이제는 용기 내서 고백할게요


(a/n: this is the last chapter!! i can't believe this either ;-; it's been a wonderful 3 months writing this... ahh i'm feeling sentimental now... haha aish... i hope you guys liked this despite my crappy work and procrastination... thank you for the support all along. it means a lot to me. <3333) 

chapter 12:

"이제는 용기 내서 고백할게요"

"Now I shall bravely confess"


Eunbi pulls away from the eye contact as soon as she is able to control her senses. Her heart beats against her chest and she starts breathing in rapid, short breaths.

The reactions are all the same, she realises; the way her body responds, the way her heart responds. Eunbi lets out a sigh.

"Perhaps, I really do love him," she whispers under her breath, very much inaudible, yet clear enough for her heart to know.

When she ends her sentence her lips unconsciously form a smile. When Eunbi realises that, she is stunned by herself, only to realise how blissful it is to feel when she is in love.




"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Youngji, Jackson's childhood friend, and your Sojung unnie's close sunbae. Go for it if you really like Jackson. He may be a fuss but just go for it. Here's some encouragement for you."

Eunbi's jaw drops when she listens to the content of the voice mail.

"How did she even get my number?" Eunbi mutters in confusion, narrowing her eyes at her mobile phone.

"Your Sojung unnie," she then remembers Youngji mentioning. Eunbi stifles a laughter before she begins chuckling out loudly.

"My Sojung unnie," Eunbi rolls around her bed laughing at it.

When Eunbi finally stops she lies on her bed facing up at the ceiling and pants, with Youngji's voice returning her mind. Once again she hears her words and listens attentively.

"Go for it," Youngji has said it twice. Eunbi blinks as she released another deep breath.

Should I really? She asks herself. As long as it doesn't affect my studies right? The same voice in her head strikes another question.

Really? A third question appears in her mind.

She heaves a heavy sigh, and sits up.

Yes, she hears a final word from the voice in her mind.




Eunbi steps out of her home on a sunny morning with her school bag in hand, set to leave for the library.

Like a miracle, Jackson, too, steps out of his home at the same time.

They turn to look at each other. When their eyes meet, Eunbi seems to hear a bell ring.

Eunbi keeps her eyes on his, and likewise, Jackson refuses to look away.

As they stand frozen before each other as if time is standing still with them, the ring of the bell reminds Eunbi of what she has to do.

Eunbi drops her head, and musters up all the courage she has in her small body.

"Can I say something?"

They look into each other's eyes once again, stunned by their simultaneous words.

"You go first," Jackson clears his throat and turns away to face the road as he says. Eunbi does not see his shaking fingers that are just as nervous as she is.

"A-Ah it's okay, I don't really have anything to say..." Eunbi sighs inwardly, wondering how all her hard-earned courage can disappear in a split second.

"Maybe it's crazy but," Jackson his lips in anxiety, "will you be my girlfriend?" he rushes through his words, the beating of his heart sounding loudly in his mind.

"What?" Eunbi simply blurts, her brain seemingly failing to work.

Jackson sighs. "Johahaeyo," he mutters, but audible for the girl before him.

Eunbi cannot seem to make out any possible reaction other than looking down and staring at the ground. Her cheeks grow red within a short period of time, while her trembling lips slowly curve into a small, bashful smile.

"I like you more," Eunbi stifles a laughter as she mutters, still not lifting her face up. Her face immediately warms up as she says those words, and she squeezes her eyes shut, disgusted by her own cheesiness.

"What?" Jackson blurts the question out the same way Eunbi has done.

Eunbi says nothing but giggles, her face turning redder by the second. Silently she wants to just bury a hole and hide in embarrassment for speaking without first thinking (as she always does).

"No, I like you more, pabo," Jackson decides to play along.

"And now you're calling me a pabo?" Eunbi lifts her head up immediately to protest. She pouts.

Jackson only chuckles at her adorable reaction. Instinctively, he lifts a hand up and ruffles her hair.

"Yahh!" Eunbi whines and dodges his hand, before proceeding to neaten her hair up.

Jackson remains laughing with a wide smile on his face. "So, will you be my girlfriend?"

Eunbi brings her hands down. "I'll have to think about it," she folds her arms and replies.

Jackson narrows his eyes and the girl, completely thrown off guard. They stay in silence for almost a whole minute as Jackson almost panics about the situation, while Eunbi is slowly irked to impatience at how long Jackson is taking to react.

"Is it your studies or?" Jackson awkwardly asks, scratching his head.

Eunbi bursts into laughter. "You fell for it," she laughs, her eyes turning into crescents, a sight that causes Jackson's heart to go wild.

Eunbi stops after a while. "My studies or my parents or my friends but... Yes," she firmly replies, "Yes." Eunbi cannot help but laugh in immense happiness, for finally all the pain in her heart she has felt for the past few months are completely gone.

"Yes!" Jackson punches a fist into the air and laughs. He then smiles and reaches forward to hold Eunbi's hand in his.

Eunbi widens her eyes at the gesture, but gratefully goes along. They smile as they look into each other's eyes once again, before Jackson bends down and presses a small kiss on Eunbi's cheek.

Eunbi is stunned for a while but as Jackson stops she squirms, with happiness bubbling in her heart. Bravely she lets go of his hand and wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him close.

Jackson immediately reciprocates the gesture by embracing her in a warm hug.

"Thank you, Eunbi ah," Jackson smiles whispering into her ear.

Eunbi's heart flutters as Jackson's breath tickles her ear. Slowly they pull away from the hug with their smiles still plastered in their faces.

"Jackson ssi-"

"Shouldn't you call me oppa?" Jackson cuts her off with a question.

"Eh?" Eunbi furrows her eyebrows at him.

Jackson almost falls back laughing.

"Yahh you! What are you laughing at!" Eunbi shouts and tugs onto his arm.

"Are you shy?" Jackson stifles a laughter.

Eunbi sighs as she gives up. "I'm going, I have no time for you," Eunbi turns away and walks off in the direction of the bus stop.

"Eunbi wait!" as Jackson calls out Eunbi playfully begins to run, and Jackson breaks into a chase all the way to the bus stop.

They laugh and pant as they arrive at the bus stop, feeling as if they've never been happier in their lives.

"Oppa, saranghae," Eunbi smiles.

"Nado," Jackson grins.

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gfrnd_15 #1
Chapter 1: What an actual
when i wrote this fic i actually haven't experienced much but after having a crush i realised a lot of these feelings are real haha and altho the two didn't interact much in this fic i felt like it was the same for me, i didn't have many chances to talk to him but i just ended up liking him after watching him from afar HAHAHA okay anw i got over him :)
Chapter 12: They are soo cute. I love watching them on Weekly Idol.
Chapter 12: I loved it!
Chapter 13: this was really cute, but i'm still wishing there was more character development & incidents where they talked. the last chapter was really sentimental, great job :-)
oneandonly2233 #6
ahmahs #7
Chapter 12: Hehe an ending that really suits this cute couple:) Thank you for this beautiful work that never fails to make my heart flutter