나 아물지 않았던 내 기억들을


(a/n: i know this update is late... i missed a week by one day... T_T i'm really sorry but i've been losing interest in this one bec it's getting draggy- i'm sorry if you lose interest as well, it's COMPLETELY understandable... okay here you go with the next chapter i hope i'll be able to write something soon haha >.<)

chapter 9:

"나 아물지 않았던 내 기억들을"

"My memories that haven't healed"



It's night time and the girls are tired out from a whole day of studying and playing around. Yewon's eyelids are drooping, the twelve graders are already in deep slumber, and Yerin is yawning every few seconds. Sojung sighs and glances at the clock. She decides to chase everyone into the bedroom because it's already one in the morning.

The girls easily fall asleep in the bedroom, but not for Eunbi. Sojung frowns, eyeing the girl in concern.

"Hwang Eunbi, are you not going to sleep?" Sojung pushes her a little at her shoulder and asks.

"Unnie, can we talk for a while?" Eunbi turns to look at her and asks in return.

Sojung is slightly taken aback, but agrees anyway, "Sure."

Eunbi gets off the bed and walks towards the taller girl, before gently pulling her by the hand and then heading downstairs.

Eunbi strolls towards the sofa before letting her body lifelessly fall to the sofa. However, on the  inside, there is a huge debate ongoing in her mind. Eunbi wonders if she should ask. Would it even make sense? She doesn't even know this girl who's constantly on her mind ever since she's seen her name in Sojung's yearbook- she doesn't even know her face because all she's had is an unclear view of her back through the dark and the rain.

Sojung sits beside Eunbi and lets the younger girl cuddle with her.

"Unnie, do you know a Youngji?" Eunbi finally lets her curiosity get the better of her plainly asks.

"Heo Youngji?" Sojung almost jumps, stunned. "She's a senior from my middle school," Sojung reveals.

Eunbi sits up straight and looks at Sojung with large, surprised eyes. "It's her," Eunbi looks down and utters, "I think."

"Her?" Sojung narrows her eyes in confusion.

"About three weeks ago... Was it three weeks? I don't know for sure," Eunbi mumbles, tilting her head to recall the incident, but it makes her heart ache.

"It was her with your neighbour?" Sojung's jaw drops. "Jackson, is that his name?"

"Yeah," Eunbi mutters and nods. "But I don't know for sure, I didn't get her surname," Eunbi adds next.

Sojung sighs, but she knows she must help the girl.




One week passes by and the girls' short vacation is over. Eunbi is back at home, alone in her bedroom with her textbooks and notes.

She stretches after a long time of solely looking at equations and numbers. Bending her back, she glances at the clock and almost gasps to find out that she has managed to concentrate for two hours.

Eunbi smiles to herself. She hasn't had such good concentration span in a while.

She then remembers why. Eunbi sighs to herself. First, it was Jackson. Her mind could never stop thinking about Jackson. Next, it was also Jackson, but it was a painful memory. Thereafter, Moonbin's return into her life also meant a return into her mind. Eunbi feels her stomach squeeze inside her with a mess of bittersweet emotions. She thinks it's all in the past. But she laughs, predicting that her mind will go crazy again if she meets them again.

Maybe that's love, a thought crosses her mind. This time, she gasps for real.

Her hand loses the grip on the table. She falls back, realising that she has allowed her chair to stand only on two legs. Her legs crash into the ground, and her head collides with the end of her bed.

"Ah jinjja..." Eunbi groans as she rubs her head and her knees.

"Omona Eunbi-yah, are you okay?" her mom rushes into her room the next instant. "Did you hit your head?" she asks, worry written all over her face.

"I think I did, on the bed," Eunbi groggily answers, dizzy after the fall.

"Aigoo, you're lucky it's the bed," her mother kneels down beside her and gently rubs her head. "You should be fine, there's no bruise," she says as she does so.

"Get some rest then come down for dinner, you've been studying the whole day," Eunbi's mother smiles warmly at her.

She flashes a wearied smile and nods in response. "Ne umma."

As soon as the bedroom door closes, Eunbi stands up and plops herself down onto the bed. Not long after lying down, her phone rings.

"Aish," she groans, then rolls over to the bedside table where her mobile phone is.

Eunbi gasps upon seeing the caller. Her heartbeat races, and her cheeks slowly redden. She sits up, and takes in a few deep breaths, after answering the call.

"Moonbin! I've been fine," she grins, "How have you been?"




Eunbi seats herself on her bed, tired after a whole day of studying.

Somehow, she is unconsciously glancing out of the window, her eyes landing on Jackson's front yard.

She recalls the day, and the evening when Moonbin has called. Her heart flutters. She recalls herself being all cheered up and excited about the situation. She tilts her head to ponder. Something still feels empty, she thinks, but she isn't sure. In fact, she's completely bewildered as she has been the past two months or so ever since she's met Jackson- her emotions are just a huge pile of mess, much worse than the stack of worksheets overcrowding her desk.

Suddenly, she sees the front gate move and finds Jackson to be walking into his front yard. She widens her eyes and freezes in her position. She takes in a deep breath, feeling every single heartbeat against her chest.

She keeps her eyes on Jackson, until she sees him look up. Immediately she moves away and hides, settling herself on the bed, right beside the window.

A bead of tear silently rolls down her cheek. Her heart starts to ache. Questions appear in her mind. What is she feeling? Why does she sense this pain? Why is this pain so familiar? Why Jackson?

Eunbi thinks that she has already gotten over Jackson. For a long time now he hasn't been in her mind and she's finally been having a peace of heart- the most peaceful she can get now with Moonbin back in her life, but seeing Jackson again shatters her heart into pieces like broken glass.

She thinks she's forgotten him. However, somewhere in the corner of her heart, Jackson is already deeply etched and she can never forget about him, no matter how much she hides those feelings.

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gfrnd_15 #1
Chapter 1: What an actual
when i wrote this fic i actually haven't experienced much but after having a crush i realised a lot of these feelings are real haha and altho the two didn't interact much in this fic i felt like it was the same for me, i didn't have many chances to talk to him but i just ended up liking him after watching him from afar HAHAHA okay anw i got over him :)
Chapter 12: They are soo cute. I love watching them on Weekly Idol.
Chapter 12: I loved it!
Chapter 13: this was really cute, but i'm still wishing there was more character development & incidents where they talked. the last chapter was really sentimental, great job :-)
oneandonly2233 #6
ahmahs #7
Chapter 12: Hehe an ending that really suits this cute couple:) Thank you for this beautiful work that never fails to make my heart flutter