice, the two of you were crossing an arched bridge that crossed the Han River.

You shyly nodded. “I do, we were checking out Ki Nam’s and Han Bi’s wedding venue and the person thought we were the couple who was getting married.”

You had stopped and leant your arms on the bridge and stared out into the distance. Christmas lights decorated the trees around; though it was late the city was still lit up brightly. It was beautiful.

Jaejoong put his arms behind you and rested his chin on your shoulder; you could tell he had to bend down slightly to do so.

“Do you remember the fake vows I said to you?” Jaejoong asked.

You swallowed and squeaked, “Yes,” as your answer. You couldn’t understand why he was bringing this up but it was causing old memories to resurface. It was almost surreal to even think about that life with Jaejoong, the gangster Hero rather than the Kim Jaejoong standing right behind you.

You couldn’t believe how much he’d changed; it made you want to cry because you knew how hard it must have been for him to leave that way of life.

You felt Jaejoong’s lips by your ear. “~~~~~~~…”

You could feel his stare burning into the back of your head but for some odd reason you were scared, you couldn’t make your body turn to look back so you stayed as still as a statue, even making sure your breathing wasn’t too loud.

You felt Jaejoong chuckle. “Close your eyes baby.”

You did as you were told, you felt him move behind you. You couldn’t even begin to guess what this was about. You counted the seconds in your head as they went by.

“Okay,” he whispered lovingly. “Open them.”

Slowly and carefully, you opened your eyes.

“Oh, Oppa…” you breathed out as you stared at the beautiful platinum princess cut diamond engagement ring sitting in its white velvet box. You couldn’t formulate a coherent sentence, you were too shocked. Too awestruck.

*Is he…*

Jaejoong gently turned you around to face him and when he tilted your head so you were looking up, he went down on one knee.

“~~~~~~~~, when you left…”

You winced slightly but kept your features calm.

“I was broken,” he continued. “I was angry at you for leaving but I was angry at myself more for letting you go so easily. I was a complete and utter mess, I would sit there and think that I should have held you close all the time, I should have kissed you more, I should have said I love you every day.”

Jaejoong gave you a loving smile. “And I should have asked you to marry me. This year, I only want one Christmas present from you. Park ~~~~~~, will you marry me?”

You wiped your tears and nodded. “Yes!”

You grabbed his wrists, pulled him up and planted a fiery kiss on his lips. Jaejoong picked you up and spun you around, his tongue gliding smoothly over yours.

He pulled away and slipped the ring onto your finger. He kissed your hand and then threw his head back and let out a cry as if he’d just won the best prize.

“I love you oppa,” you said as you reached up to kiss him with all the love you held for him.

Jaejoong happily kissed you back at your answer to his proposal. *Thank you ~~~~~~~, for making my Christmas.*


So this is how you became Jae's wife in the Epilogue of World's Collide ;) Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think! Subscribe and I'll love you for it! I hope you all had a good Christmas yesterday :D

love you all!

noddylacey xxx

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Chapter 4: I like it
teddiebears #2
popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
Chapter 1: I think this one is my favorite! I find it so cute and hilarious at the same time.
Chapter 3: This is too cute!!! This was such a pretty one-shot!! I love your writing! :D :)
Chapter 6: Omo! This is so cute!! Love it!
Ah I want a story about them :3 they're adorable!!
GACK!! I forgot to subscribe!! How foolish of me. Sanghee and Jungmin's relationship is so cute. Who just blurts out "I LOVE YOU"?? HAHAHAHA no for two weeks.
I love chappie 3 and 6 the most!:)
ahha, no! I meant that the library didn't have other people, the books were still there :L
Hold on a minute. When you say "the library was empty" did you mean NO BOOKS?! Sorry, cant even comprehend the thought. Letsee, gd and hanbi were cute, nice to see she taught him heart, need to go read in your atmosphere before reading the kikwang one, argh i havent finished midnight but its cute theyre trying so hard, wow proposal on xmas? Location trumps day, but it's adorable. Seohyun and jinwoon make the sweetest couple!
read chap 6!! ahh!! i always love it when jae's freak out as he grew so protectively oh fis daughter.. ever since in World's collide!!! good job author!! me likey! ;) can imagine jae's so gonna be like dat when he has daughther.. and jungmin and sanghee is so adorable together!!! <3