닿고 싶어 네 손 끝에


(A/N: I think I've more or less decided that there will be twelve chapters, which means this is the second last. I hope you've liked it so far, sorry for always procrastinating HAHA) 

chapter 11:

"닿고 싶어 네 손 끝에"

"I wanna reach you"



Eunbi's eyes freeze when they fall on him.

She tears her vision away as soon as the bus arrives, annoyed at the tears that are already beginning to cloud her eyes.

Without hesitation she steps forward to board the bus and does not look back, although her heartbeat is racing and her breaths shortening.

As the bus pulls away something urges her to look back. She turns around to see Jackson boarding another bus behind, and within seconds tears are flowing down her face.

She feels a familiar pain in her heart, before familiar questions appear in her mind again.

Just as she is about to drown in her pool of thoughts as much as the tears are streaming, a voice calls for her name.

"Eunbi! What a coincidence," she turns around, stunned for a short moment until she is brought back to her senses, and wipes her face hastily with the back of her hands.

"A-Ah, Moonbin," she stutters and looks away to hide the tear stains on her cheeks.

"Did something happen?" Moonbin is automatically concerned.

Her heart flutters a little, but it feels empty anyway- it has felt that way for a long time, but she has hidden it away for a while only to rediscover it after seeing Jackson again just a few minutes ago.

Moonbin sits beside her and places a hand on her shoulder. Eunbi almost shudders, but she doesn't and feels a gush of warmth in her heart instead.

"I'm okay," Eunbi almost chokes, her tears turning watery again.

"Really?" Moonbin is not convinced.

An image of Jackson flashes in her mind and she almost wants to shake her head and break down once again, but she doesn't anyway and instead turns to face him with an attempted smile.

"Thank you, Moonbin," she whispers.

Moonbin only pats her shoulder gently and does not answer.

Eunbi stops crying after a short while and turns to face Moonbin, pushing the corners of her lips to a smile, "Thank you."

"No problem," Moonbin grins.

They sit in silence for another few minutes until the bus stops.

"I'm getting off here," Moonbin states and stands up from the seat.

Eunbi widens her eyes a little. "Me too," she says, slightly surprised. "I was going to study there," she points at the cafe just about a hundred metres away from the bus stop.

"Me too!" Moonbin slightly gasps, and then laughs.

Eunbi breaks into a small chuckle.

"Well then, shall we go?" Moonbin smiles and Eunbi nods her head in return before the alight the bus and proceed to their location.




"Hey guys, want some coffee? Let's drop by this good place nearby I know," Jooheon, one of Jackson's friend from his dance school, invites them as they walk out of the place after lesson.

Jackson goes along with everyone's decision to accept the offer, and they walk over to a cafe around the area together.

As they step into the cafe Jackson immediately spots a familiar figure sitting somewhat far away from the entrance, but he recognised the person immediately.

Eunbi, the name makes his heart clench. He still has not gotten over their short incident earlier on in the morning.

He spots a boy seated together with Eunbi. Jackson wonders if the boy is Moonbin. For some reason the name is still vivid in his head, though the only time he's heard of it was the eavesdropping of Eunbi's conversation with her mother a long time ago.

"Jackson, it's your turn," Jooheon who is behind him in the queue nudge him to bring him back to his senses. He finally tears his vision away from the girl and proceeds to order his drink.

As soon as he is done with the counter, he goes to join the rest of his friends who are waiting for their orders to be ready.

He watches the focused Eunbi study, as she glues her eyes onto the paper and the pen furiously moving along with her wrist. He lets herself glance at every feature of her face, and his heart cannot help but beat even faster.

Eunbi looks up from her paper and faces the boy before her. Jackson's breath stops while Eunbi pokes his arm and seems to call for his name.

"Moonbin ah," he reads her lips. He releases the breath that he has been holding as his assumption has been proven right.

His eyes does not leave Eunbi as the girl leans over and begins to talk to him, with a paper in hand and her pen pointing to words all over- most likely just a question to clarify.

Jackson sighs. The urge to run over to Eunbi and be with her is strong, but he has no courage to do so. Part of him wants to wrap Eunbi in his arms and disregard the whole world for her, but he does not have the ability to do so.

He turns back when he hears that his order is done. He picks it up and says, "I'll be going off first, you guys have fun!"

He waves goodbye to them before walking off. As he takes hastened steps towards the exit of the cafe, his mind is still occupied by thoughts of Eunbi.

As he walks away, he cannot help but turn back to look at her through the glass.

"Saranghaeyo," he whispers mindlessly as his eyes stay on her.

What? Jackson hears a question at the back of his head. He pauses his footsteps. What did he just say?

It is then he realises that all along this is what his heart has been trying to say; to her, and to let himself know.



"I'll be going off first, you guys have fun!" Eunbi swiftly turns her head around to the source of the voice, with furrowed eyebrows and narrowed eyes.

She spots a familiar, tall figure across the tables in the cafe and immediately recognises him. She releases a gasp. Part of herself wants to scream in frustration for the coincidences that irk her so badly.

"Eunbi, is something wrong?" she turns back immediately when Moonbin poses the question.

"Oh, nothing," she tries to smile and releases a nervous laughter. She then tries hard to shift her attention back to the notes in front of her on the table, but the overwhelming information she has to learn does not take Jackson off her mind anyway.

Giving up, she turns to face the glass, looking outside, only to be stunned by Jackson looking straight at her.

Her breath stops when their eyes meet. Her heart flutters, as if saying, can we be together? 

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gfrnd_15 #1
Chapter 1: What an actual
when i wrote this fic i actually haven't experienced much but after having a crush i realised a lot of these feelings are real haha and altho the two didn't interact much in this fic i felt like it was the same for me, i didn't have many chances to talk to him but i just ended up liking him after watching him from afar HAHAHA okay anw i got over him :)
Chapter 12: They are soo cute. I love watching them on Weekly Idol.
Chapter 12: I loved it!
Chapter 13: this was really cute, but i'm still wishing there was more character development & incidents where they talked. the last chapter was really sentimental, great job :-)
oneandonly2233 #6
ahmahs #7
Chapter 12: Hehe an ending that really suits this cute couple:) Thank you for this beautiful work that never fails to make my heart flutter