한번 나를 보고


chapter 1:
"한번 나를 보고"
"Look at me once"



Their story starts off with mutual attention, then attraction, as every story would.

Eunbi doesn't know when it all began. Maybe it was when she first saw him dance in his front yard from the window of her bedroom. Maybe it was when their families had a meal together (her mother insisted) to welcome them from Hong Kong, when she saw him so up close for the first time. Or maybe it dated back a long time ago to when the Chinese family had come to see the vacant unit next to their house that when Eunbi first moved into Seoul her siblings would taunt her with the fact that it was haunted, when the high schooler noticed the shy and confused boy in a foreign environment for the first time. But just like the dark empty house, Eunbi's heart has found light as he moved in.

Eunbi looks forward to the waking up on the weekends. Not because there's no school, nor because she gets to spend the nights with her close buddies, but because Saturday morning means being able to watch the boy dance from her bedroom window. He's got so much energy in his moves that fascinate her endlessly, and Eunbi finds thrill from watching him. She must've done it too often, because soon enough her actions were noticed. She wasn't expecting her gesture to go unnoticed- somewhere in her heart, she had wished that he would look at her too, or know of her existence. Through the mornings of watching him dance, Eunbi has begun to feel a strong sense of admiration towards the boy- what that feeling was, Eunbi isn't quite sure yet. 

One Saturday morning, she awakes to the sounds of pebbles knocking on her window, realising that she has overslept to miss the special show. Eunbi shoots up from her bed and sticks her head into the curtain, her head emerging into the morning sunlight. As she peeked down to the adjacent front yard, her heart stops. Apart from initially blaming the mistake on her mugging session the night before that lasted till the wee hours in the morning due to upcoming exams, her thoughts halt as her pounding heart is way too active to be in a person who has just awoken. Her heart flutters like a butterfly, feeling alive as it was finally realised. 

"ShinB! You're awake," immediately she turns back and shuts the curtains, to find Yuna awake and rubbing her eyes. Eunbi heaves a silent sigh of relief that she isn't caught. She must've been awakened by the sound of the pebbles too.

"What are you looking at?" her heart stops. Her eyes give her away, and Yuna knows that something is going on.

"Nothing," Eunbi answers anyway, although she knows she that there's nothing she can hide from Yuna- there's nothing she can hide from this bunch of friends and she's thankful Yuna is the only one awake.

Yuna doesn't answer but stealthily climbs on Eunbi's bed over Yewon and reaches for the curtains, before whipping them apart and finds the boy dancing below.

"I see why," she says silently as she nods. "Are you in love?" she begins to tease, her lips forming a smile. "Unnideul!" she shouts for the rest of the girls to wake up.

"Yuju unnie!" Eunbi immediately pushes the elder girl down to the bed and presses a hand over . "I don't even know," she replies as she is asked, withdrawing her hands from the girl below her.

"Alright. I'll be waiting for when you tell all of us," Yuna excitedly answers and sits up. "Let's wake the rest up," Yuna immediately changes the topic, and Eunbi is grateful. Yuna gets off the bed to go for the elder girls, leaving Eunbi to wake the other one on the bed.

But as she turns to wake their youngest up, she can't help but hear Yuna's question replay in her head.




Jackson always wonders, if she ever looks at him. It is his daily routine to watch her leave for school and return from school; somehow, it gives him a sense of assurance. Jackson thinks she's been on his mind too often, but doesn't know why is that so or how he actually feels either.

Something about the girl just attracts him. She is normal, yet different in her own way, as everyone is- but her different seems to draw his attention. He perceives from her uniform that she is now a high school student, and she is a normal high school student, who studies in and out of school, and has friends who stay over at each others' homes, or so he thinks from the Friday nights full of life and the absent Saturday nights. Jackson doesn't really know what to think about high school students in Korea- but he thinks she's of the likes. He observes her life closely, and notices when she comes home with her friends, before getting used to the noisy Friday nights as her friends are over every week for their usual study sessions. She is a loud person, as he listens to her shouting and explosive laughter during the study sessions in her bedroom, behind the thick wall that separates her from him. It is especially her laughter that intrigues him (if you've heard it, you'd know why).

It is not long until he finds out that he isn't the only one watching from behind the other person's back. About three weekends after moving in he starts to realise that someone has been watching his dances all the while. At first he doesn't notice, until one day he was resting on the grass patch when he caught her staring into nothing, her eyes looking down on the front yard. It was his front yard, not hers. Somehow, he feels great knowing she's looking. From then on he would look up to check if she was looking, every time he is dancing in the front yard. He starts to grow conscious of the pair of eyes on him from above, but at the same time it delights him.

One Saturday morning, as usual, he goes down to his front yard to dance, excited and all ready to unleash his hype. He looks up to check before starting his routine. The curtains are closed, and there is no sign of the girl. He grimaced, then decides to wait a little while more for her, warming his body up in the process. After ten minutes that seemed like an hour, the curtains are still closed.

Without thinking much, he reaches for some tiny pebbles and throws it up to the window. He isn't sure if he'll succeed, but he does it anyway.

He isn't sure why he wanted to do it, but he does it anyway.

And for the first time, they look into each others' eyes. 

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gfrnd_15 #1
Chapter 1: What an actual
when i wrote this fic i actually haven't experienced much but after having a crush i realised a lot of these feelings are real haha and altho the two didn't interact much in this fic i felt like it was the same for me, i didn't have many chances to talk to him but i just ended up liking him after watching him from afar HAHAHA okay anw i got over him :)
Chapter 12: They are soo cute. I love watching them on Weekly Idol.
Chapter 12: I loved it!
Chapter 13: this was really cute, but i'm still wishing there was more character development & incidents where they talked. the last chapter was really sentimental, great job :-)
oneandonly2233 #6
ahmahs #7
Chapter 12: Hehe an ending that really suits this cute couple:) Thank you for this beautiful work that never fails to make my heart flutter